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+++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - May: Supporting the ETL +++


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Heavy flamer squad done and with it, my vow!



And since I still have half a month left I´ll pledge a Land raider phobos and two raipier crewmen as well. Everyone´s making great progress by the looks of is, if we keep painting like this we´ll not only win the ETL with most completed pledges but also with best painted pledges! Although I don´t think there´s a award for that.. tongue.png

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Second Vow complete - let's go for the brass ring here. I stated it in the ETL post, but my PC got hit by a bad windows update install, so I can only run it in safe mode atm, took a minute to get that back even. Till I fix that I'm not gonna be 100% for getting materials between my phone and the PC, so I can't update any of my external sources with my high res pics. I'll get those done in my imgur folders later this month.


First off, yeah, Deredeo's based.




Let's drop it all on the table. Two dual CCW contemptors, and a Dual TL Lascannon Contemptor-Mortis for my follow-up pledge. All three were in the assembly last month, however one CCW and the Mortis didn't have it's weapons. Dunno if that counted or not. See ya in a few days with more pics.

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Excellent work team. I'm not finished yet, but there has been progress on my sicaran. Here a couple of progrees shots from the weekend!




Mid-way through Saturday




Early am on Sunday

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@jeremy...all looking good mate...cant argue with the weapon ;-)


@Richmarine... Looking forward to seeing the weathering on that beast...superb work so far!


@frozenfoods...2 contemptors! Look sweet mate...lovely work :-)


@Kor'Vesh... Well done mate! Stunning progress...was worried you wouldnt make it this month lol...again, great stuff!

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Thanks mortis... I was worried myself! Just started a new job and time isn't as free as I'd like. I'll keep chipping away at the tank this week and hopefully finish it next monday!


Excellent destroyers Dantioch. I love the guy with the two down ward pointing pistols - looks like he is just about to eject both of his clips.


Slips - I love the deredo - the black and yellow halves are very cool.


Twisty - a XVIIIth legion inspiration. You keep making me look bad brother (and I'm glad about it!)


Frozenfoods - Awesome progress mate, you have increased my desire to build my contemptor, its next up!

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Thanks mortis... I was worried myself! Just started a new job and time isn't as free as I'd like. I'll keep chipping away at the tank this week and hopefully finish it next monday!


Excellent destroyers Dantioch. I love the guy with the two down ward pointing pistols - looks like he is just about to eject both of his clips.


Slips - I love the deredo - the black and yellow halves are very cool.


Twisty - a XVIIIth legion inspiration. You keep making me look bad brother (and I'm glad about it!)


Frozenfoods - Awesome progress mate, you have increased my desire to build my contemptor, its next up!

Mostly tried to do that Star Cluster Heraldry as talked about in Extermination for the 356th Company!

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Kor'vesh: Love the Sicaran. Keep up the work, finish it. Remeber: I AM FIRE! I AM DEATH!

Dantioch: lovely Destroyers. Almost makes me want to do a unit of my own.

Also, there's some progress on my own pledge. Mm paintingtime



I mean


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*Drop pods in*


Guess who! How's everyone getting on? The models are looking fantastic as usual! Apologies for vanishing for the last couple of months, but finishing my dissertation and degree stole all my time. Rest assured that I will be participating next month and will be bringing honour to the XVIII and XIX legions once again!

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Looking good slips, another nice completion!


Raktra - glad you are progressing too fella. Always nice to see your red armed boys, especially after your great work on Erebus!


Lanky - No problem, as its a delivery problem I'll just discount the points for missing weapons, but still hold the vow complete.


Hydra - Yes, I'll switch you to the traitor team. Check I've done it on my next update though, I've been focussing on my painting rather than book keeping so might make a mistake or two next time!


Castiel - glad you are back, and I hope the degree ended well! Are you interested (or already involved) in the ETL? Remember you need to pledge there before the end of May. Would be lovely to have you involved there too!



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You pledge to paint some stuff and then the points value of what you complete goes into the pot for the forum and we compete against the rest of the forum. Only completed vows count and if you do other pledges and do not complete them then all your previous vows don't count and the forum loses the points. 

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Can someone briefly explain how the ETL works? You all know what I'm like with painting, I don't want to pledge and not follow through if it counts for something...


It works a little something like this:

  • You make a vow in the strategium, promising to paint models by the 1st of August, including what said models are, what they are equipped with, and what the total cost would be.
  • You paint said models with a minimum of three colours, although preferably you should be painting to your usual standard, if not better.
  • You include pictures at the start to prove the models are at the most in the early stages of painting (primed with a base coat on is how I interpret that).
  • You include pictures at the end when you declare the vow complete.
  • Your completed vow has it's points added to the forum total.


Short of checking the rules for the ETL specifically, any questions? 

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