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+++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - May: Supporting the ETL +++


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Thanks, I think it went ok. Hmm, not got a pledge in for ETL yet. I'll have a think about what I can complete and get on with that soon.


If you're on the fence about it - pledge something small. That way you can do something relatively easy and still be eligible for further vows at a later point (the recruiting window closes at the end of May). Maybe a character or something?

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Thanks, I think it went ok. Hmm, not got a pledge in for ETL yet. I'll have a think about what I can complete and get on with that soon.

If you're on the fence about it - pledge something small. That way you can do something relatively easy and still be eligible for further vows at a later point (the recruiting window closes at the end of May). Maybe a character or something?

Oh I'm definitely vowing, just need to figure out what I have that I can pledge. tongue.png Might have to consider trying to reassemble that Spartan....

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Ok, vow is up. Going to only pledge one model this month for this thread seeing as I'm away for a week starting on Thursday (at 4am *groan*), but the 10 Pyroclasts will follow next month.


So, without further ado.


I, Castiel, now being of unemployed status and with some time on my hands, do pledge to paint one Librarian for the XVIII Legion Astartes, the Salamanders.

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Stunning progress from everyone this month guys - I've just been running the numbers so here is a quick update for you all.




Pledged score = 237.5

Score = 44.5

Percentage completion rate = 18.4%

Completed vows = 4* - Raktra, Atia, StruManChu and Dantioch -  *with one completed and risked by Chaplain Mortis




Pledged score = 553.75

Score = 375.25

Percentage completion rate = 67.77%

Completed vows = 4* - Twisty, The Hydra and Alpharius Omegron with 2 huges vows - *and eight further vows completed and risked by Nevindar, Frozenfoods (2), ROBOcaster, Mind of Metal (3) and jeremy1391


I've got to run, but I'll add some more comments later. Keep it up Loyalists, Traitors, lets see some accelerated painting!

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Things are looking bleak for me brothers (and at least one sister that I'm aware of). I underestimated the time I've spent away from home this month. There's still a chance I can pull something together next week but it may fall short of the net pledge for this month. sad.png

I still cling to fulfilling the ETL pledge so more to pile on for next month anyway.

I'll include my penitent badges in my carry on luggage just in case. ermm.gif

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Thanks Mortis. The job is going well thanks, I'm pretty happy so far. You Cataphracti are stunning sir. Very impressive effort as ever. You nudged the traitors up to 54.5 points, and a completion rate of 22.95%.


Overall things are going great this month guys, but most of our success so far has been driven by a few big and reliable performers. Chaplain Mortis, Atia and Dantioch account for over half of the traitor points between them, while for the loyalists AO108 has secured a inhuman 215 points all by himself. This really is an amazing effort, and he has been well supported by the ever productive jeremy, who has so far completed 51 points worth of work, Frozenfoods with 28 points, and both Mind of Metal and Twisty with 21 points each.


The rest of us probably have some work to do!

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Damn, some nice updates here these past days. Love those cataphractii Mortis.

Funny you should mention some work Kor'Vesh... 


Well, having been without internet for...well it feels like months but everyone knows months = a day or so in no-internet-connection-time...

WIP time!





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Nice progress Nevindar - you are more than pulling you weight!


So what is the plan behind your new rhino patterns? Have you got some sketches for them, or background? Is it just a fun way to revamp some old models. Your work so far looks cool, and I want to know more!

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Chaplain Mortis- LOVE yer cataphracti

me... I finished the body for my deredero this eve...hope to straighten out the guns tomorrow- as long as fixing the float valve in the toilet doesn't take too long in the morn I should be able to get them long and prime them for painting tomorrow eve.


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Kor'Vesh: I have some fluff in mind for the rhino. Was thinking of posting it with the finished minis at the end of the month. The rhino on that photo is my "sketch" really. A proof of concept more or less. It's a fun project for sure!



And Rage of Khorn... way to upstage my WIP there mate! Looks sweet though!

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