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Codex: Khorne, next week?


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The only good thing is that if Maulerfiends are identical, it likewise means they won't get nerfed whenever we get the new CSM book.


Hooray- our only great unit in the codex is staying good ;-)



I hope they FAQ the IA:13 stuff to let all the Daemonkhin books take the fliers and such.

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Correct. The release of this Codex in itself does make a near release of a new CSM codex unlikely though. Assuming a direct correlation here then one could even say the release of this codex is worse than no release at all lol.

From the looks of this book, I honestly doubt we'll see a new CSM codex during 7e's lifespan. Which is fine enough by me. Honestly, 7e just seems messier every time I look at it, so I don't exactly mind sitting this one out altogether.

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Correct. The release of this Codex in itself does make a near release of a new CSM codex unlikely though. Assuming a direct correlation here then one could even say the release of this codex is worse than no release at all lol.

From the looks of this book, I honestly doubt we'll see a new CSM codex during 7e's lifespan. Which is fine enough by me. Honestly, 7e just seems messier every time I look at it, so I don't exactly mind sitting this one out altogether.



7e is great other than superheavies. The unbalanced codexes (some far too good, some way too bad) are the problem. And the 7E codexes have been great as well. It's really 6th edition codexes + adlance that make the tournament scene a pain.

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Well, we do what we always do best: continue the long war. 


Saying that, I hope I can ally a khorne detachment and have my IA 13 be my main.  Let just see what this dex has for us.  The only gripe is where Khârn, he on the dex cover?

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If we ever do get a chaos codex for 7th edition I hope it's more like necrons and less like dark eldar. What we do need is a formation that allows 6 fast attack slots. The codex as a whole looks kinda meh hopefully as allies they may be good. I feel like this codex is good if they fixed bezerkers and allowed us an assualt transport of some kind. Isn't their a formation that allows 2 bloodthirsters? Maybe have that with with daemons for even more fmc.
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7e is great other than superheavies. The unbalanced codexes (some far too good, some way too bad) are the problem.

Didn't say it was bad. Just... messy. Between rule book, codex, supplement, FW sources, campaign book, and BL dataslates, all multipled out a couple times over for your various alliances, the rules for your army are just all over the place. Between different detachments and formations and formations of formations, so is your individual army list. And during the game you've got randomized terrain rules, randomized objective rules, and randomized objective cards to make the play messy as well.


The end result may be fun, you're not the first to tell me that. But I'm just not able to see it. Whenever I try to play 7e, I end up having a very hard time finding any sort of actual game buried under all of the clutter.


It's all just too much of a hassle for me, and as long as we're stuck with the flaws of our current codex (which the khorne book seems determined to enshrine rather than fix), it's a hassle that seems to offer very little reward for the effort.

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Long story short.

Did you play Khorne before, purely because you loved the fluff and the army?

Come do the happy skully killy dance with me.

Did you hope this book would fix chaos as a whole/win you a tournament? Sorry, but it was never meant to be want you wanted. 

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Long story short.

Did you play Khorne before, purely because you loved the fluff and the army?

Come do the happy skully killy dance with me.

Did you hope this book would fix chaos as a whole/win you a tournament? Sorry, but it was never meant to be want you wanted. 


exactly Khorne is my joint fave god with nurgle :) i have a large khorne detachment of my chaos army so will most likely ally this force with my nurgle army, who can bring the ranged firepower. too me this codex seems fun and interesting way to play with my khorne stuff, sadly no buffs and changes sadly from the look of it.

it doesnt address the issues of the two codexes but i never expected it too to be honest.

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Codex Necrons put the nail in the coffin of the "but 7th edition armies are more balanced" argument. I am beginning to seriously doubt that GW has very much in the way of a planned balance curve at all, and that their rules writers are essentially just incompetent, or not tasked with making a balanced gaming system. I mean just look at their inability to make Nids work since 4th edition, the nerfing of the already lackluster and hard to use Dark Eldar, and the constant pattern of making Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels the worst of the marine codices by bringing them out at the beginning of an edition, and then not updating them because reasons.

