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IHF's Archive: Sketching the Heresy - The Manufactorum

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I really like these!


One small nit-pick is Scout already confers Outflank and as such Outflank is superfluous on the Ashen Stalker Pack.


As an aside, would you have any opinions on how to "fix" Frost Weapons from Inferno? As is they're not very useful. A frost axe costs the same as a power fist but is strictly worse rules-wise, and a frost claw is strictly better than a frost sword (as they both share the exact same profile with one difference, the frost claw has shred).

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I really like these!


One small nit-pick is Scout already confers Outflank and as such Outflank is superfluous on the Ashen Stalker Pack.


As an aside, would you have any opinions on how to "fix" Frost Weapons from Inferno? As is they're not very useful. A frost axe costs the same as a power fist but is strictly worse rules-wise, and a frost claw is strictly better than a frost sword (as they both share the exact same profile with one difference, the frost claw has shred).


Thanks for that, I've corrected the overlap


Uhhhh, well it's tricky because of them having the same cost like you said - you can't just add a special rule to them to make them seem cost-effective, as the claw is clearly better than the blade (although if you were to add a rule, I'd maybe go for duelists edge, as it's not too powerful)


Honestly, the only real way to fix it I think would be to adjust the points costs, with each one having a different cost that's less than the current price

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Perhaps just making them the same price as a power weapon? After all Dark Angels get Calibanite blades for the same price as a power weapon, and they aren't limited to Independent characters. And I'm pretty sure the White Scar's glaive is the same price as a power weapon? Not sure though.


Perhaps adding rending to the Frost Blade would balance it with the claw?

Edited by Runefyre
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I think the "point" of the Frost weapons is that they are power weapons +1 (quite literally, +1S over normal). They are also specialist weapons, probably so that they can be matched with power fists or eachother and the like to give options and lots of rag-tag model variety that looks great on a band of wolf models.


Problem is, when you have the cost factored in the Claw and Sword are the same, and a Fist makes the Axe redundant as they cost the same.


Rending on the Sword is too good. It's already a one handed Relic Blade at this point (but able to get an extra attack through another specialist weapon) - maybe +1I would have been cool.


Or you double down on all of them and give them an extra "frost" kind of rule that goes with them all. No idea what that would be though.

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That's exactly what they are in 40k, and the reason they work in that system is power fists cost 5 points more than they do in the HH.


I honestly think even FW is probably unsure what to do with them. Wish they would have put a little more thought into their design.

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I really like the 3rd Edition Leman Russ tank :wink:


That said, I had hoped Fenris Bloods would be our Wulfen units :sad.:


Thanks, I thought it was a nice little reference :happy.:


Yeah, that was the original plan, but I'm trying to avoid units that FW will almost certainly make rules & models for, so I'm not gonna include stuff like the Wulfen, Atramentar or IF Huscarls, which gives me free rein to explore more unusual concepts like the Draugr, which I knew I had to do as soon as I read about the Wolves making use of memory erasing techniques

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Thought I'd try something a little difference - I'm considering doing 5 seperate concept sketches for each of the infantry units to show what a 5-model squad might look like (including squad leader etc.), based off a stencil from the FW colour palettes, which should speed it up a bit.

So here's the tester, which is for the Ultramarines' Retentus Command Cadre (I've decided to rename them in light of the Varagyr), with the original concept & fluff below:


Ultramarines Varangii Command Cadre:

More a title of rank than a permanent formation, the Varangii are formed from the highest ranking veterans among the Evocatii chapters, those officers charged with ensuring new recruits into the Legion are forged into peerless soldiers befitting of the Ultramarines. Membership of the Varangii is a greatly regarded honour, identifying the warriors responsible for the legendary discipline for which the XIIIth Legion has become reknown, each a veteran of decades of command and countless conflicts.

Whilst rarely involved in front-line duty, stationed within Ultramar or upon the largest legion warships for extended training during long-running campaigns, the Varangii can be marshaled as an elite combat force when their charges are called upon for combat duty before their tenure has begun, often acting in an intermediate command position to ensure the Legion’s strategic network is utterly unbreakable.

Upon induction into their ranks, the Varangii are granted possession of a pair of Macraggan dueling blades, amongst the finest crafted power weapons the Imperium is capable of producing, utterly deadly in the hands of warriors bloodied by decades of battle in the Imperium’s name.


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Your sketches are stunning and I'm looking forward to seeing your Space Wolves concepts soon. I would say that the name Varangii does exist in 30K already as Russ' bodyguard and pack leaders in the black library series. Although Inferno has provided new monikers. I do appreciate however that it is a real world term with several historical links.

Edited by quinnwolf
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Thanks everyone :happy.:


As much as I personally dislike Ultramarines, I really love that Retentus Command Cadre - Brilliant Work!!


Thanks, I must admit that whilst I'm not the biggest fan of their 40k representation (although I don't follow 40k nowdays as much as I used to), having the opportunity to develop units around the Roman / pocket-empire themes for the Ultras has been really fun. That said, the reason I did the Retentus first is 'cause I love the way they look - especially the 'over the shoulder' cape  :tongue.:


Your sketches are stunning and I'm looking forward to seeing your Space Wolves concepts soon. I would say that the name Varangii does exist in 30K already as Russ' bodyguard and pack leaders in the black library series. Although Inferno has provided new monikers. I do appreciate however that it is a real world term with several historical links.


Thanks dude - with regard to the name:



Thought I'd try something a little difference - I'm considering doing 5 seperate concept sketches for each of the infantry units to show what a 5-model squad might look like (including squad leader etc.), based off a stencil from the FW colour palettes, which should speed it up a bit.


So here's the tester, which is for the Ultramarines' Retentus Command Cadre (I've decided to rename them in light of the Varagyr), with the original concept & fluff below:



*cough* :whistling:


Please go work for Forgeworld and make those terminators a reality. They're beautiful!


