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Skitarii Colourschemes!


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​The first picture I always think of when I think of the Adeptus Mechanicus is this one:




I know it doesn't help with colour schemes but  the image just oozes character. The small wheeled device fitted to the first priest, the not-quite-human hands, the head in the ornate suspension tube... It has made me want to kitbash some tech priests for a long time.


There's another image I can't find sadly that looks like a Tech Priest walking through a sandstorm. I think it's a John Blanche pic.


​I found it, I remember a picture in black and white but this version is in colour. The eyes don't look as bright in this version.




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Wow, those are really eye-catching! It's going to be good to see those vanguard finished. smile.png


I was wary of the triple-threat primary colour approach, but I think it's worked out quite well!

I'm going to be painting my robots like this too, for that real old school cool:


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Wow, those are really eye-catching! It's going to be good to see those vanguard finished. smile.png


I was wary of the triple-threat primary colour approach, but I think it's worked out quite well!

I'm going to be painting my robots like this too, for that real old school cool:


I thought about doing some of those old Compendium robot schemes and then using paint chipping to cover most of it up and reveal bits and pieces. I just don't know if I want to put that much work into it all. I'll probably do it just because it's cool. I loved those crazy heraldic patterns on robots. Something very anachronistic and counter-intuitive about it.

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Totally, I came across the images while looking for inspiration and was just like "yeah, now I have to do this!" gotta get that old school feel in.


Once fires of Cyraxus lands I can see myself buying a lot of 30k robbits....

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Wow, those are really eye-catching! It's going to be good to see those vanguard finished. smile.png


I was wary of the triple-threat primary colour approach, but I think it's worked out quite well!

I'm going to be painting my robots like this too, for that real old school cool:


I thought about doing some of those old Compendium robot schemes and then using paint chipping to cover most of it up and reveal bits and pieces. I just don't know if I want to put that much work into it all. I'll probably do it just because it's cool. I loved those crazy heraldic patterns on robots. Something very anachronistic and counter-intuitive about it.

Ditto. My Harlequins aren't up to a huge amount - but I do love the bizarrely garish quality to things like that. More, when it's stompy-as robots, well, there's something terribly charming.

I think I've devised a good halfway house for mine - I'm tempted to go with a fairly basic industrial scheme:hazard stripes, bare metal, messy etc. But, critically - I'm also tempted to do some graffiti on them. I mean: if they're programmed only for fairly *specific*/literal tasks, then anyone could theoretically sidle up to them and give them a lick of paint. Tag them, paint them, paint over etc.

I mean: big honking robots on guard duty is just asking for trouble if you're a somewhat sacrilegious juve trying to make your way in a gang and drum up some prestige...

Of course, having no such decent skills, I'm happy to let the idea proliferate out to people who aren't as incompetent as me!

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