Father Mehman Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 On 5/18/2015 at 12:15 PM, Scion of Ferrus said: Hello People. I hope that you all have some great ideas. I won't be participating in this thread as I don't do Meat Sacks. You should ask Ex 1000heathens he might post stuff that he was working on for Akans Reavers. TTFN. Oh come now. You like Meat Sacks in a shell! Just take the shell apart, multiply the meat by the thousands, and get to writing ! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4047447 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 I, Kierdale vow in the name of the God-Emperor to create an writeup of the 88th Kierdale's World Expeditionary Force before June 17th. This I shall vow or be forever damned! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4047602 Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulJam Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 I, paulJam vow in the name of the God-Emperor to create an Imperial Guard Regiment. This I shall vow or be forever damned! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4047710 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 18, 2015 Author Share Posted May 18, 2015 Vow list updated! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4047849 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 I, WarriorFish, vow in the name of the God-Emperor to create an Imperial Guard Regiment. This I shall vow or be forever damned! It's time the 144th got some official fluff sorted :tu: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4048234 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icechiang Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 I have been a long term reader of this forum and have not really posted any topics myself. I have a fair amount of Steel Legion models and am in the process of stripping them and repainting them so this is the perfect time to create a backstory for them. Hopefully when I get organized I will be able to post work in progress and story for them. I, Icechiang, vow in the name of the God-Emperor to create an Imperial Guard Regiment. This I vow or forever be damned! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4048420 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) I think I can call this complete. Thread is here. 45th IMPERIAL REGIMENT ORIGINS:During the various Imperial Crusades, many regiments are depleted to the point of being combat ineffective. In most cases, the survivors are rolled into another regiment; but there are times when the regiments on the entire planet are nearly destroyed. The units are just folded into a generalized “Imperial” regiment. Their entire complement is composed of the survivors of a devastated units. The 45th had its origins after the Macharian Crusade. With the death of Solar Macharius, the gains the Imperium made began to fall apart. In an effort to maintain control, the Imperium sent out a stabilization force. It failed, but in its wake the 45th Imperial Regiment was created from the veterans of that campaign. HOME WORLD:The 45th is not eligible to be granted a planet like other regiments, but after the regiment has survived three times the length required for other regiments and in no small part due to the leadership of General Leo Macharius. The planet Gerron III has become a training planet and a central point for the delivery of mar material from the Munitorium for those regiments that had been folded into the 45th. PRESENT ACTIVITES:The 45th is currently stationed at the rear of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. The current Warlord has taken a dim view of the roll-up regiment and while the regiment has become bloated with the constant in-flux of veterans, it has not seen any significant conflict. ROLL OF HONOR:ARJAX VII - THE FIRST BATTLEArjax VII is a near desolate world with no significant value other than its location. It is a planet with numerous star ports to allow cargo ships to transfer cargos between themselves as they move across the Imperium. When a cargo container filled with Chaos raiders landed, the raiders quickly to possession of the port and all of the cargo housed there. Transports passed the development on to their next destinations and seven regiments were sent to reclaim the port. The seven regiments were able to surround the port and had begun to crush the raiders when the regiments were trapped by another hidden force that had been waiting the entire time. Only the appearance of two chapters of Astartes and the ad-hoc force of survivors of the original seven regiments were able to turn the tide against Chaos. OUSTING OF GOVERNOR DOOLACHENThe 45th was in the process of reorganizing after the battle on a nearby system. The planet provided a respite for the weary warriors and allowed the officers to attempt to merge the new soldiers from a dead regiment to be brought into some form of uniformity. The drain on planetary resources on top of the high tithes demanded by the Administratum had