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Skitarii Colourschemes!


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Glad to hear...browns really can be made to pop! and highlighting is easy too...brown robes for the win (they will not see the leaking lubrication oil when we face the enemy...blush.png )

whats your decision on gun colour??...


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My Skitarii continue my Forgeworld St Hoagland/House Cydonia scheme. A darker red (Black undercoat, Khorne red shaded with Druchii wash then highlighted back with Khorne red and where needed a small bit of Mephiston), Red on the inside of cloaks, luminous eye-lenses at different colours to make them distinct from plasma/radium glow and to show different wavelengths being seen/recorded.



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great work BBB thumbsup.gif get the base done pronto!.

while we're all sharing colours in this topic, im wanting feedback on my rifle test scheme please...


any feedback helpful or just a nod of yes that looks ok ??

cheers Mithril

ps sorry for the pic, its not close enough i see now ..will take another later and ask for feedback then..happy.png

++Edit- new pic++

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Glad to hear...browns really can be made to pop! and highlighting is easy too...brown robes for the win (they will not see the leaking lubrication oil when we face the enemy...:blush: )

whats your decision on gun colour??...



I went for a completely new scheme! Brown robes, cream interior and secondary colour, camouflage green for vehicle armour plates, and black for the under-suits. The guns will be a wood colour drybrushed with Baneblade Brown. It's the same recipe for my Beastmen's hafts and poles.


I'll post a few pictures when the Dragoon is completed.

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Glad to hear...browns really can be made to pop! and highlighting is easy too...brown robes for the win (they will not see the leaking lubrication oil when we face the enemy...blush.png )

whats your decision on gun colour??...


I went for a completely new scheme! Brown robes, cream interior and secondary colour, camouflage green for vehicle armour plates, and black for the under-suits. The guns will be a wood colour drybrushed with Baneblade Brown. It's the same recipe for my Beastmen's hafts and poles.

I'll post a few pictures when the Dragoon is completed.

Brown robes = Adeptus Cappuccino,it works for the rangers msn-wink.gif tongue.png ...

Look fwd to seeing them soonish !!


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it looks good to me. did you add metal casing to the stock or was that a slip of the brush?

you mean the ridges on the top of the stock..?, if so then yes i put that there on purpose because from reference pics in the codex(pg 9,32-39,72,74 it's the metal barrel under the ribbing of the wood stock,although in painting the Eavy metal guys have missed it,prob due to laziness tongue.png.

and thanks guys/gals for saying it looks ok ! smile.png

@Vel'Cona - i did 5 bases first for my vanguard and they came out quite average...so i went mega heavy with the ranger one's so don't feel too bad!, i used rhinox on the base before hand and it really makes the cracks stand out even more and a drybrush of XV-88 then a final of ushabti helps too..

Cheers Mithril

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no i mean what looks like bronze on the lower half of the stock.

The lower stock at the front...its supposed to be brass there too (Codex -pg 56,58 &72 are examples)...

hey nice WiP on the Infiltrator princeps thumbsup.gif


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thats weird...see my post about 5 up...thats iron earth...but a lot of it! ...did you only paint it on lightly?...




It could be considered light yes, I'm re-doing it now after coating the current layer in a layer of doombull brown. Hopefully i get cracks.

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Oh good, i hope it works out, yeah you really have to use a fair amount ...put it on like you were making a raised base with plaster..yes that much!!

and great idea with the doombull layer msn-wink.gif

post a pic of the results (it takes about 2-3 hrs to dry and crack really well...)


p.s it may be the flash on the photo,i know pics dont always show the truth.. but the chest piece looks to be devoid of definition sad.png is there a light wash on there?..

and the floaty skull looks like it needs a wash of sepia for a little pop value wub.png

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Whilst we are all posting our 'Test' Skitarii models, here is my first completed (minus backpack) Dark Skitarii:


As I wasn't sure if Dark Mechanicum were to be posted in here or the Lost and the Damned at the time my thread is over there, but please do feel free to check it out for more if you did not realise it was over there! :)



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Whilst we are all posting our 'Test' Skitarii models, here is my first completed (minus backpack) Dark Skitarii:


As I wasn't sure if Dark Mechanicum were to be posted in here or the Lost and the Damned at the time my thread is over there, but please do feel free to check it out for more if you did not realise it was over there! smile.png


All parts of the machine... some cogs are just in need of replacement. tongue.png

Mark the corruptors of His Grand Design. Know thy enemy. They shall soon meet our Maker.

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Whilst we are all posting our 'Test' Skitarii models, here is my first completed (minus backpack) Dark Skitarii:


As I wasn't sure if Dark Mechanicum were to be posted in here or the Lost and the Damned at the time my thread is over there, but please do feel free to check it out for more if you did not realise it was over there! smile.png


Very cool! Love the freehand quarter star!

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