You folk flatter me way too much with that :happy.:


That said, there's an application deadline for a GW Illustrator position a week on Sunday, which I may or may not be applying for :sweat:

(though realistically, my skill level isn't really sufficient - the only reason I'm giving it a shot is 'cause it's potentially a training position)

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It's time for the Fists to get their time in the spotlight:



VIIth Legion: Imperial Fists:



Castellan Consul


The title of Castellan denotes a figure of great respect within the VIIth Legion, for the duty of defending an Imperial Fists fortress carries with it the weight of upholding oaths of protection sworn upon the honour of the entire Legion. Utterly intractable when they are required to guard their posts against the hosts of the enemy, Castellan Centurion-Consuls are those figures trusted to garner every ounce of resolve from their warriors, to stand and fight when no hope of victory remains, for anything less would be an act of failure in the eyes of their Primarch.



* May not take a Jump Pack, Bike or Jetbike.

* One close combat weapon wielded by the Castellan gains the Master-crafted special rule.


Special Rules:

* Unending Duty: The Castellan and any unit they join double the applicable scoring range when denying an objective which is within their deployment zone as a denial unit.

* Resolute Defence: The Castellan may reroll failed cover saves when fighting from fortifications and barricades, and confers this rule to any Infantry unit they join.



Hyperion Terminator Squad


The Hyperion terminators of the VIIth Legion are an example of the organisational refinement undergone by the Imperial Fists throughout the course of the Great Crusade as their particular tactical preferences developed, with the warriors of the Hyperion elite being entirely dedicated to a single tactical proclivity: that of teleporter assault. Whether being deployed among the hosts of an entrenched foe or into the heart of an enemy vessel, the Hyperion terminators are trained and outfitted as a vanguard division – to arrive in a blaze of aetheric energy and unleash a tide of fire to drive back the enemy for long enough for their following forces to exploit the breach.


To this end, they are armed with some of the heaviest marine-portable weaponry available, usually prioritising shorter-ranged, high-output weapons to counter the dense target saturation which inevitably accompanies their mode of transit. Making use of bulky suits of Terminator armour to offer some protection against the inherent dangers of teleportarium usage, as well as to buy them as much time as possible behind enemy lines, the Indomitus pattern held in greater numbers by the Imperial Fists than any other Legion saw their widest use by the Hyperion veterans due to its relative ease of repair compared to the other available patterns of Terminator plate.


Hyperion Terminator:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 8   Sv: 2+

Hyperion Terminator Sergeant:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 2+


Unit Composition:

* 4 Hyperion Terminators

* 1 Hyperion Terminator Sergeant


Unit Type:

* Hyperion Terminator: Infantry

* Hyperion Terminator Sergeant: Infantry (Character)



* Heavy flamer

* Power weapon

* Teleportation transponder

* Terminator armour*


*May not be exchanged for Tartaros Terminator armour or Cataphractii Terminator armour


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)

* Implacable Advance

* Split Fire

* Lightning Barrage



* The Hyperion Terminator squad may take:

            - Up to 5 additional Hyperion Terminators

* Any model in the unit may exchange their heavy flamer for one of the following:

- Heavy bolter

- Illiastus pattern assault cannon

- Multi-melta

* The Hyperion Terminator sergeant may exchange their power weapon for one of the following:

            - Power fist

            - Single lightning claw

            - Chainfist

            - Thunder hammer

            - Solarite power gauntlet

The Hyperion Terminator sergeant may take a grenade harness


Lightning Barrage:

On the turn in which this unit arrives via Deep Strike, all of its ranged attacks gain the Pinning special rule




Melta Cannon Support Battery


Not generally favoured among the other Legions due to its lack of versatility compared to such weapons as the graviton cannon or laser destroyer, the rapier-mounted duel melta cannon is nevertheless a keystone of the Imperial Fists’ boarding assaults, it’s capacity to incinerate a path through materials designed to withstand the torturous forces unleashed during void warfare unparalleled by any weapon system of its size.


Some commanders among the Legion also deploy the support weapon during surface engagements as an anti-tank weapon, trading range for the capacity to reduce enemy vehicles to slag in a single searing volley, with the melta cannon proving particularly effective in defensive actions, effectively nullifying shorter-ranged siege weapons with their fearsome anti-armour potential.


Legion Space Marine:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 1   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+

Rapier Carrier:   WS: -   BS: -   S: -   T: 7   W: 2   I: -   A: -   Ld: -   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

* 1-3 Rapiers forming a Battery. Each Rapier has 2 Space Marine Crew.


Unit Type:

* Rapier Carrier: Artillery

* Legion Space Marine: Infantry


Wargear (Space Marine Crew):

* Power armour

* Bolt pistol

* Frag & krak grenades


Wargear (Rapier Carrier):

* Dual melta cannon


Special Rules:

* Extremely Bulky (Rapier Carrier combined with Crew)


Special Rules (Space Marine Crew only):

* Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)

* Hardened Armour




Voidscourge Seeker Squad


Selected from those Imperial Fist veterans who had shown the greatest aptitude for so called ‘Zone Mortalis’ engagements in the cold void, these specialist seeker squads came to be known as the ‘Voidscourge’ among attached Armada Imperialis forces, as their deployment often heralded catastrophe for an enemy fleet. The Voidscourge divisions are an exclusively fleet-based organization, under the direct command of the Imperial Fists’ Fleet Masters rather than serving within standard companies, and are dispatched to cripple or capture enemy vessels in a highly autonomous manner, often deploying as a reserve force to take advantage of openings as the vagaries of battle allow.  