Governor Doolachen fuming at the thought that they had to pay for something that had happened on a nearby system. Declaring that his tithe had been fulfilled, he refused any more aid to any of the forces on the planet. It was not long before an order was sent down to apprehend the governor. Expecting a response, the governor had fortified himself in a protected position. The 45th was asked to provide a diversion and draw out any troops loyal to the governor while a company of Tempestus Scions attacked the fortress directly. The 45th never encountered any resistance but when the Scions attempted to grav-chute into the palace, they encountered stiff resistance and several renegade marines. Sky Company overheard the vox-chatter and redeployed to assist the Scions and provide an airlift to the stranded warriors. With the assistance of the 45th, the governor was captured and the renegades killed. CARRANDAS PRIME - LIFTING THE STORMLORDThe desert planet of Carrandas Prime had seen numerous attacks in the past from the orks. A casualty of a prior battle was the Stormlord tank ‘Screamin’ Sandy’ that had become mired in a patch of quicksand. The previous crew had managed to secure the vehicle so that the tank was inaccessible to the orks. Knowing the tank’s location, the 45th sent Gold and Gray Companies with their tank support to the abandoned vessel. When MAJ Silva stormed into GEN Macharius’s command post demanding to know what happened to his missing tanks, the colonel took him up in a Valkyrie to the Stormlord. The 45th maintained a perimeter while the tank crews worked furiously to free the tank and get it back to full operation. Knowing what was at stake and with Macharius’s permission, Silva took the rest of his detachment to support the beleaguered troops and assist the crews in pulling out the massive tank. After six days of hard pressed fighting, the Stormlord roared to life and immediately began to punish the orks. Silva laughed out load as the tank rolled through the ork forces and ended up flanking the Imperial front and crushing the orks in a deadly crossfire. With Sky Company providing supply runs, the tank was relentless in its pursuit of the Ork Warlord though it had already crushed him under its tracks long before. REGIMENT ORGANIZATION:As the size of the Regiment grew, it has taken to grouping the veterans of similar skills into the various companies, some of which are nearly the size of a normal regiment. RED COMPANY - JUNGLE FIGHTERSRed Company became the new home of several Catachan survivors. Their distinct red bandanas and their refusal to part with them made them a natural choice of the Company. As such, the Company is where all the specialists of Jungle Warfare gather and share skills. Along with their choice of the color red, the Company is notorious for eliminating any commissars assigned to them. GOLD COMPANY - DESERT FIGHTERSGold Company is home of the desert worlders. It is also the company that has a cavalry component within the ranks. GREEN COMPANY - STANDARD FIGHTERSThe largest company and nearly a regiment in its own right. Most of the fighters are from temperate worlds and the company is the most flexible one in the 45th. BLUE COMPANY - WATER FIGHTERSThe smallest company in the regiment. Blue company prefers to fight on the water and are ill equipped to fight on land. Something that led directly to their regiments being decimated in past battles. For a time it housed what would later become Sky Company as both operated in blue environments. The swimming element was unable to keep up with the rigors of flight operations and the company was unofficially split along their specializations. The remaining ‘aqua’ Blue company soldiers became an ever more isolated group with an elitist attitude. While there are few operations requiring underwater training, the swimmers of Blue Company are typically first in the water and will dive the deepest and for longer than any other soldier of the 45th. 'SKY' COMPANY - SKY FIGHTERSOriginally a part of Blue Company, Sky Company is the airborne element of the 45th. Every veteran of the company has performed at least fifteen grav-chute combat drops and they are fearless at height. Due to the special nature of the 45th, Sky Company is the only company to have assigned vehicles in the form of the Valkyrie and Vendetta Gunships. WHITE COMPANY - ARCTIC FIGHTERSLike Red Company, White Company was set up with Valhallan veterans and has taken on many of their unusual habits, including turning refrigeration units to max in their designated living quarters. In another unusual turn, the specialists of the squads prefer not to use hot weapons like the flamer or plasma gun. GRAY COMPANY - ASH WASTES FIGHTERSThe second largest company after Green Company. Gray Company gets its veterans from all the worlds so heavily polluted by the Manufactoriums that it is not safe to step outside without a rebreather and chem-suit. While Gray Company inspires thoughts of those heroes from Armageddon. There has never