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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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Progress Report

Due to unforeseen supernatural attention, my ETL vow is going a bit on the quick side of things happy.png. If not the Emperor's fault then who should I thank for this serendipitous occasion? The armour, all of it, has been painted to completion except for the metal trim which is going as planned. A new idea has occurred to me and has been implemented for the Freeblade Knight. Stroke of genius? I think not- for only the Emperor gives that which is good and holy.

My search today is for inspiration on Ancient Terran Arabian Knights...

Ah ha done it at last my vow is finished but I am posting a few step by step pics. I enjoyed this model a lot and it brought back to my why painting is so much fun. Its great to see something going from the first picture to the final three and that sense of achievement you feel at the end of a long painting session. SO with this post I declare my vow complete. Please stand by for a re-vow.
Azza ,out.

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Ah ha done it at last my vow is finished but I am posting a few step by step pics. I enjoyed this model a lot and it brought back to my why painting is so much fun. Its great to see something going from the first picture to the final three and that sense of achievement you feel at the end of a long painting session. SO with this post I declare my vow complete. Please stand by for a re-vow.


Azza ,out.







And you've already finished your first vow!!! :D

Painting question:


I thought that acrylic paints and airbrush thinner were fine with an airbrush, but dude at hobby shop says that is bad and I should use just airbrush paints. Does anyone have experience with it? I would much prefer to just use the same acrylics I use for the soldiers for the vehicles.

The pigments in airbrush paints tend to be ground up finer than the regular paints. So you may find you need a slightly larger needle. Some acrylics will require something as big as a 0.5 needle.


I've got a 0.35 needle and find it works well for undercoating, basecoating and general use. Not really tried fine detailing with it but from what a local experienced airbrush enthusiast was showing me the size I have got will work well. He uses the 0.5 for under/basecoating and 0.3 for detail.

My experience with airbrushing has been hit or miss. I find that GW paints are less than ideal in an airbrush since the latex acrylic base tends to dry out quickly, and clog up the nozzle. Now maybe I'm not thinning enough, or using the proper thinner, or indeed, using the proper diameter nozzle, but my air brush is rather basic. I tent do stick with the brush, I might need to invest in an airbrush if I keep collecting at this rate...

My experience with airbrushing has been hit or miss. I find that GW paints are less than ideal in an airbrush since the latex acrylic base tends to dry out quickly, and clog up the nozzle. Now maybe I'm not thinning enough, or using the proper thinner, or indeed, using the proper diameter nozzle, but my air brush is rather basic. I tent do stick with the brush, I might need to invest in an airbrush if I keep collecting at this rate...

Use an airbrush thinner like the Vallejo one and it shouldn't be an issue. I tend to do a 50:50 mix and low pressure maybe around 10 psi. If you mix it to the recommended 1:10 then the pressure needs to be up around the 25 psi.

Progress Report


Basecoat on the metal trimming is almost complete. Another shoulder pauldron and the little bit on the carapace should finish it off. Then a shade and a quick highlight and... by the Emperor... this ETL vow will be complete! And- no, no it won't be. I forgot about the face plate, neck guard, and tilting shield.

Talking about the face plate and neck guard, ponder on this. This particular Imperial Knight was, for the most part, forced to leave his household, thus earning him fancy Freeblade status. He wanted to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies so he coloured his right hand, er, Thermal Cannon with shield, red. Get it? He's the Red Right Hand of the Emperor? Nothing? You illiterate masses expect me to explain to you my jokes? Never mind. You'll all get there one day.

His other thought was to bring to life the image of the Djinn, a desert spirit whose tale has been told since Ancient Terran times. To best represent the fierce spirit in his corporeal form, the Knight has been painted in the colour of an Ancient Terran sand desert. Now, on to the question: should the Knight's face plate and neck guard be painted like a turban, a ward of physical and spiritual importance that harkens back all those many years? Actually, yes, it should be painted as such. What colour do you think it should be based on my colour scheme as seen above? I was thinking black for a myriad of reasons.

Remember: there are no wrong answers but you can be incorrect msn-wink.gif!


Talking about the face plate and neck guard, ponder on this. This particular Imperial Knight was, for the most part, forced to leave his household, thus earning him fancy Freeblade status. He wanted to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies so he coloured his right hand, er, Thermal Cannon with shield, red. Get it? He's the Red Right Hand of the Emperor? Nothing? You illiterate masses expect me to explain to you my jokes? Never mind. You'll all get there one day.



Paradise Lost. Cool image...



I got three vallejo acrylic paints to be my main paints because they achieve the more realistic tone camouflage I am going for with my guys.  The paints are the German Grey (very dark), German Orange Ochre (orange...), and German Pale Brown.


The "German Orange Ochre" is absolutely nothing like the examples or tabs I have seen on the internet, which is a drab, dim, dark-orange color used in the Oak Leaf camo.  I painted the lasgun with this color and the thing is solidly yellow.  Not like orangey-yellow - it's straight-up Imperial Fists Yellow.  I thought "maybe it will dry differently..." but it didn't.  And I have two bottles and they look exactly the same.


I'm totally lost here.



That is disappointing Pudel, will you be getting different paints? It's important to get the right ones from the start.


Looks like the ETL rumbles ever onwards. Or maybe that's just all the super-heavies? We're doing well still but we need to up our game! We're at the sweet spot of there still being quite a bit of time left so we should make the most out of that and press on to get more stuff done if possible. Returning for the additional glory of another vow is essential for victory and better to do it now than later!


What matters most is completions of course, so that should always be the primary concern. Incomplete models do nobody any good :P I'm aiming to have the bulk of my Stormsword done by the end of this week, leaving the final details for short painting sessions in the following evenings. If all goes to plan I'm confident I'll have the time to complete my Knight to my planned level too :tu:


So onwards and upwards comrades, there is a victory here in the making but only if we want it!

@Pudelhund- Getting the right colour is tricky sometimes. Maybe try a red shade over the yellow? I'm not real sure what to do here. Barring mixing paints (which you shouldn't have to do in this case), shake the hell out of it for a few minutes and see if that helps. I've had to do that a lot with my bronze paints.


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