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++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - April ++


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Changed my Iron Father up for my painting pledge this month. Now he's got a thunder hammer and the grav gauntlet relic. Still needs a left fist, mind.

And introducing his trusty cyber-familiar, SLIPPERY PETE.


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Changed my Iron Father up for my painting pledge this month. Now he's got a thunder hammer and the grav gauntlet relic. Still needs a left fist, mind.


And introducing his trusty cyber-familiar, SLIPPERY PETE.



Dang C.A.T. units...always getting into trouble :P


What happened to our ring leader, Kor'vesh?

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If i get my Thousand Son painted fast enough, I might pledge to get a ton of stuff built so that i can prep them for ETL and still participate with more than a single model for this challenge!


Also I do need to at least assemble my Polux, Warders and 2 more contemptors (im at like 5 now @_@) for a possible game on Tuesday.

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Don't worry Depthcharge, I'm always watching! I've had big blocks of time the past two days, so I decided to actually use them to paint- my first three marines are almost done... Sadly you called me out before finished, so you'll have to wait a BIT longer for pictures :)


Great progress already team, and some more awesome vows (including more salamanders :) nice one Lanky). Looking forward to seeing your finished dark Angels depth, and those Vorax...

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I, Palakir, pledge that I will paint 1 wall of martyr and 3 void shield generators that have been catching dust for months. I also pledge 25 terminators to be added to the NL legion. Savatar can wait his turn!

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Train kept a rollin all night long:

gallery_82040_10175_14119.jpg gallery_82040_10175_3329.jpg

This kit was hell to put together. Nothing aligned properly and there was a giant gap between the top and bottom hull that I covered in sandbag extra protection. I also glued on the side sponsons then had a terrible realization that the solar auxillia doesn't use them on their russ's. There were even parts broken (snapped) on the sprew. Just look at the housing for the hull lascannon. ARGH, atleast its done!

Boom Bam,


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Finished my Thousand Sons of the Corvidae Cult for March of the Legions!









Stupid Camera blowing out the colors...


The Red is: Mephiston Red -> Carroburg Crimson -> Wild Rider Red -> Bloodletter Red Glaze so it should be way more subdued and orange in hue than the photos show.

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Now that my MoTL Vow is done and we're only 5 days into the month, I might as well pledge to build my as-of-yet unassembled ETL Vows, least of all because I'll be using a few of them in a game soon :P




​I, Slipstreams, of surprisingly low amounts of Procrastination despite being one of the worst offenders, do pledge to build:

1 Alexis Polux

4 Command Squad Members, 2 Power Axes, 1 Power Fist, 1 Power Sword, 1 Power Maul.

10 Phalanx Warders

1 Deredeo Dreadnought

5 Templar Brethren

10 Seekers w/ Combi-Weapon

2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts

and possibly 30 Tactical Marines.


All before the end of the Month prior to the start of ETL at which point they shall all be painted over the course of the competitions 3 Month Duration. Dorn Help me.

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@slipstreams...you have done the severin loth model proud!


Another 1 ultramarine to add to the painting pledge...


And will pledge to "build" 6 mkiv marines (more if praetor armour gets released) and 8 cataphractii terminators..


Wip below



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I, Rage of Khorne, pledge to paint 5 battle automata, 2 Praevians (1 Sons of Horus and 1 Alpha Legion), and some allied Daemons (20 Daemonettes and 3 Daemon Princes of Tzeentch).


Pictures of the built models coming soon>

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Never jumped in on this, but may as well lend a hand and get ready for the ETL, too


I, Aias of the Alpha Legion, master of the Grey Armour, do pledge to build and prepare:

3 Predators

2 Deimos Predator Executioners

1 Land Raider Phobos (once those pesky FW doors come in)

and 1 Forge Lord Consul on bike with Conversion Beamer

for the Hydra and Domination!


I know building pledges don't add much here, but that's a ton of vehicles, and this way I'm saving the points to add to our ETL pledges.

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Here is what I have done between yesterday and today :


- Void shield generators and wall of martyrs : I finished the wall of martyrs and one of the void shield generators 






I did the first part of my terminators, still in WIP : all the steps to get my blue from building to last highlight :








Now will start the tedious part : painting all the details (shoulder pads and head painted separately)

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I did the first part of my terminators, still in WIP : all the steps to get my blue from building to last highlight :







Those terminators are going to look really great when you're done with them!

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Those terminators are going to look really great when you're done with them


Thanks man. I actually really surprised by my luck. When I finally decided to paint the void shield generators GW seems to release the promethean pipes :D

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Palak!! Wow! Are you going Ultra or NL?? I'm looking forward to seeing your progress with these.

Dimdim- liking the look of your armor so far- pain about the casting though- your sandbags are great:)

Slipstreams- you've got a HUGE ETL vow man! Is that the whole of your order?? Nice libby- dig the reds... I'm getting ready to do some Angels and am excited for a change of pace color wise;)

Chaplain Mortis- dang man... Your weathering is fantastic!

Raktra- can we get a close up of the grav gauntlet?


I built 5/7 BA last night and will try and get some pics up of the individual builds. I bought the BA tac box- not built a plastic mini in over a year... I remembered it being so much easier than resin but honestly it felt like it took longer. I'm on my second night and I've got like 4 hours just into the building of these 5 doods:). Resin guys I seem to knock out and I've got to fiddle with so much. Also, the detail and crispness is not there- I've been adding FW bits to almost each mini and the differences are stark.

Ahhh.... Change of pace is nice though and honestly the price difference for the 7 man I got out of the box vs the 5 man FW bag means I will not be hitting my local GW again unless the rumors of ordering FW come true.

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Lion - I'll get one soon!

And now, paint! Started the Gorgons. The lack of a properly done base is kind of killing the overall pic, but I got 'em started and they're still my favourite infantry in 30k:

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@Lion, Yeah its essentially my most Recent FW Order + The models I've yet to actually assemble but have had for a while now.


The red of my TS is nice, yes, but the Iphone Camera keeps blowing out the colors so its a lot less orange than it is IRL since I went Mephiston -> Carroburg -> Wild Rider -> Bloodletter.

Still, pretty damn pleased with how it turned out.

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