been a member of the Steel Legion within its ranks. The only person of note is a Commissar that had served with the Death Corps of Kreig and now serves as Gray Company's Senior Commissar. BLACK COMPANY - NIGHT FIGHTERSBlack Company is the fighters who specialize in fighting in the dark. While some squads of the company cannot stand being in the sunshine, the rest are more than capable of fighting during the day. Black Company also acts as the Scouts for the Regiment. With some of the veterans having served alongside the Tanith First and their impressive battle record, Black Company makes it a point of pride to try and emulate the Tanith Scouts to the best of their ability. While this has caused a schism within the ranks and added to the 45th's overall negative impression to the Warlord. Black Company is continually itching to prove their worth and to test their mettle in battle. ATTACHED SUPPORT UNITS:ECHO COMPANY 1st/863rd TEMPESTUS SCIONSThe 45th acquired Echo company when the 45th’s Sky Company assisted the Scions during a planetfall. While Sky Company provided a diversion for the Scions to perform a precision strike the Scions came under fierce resistance. The quick reaction and redeployment of Sky Company impressed the Scions and by their codes of honor, they were obligated to return the favor and have been on attachment to the 45th Regiment. While the obligations to the 45th have been satisfied in the past, they have continued to assist the regiment’s Sky Company on other missions as elite specialists. 477th ARMORED DETACHMENTThe 477th Armored Detachment keeps all of the mechanized vehicles used by the 45th. Including the Chimeras and a reclaimed Stormlord that acts as the Regimental HQ for the 45th when they are deployed. When the 477th was first attached, there was a level of animosity from the Officers of the Armored group. With the 45th officially being titled a ‘light’ infantry regiment, they were not entitled to keep Chimera Transports. However with the influx of Heavy and Mechanized Regiments, their vehicles became the responsibility of the 477th. Many of the drivers were offended to be on ‘chauffeur’ duty and drive troops in a lighter armed vehicle to battle. This changed on Carrandas Prime when the 45th went off mission to reclaim an abandoned Stormlord thought to have been trapped in liquified soil on the planet. The 45th’s Gold and Gray Companies established a perimeter and held off attacks for six days while the 477th used every vehicle at their disposal to tow the vehicle free and an airlift of fuel by Sky Company saw the machine return to life. Now with a Super-Heavy tank on their roster, the 477th has warmed to the relationship and has benefited from the acquisition of tanks and vehicles rolled into the 45th. The detachment has actually grown in size to be larger than their armored regiment and the two units interact so that there are enough able soldiers capable of operating any of the equipment assigned to the 477th. This is particularly true with any sentinel walkers. The walkers may be assigned to the 477th but they are all operated by a pilot of the 45th. RECRUITMENT: The 45th Imperial Regiment was not raised on a planet. It was the direct result of the near annihilation of several regiments and the merging of the remaining troops and material. With so few survivors of any one regiment, the remnants did not have sufficient numbers to maintain a traditional regiment and so the planetary references were dropped for the Imperial banner. Since the Munitorium does not have the Imperial Regiments on their records, they are supplied by the materials meant to be delivered to the now destroyed regiment. For the 45th, this makes for a logistical nightmare as the in-flux of materials are typically incompatible with the other shipments destined to the regiment. The Regiment only gets recruits from the reassignment of veterans whose regiments are combat ineffective and not fit for reinforcement. Once the dead regiment is folded into the 45th, the survivors are classified by their skills and assigned a company. REGIMENTAL COLORS:The standard uniform colors for the 45th are forest green fatigues with headgear matching the company they are assigned. Many of the veterans have taken to carrying over some element of their past uniform onto the newer one and in the middle of conflict it is not uncommon for newly assigned soldiers to continue to fight in their tattered old wargear until a replacement can be requisitioned from the Munitorium. With the level of individualization of such a large ad-hoc group, the Regiment is typically seen as an eyesore to the top brass when the Regiment is on the parade grounds. If for this reason alone, the regiment rarely performs large scale parade formations and parade uniforms are discarded for standard fighting fatigues. BATTLE STANDARDS:The 45th has a very simple standard. A White banner with a golden aqua with a lightning bolt in each talon. Above the heads of the aquifer is a scroll with “XLV.” The