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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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Cool. I'm going on a three day boar hunting trip in an hour, so hopefully the stencils will arrive from Anarchy Models when I get back. I have a lot of tanks to do.

Ah man...so jelly right now... dry.png

Have fun and stay safe, but, most importantly, drag home something bigger than yourself laugh.png!

Sorry I haven't been posting any updates lately guys! Between work ramping up hard and a starting a league up in the store I haven't had much free time for painting. Hoping to get a good bit done this week in order to complete my vow. :)

"A thick grey film"? It could have been that you sprayed him when it was too humid outside. Usually by re-spraying him it can take that grey layer away.


There really isn't anything wrong with your scheme. Remember, you will possibly be painting quite a few of these guys over time. The easier the scheme, the quicker the turn around.


OK, I'm posting TEST GUARDSMAN #4.  It looked a lot better ten minutes ago, before I decided to be a dumbass and spray PURITY SEAL on him.  I think I did too much because it gutted most of the detail on the model and a lot of places have this thick grey film.  Not sure how to fix that.  Otherwise, what do you guys think of the scheme in general?  Any tips?  I went back to Citadel with Dryad Bark armor, Steel Legion Drab fatigues, and Deathclaw Brown for the lasgun.  I'm thinking I may do some kind of camo over the fatigues and then just make the lasgun black.




As for my two-week-late-vow. It's coming along fine now. Was having some construction issues here at home. Expecting the three amigos to be completed before the weekend.

An excellent set of completions, that's a great start to my week! biggrin.png Well done comrades, great work and progress, keep it up! When it comes to the Guard it's just the quiet before the (artillery) storm msn-wink.gif It is the weak who must shore themselves up with empty words - the Guard deal in action. What can words do compared to the holy thunder of Deathstrikes for example?

@Captain Baranov, great to see some Vostroyans in here! Grats on finishing the vow!

@Gunmonkey88, sweet Valkyrie! I know how much of a project those models can be so it's great to see one completed so efficiently!

@Pudelhund, don't give up, man! Little issues with test models are to be expected; you should see my first Guardsman from last year's IG project. ph34r.png

I Sinthos117 rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 8 Rough Riders from Codex: Imperial Guard of total value 88 pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the regiment and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.







You might notice that they look a little.... chaotic.  And old, very old.  I give you Chaos Renegades, purposed for the Glory of the Emperor for use as rough riders.  Any problems with WYSIWYG is generally dealt with rule of cool, and a sock full of metal models.  Enjoy!


Anyone got tips on stripping with simple green? What concentration should I use, as I'm really doing this for the first time.

If it works like fairy power spray 100% concentration.


Pretty much the same stuff, how long?


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