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Chaos Space Marine Tactica - Necrons


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Greetings and welcome to the Chaos Space Marine Tactica. 


They are ancient, they are evil and they are an anathema to Chaos. Few enemies are as harrowing to Chaos as are the Necrons hence we must learn how to fight them effectively.


The Necrons received a good and strong update in the recent codex and they are soon becoming one of the deadliest armies out there. But we have grown claws too, we have the Daemonkin on our side too as well as some new tactics that we can use. 


In this Tactica I want you to discuss about the Necrons. How to fight them, how to compete with them for objectives, which units work best against their undying legions, and how can Chaos triumph over stagnation and dull galactic order. 


Following the guidelines of the past Tactica remember that this is a discussion about strategy and tactics, examples of the stronger Necron lists are allowed but their intention is to allow us to understand how to better smash our Necron adversaries and bring home a victory for Chaos. 


Battle reports are welcomed, so are links to external fonts as long as they feature Chaos vs Necrons. 


Let's kill some Necrons!

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Well im thinking a slaanesh biker lord + 5 bikers with the icon will be pretty amazing vs crons as its a durable unit which packs quite a bit of punch.

Chaos marines woth true grit will be able to hold their own in theory as down to the benefits of the decurion i see necrons charging more often.

Chosen with power mauls will be pretty good for crushing warrior blobs.

With the triarch stalkers new ability im rather liking the slaanesh primaris power Yeah its only 4 strength 4 shots but they deny the warriors their armour and cause a blind check meaning they wont be able to benefit from the stalkers ability if they fail the I test

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Cultist, endless wave of cultists/mutant rabble/renegade squads, back by artillery.(My answer for everything).

Interviewer: "Well Lord Uprising, I understand you had to renew your drivers license today, there is always such horrible lines and customer service at that office, how did you handle it?"


Uprising, "Cultist, endless wave of cultists/mutant rabble/renegade squads, back by artillery."


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Chaos vs necron or decurion? A have to get realy lucky with covers. B get turn 1. C get lucky with missions D not obligatory but it helps for opponent to get real bad missions [kill flyer, kill warlord, kill stuff in melee etc] E avoid melee fighting a decurion and I mean stuff like warriors[we can't realy avoid wrights]. I think that is more or less it.


Ah and with or without FW playing 3-6 wyverns and/or stalling the game can work too.

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Do we think warp talon blind checks with scatter mitigation from the daemonkin codex could finally be useful? Or am I still trying to hard to make these guys work?


Well, as Marines I've played against a few games with Deep Striking Warp Talons and regardless of whether they passed the blind test or not my army warped them out on the turn they arrived. :/


I think Deep Striking melee units mostly work when there are no better options to use them, so they act as a bullet magnet from the rest of your force or when you are absolutely certain you can very much diminish the return fire they get on the Deep Strike.

One thing I've noticed about the FA options in most Codexes is that they're harassment units meant to prey on weaker stuff and using their mobility to ensure that they avoid their main threats. If you're banking on the Blind test though I'd keep them cheap at 5 men. 10 man is too much of an investment for such a random result as a Blind Test in my huble opinion.




But back on topic, I'm pretty sure Warp Talons would make Necron Warriors and Immortals oil their pants. :D Started on the board, their Daemon save allowing to be a bit less conservative with cover on the approach and even though they might seem expensive let's look at the fact that they cost as much as a pair of lightning claws so it's a relatively decent deal for an elite killer.


If 5 of them manage to get into the Assault, you're relatively certain of wiping an entire unit of Necron troops off the board which is quite a big advantage. The opponent will know that and will probably be more conservative about his movement so that's an opportunity to move forward even more :)

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