Familiar with the internal structure and inherent vulnerabilities of every void-craft encountered by the wider Great Crusade, operating in zero-gravity and without atmosphere are standard combat protocols for the Voidscourge, although the capacity to deploy to planetary operations is a contingency they are always prepared for, with scuttling enemy voidcraft among a foes’ planetary deployments a hallmark of their battle-doctrine. For the individual Voidscourge seeker squads, adaptability is a key operational consideration, as operating without support in the confusion unleashed by any void engagement ensures that intricately laid plans are all but useless, and these units are often required to provide their own means of extraction once battle has been joined.


Voidscourge Seeker:   WS: 4   BS: 5   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 1   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+

Voidscourge Strike Leader:   WS: 4   BS: 5   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

* 4 Voidscourge Seekers

* 1 Voidscourge Strike Leader


Unit Type:

* Voidscourge Seekers: Jump Infantry

* Voidscourge Strike Leader: Jump Infantry (Character)



* Power armour

* Combi-bolter

* Bolt pistol

* Frag and krak grenades

* Melta bombs

* Phaeton-sollex pattern void-pack


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)

* Special Issue Ammunition

* Hardened Armour

* Implacable Advance

* Marked for Death

* Precision Shots

* Fearless



* The Voidscourge Seeker squad may take:

            - Up to 5 additional Voidscourge Seekers

* One Voidscourge Seeker may take a nuncio-vox

* Any model in the unit may exchange their combi-bolter for a combi-weapon

* The Voidscourge Strike Leader may take one of the following:

            - Power weapon

            - Power fist

            - Single lightning claw

            - Thunder hammer

* The Voidscourge Strike Leader may take any of the following:

            - Artificer armour

            - One breaching charge


Phaeton-sollex Pattern Void-Pack:

Whilst the various patterns of power and jump packs worn by power-armoured Astartes all contain maneuvering and propulsion thrusters for use in zero gravity and void operations, a number of dedicated void-packs exist for all marks of power armour, equipped with a more extensive array of stabilizing jets and heavier-duty thruster units to provide a stable firing platform even mid-flight. Retrofitting the Phaeton pattern heavy lift jump pack with a combination rocket / afterburner turbofan, the Phaeton-sollex pattern void-pack has a lower operational range and weight tolerance in atmosphere than its precursor, but this albeit limited capacity for atmospheric operation is preferred by the notably pragmatic Imperial Fists as a contingency should their Legionaries need to transition planetside without resupply.


Models equipped with Phaeton-sollex pattern void packs are treated as Jump Infantry in normal games, but in Zone Mortalis games, they are instead treated as Jet Pack infantry for all intents and purposes.


Dedicated Transport:

* As long as it numbers no more than 10 models, the squad may choose a Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport.





Pharus Assault Claw (0-1)


Possessing both a larger and more diverse fleet than any other Legion, the Imperial Fists’ arsenal resultantly contained an array of wargear that was fashioned expressly towards void engagements, with the VIIth Legion forge modifying a number of standard pattern vehicles to further increase their utility in such Zone Mortalis engagements. The Pharus Assault Claw was developed in this manner to enhance the precision and safety of the teleporter assaults utilised to a great extent among the VIIth Legion’s Terminator forces by employing an aetheric beacon for the teleportarium arrays of the Fists’ fleet to ‘lock’ onto, decreasing the risks of errant re-materialisation, an especial risk when a target vessel is enacting hard manouvres.


By integrating this teleporter beacon into the hull of a Dreadclaw Drop Pod, the Pharus Assault Claw outstrips the torpedo-based analogues fielded across the Legions due to its capacity to repeatedly re-deploy throughout an engagement, as well as possessing an energy field array originally prototyped on the Deredeo pattern Dreadnought to provide a protective screen to troops teleporting into its homing aura. Due to its early success, the design was approved for widespread production and distribution to all Legions, an intention scuppered by the Galactic Civil war unleashed from Isstvan, leaving the only known operable Pharus Assault Claws among the Imperial Fists’ fleet.


Pharus Assault Claw:                   BS: -   Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 12/12/12 HP: 3


Unit Composition:

* 1 Pharus Assault Claw


Unit Type:

* Vehicle



* Teleporter beacon

* Atomantic pavaise*


*Ignore the component of the atomantic pavaise’s rules which refer to ‘Vehicle Explodes’ damage result


Special Rules:

* Deep Strike

* Immobile

* Inertial Guidance System

* Heat Blast (Deep Strike)


Teleporter Beacon:

Friendly units deploying via Deep Strike within 12” of a model equipped with a teleporter beacon don’t scatter. Additionally, should any of the controlling player’s units suffer a Deep Strike Mishap while a unit equipped with a teleporter beacon is in play, they add a +1 modifier to the roll.


Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope you folks like Leadership tests, because it's the Night Lords' time to shine:



VIIIth Legion: Night Lords:



Maledictor Consul (0-1)


Fractitious and internecine, the hierarchy of the VIIIth Legion is often as much a threat to the Night Lords’ cohesion as it is an effective command structure. To maintain discipline in the absence of their Primarch, individual officers of the Atramentar are routinely attached to independent commands as representatives of their master’s authority and will, empowered with the right to summarily execute any member of the Legion regardless of rank or station.


 These Maledictors - an evolution of the Opsequiari discipline officers of the early Legion - are figures of dual nature among the Legion – feared for their power but despised because of it, and such individuals are far from immune to the bloody intrigue which mars their Legion. Regardless of their standing among their brethren, Maledictor Centurion-Consuls are unswervingly loyal to their Primarch and brutally efficient at maintaining order through violence -  anything less would be intolerable for the warriors of the Atramentar.  



* Master-crafted nostraman chainglaive

* May not take a Bike or Jetbike.


Special Rules:

* Tenets of Misrule: An opposing player never gains Victory Points for slaying the Warlord of a Night Lords Primary Detachment which contains a Maledictor Consul unless they are also slain. In addition, the Seeds of Dissent rule does not come into effect unless any Maledictor Consul in the Detachment is slain. This rule does not apply if the Warlord is Sevatar or Konrad Curze.

