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Group of Imperial Ocupation Forces Germanica, the Fulda Inci

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Later imperial campaings had been extensively documented, as feats of courage and will against the heretic, the mutant and the secessionist, and as such, we recomend to the reader the deep and rich studies made by Leonid Biota and the remembrarces of such campaigns.

Shadowed by the sheer magnitud of the Sabbat campaings, the not so minor endevour of preserving order of his most Divine Magesty Imperium, as in the Germanica System; teaches us, how planetary idiosincratic ambitions can lead the to the vile act of cavortig whit the ruinos powers.

This, is a documented memory of the untis involved in the pacification of a sector named the Fulda Gap by the imperium in the germanica campaing.

In game terms; this is the buildig and the painting of my I.G. and associated forces of the imperium (AsMilit, Armoured Battlegroup, SoB, Tempestus ADMech, Knights, =I= and SM )

The plan is to make a "core" 2000 points army and 11!!! variations based on this "core" (the idea is to make varaiety and challenge -by playing a random list- as to model and convert)

Our first Objective in the master plan is to build one of all the codex choices in the Astra Militarum Codex, so we will be working in the 1 HQ 1 Troop, 1 Heavy 1 Elite 1 Fast Attack and one "allied" choice order.

Experience will tell how do the alternatives will shape.

Until Then Gentlemen.

Development of the Ursus Russ
(coloured photos for extra 1989 drama)
now to find all the second han alpha-pattern hulls that are dispersed in the world.. just like and ADMech quest....

1. Theoretical Order; the basic list.
2. HQ and Tanks.
3. Of veterans and infantry.
4. The issue of chimeras.
5. Camouflage survey
As always your feedback and input are greatly appreciated.
1. Theoretical Order:
There are activities that compete fiercely to be the center of my attention ; being married, having two children, being a public servant, being fencing master and practitioner of HEMA ( rapier and longsword ) makes me see the WH 40k as a pleasant escape, this is far cry from my younger years where my intention was to play in the most competitive and destructive way possible; however, I can not justify fielding a list that is a risk or a disadvantage for me and les justifiable is as an army that does not carry a theme.
I do my best to keep a balance between all these ideas. – I think -
I've had a few games in 7th edition; the first was chronicled here and some pony marines moped the floor with me; the second game was and last week and I returned the favor  -as soon they can share this video in our native language-
The list I'm playing with is this:
----- Primary detachment -----
--- HQ ---
-Tank Commander.
 Leman Russ Exterminator.
 Multimelta Sponsons.
 Leman Russ Exterminator.
 Multimelta Sponsons.
This unit is meant to face medium armor values, hence the multimeltas, as a secondary role it can face medium infantry and has a tertiary role as an emergency AA unit (snapshots with twin liked autocannons shots) 
--- TROOPS ---
 3 plasma rifles
 3 plasma rifles
Versatile and useful, their role is to face TEQs , MC and MEQs its secondary role, once threats are removed, is to capture/deny objectives.
-Leman Russ Squadron.
 Hull lascanon.
 Plasma Sponsons.
 Hull lascanon.
 Plasma Sponsons.
This is the heavy and long range antitank of the list, plasmas were added in order to them to give them the secondary function of removing heavy infantry and MC
-Avenger Strike Fighter
-Avenger Strike Fighter
Two units that have not failed yet, having two lascanons each and a avenger bolt cannon (F6 AP3 Heavy 7) they have proven useful in “finishing off” the enemy units engaged by the rest of the army, they are used as the primary AA of the list.
----- Allied detachment -----
Armoured company Imperial armour volumen I second edition
-Leman Russ Comand tank
 Battle canon
Simple, and efective, extra bonus is its BS 4
-Leman Russ tank
 A tank squadron in a troop choice? Yes please!!
Along with the tank commander this two MBTs provide the template support of the list and thus the primary crowd control.
----- Inquistorial Detachment -----
-Ordo Genericus Inquistor
 Master level 1
 Divination lore
He is a Prescience provider to the army mainly to the vanquishers the added bonus is the random power he can cast to (rerolls to hit plus 4+ invul save… not bad when it happens)
-3 Units of Inquisitorial henchmen eachone consisting of:
 3 henchmen with storm bolter
 1 henchmen with melta gun
 Twinlinked assault cannon + psybolt ammunition
This units are included in order to add redundancy in the anti-personal role and the anti-light armour role, the melta henchmen is just for the fun, besides for the same point cost I can change the weapon for a plasma or a flamer it all depends on the adversary.
The primary role of the henchmen is to tackle down drop podded dreads and secure objectives, the three units work as a team, the razorbacks also work as a team providing ground or AA support as needed.

Impressive! That came scheme is really something - well done sir! :)


The Stuka reference with the back seat gun is really a nice and subtle touch - goes a long way five the wing shape...


Can't wait to see more!

Greetings Gentlemen; hoping you all faring well lets have some work around here.
Im trying to spende betwenn 20-60 minutes per day to paint this army, also using an airbush is a new tool to be mastered by practise, so, in this train of thoughts im trying new techniques for my pending tanks.
----- before pictures -----
I changed the primer color to a warmer one, maybe even a dark brown-red primer would fare better with the ochre color, who knows??
Still, I think a good contrast with the base color (oil ochre) would be great, considering the puppets war tracks are chokig with details, like bolts and panels, so, instead of using black to pre-shade (two shades already one of the tan color for the ochre and this second for the contrast areas) I use a complimentary color of yellow
enter the purple...

the turret would be tomorros work; as always your C&C is really apreciated.

Oil Ochre color was applied, to layers of the tone, one layer wixed with white to give lights and details painte with two parts white one part oil ochre; I hope that when we add pin washes and oils the detail will look good; 


As alway a joy sharing with you.
Greetings Gentlemen: 
The painting is, unless you have a different opinion going well; first of all I stubled upon this video and it was a great inspration for this day show and tell
----- link -----
----- HQ Comand Tank Turret -----

Actually I enjoyed A LOT painting the turret after the video, so, I continued with the hull
As the yellow ochre color was set, I had to prepare the model to paint it in a dark green and grey, the dark green areas will work as a base color for the medium green and as first tone of the dark green giving us a four tone cammo as the one in the turret.
Also, I added the base colors; I can advance without daylight so, we can call it a night, for the time being.

Two more images.
Now I have to  paint  the second HQ tank, Im planing on change the primer to grey primer and violet pre-shading.
Until then gentlemen.
Greetings gentlemen:
after a rought week on the office I can show you the progress on the HQ tanks (second camo)
Still weathering and details to do, but they can wait to the second tank.

Speaking off the second HQ tank...
It was primed grey and pre-shaded with a complimentary color.
As you can see, the pre-shading was made considering the orientation of light Im planing for the tanks.

Its seems the grey primer + purple preshading went well.
your thoughts?
and so, we started to give light to the yellow ochre...

 your C&C is most welcomed

Thank You Olis


I really try to give a unique feel to this army.
Lets have an update, and a productive one I think
Second HQ tank now with cammo!!!
bear in mind that, the theme of this army is the Group of Soviet forces in Germany circa 1989 and in that train of thoughts, the aesthetics and the colors must be a match (not a anal-retentive match) but a pleasant one.
So, with the unit cammo painted I present you the inspiration.  (come on click on the image, you know you want to)





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