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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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Tremendous activity in the camp of the Guard! Loads of updates and completions going on... 


@ Cod: Beautifully made, a great and weird coloration too! Suffice to say the blast is a blast! :D congratulations Cod... Refill?


@ Ulrik: The first participant to reach 5 vows this year - and he comes from the ranks of the Guard! Congratulations, you have added a solid 985 pts to your faction! Now sit back and enjoy the event, until you receive your Custos Fidei! 


Now any chance for new recruits while there is still time? 








I now have PVA, string, cigarette packet foil, tissue paper, medical gauze, kneadatite, wire mesh, US modern stowage, Ally WWII stowage, Panzer IV equipment, enough fuel drums and jerry cans to make a Munitorum Clerk jealous, brass etch Leopard stowage bins, a Baneblade and a free weekend. Hopefully the end result of this will be a super heavy that looks like it's just rampaged through a camping supplies shop.


@ Captain Semper - it's spelt cannon fodder, not recruits.

I hope you didn't glue the shell on, it makes it difficult to paint. Next knight I get, I'll be painting as I build, it'll make it easier. Good luck with that knight Ldorte. I hope it turns out the way you want. 


I'm here if you need any help. 


Mehman posted this link earlier but I'll repost it here since you might find it useful:



Get your munitorum issue pompoms out Ulrik, your job isn't done until we pass the finishing line msn-wink.gif Keep up the good work comrades, once the Emperor's Hammer starts everything becomes a nail! laugh.png I managed to get some progress in tonight, sadly not enough to complete but I've only got a few last bits remaining so next chance I get over the weekend I'll surely complete.


Not a great picture but it shoes all the bits smile.png I managed to get a couple of better close ups which I'll post in my main topic. Onwards and upwards, glory waits for none! thumbsup.gif

Get your munitorum issue pompoms out Ulrik, your job isn't done until we pass the finishing line msn-wink.gif

Nah, the munitorum didn't issue me any pom poms. I came back after crossing the finish line, I'm running with you motivating all the time (that's how we did it in the Air Force, that's how the Army does it, and by God that's how the Guard does it!).

Update: Vendetta 1 Complete

Piloted by Major Paolo "Gut Punch" Kripki




Excellent work Wulfgar! What did you use for your lascannons? I used spare bits from my other valk kit and the lascannon turret bits from a couple of razorback kits. I really like the Pilot, sounds like my kind of guy, though, I'm more a throat punch sort of dude myself...


Got a name in mind for the Bird?


My Vendetta is Dirty Deeds (done dirt cheap)

My Valkyrie is Danger Close Delivery


Vendetta Last Act of Defiance (planned) and Valkyrie Special Nighttime Service (planned) will arrive as soon as I can raise the funds for them. 


Everyone Keep up the good work, do us proud and don't let up, lets finish strong!


Out Front!

And now I'm out of likes ohmy.png!

It's the curse of the ETL, I'm waiting for mine to recharge too laugh.png

Great work Wulfgar, the weathering is just right on the grey keep it up :tu: Not that long until the doors close for new entrants - you must get your first vow declared (not finished) by the 1st of June in order to continue. Are there any more brave comrades who will answer the call of duty? The Veteran company needs new recruits ;)

Yu would think that the ones in charge of B&C(blessed be their names and such) would be nice to up the likes limit during ETL. I ran out of likes the other day for the first time and thought "Wow they really do go quick". lol


Edit: Oops forgot what thread  this is. :lol: Really cool Valk Wulfgar I like the name. Does your pilot Kripki happen to have a speech impediment? hehe 

@ Ulrik_Ironfist I'm not sure what sprue the bits came from, they all came in a grab bag. If I had to venture a guess I would say they came out of the storm raven kit, but that is purely a guess. I haven't thought of a name yet. I'm working on vendetta #2 today so maybe I'll feel inspired. 

Outstanding, I hope it comes out looking good like the first one. I feel that the second one always looks better than the first, since with the first one you're still getting warmed up, haven't ironed out the process yet, and shaking off the cobwebs! 


I look forward to seeing all of you finishing your vows! 



@ Ulrik: The first participant to reach 5 vows this year - and he comes from the ranks of the Guard! Congratulations, you have added a solid 985 pts to your faction! Now sit back and enjoy the event, until you receive your Custos Fidei! 



Reread that bit, does that mean I was the first one on all of the B&C to finish all 5 vows? If so, I feel really accomplished for having done my part! I think the Guard deserves a few pallets of the good rations for that (I'd have said Cake, or pie [mmmm, pie....], but the commissariat would just confiscate it, deeming it heresy, and the workings of slaanesh...). 




@ Ulrik: The first participant to reach 5 vows this year - and he comes from the ranks of the Guard! Congratulations, you have added a solid 985 pts to your faction! Now sit back and enjoy the event, until you receive your Custos Fidei!


Reread that bit, does that mean I was the first one on all of the B&C to finish all 5 vows? If so, I feel really accomplished for having done my part! I think the Guard deserves a few pallets of the good rations for that (I'd have said Cake, or pie [mmmm, pie....], but the commissariat would just confiscate it, deeming it heresy, and the workings of slaanesh...).

Nah ... They'd insist it needed checking out before being handed out to the troops.


Every time that happens they seem to need more and more tests until all of it's gone. They keep mentioning it's for our own good whatever that means.

Vendetta #2 Complete

Piloted by CPT Victor "Tank" Sherman




Group Shot:


@Ulrik and @Cod

They look great and 5 vows completed!! BY THE EMPEROR! That's fast.


I feel bad for just showing another WIP. Just filling in the humongous gaps that GW decided to leave behind with some styrene rods. Hoping to get a layer of paint on the three tomorrow.

IMG 4638

Hey, Vampyre, don't feel bad. You're working with resin on a superheavy tank. The only reason I got my superheavy done so fast is that walkers have relatively little that needs to be painted. 


You're also building and filling and taking care to ensure the thing goes together,  whereas my stuff was already built and primed. All I had to do was put color on it. 


Keep it up, I know you'll get this done, and it will look amazing with all the care you're putting in to it, so keep driving onward! We're the Guard, Forward! FOR THE EMPEROR!

Pask Complete! I had intended to just start on him tonight and I got into a rhythm and I was able to finish!




Wulfgar, that's exactly what I did. When I sit down to paint, I put on a playlist and pour myself a beer, and start to work! 




Excellent work on the Punisher Pask! Looks great. How close does this put you to having the vow complete?


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