* The Bloody Hand: Any unit joined by a model with this special rule may choose to re-roll any failed Leadership test, at which point a single model with the Character type (not Independent Characters) from the unit suffers a single wound, against which no saves of any kind may be taken (chosen by the owning player). If the unit does not contain any models with the Character type, it may not re-roll failed Leadership tests in this manner. Models with this special rule may not benefit from Glorious Interventions.

* Support Officer




Malphaz Siege Squad


Named for a Nostraman demon of ruination, the Malphaz are veteran warriors, the rarity of their given specialty within the VIIIth Legion breeding a cadre of close-knit and coldly brutal siege experts, called upon to break the foe where they show the greatest resistance. To this end, the Malphaz employ an array of psychotropic toxins, used to shatter the resolve of their enemy before their assault, with many well-organised defences turned instantly into a rout as the poisoned minds of the foe wither in fear at the Malphaz’ shield-wall, bedecked in the tattered carcasses of their compatriots. Those who do not flee are burned from their cover by gouts of searing promethium flame, before the Malphaz butcher any last holdouts with brutal efficiency.   


Malphaz Breacher:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+

Malphaz Blooded:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

* 9 Malphaz Breachers

* 1 Malphaz Blooded


Unit Type:

* Malphaz Breachers: Infantry

* Malphaz Blooded: Infantry (Character)



* Power armour

* Flamer

* Chainsword

* Frag and krak grenades

* Boarding shield

* Psychotropic grenade harness


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)

* Counter-attack

* Fear

* Hardened Armour



* The Malphaz Siege squad may take:

            - Up to 10 additional Malphaz Breachers

* The entire squad may take melta bombs

* One Malphaz Breacher may take a nuncio-vox              

* One Malphaz Breacher may carry a legion vexilla

* The Malphaz Blooded may exchange their chainsword for one of the following:

            - Power weapon

            - Nostraman chainglaive

            - Single lightning claw

            - Power fist

- Thunder hammer

* The Malphaz Blooded may take any of the following options:

            - Artificer armour

            - One breaching charge


Psychotropic Grenade Harness:

One of many crimes for which the VIIIth Legion was spurned, the widespread use of psychotropic gas weaponry towards the end of the Great Crusade was pioneered by the Malphaz, weaponry believed to have been reverse-engineered from xenos technology and capable of inducing fits of maddened frenzy into even the most stalwart foe. In a turn in which the unit fires its psychotropic grenade harnesses, all equipped models must do so.


Psychotropic Grenade Harness:    Range: 8”   Str: 3   AP: -   Type: Assault 1, Blast (3”), One Use, Hallucinogenic


Dedicated Transport:

* A Malphaz Siege Squad which numbers 10 models may take a Land Raider Phobos, Land Raider Proteus or Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport, or a Spartan or Kharybdis Assault Claw if it numbers 20 models or less.




Apothecarion Flensing Cadre


To the Apothecaries of the Night Lords Legion fall not only the duties of the healer and physician, but also the dark arts of torture and interrogation, and the most capable flenser-apothecarieso of the VIIIth Legion are among the most grimly talented excruciators in the Imperium . Such practices are even employed upon the battlefield, originally used to obtain valuable tactical information, but increasingly as a tool of fear, a violent performance used to cow dissent and shatter resolve. In this manner, flenser-apothecaries are often deployed with the first wave of a Night Lords offensive, where their gruesome art might have the greatest impact upon a fresh enemy.


Flenser-apothecary:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 1   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

* 1-3 Flenser Apothecaries may be taken as a single Elites choice for the arm as long as there are sufficient units for them to be attached to. Each Flenser-apothecary must be assigned to a single squad in the same detachment during deployment and may not voluntarily leave the unit for the duration of the game. Only squads comprising models with the Infantry type and the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule can be joined by a Flenser-apothecary, not including units equipped with Terminator armour.

* If a Flenser-apothecary is equipped with a jump pack, then they may only join elegible squads with the Jump Infantry type and the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule instead.

* A Flenser-apothecary may never join a unit which contains a Legion Apothecary


Unit Type:

* Infantry (Character)



* Power armour

* Bolt pistol

* Chainsword or combat blade

* Frag and krak grenades

* Flensing blades


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)

* The Art of Depravity



* The Flenser-apothecary may take any of the following:

            - Augary scanner

            - Combi-weapon

            - Volkite Charger

* The Flenser-apothecary may exchange their chainsword or combat blade for a:

            - Power weapon

            - Nostraman chainglaive

* The Flenser-apothecary may have one of the following:

            - Artificer armour

            - Jump pack


The Art of Depravity:

The flensing cadres of the Night Lords Apothecarion are masters of torture and excruciation, capable of skinning their victims over weeks, preserving their agony long past the point of madness. Even in the midst of battle, they are experts at turning defeated foes into bloody displays of suffering, a gruesome measure of the Legion’s methods and terrifying example of the savagery awaiting the surviving enemy.  


Units joined by a Flenser-apothecary gain the Fear special rule and may never make Sweeping Advances. Additionally, when any such unit wins a round of combat, all enemy units with line of sight to the combat within 12” must immediately make Morale checks or fall back. 


Flensing Blades:

An array of sadistically crafted razors, scalpels and cleavers devised solely to maim and torture, while these weapons are not purpose built for the rigours of combat, a number of Night Lords legionaries favour their use in crippling and executing particularly heroic opponents.


Flensing Blades:    Range: -   Str: -1   AP: -   Type: Melee, Paired, Piercing Cut, Swift Strike




Tormentor Reconnaissance Squad


Officially a Reconnaissance division, the Tormentors are in reality outcast Legionaries in all but name. For those whose instability and need for violence outstrips even the Night Lords lax requirements for discipline, the last recourse is death or assignment to the ranks of the Tormentors, often a death sentence in its own right.


