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Skitarii Colourschemes!


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Due to Mithril I have decided to change my colour scheme yet again. Thanks for making me rethink everything laugh.png!

How about this: white wood for the stocks? I know it's crazy but hear me out. They would have white wood for their stocks instead of brown or black. That's all I've got. Thanks for listening. No, I joke. Here's the paint recipe I've been kicking around my head:

White Wood

Steel Legion Drab basecoat

Zandri Dust layer

Reikland Fleshshade wash

Ushabti Bone hightlight

The Reikland Fleshshade wash was chosen because it'll make the wood look like it was once part of a tree where Agrax Earthshade will just make it look dirty or too close to bone. I've tried this colour recipe before and it looks nice. Adding brown to it makes it look strange, for some reason, so no highlights with Baneblade Brown or anything. Thoughts?

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Due to Mithril I have decided to change my colour scheme yet again. Thanks for making me rethink everything :lol:!


How about this: white wood for the stocks? I know it's crazy but hear me out. They would have white wood for their stocks instead of brown or black. That's all I've got. Thanks for listening. No, I joke. Here's the paint recipe I've been kicking around my head:


White Wood

Steel Legion Drab basecoat

Zandri Dust layer

Reikland Fleshshade wash

Ushabti Bone hightlight


The Reikland Fleshshade wash was chosen because it'll make the wood look like it was once part of a tree where Agrax Earthshade will just make it look dirty or too close to bone. I've tried this colour recipe before and it looks nice. Adding brown to it makes it look strange, for some reason, so no highlights with Baneblade Brown or anything. Thoughts?


I think white wood might make it pop but you can't do Warm white, it should be Cool white. Cool whites are colors with blues/greys. blacks as your base. Warm is browns and yellows as your base.


If you want your details to pop your model needs colors that stand out on top of each other. The minatures are small and usualy seen from a distance. If the colors are all the same than your going to look all your detail.


So i'd just carve in a few wood line into the parts you want as wood, and color using greys/blues to white. Then the stuff will really pop out.

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@Mehman - so if your going for white wood weapons whats your skitarii's main colours going to be?... when i think white wood wpns im picturing wood elves/high elves in my head...rolleyes.gif you may want to go check out GW's range there and see what colours they matched up with white'ish bone wpns msn-wink.gif
for instance the shadow warriors in the high elf range -

GAHHHH oh noes a xeno's refrence pic!! run for the hills ohmy.png ....pfft!

there are more source pics there for inspiration... maybe blue cloaks might be your ticket to awesomeness happy.png


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@Mithril- So far I've got brown cloaks with a cream interior, black pressure suits, silver armour with brass accents, and Castellan Green with Death World Forest highlights for vehicles. The Ruststalkers' and Infiltrators' armour will be the green colour, too. Of course the backpacks will have leather colouring on them, as well as any pouches. It follows my normal scheme for earthy tones in armies, be it Fantasy or 40k.

Fluff-wise (which is the most important to me), the as-of-yet nameless Forge World 's founders came to the planet with a need to provide munitions and armour for the newly founded Imperial Sector. They follow, albeit loosely, the Ancient Georgian (Russia. I couldn't think of it's 40k name but that works) paint formulation for vehicles and weapons of war because of a glitch with their STC printouts. That's what I have so far. Maybe the trees that were prevalent on the Forge World grew white. I'm a little stumped here confused.gif.

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the Ancient Georgian (Russia. I couldn't think of it's 40k name but that works)


Are you thinking of Vostroyans or Valhallans?



Nah, the name for Russia during the Unification Era. Anyone got a clue?

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the Ancient Georgian (Russia. I couldn't think of it's 40k name but that works)


Are you thinking of Vostroyans or Valhallans?



Nah, the name for Russia during the Unification Era. Anyone got a clue?


Is it the Urals? I remember fluff saying that was where Khârn came from. 

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I'm doing Forge World Metalica, so lot's of white with red accents. Love the scheme! Here's my test mini:





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Ok folks,  here was my original scheme (terrible pics) http://i.imgur.com/ReaoCXQ.jpg :


(WIP of course)

But I have changed my mind and have decided to go with a Star Wars Imperial scheme after staring at the Dunecrawler over and over keeps making me think of an AT-AT or AT-ST relation and the units themselves feel very Sith or Imperial cyborg-ish..so...

Any Star Wars fans in here have any ideas what grey/white/tan would be good for the walkers? (Someone versed in Vallejo Game Colors would be even better)

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So color scheme for sure is going to be primarily white gold. gonna basically be metalica pattern but gold isntead of red.


