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Thinking about my Knight House and collecting art, which will serve as inspiration and concept art. I am listening to Blind Guardian to get that mystic fantasy feel, Ensiferum for that epic feel and Powerwolf for maximum amount of ZEAL.

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Drew up plans for a tech priest dominus. Gonna throw him on a base with books, data cards, destroyed drones, and the like. Gonna give him a few more servo arms lifting the books and drones, and scanning them. 


also drafted up my admech color scheme. Gonna go with with Bronze/brown for shoulders and cloaks, and gonna go with white for trims and body armor. Still figuring out metal colors; i'm torn between Bronze and SiIver. Maybe i'll do both to define out units. 


Also ordered two packs of kastelan robots. Only really want 3 bots as i can't see any way i'll ever field 4, but the other parts will be great for making other things.

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Drew up plans for a tech priest dominus. Gonna throw him on a base with books, data cards, destroyed drones, and the like. Gonna give him a few more servo arms lifting the books and drones, and scanning them.

I can't wait to see this!


It's only 9:30am but I've already been at work adding the final touches to my infiltrators.

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Thinking about my Knight House and collecting art, which will serve as inspiration and concept art. I am listening to Blind Guardian to get that mystic fantasy feel, Ensiferum for that epic feel and Powerwolf for maximum amount of ZEAL.

Not heard of any of those but they sound like I will like them. Being German I'm sure you have good metally /fantasy music taste (y)

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Both Blind Guardian and Powerwolf are German Power Metal bands. In my opinion the best Powermetal comes from Germany. BG is very fantasy based with lyrics about LotR, fairy tales but also Crusades and old sagas like the Hildebrand Lied.

Powerwolf is going after a strong religious feel and gothic horror atmosphere with werewolves and religious zealots being a common theme. Some concepts are simply genius. It generates a lot of Zeal.

Ensiferum is a nordic Powermetal band with emphasis on epic tales and nordic sagas... Did I mention I like Power Metal? :D


Anyway, today I finished the AdMech recruitment thread :D

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Alright, wasn't sure spoiling this was a good idea, but I managed to seriously hype myself and got overexcited! :)


With my semester ending in just short of 2 weeks and I envisioning /some/ available time afterwards, I've started to collect resources (mostly from the enhanced iBook Imperial Knights Codex) to start work soon on an IK painter...


Hopefully my Java's up to the task...

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I have a squad of rangers and vanguard done and started my last vanguard unit but.....I think I got a pinched nerve in my back and sitting is pretty terrible lol hope to get back soon as the new knight warden I have is staring at me me lol
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Today I ordered parts to build v2.0 of my Princeps in amniotic casket.  I also have a kitbashed (Servo-)Skull of the Elder Nikola waiting to be primed.  They should prove to be good rewards/distractions to take a break from my Warlord at some point.

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I have finished my first 5 man vanguard squad and I must say it would pay to be patient and paint the pieces separately first. that cloak is just a pain in the arse, especially with Graia's colorcheme. will post pictures soon, as I think I did a fairly good tabletop job on them.

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Yes, but I'm still at a loss for which color to go with? I don't want to do the standard Martian Red, I'd like to do something with a gritty hive city vibe...

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I've been mostly building, rather than painting recently, but my Knight Paladin is close to standing on his own (with exo-skeleton painted) and my Infiltrators are undercoated.


Anyone just picking some colours they fancy painting for their IK and not worrying too much about affiliation? I want to go with sky blue and dark green, but it doesn't really match a house.

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