Deployed far ahead of the Legion’s main strength, the Tormentors infiltrate a warzone weeks or even months before their foe are brought to battle proper. They are tasked with causing as much violent mayhem as possible before they are eventually put down, to spread fear among the enemy and to explicitly demonstrate the Night Lords’ capacity for brutality so that when VIIIth Legion’s primary force finally arrives, their enemy is riven with paranoia and fear, painfully aware of the horror that awaits them.


The Tormentors’ methods are born from the most twisted practices of Nostramo, with the savaged remnants of their victims displayed where they will cause the most panic, actions born from neither loyalty nor necessity, but the sheer thrill of violence. Even once compliance has been delivered, many Tormentors go simply unaccounted for, with no desire to leave while there are still those left to brutalise, abandoned to their fates in the shadow of the Legion’s victory.



Tormentor:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 1   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

* 5 Tormentors


Unit Type:

* Infantry



* Power armour

* Bolt Pistol

* Chainsword or combat blade

* Frag and krak grenades

* Shroud bombs


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)

* Fear

* Infiltrate

* Scout

* Support Squad

* Monsters in the Dark



* The Tormentor Reconnaissance squad may take:

            - Up to 5 additional Tormentors

* Any Tormentor may take one of the following options:

            - Space marine shotgun

            - Bolter

            - Volkite charger

* One Tormentor may take a nuncio-vox

* The entire squad may take melta bombs     


Monsters in the Dark:

Infiltrating warzones long before the rest of the Legion begins its offensive, Tormentor squads are experts at using terror tactics to weaken their foe on the eve of battle, draping battlements with the flayed skins of butchered comrades and displaying horrifying premonitions of the slaughter to come daubed in crimson gore. When battle is joined and the hosts of the enemy rush to their assigned tasks, many simply freeze in terror as the depth of the Night Lords’ monstrosity is revealed.


After both sides have deployed, but before the first game turn, select D3 enemy units on the table (not Vehicles). Each selected unit must successfully pass a Pinning test or Go to Ground for the duration of the first game turn.  




Alastor Seeker Squad


Among the twisted religious cults of Nostramo, the Alastor confessors were once priests who heard the proffered sins of the populace of that tainted world, and for the few who held such faith, the lists of sin were great indeed. As the orthodoxy of these cults fluctuated alongside the power struggles which constantly played out among Nostramo’s gangs and aristocracy, the title of Alastor began to take on a darker meaning. Bestowed in mocking reverence to the most trusted among a particular leader’s followers  – be they highborn noble or street thug - the position signified an individual tasked with weeding out the secrets of their compatriots, with the purview of ensuring their fidelity, and inevitably enacting whatever torturous practices they favoured when this was found lacking – both to reveal the specifics of their treachery and as gruesome punishment for their ‘sins’.  


Among the ranks of the Night Lords, the cognomen again gained new significance, with those among the Legion’s Seeker cadres who most fervently embodied the tenets of punishment and twisted justice espoused by their Primarch adopting the title. Bearing barbed crests and tabards of flayed skin in cruel mockery of the knights of antiquity, the Alastor Seekers hunt down enemy commanders not merely for tactical reasons, but to serve as a bloody example of the justice the Night Lords bring to the enemies of the Imperium. They seek out figures who embody the particular crimes for which their foe is to be punished and deliver cruel, prolonged deaths, which are relayed from loudspeakers and broadcast across vox-networks for all to hear, a screaming tally of justice in the Emperor’s name.


Alastor Seeker:   WS: 4   BS: 5   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 1   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+

Alastor Confessor:   WS: 4   BS: 5   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

* 4 Alastor Seekers

* 1 Alastor Confessor


Unit Type:

* Alastor Seekers: Infantry

* Alastor Confessor: Infantry (Character)



* Power armour

* Bolter

* Bolt pistol

* Frag and krak grenades

* Flensing blades

* Luctus-vox


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)

* Special Issue Ammunition

* Marked for Death

* Stubborn

* Precision Shots



* The Alastor Seeker squad may take:

            - Up to 5 additional Alastor Seekers

* One Alastor Seeker may take a nuncio-vox

* Any Alastor Seeker may exchange their bolter for a:

            - Combi-weapon                    

* The Alastor Confessor may take one of the following:

            - Power weapon

            - Nostraman chainglaive

            - Single lightning claw

            - Power fist

* The Alastor Confessor may take any of the following options:

            - Artificer armour

            - Trophies of Judgement



Broadcasting from loud-hailers mounted upon the Legionaries’ warplate and across open-band vox channels, the Luctus-vox further amplifies the Night Lords’ use of fear as a weapon of war by relaying the harrowing screams of the dying amidst the enemy, hijacking communication systems and severing chains of command. Units of Alastor Seekers use such devices not only to emphatically signal their intent towards their targets, but also to parade their dying moments when they are inevitably hunted down, shrieking confessions of their sin echoing for miles around in a looping chorus.


Enemy units within 12” of a model with a Luctus-vox use their lowest Leadership value, not their highest. Additionally, if the target unit nominated as part of the Alastor Seeker squad’s Marked for Death special rule has been destroyed after suffering at least a single wound from an attack made by the Alastor Seeker squad, enemy units within this 12” radius also suffer a -1 Leadership penalty.  


Dedicated Transport:

* An Alastor Seeker squad may take a Rhino or Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport.


Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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Whilst not wishing to derail the Night Lords fun bus, I thought it only fitting to share my interpretation of an Emperor's Children Seraph Strike Squad marine.




Hope you like it, as said before your thread is a huge inspiration and pleasure to read. Always exiting to see updates and new troop types! There will be more to come - glad you spotted the Julius Kaesoron WIP that i'm working with Capt Jack on!!

Edited by Lord Commander Eidolon
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Whilst not wishing to derail the Night Lords fun bus, I thought it only fitting to share my interpretation of an Emperor's Children Seraph Strike Squad marine.