Was wondering what you folks think of a tech priest out of the inquistor dreadnaught. Gonna just take the throne, plop it on the 32mm base. Or if I can get it to stand on it's own i might just make it baseless. Any idea on this would be great.


So far i'm thinking i'll car down what I assume is the inquistor symbol and repalce it with a mechanicus transfer or from the back pack dongle from the kastelan tech priest. The skulls along the side of the throne are great. I just need to Cyber them up and pant them like metal.


Any other moding ideas would really rock. I'm gonna keep the inquistor sitting on the throne, but i repalce his head and maybe arms with either the kastelan datasmith's arms or maybe the tech priest dominus arms. 

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I'm really confused as to just what Skitarii are


Are they like other mechanichum ...beings, originally human with almost total cybernetic adjustments, though with human brains?? 


Are they like servitors?


Are they just augmented humans?


Skitarii are augmented humans. They are surgically and psycho-surgically indoctrinated to the Cult of Mars. This means that any human will suffice, no matter their previous life history.

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The big difference between Skitarii and Servitors is the marginal level of self-will that the Skitarii get to keep.  Tech-Priests don't always want automatons because they can't be everywhere at once, so having your vanguard/first strike forces show initiative could be very helpful from time to time.  When engaging in more direct, line-battles, you can have automatons because they really only have one job at a time (shoot, advance, punch) ie. the Kastelans and Kataphrons.  That said, mmimzie's point is totally valid, and represented by the Doctrina Imperatives that a Tech-Priest can upload when he needs Skitarii to absolutely perform in a certain task.

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From what I have read about the skitarii, they have will, they see and adjust themselves to the environment they are in. The alphas monitor and calculate efficiency and relays that information to their team.
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on top of being indoctrinated they can be directly controled by a tech priest and forced to do a thing.

The big difference between Skitarii and Servitors is the marginal level of self-will that the Skitarii get to keep. Tech-Priests don't always want automatons because they can't be everywhere at once, so having your vanguard/first strike forces show initiative could be very helpful from time to time. When engaging in more direct, line-battles, you can have automatons because they really only have one job at a time (shoot, advance, punch) ie. the Kastelans and Kataphrons. That said, mmimzie's point is totally valid, and represented by the Doctrina Imperatives that a Tech-Priest can upload when he needs Skitarii to absolutely perform in a certain task.

Are we not masters of Skitarii lore laugh.png?

@mmimzie- I guess my post to your suggestion for my colour scheme got lost in the Warp. That sounds like a brilliant idea! Cool white wooden stocks would look so awesome against their earthy tones. It wouldn't be as stark a contrast as my Iron Hands' weapons but they wouldn't get lost when you look at the models, either. Very cool idea!

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I assembled and painted my first miniature today. It is a Skitarii Ranger and I made its cloak purple, inner cloak light grey, and rifle light brown (maple).

Pics...or it Didn't happen ! teehee.gif


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Ok folks,  here was my original scheme (terrible pics) http://i.imgur.com/ReaoCXQ.jpg :



(WIP of course)


But I have changed my mind and have decided to go with a Star Wars Imperial scheme after staring at the Dunecrawler over and over keeps making me think of an AT-AT or AT-ST relation and the units themselves feel very Sith or Imperial cyborg-ish..so...


Any Star Wars fans in here have any ideas what grey/white/tan would be good for the walkers? (Someone versed in Vallejo Game Colors would be even better)


The highlights on the purple robes are too stark imo. might want to shade it or layer in the base tone to bring it down.


Otherwise looking good.

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I assembled and painted my first miniature today. It is a Skitarii Ranger and I made its cloak purple, inner cloak light grey, and rifle light brown (maple).

Pics...or it Didn't happen ! teehee.gif



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Here's the color scheme for my Forgeworld of Phanta. I went with a bright, day-glo flourescent orange with an off-white for the cloak interior. All I can say is, painting orange is hard :-/ but I like it because they stand out on the battlefield


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Alot of cool schemes in this thread so far!




I went with a less original scheme, doing the robes mephiston red+evil sunz scarlet, and the inside of the robes rakarth flesh. The glowy stuffs are done using hawk turquoise which is an old paint. None of the forge world except mars held any interest for me. The idea in my head of the mechanicus has always been red robes and it stuck that way. Originally I was going to do rust red robes but I felt that would have blended in with the basing too much.

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