standard is repeated at the company level with a colored banding around the edge of the standard in their appropriate color. BATTLE HONORS, RELICS, DECORATIONS AND AWARDS:The regiment as a whole has been awarded a number of medals and honors. But to officers of the 45th, the only medals that matters is those given to individual soldiers. It is rare to see any two warriors of the 45th with similar campaign medals and most of the regiment have numerous medals for their wounds and their valor. COMBAT DOCTRINE:The 45th Imperial Regiment is officially a light infantry unit based upon the initial seven regiments that came to form the Ad-Hoc regiment. In the years since, it has gathered elements of nearly every kind of regiment available but per the parchment-pushers in the Administratum they remain a light infantry regiment. LRD GEN Macharius has worked around it by requesting certain detachments in an effort to allow the unit to retain its heavy, airborne, and mechanized elements. This was accomplished with a detachment from the 477th Armored Division BATTLE CRY: With the various battlecries from all the regiments that have been rolled into the 45th, there is no one battle cry for the entire regiment. Even at the company level there are different battle cries. CHAMPIONS OF THE REGIMENT:FOUNDER - LORD GENERAL LEO MACHARIUSLeo Macharius is rumored to be an illegitimate child of Lord Solar Macharius. Whether it is true or not is lost amongst the untold trillions of sheets of parchment that the Administratum handles daily or lost to the fires of war. Bearing the name of the famous warlord brought a certain stigma that followed Leo his entire life and guaranteed him a life of war amongst the Militarium. Leo was the Sergeant Major of the 93rd Dragoons when it was set upon by a larger Chaos force. Seven regiments were laid waste on that day with Macharius being the highest ranking amongst the survivors. With word of reinforcements en route in the form the Angels of Vengeance and the Questing Brothers, Macharius organized the remaining forces into an ad-hoc formation and prepared to sell themselves by providing a diversion and allowing the Space Marines to land. The Space Marines seeing the diversion instead changed their drop point and landed in the midst of the fighting. With the marines on the surface, the chaos forces faltered and were in turn destroyed to a man by the companies of marines from the two chapters. Exhausted from battle, Macharius leaned against the ruins of a building when a Space Marine and some high brass official from the Militarium approached him. He did his best to come to attention when the Astartes gave him a signal to rest. The General that followed the marine huffing and puffing saw the tattered remains of the seven regiments. Barely three companies remained and even those where not at full strength. The General gave Macharius a field promotion to Captain under the intense scrutiny of the Astartes and gave him orders to assemble his forces for redeployment. In the scramble of reorganizing ‘his’ forces, it became apparent that the General had no inclination of preserving the lives of the survivors. With grim determination, Macharius sought to humiliate the General by proving that his ad-hoc force would be ready and capable of surviving their next battle. By breaking his group into specializations, each team of specialist were able to support the other teams and saw the small rag-tag bunch defeat the leader of their next foe. A lieutenant of the warlord that had destroyed their original regiments and was killed by the marines. COLONEL CIRLUS SILVA - COMMANDER OF THE 477thCirlus Silva had been around tanks since he was a mere boy. He followed his father to every battlefield and oversaw the loading, unloading and maintenance of the tanks of the 477th Armored Division. When he was old enough to join the ranks of the fighting men, he was already a veteran driver and his tanks never suffered a malfunction due to missed maintenance. He was familiar with every vehicle based on the Leman Russ and Chimera chassis. This level of expertise would be the reason for him being detached to the 45th. Circus was bitter for a long while as he saw his immaculately maintained Chimeras toting around the rag-tag soldiers of the 45th. The influx of tanks and transports from the fields of battle were seen as insults as nearly every vehicle needed to be taken apart, cleaned, repaired, resanctified and repainted before he would even consider fielding them again. His meticulous nature rubbed off on all of the tank crews under his command and when they attempted to surprise him with a storm lord super-heavy tank, Cirlus Silva began to appreciate the efforts of the 45th and the unusual partnership of which he was a part. With the exception of the aircraft, every vehicle was under his care and the 45th did their best to preserve the vehicles that never failed them in battle. He commanded more vehicles in his detachment than even the Lord Commander of the 477th