Hope you like it, as said before your thread is a huge inspiration and pleasure to read. Always exiting to see updates and new troop types! There will be more to come - glad you spotted the Julius Kaesoron WIP that i'm working with Capt Jack on!!


Dang man, that's awesome - I really need to do some more illustrations of the Seraph, they were great fun


Really looking forward to your results with Julius, you planning on using the rules I made for him too?

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  • 3 weeks later...

With the onset of 8th for 40k (and finals, and graduation, and my masters, and job applications, etc.), I'm calling a hiatus on the Legion rules series, with the possibility of reviving it with 8th-consistent rules in the future


However, I couldn't let the series end without paying tribute to my eternally favorite Legion, the Iron Hands:


Xth Legion: Iron Hands:



Contemptor-Victus Dreadnought Talon


For the Legionaries of the Xth Legion, interment within the sarcophagus of a Dreadnought is a great honour, elevating a warrior to a peerless union of unbreakable will and invincible iron. As such, the Dreadnoughts of the Iron Hands rarely adhere directly to the standard patterns disseminated among the Legions, with most modified to some extent by the Legion’s Iron Fathers and Artificers, who’s technological acumen rivals some of the greatest forge-wrights of the Mechanicum.


An attempt to codify and aggregate the most successful of these adaptations, the template for the Contemptor-Victus was set out by Ferrus Manus himself, with countless sub-systems which outmatch the capabilities of its predecessor, from an array of auto-repair mechanisms to an internal atomantic-arc reactor powerful enough to service a number of weapon systems which would overload the power grid of a standard Legion Contemptor. Arguably the most advanced pattern of Contemptor Dreadnought outside the arsenals of the Legio Custodes, the Contemptor-Victus only saw a limited production run before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, but many war-hosts of the shattered Xth Legion were led by warriors interred in these Dreadnoughts, veterans of the Great Crusade empowered with the destructive power of a battle-tank.  


Contemptor-Victus Dreadnought:  WS: 5   BS: 5   S: 7   Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 13/12/10   I: 4   A: 3   HP: 4


Unit Composition:

* 1-3 Contemptor-Victus Dreadnoughts


Unit Type:

* Vehicle (Walker)



* Twin-linked heavy bolter

* Graviton crusher

* Flare shield

* Smoke Launchers

* Searchlight


Special Rules:

* Dreadnought Talon

* Atomantic Shielding

* Fleet

* Auto-repair Protocols



* Any Contemptor-Victus Dreadnought in the Talon may replace their twin-linked heavy bolter with one of the following:

- Lightning-blaster

            - Plasma cannon

- Solex-pattern heavy lascannon

            - Twin-linked volkite culverin

            - Kheres pattern assault cannon

            - Accelerator autocannon

            - Heavy conversion beamer

            - Graviton cannon

* Any Contemptor-Victus Dreadnought in the Talon may be equipped with:

            - Extra armour

            - Armoured ceramite

* Any Contemptor-Victus Dreadnought in the Talon may select one of the following:

- Carapace-mounted havoc launcher

            - Carapace-mounted cyclone missile launcher


Graviton Crusher:

The Graviton Crusher replaces the power coils and central weapon mount of the standard Contemptor power fist with a graviton–wave projector derived from the graviton hammers of the Mechanicum’s Domitar Battle-Automata, creating a weapon that can augment the force of the Contemptor-Victus’ blows with a rapidly oscillating gravitic field to tear apart physical matter or project these energies in a blast capable of pulping flesh, bone or metal. This weapon has two profiles, one which is used as a shooting attack and once which is used in the Assault phase.


Graviton Crusher (Assault):    Range: -   Str: 10   AP: 2   Type: Melee, Concussive, Wrecker, Sunder


Graviton Crusher (Shooting):    Range: Template   Str: *   AP: 4   Type: Heavy 1, Concussive, Graviton Pulse*, Haywire



Lightning-Blaster:    Range: 18”   Str: 7   AP: 5   Type: Heavy 3, Shred, Rending


Auto-Repair Protocols:

The hull of the Contemptor-Victus Dreadnought combines a number of Mechanicum technologies which allow for automated self-repair of the walker to mitigate damage mid-battle and assist any repairs attempted. Contemptor-Victus Dreadnoughts have the Blessed Autosimacrula special rule, and any failed Battlesmith rolls made to repair them can be re-rolled.  



A single Contemptor-Victus Talon numbering a single Dreadnought may be selected as a non-compulsory HQ selection in an Iron Hands Primary Detachment. In addition to the rules and options listed above, a Dreadnought selected in this manner has the Venerable special rule, allowing the owning player to force results on the Vehicle Damage Chart made against the vehicle to be re-rolled, and counts as being equipped with a Legion Standard.


Additionally, a Contemptor-Victus Dreadnought selected in this manner may be used in place of a unit with the Master of the Legion special rule to unlock the Fury of the Ancients Rite of War.


Dedicated Transport:

* A Contemptor-Victus Dreadnought Talon numbering a single Dreadnought may select a Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod or an Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport.




Revenant Veteran Squad


The title of ‘Revenant’ is one commonly associated with the Loyalist survivors of the Dropsite Massacre at Isstvan V, one which was gradually adapted by the attack cells of these ‘Shattered Legions’ to refer to the highly augmented veteran units of the Iron Hands, bands of warriors often as much machine as man, whose morbid associations only deepened as their Legion resorted to technologies beyond the more mundane cybernetic arts of the Mechanicum.


Whether survivors of the black sands of Isstvan V or subsequent bloody conflicts, Revenant veteran squads are formed from the most bitter of the Xth Legion’s veterans, each burning with hate for Horus’ turncoat soldiers. Patterned from formations which emerged in the Dropsite Massacre’s aftermath, where small cells of Iron Hands warriors would be led by one of the Legion’s scattered Terminator elite, the leaders of the Revenant march to war in Tactical Dreadnought Armour, both as a symbol of their Legion’s pride and will to endure, and as a walking simulacrum of the betrayed dead of Isstvan V.


