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Nice looking Onagar there!


I managed to unpackage and assemble the Kastelan robots today. They come in a ton of pieces and it took hours, well worth it though!



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Almost done with Knight base. Last few roots need to be modelled and corrections with liquid GS. Then I can finally base coat it. Hm three days of work on it when counting together. Could've done it in one or two if I wasn't so damn lazy after I come home :D
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Almost done with Knight base. Last few roots need to be modelled and corrections with liquid GS. Then I can finally base coat it. Hm three days of work on it when counting together. Could've done it in one or two if I wasn't so damn lazy after I come home biggrin.png

LOL laugh.png Considering your young,no wife and kids...So yeah... your Damn Lazy kid ! tongue.png


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Almost done with Knight base. Last few roots need to be modelled and corrections with liquid GS. Then I can finally base coat it. Hm three days of work on it when counting together. Could've done it in one or two if I wasn't so damn lazy after I come home biggrin.png

LOL laugh.png Considering your young,no wife and kids...So yeah... your Damn Lazy kid ! tongue.png


Well, after I am done with Uni, all the extra stuff including organizing big events at said unit and done my daily training routine (training for the Ironman at some point in time), all I want to do is get me a nice herbal tea and do nothing tongue.png

But yes, I need to work on myself in that regard. You are perfectly right (no sarcarm) msn-wink.gif

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Almost done with Knight base. Last few roots need to be modelled and corrections with liquid GS. Then I can finally base coat it. Hm three days of work on it when counting together. Could've done it in one or two if I wasn't so damn lazy after I come home biggrin.png

LOL laugh.png Considering your young,no wife and kids...So yeah... your Damn Lazy kid ! tongue.png


Hey. I still find time for painting despite going to my girlfriends every week, and she is on the other side of my state! :P

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The tech priest dominus had a few broken kastelans. They are notorious to repair, and over time with enough of a beat they are just unsavable.


Thankfully, Domi was particularly resoursefull and believefully in reduce, recycle, reuse. Fledgling tech priest who proved themselve truely devoted could take on the task of returning a kasteslan to full functionality in a more...... heads on approach.


The tech priest would be refitted with a new body and minimal life support. Just enough to continue brain function. The tech priest would then have to speak to the machine gods to intigrate every circuit with the machine. Once The Functionality of the kastelan was restored the tech priest mind would be repressed, and only allowed to surface to enjoy the collect of new data post battle, and then be repressed until the kastelan was need in battle again.


If the Kastelan Priest should ever suffer long term separation from the Dominus or His Data smith handler. His mind will be brought to the surface to fix the situation and mount his rescuse, and to recover any data. This is the greatest honor a fledgling tech priest could be bestowed, and it is said these Kastelan Priest might live long enough to see the machine god in all it's glory.


Haha!! still working on the wiring to make the suit look more connected to the end. Man making small little tube is tough as nails.

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ISP outage last night made me get the majority of washes and early highlighting done on my Vanguard. Gonna shoot to get them done before Sunday. biggrin.png

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I don't know if I have the mental fortitude to actually make a start today, since I have to leave for work in less than two hours, but I made a pilgrimage to the Games Workshop store in Sydney today and picked up the paints I need for the armour and robes of my Agripinaa Skitarii. I'll get the rest for the weapons and the details when I next get paid.

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Almost done with Knight base. Last few roots need to be modelled and corrections with liquid GS. Then I can finally base coat it. Hm three days of work on it when counting together. Could've done it in one or two if I wasn't so damn lazy after I come home biggrin.png

LOL laugh.png Considering your young,no wife and kids...So yeah... your Damn Lazy kid ! tongue.png


Well, after I am done with Uni, all the extra stuff including organizing big events at said unit and done my daily training routine (training for the Ironman at some point in time), all I want to do is get me a nice herbal tea and do nothing tongue.png

But yes, I need to work on myself in that regard. You are perfectly right (no sarcarm) msn-wink.gif

Well at least your hard working and diligent to your body as well as your mind thumbsup.gif and you recognize fault in yourself....you are destined for greatness if you continue to follow this path (no sarcasm here either) msn-wink.gif

and i'm glad you drink tea!


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@ Mithril - Yes, tea is the best. I used to drink coffee but then I've spent a few years in the UK, speaking the Queen's own English, I somehow became a tea person. Although I drink exclusively herbal stuff, because I am a hippie like that :D I haz da druid drink :O
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Hm. While I will finish my ETL Knight, I will probably sell it and all my other Knights soon after. I live in the wrong country. So yeah, some German TOs have indeed reacted to the new IK book. They have explicitly banned it. Seriously, this :cussing country does everything to sabotage my 40k dreams. :cuss it man, why bother even continuing with this stupid :cuss anyway...

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No, they just ban Stronghold Assault, most Formations, Super-Heavies, Gargantuans and limit you to CAD or Codex Detachment + Allied/INQ/LotD. So yeah, if anyone is interested in a few pro-painted Knights, I might get rid of them when they are done.

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Have you considered organizing your own tournament where people actually play 40k?


I do not have the means to do so. Besides, small scale tournaments do not interest me. Either it had national relevance or I am not interested. But by the looks of it 'national relevance' in Germany still means Necrons, Scars and Eldar anyway. Way to go. And to think that I was considering to enter their ETC team...

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Save them for that SA tournament Morticon went to msn-wink.gif

Well, that is the last thing that remains then, isn't it. SA, UK and maybe US once a in a while. But now I will have to ask the question whether it is worth all the hassle. Jumping through so many hoops just to be able to field them? I barely have money as it stands and financing trips across the world just to do what others can do in their own country around the corner?

Bloody hell, I have saved money to fervently. I skipped on other conveniences just so I could get an IK with the book on release and other pieces just to be able to field a Knight army with men at arms supporting it. But my enthusiasm is no match for the dogmatic German mentality. It's all dead weight now.

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Odd that they would just outright ban Imperial Knights. Sure, I am not a fan of Superheavies myself, but they are hardly the most strongest thing that is around these days. *cough wraithknight, cough*


I also don't get the knee-jerk against multiple detachments/unbound. It's not like you can't get a broken list simpely following the set limits.

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@Immersturm That sucks man sorry to hear that. So what is it about fun that tournaments are so afraid of? I never played one but if I did I would like to be able to bring the army I want within the set points, play it, either win or lose, and leave knowing I at least played a good fun game.

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