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Khorne Daemonkin - Discussion, Tactics, Background


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I'd argue it mostly depends on what you plan throwing it at. The Unfettered Fury is basically your ol' joe BT that's good for standard combat.


The Wrath of Khorne has an AP4 Flamer that's good for getting some hits in before the melee, followed by an Axe of Khorne AP2 at I and Bloodflail that can either be used in Shooting or CC, with Shooting as S7, AP2 Assault D3 or an AP2 Specialist at I.


So the Wrath is set up perfectly for killing HQ and Retinues.


Then you get Insensate Rage. This guy is walking anti-armor. You'd want to keep him away from mobs and then throw him at DK, IK, other FMC and any Lords of War your opponent may have brought. Sure, he'll hit last but he hits hard.

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Played my second game yesterday with my Daemonkin, a just over 1000pt game against Tyranids, i lost in the end 7 to 4 on victory points, though he had very few models left on the table. my army was a combo of the Slaughtercult plus the Gorepack. things ive discovered: 


1. Gorepack is awesome, I always surprise my opponent with them and how fast they can move especially the scouting flesh hounds.

2. The sword of endless bloodshed is great combined with the bloodhost bonus point which is so useful! I mainly used for it the extra attack, feel no pain and at one point a unit of flesh hounds.

3. single spawn are useful as distractions and cannon fodder, i go for two in my list, one deployed on each flank.

4. My army needs some heavy firepower to deal with armour and flyers, thinking a hellbrute and a soulgrinder for bigger games. how good is a soulgrinder? 


As with the others, this force is fun and entertaining to play :) even if there are a couple of minor things about the codex i don't like, though i am willing to forgive because of how much fun i am having with this force.


I do intend to go for the bloodthirster with the big axe too simply because of the fun of the destroyer weapon and the awesome model :)

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Played my second game yesterday with my Daemonkin, a just over 1000pt game against Tyranids, i lost in the end 7 to 4 on victory points, though he had very few models left on the table. my army was a combo of the Slaughtercult plus the Gorepack. things ive discovered:

1. Gorepack is awesome, I always surprise my opponent with them and how fast they can move especially the scouting flesh hounds.

2. The sword of endless bloodshed is great combined with the bloodhost bonus point which is so useful! I mainly used for it the extra attack, feel no pain and at one point a unit of flesh hounds.

3. single spawn are useful as distractions and cannon fodder, i go for two in my list, one deployed on each flank.

4. My army needs some heavy firepower to deal with armour and flyers, thinking a hellbrute and a soulgrinder for bigger games. how good is a soulgrinder?

As with the others, this force is fun and entertaining to play smile.png even if there are a couple of minor things about the codex i don't like, though i am willing to forgive because of how much fun i am having with this force.

I do intend to go for the bloodthirster with the big axe too simply because of the fun of the destroyer weapon and the awesome model smile.png

Gorepack has nothing to do with how fast Flesh Hounds are unfortunately, you can just do Daemons with regular Hounds and they are exactly the same cept not fearless (instability).

Yeah, not much in here that has any sort of range. You can either Ally in some CSM and take Oblits or something and that should help. Even Termicide squads would be helpful and sorta fit the theme of the Daemonkin.

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I'm trying to stick to the theme of the blood host detachment to be honest though some of the helbrute formations interest me, obliterators could be fun though :) 

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I'm trying to stick to the theme of the blood host detachment to be honest though some of the helbrute formations interest me, obliterators could be fun though smile.png

'Termicide' is smaller units of terminators with combi weapons. They deep strike in to take out a specific target, and are a sacrificial unit more times than not.

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....and will net you hopefully a blood tithe when they arrive, and if when die, net you another.


I am working on some possessed for use with the Slaughtercult, however I can't see me using it exclusively for reasons like the above termicide; I have had a load of FW Khorne Terminators in my bitz box for, like, forever!

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I think the odds of wiping out the knight and surviving are pretty decent. Even with mutual destruction, if one were to care about "making points back" the thirster would do that, and then some.

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Hopefully can provide some useful feedback this week, trying out a small 1000pt list of Daemonkin rather than my usual Crimson Slaughter (which conveintently enough have the same paint scheme).

By shoe-horning in a Soul Grinder to make it a Blood Host, I'm hoping that the bonuses will stack up fast enough to justify the points cost.


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I'm trying to stick to the theme of the blood host detachment to be honest though some of the helbrute formations interest me, obliterators could be fun though smile.png

'Termicide' is smaller units of terminators with combi weapons. They deep strike in to take out a specific target, and are a sacrificial unit more times than not.

thanks, good plan smile.png one I may have to consider. so MSU with what weapon combo then?

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I'm trying to stick to the theme of the blood host detachment to be honest though some of the helbrute formations interest me, obliterators could be fun though :)




'Termicide' is smaller units of terminators with combi weapons. They deep strike in to take out a specific target, and are a sacrificial unit more times than not.

thanks, good plan :) one I may have to consider. so MSU with what weapon combo then?


I like combiplasma for riptides/broadsides and combimelta for vehicles. Usually just power axes for close combat.

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So apparently a lord and herald both tooled up snarffing up the field with dogs kills everything? Also with the Charnel court in tow deep striking makes the world your oyster. And props to whomever 1st suggested the AoK with Goredrinker, I was confused at first due to the language of the rules but after re-reading and gaining consensus among my meta it seems to indeed be a model buff and not on the weapon itself, soo.......he proceeded to murder face the next game with said load out. Only prob is that he is swinging last while he ramps up and with his unit there isn't a lot left usually. Not to big a deal but just forces the issue of who's gunna challenge.

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So apparently a lord and herald both tooled up snarffing up the field with dogs kills everything? Also with the Charnel court in tow deep striking makes the world your oyster. And props to whomever 1st suggested the AoK with Goredrinker, I was confused at first due to the language of the rules but after re-reading and gaining consensus among my meta it seems to indeed be a model buff and not on the weapon itself, soo.......he proceeded to murder face the next game with said load out. Only prob is that he is swinging last while he ramps up and with his unit there isn't a lot left usually. Not to big a deal but just forces the issue of who's gunna challenge.

This is why I also give my terminator lord a power sword. Rack up the kills with the sword, the axe is only there when I need Ap2

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So going to hopefully try running Daemonkin tonight vs a friend if mine whos learning to play. Hes borrowing my SWs (who depending on how much i like daemonkin may be turning to khorne) with some GKs in my list us as goes


Daemon Prince

Daemon of Khorne Flight Blood Forged Armour



8x Cultists

8x Cultists 7 auto guns

Fast attack

8 flesh hounds

5 raptors 2 flamers


Heavy Support

Chaos defiler twin linked lascannon scourge


Quite fast and can hit quite hard in cc :D

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