Revenant Veteran:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 8   Sv: 2+

Revenant Warbringer:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 2+


Unit Composition:

* 4 Revenant Veterans

* 1 Revenant Warbringer


Unit Type:

* Revenant Veterans: Infantry

* Revenant Warbringer: Infantry (Character)


Wargear (Revenant Veterans):

* Artificer armour

* Bolter

* Bolt pistol

* Chainsword or chainaxe

* Frag and krak grenades


Wargear (Revenant Warbringer):

* Terminator armour*

* Combi-bolter

* Power weapon


*May be exchanged for Cataphractii Terminator Armour or Gorgon pattern Terminator Armour


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)

* Fearless

* Hatred (Traitors)

* Feel No Pain (4+)

* Unbroken



* The Revenant Veteran squad may take:

            - Up to 5 additional Revenant Veterans

* One Revenant Veteran may take a nuncio-vox

* One Revenant Veteran may carry a legion vexilla

* The entire squad may take any of the following:

- Rad grenades

- Melta bombs                                                        

* Any Revenant Veteran may exchange their bolter for a:

- Combi-bolter

- Volkite charger

            - Combi-weapon

- Volkite caliver         

* Any Revenant Veteran may exchange their chainsword or chainaxe for a:

- Heavy chainsword

- Power weapon

* For every three models in the squad, one Revenant Veteran may exchange their bolter for one of the following:

            - Graviton gun

            - Heavy bolter

            - Heavy flamer

            - Multi-melta

            - Plasma cannon

            - Volkite culverin

* The Revenant Warbringer may exchange their combi-bolter for one of the following:

            - Combi-weapon

            - Volkite charger

            - Graviton gun

            - Plasma blaster

* The Revenant Warbringer may exchange their power weapon for one of the following:

            - Power fist

            - Single lightning claw

            - Chainfist

            - Thunderhammer

* The Revenant Warbringer may take any of the following options:

            - Grenade harness

            - Cyber-familiar



This unit may not make Run moves or perform Sweeping Advances, but it gains the Relentless special rule and the Revenant Warbringer does not count as being Bulky for the purposes of Transport Capacity.


Dedicated Transport:

* The unit may take a Land Raider Phobos or Land Raider Proteus as a Dedicated Transport.




Vilifier Terminator Squad


While many Legions denigrate the legionaries of their Destroyer cadres as outcasts and failures, within the Xth Legion, such units are treated in the same manner as any other specialism, and afforded equal resources where appropriate, including access to the Legion’s stocks of Tactical Dreadnought Armour. Such Destroyer formations were even targeted for the Iron Hands first field-tests of prototype Tartatos Terminator armour, one of the few patterns of Terminator warplate developed without the direct involvement of the Xth Legion.


By the time Tartaros plate was approved for general dispatch, the Iron Hand’s Destroyers had modified these original prototypes considerably, retrofitting them with modified power systems to accommodate heavy irad-cleanser weaponry previously unseen outside the war-hosts of the Mechanicum. Labeled ‘Vilifiers’ for the reviled horrors against which their purging firepower is required, these Terminator units know neither pity or remorse, with only sterile wastelands left in their wake.  


Vilifier Terminator:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 8   Sv: 2+

Vilifier Prime:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 2+


Unit Composition:

* 4 Vilifier Terminators

* 1 Vilifier Prime


Unit Type:

* Vilifier Terminator: Infantry

* Vilifier Prime: Infantry (Character)



* Rotor cannon with bio-corrosive ammunition

* Power weapon

* Tartaros terminator armour


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)

* Stubborn

* Feel No Pain (5+)



* The Vilifier Terminator squad may take:

            - Up to 5 additional Vilifier Terminators

* Any model in the unit may exchange their rotor cannon with bio-corrosive ammunition for a:

- Irad-cleanser

* Any Vilifier Terminator may exchange their power weapon for a:

            - Single lightning claw

* For every five models in the squad, one Vilifier Terminator may exchange their rotor cannon with bio-corrosive ammunition for a:

            - Missile launcher with rad missiles (and no other type)

* The Vilifier Prime may exchange their power weapon for one of the following:

            - Power fist

            - Single lightning claw

            - Chainfist

            - Thunder hammer

* The Vilifier Prime may take up to:

            - Three phosphex bombs

* The Vilifier Prime may take a grenade harness


Dedicated Transport:

* A Vilifier Terminator squad which numbers 5 models may take a Land Raider Phobos or Land Raider Proteus as a Dedicated Transport, or a Spartan if it numbers 10 models or less.




Golem Storm Squad


When the Iron Hands cannot bring the might of their armoured hosts to bear against a foe’s mechanized divisions, be it due to intervening terrain or the enemy’s unwillingness to face them in open battle, the Golem Storm squads are dispatched to break whatever armoured constructs are arrayed against them. First envisaged to counter the Eldar Xenos’ highly mobile skimmer-tanks, which routinely conducted hit-and-run attacks against the Legion’s own armoured companies by taking advantage of hazardous topography to evade pursuit, Golem assault marines are outfitted to maximize their maneuverability to tear apart enemy armour at close range.


Bearing jump packs to avoid the fire of their enemy and close ranks with them as swiftly as possible in any terrain, the Golem Storm squads breach the hulls of enemy vehicles with meltabombs and chanfists, the latter requiring considerable cybernetic rebuild to use with any precision outside of Terminator armour.