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Yeah it was weird everything after Eldar was all balanced and about the same power level and everyone got suckered in to thinking the design team had a game plan to keep everything even. and then.... Bam! Unkillable necron hordes!


My hopes now are just that anyone slain in a challenge counts toward the blood points and not just units from the daemonkin book. If that's the case I'll ally in Khârn and 50 pts of cultists. I love playing khorne armies but it's hard to be enthusiastic when everything gets blown off the table in the shooting phase and you're down to a fraction of your army before anyone can get into assault. This book appears like it's done nothing to help alleviate that.

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What close combat oriented Chaos armies need is a way to punish massed mid strength, high AP shooting like that from Tau pulse rifles and missile pods and Eldar Serpent Shields, multilasers, etc. What would be nice is if Khorne had something like


Blood God's Contempt: For every normal (but not invulnerable) save passed by this model from wounds caused by enemy shooting, the firing unit immediately suffers a single wound that Ignores Cover but with normal armor saves allowed.


This could be a gift or reward or whatever-the-hell that could be given to characters and daemons and would be great at actually causing these units to maybe kill something as they are gunned down. But it will never happen, because only certain armies get to have broken rules like markerlights that work on overwatch and shields that ALSO SHOOT PEOPLE.

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Edit: I wrote something I regretted afterwards.

no regretts mon, only the wind in your golden long hair, when you top the dps charts. That is all the realy matters.


But on a more serious note. Isn't the list kind of a slow for a melee list. You have the 2 units of spawn [khorn spawn are kind of a meh] in the main formation[which is a  a bit like the GK  one it is never leave home without it] and then no transports the raptor one makes you run talons [le auch] , then terminator one could have been interesting[even with the meh rules it has right now], if they werent paired up with the crushers. So more or less one has to take the bike/dogs one[meh trait, but units are ok]. Question is do dogs without heralds/grim and bikers without HQs work[or to be more precise how do they work].

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off topic but i havent seen the new necron book, what is so bad about it? and yeah nids suck, and dark eldar seem quite flawed in my opinion, they got nerfed bad.


Interested in seeing the new book, should be fun to play and i play for fun, not in a competitive format.

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Worth mentioning that a Juggerlord joined to a unit of Flesh Hounds can scout now. That's pretty cool. Let's see how long it takes them to FAQ that and update no other rules. Wouldn't want us having any OVERPOWERED combinations or anything rolleyes.gif .

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But on a more serious note. Isn't the list kind of a slow for a melee list. You have the 2 units of spawn [khorn spawn are kind of a meh] in the main formation[which is a  a bit like the GK  one it is never leave home without it] and then no transports the raptor one makes you run talons [le auch] , then terminator one could have been interesting[even with the meh rules it has right now], if they werent paired up with the crushers. So more or less one has to take the bike/dogs one[meh trait, but units are ok]. Question is do dogs without heralds/grim and bikers without HQs work[or to be more precise how do they work].

The formations are pretty bad because they make you run bad units, so don't know if you should bother at all. Depends how it interacts with a regular CAD next to it. (Points and rewards for the whole army combined or seperately for eacother for the 2 detachments?)


Not so much slow as lack of all-round units. Wraiths and Thunder Cavalry are almost the only working assault units, because they can deal with every unit to some extent while being fast and decently hard to kill.


off topic but i havent seen the new necron book, what is so bad about it?

It's a great book, with a really nice internal balance overall. Nothing bad about it, they can just be really hard to kill and Wraith spam is strong against unprepared oppenents.

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Long story short.

Did you play Khorne before, purely because you loved the fluff and the army?

Come do the happy skully killy dance with me.

Did you hope this book would fix chaos as a whole/win you a tournament? Sorry, but it was never meant to be want you wanted.


It's not even that. This codex didn't bring any of the fluffy khornate options cult players have been begging for for years! No skullcrushers, no zerker termies or hqs. the latter two wouldn't even have required new models.


Seriously. Even ignoring power levels, this is a disappointing showing.

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