Golem Assault Marine:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 1   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+

Golem Sergeant:   WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

* 4 Golem Assault Marines

* 1 Golem Sergeant


Unit Type:

* Golem Assault Marines: Jump Infantry

* Golem Sergeant: Jump Infantry (Character)



* Power armour

* Chainfist

* Bolt pistol

* Frag and krak grenades

* Melta bombs


Special Rules:

* Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)

* Hardened Armour

* Tank Hunters

* Iron Strike



* The Golem Storm squad may take:

            - Up to 15 additional Golem Assault Marines

* For every five models in the squad, one Golem Assault Marine may exchange their chainfist for one of the following:

            - Lascutter

            - Meltagun

            - Graviton gun with suspensor web

* The Golem Sergeant may exchange their chainfist for a:

            - Thunder hammer

* The Golem Sergeant may exchange their bolt pistol for one of the following:

            - Volkite serpenta

            - Hand flamer

            - Plasma pistol

            - Inferno pistol

* The Golem Sergeant may take any of the following:

            - Artificer armour

            - Cyber-familiar


Iron Strike:

Possessing the innate familiarity with armoured warfare attributed to every Iron Hands Legionary, the warriors numbered among the ranks of the Golem storm squads strike their foe with a hunter’s skill, and while many are inevitably torn from the skies by shrieking fire or pulverized beneath their enemy’s armoured tread, against their chosen prey, their will is inviolate.


Models with this rule automatically pass Morale checks made to prevent falling back from Tank Shocks or if they lose a round of combat against a unit with the Vehicle type. Additionally, Death or Glory attacks made by these models are resolved against a Vehicle’s side armour value rather than its front.




Sthenax Battle-Automata Maniple


A pattern of Battle-automata unique to the armories of the Iron Hands, the Sthenax is a fusion of Medusan and Martian techno-arcana, using a frame in common with the Domitar and Arlatax cybernetica to mount a number of technologies uncovered from Medusa’s most ancient machine-vaults and the Telsterax’s frozen armouries. The fruit of decades of research by the Mechanicum’s adepts at the behest of the Gorgon, the Sthenax Battle-automata are an iron-bound incarnation of the Iron Hand’s primary battle doctrine – unleashing maximal firepower at minimum range.


Deployed at the vanguard of the Xth Legion’s Battle-automata formations, every Sthenax Battle-automata is inducted into the Legion, as much a scion of Medusa as any Iron Hands Legionary, with the machine-animas of many individual automata becoming strangely unstable after the events of Isstvan V.


Sthenax:   WS: 4   BS: 4(5)   S: 7   T: 7   W: 4   I: 3   A: 3   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

* 1 Sthenax Class Battle-automata


Unit Type:

* Monstrous Creature



* Twin-linked mauler bolt-cannon

* Two Sthenax Helblades

* Atomantic shielding

* Rad furnace

* Searchlight


Special Rules:

* Cybernetica Cortex

* Reactor Blast

* It Will Not Die

* Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)



* The unit may include:

            - Up to four additional Sthenax Class Battle-automata

* Any Battle-automata in the Maniple may exchange their twin-linked mauler bolt cannon for one of the following:

            - Twin-linked volkite culverin

            - Twin-linked plasma cannon

            - Twin-linked conversion beamer

            - Twin-linked graviton imploder

* Any Battle-automata in the Maniple may be given any of the following options – all Battle-automata in the Maniple must have the same upgrade:

            - Frag grenades

            - Enhanced targeting array


Sthenax Helblade:

Adapted from archaeotech weapons borne by the machine-horrors which haunt Medusa’s deepest techno-vaults, the ‘Helblades’ of the Sthenax require a potent energy source and suffer from considerable radiation bleed, drawbacks clearly mitigated in the eyes of the Iron Fathers by the volatile energy fields they project. Unlike any technology among the Mechanicum’s machine-canon, save perhaps the mighty tempest warblades of the Cerastus Knight-Castigators, these energy fields can combust organic matter and melt steel, making a mockery of any protection afforded by conventional armour. This weapon has two profiles, one which is used as a shooting attack and once which is used in the Assault phase.


Sthenax Helblade (Assault):    Range: -   Str: User   AP: 2   Type: Melee, Deflagrate, Rad-phage


Sthenax Helblade (Shooting):    Range: 15”   Str: 7   AP: 5   Type: Heavy D3, Deflagrate, Rad-phage,

Gets Hot


Legion Automata:

A Sthenax Battle-automata Maniple may be selected by an Iron Hands Praevian Consul instead of a Castellax or Vorax Battle-automata Maniple under the Master of Cybernetica rule, to which all of the provisions of this rule apply.



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Iron Hands Fanatic, on 12 Apr 2017 - 01:05 AM, said:


Dang man, that's awesome - I really need to do some more illustrations of the Seraph, they were great fun

Really looking forward to your results with Julius, you planning on using the rules I made for him too?


Yes! You do need to draw some more EC stuff! I could make the next one stood atop one of those nice new Iron Hands!!

I will definitely use the rules for Julius, I've also acquired some bits for this guy....


So another one shall come to life, will have a little more freedom with modelling this guy.

Edited by Lord Commander Eidolon
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Great, now I want to play Iron Hands :tongue.:


.......we drop moons on World Eater recruitment planets? :yes:


Iron Hands Fanatic, on 12 Apr 2017 - 01:05 AM, said:


Dang man, that's awesome - I really need to do some more illustrations of the Seraph, they were great fun

Really looking forward to your results with Julius, you planning on using the rules I made for him too?


Yes! You do need to draw some more EC stuff! I could make the next one stood atop one of those nice new Iron Hands!!


I will definitely use the rules for Julius, I've also acquired some bits for this guy....




So another one shall come to life, will have a little more freedom with modelling this guy.


So many illustration ideas, so little time...


Oh rad, hadn't thought about Cephas in a while - I've kinda gone off designing home-brew characters without an in-Universe identity, but I've always liked the idea I had for Cephas - something that might be useful is that I've always imagined him with a head based off this

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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