Armored Division. Edited May 19, 2015 by Grand Master Belial Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4048509 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CommissarZac Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) I CommissarZac vow to create an Imperial Guard Regiment in the name of Him on Earth, or forever be damned.As Colonel Ulfric was making his preparations for his regiment's inclusion in the ETL, another private entered his office. "Sir message from Lord Aquilanus." Ulfric read the note. The Libre. A chance for his regiment's history to be recognised. He couldn't pass this up. He put aside his data slates detailing the small problems the tech priests were having painting his Shadowsword, and began to type his response entering himself into the challenge. "Private fetch me our tome and all our records." he ordered. "We're gonna have a long night." Edited May 19, 2015 by CommissarZac Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4048721 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Musketeer12 Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 I Musketeer 12 vow to create an Imperial Guard Regiment in the name of Him on Earth, or forever be damned. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4049428 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 19, 2015 Author Share Posted May 19, 2015 Very fast work GMB! Vows updated! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4049472 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 I, SlavetoDarkness vow in the name of Slaanesh to create a spankingly awesome Cult. This I shall vow or be forever damned! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4049499 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 On 5/18/2015 at 1:22 PM, Mehman said: On 5/18/2015 at 12:15 PM, Scion of Ferrus said: Hello People. I hope that you all have some great ideas. I won't be participating in this thread as I don't do Meat Sacks. You should ask Ex 1000heathens he might post stuff that he was working on for Akans Reavers. TTFN. Oh come now. You like Meat Sacks in a shell! Just take the shell apart, multiply the meat by the thousands, and get to writing ! @Mehman - No there is not! check out the sig! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4049607 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anver Cassiel Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 I, Anver Cassiel vow in the name of the God-Emperor to create an Imperial Guard Regiment. This I shall vow or be forever damned! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4050182 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Argos Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 I Marshal Argos, vow in the name of the God-Emperor to create an Imperial Guard Regiment. Now, I just have to expand the fluff that I have and post it. Question: Can we post up the background for multiple Regiments? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4050371 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 I am not in charge, but I do not see a reason not to allow multiple regiments. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4051645 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 I fully intend to do a Cult vow if I can get my Scions done in time. Just be careful: If you vow all at once, then you have to complete all to fulfill the oath. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4051659 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 21, 2015 Author Share Posted May 21, 2015 I can't see why not Marshall Argos :) You can have them in the same topic, or have a topic for each. If you make separate ones I just need the URLs for them ^_^ I'll add the vows (and any new ones hence) when I get back from work later. Meanwhile I need to try and sleep! :blink: :lol: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4051661 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bongfu Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 I will create an Imperial Guard regiment for sure! (or rather just post the fluff I have of the one I have been playing for 10 years) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4051788 Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulJam Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 (edited) When i took up the vow challenge i knew practially nothing about the IG. Since then i have done a bit of reading and research and can now safely say i know very little about the IG. Hidden Content 8th Silvestris Infantry Regiment Origins: Founded in 218.M41 from the planets of the Podd system the Regiment was the first regional Imperial Guard unit formed to fulfill an 'outgoing' expeditionary role. The Regiments established before the 8th were formed to hold the meager boundaries of the fledgling sector against ongoing Xenos incursions. History: In 150.M41 Astartes of the Solar Blades Chapter requested development assistance for a distant network of systems on the southern galactic boarder. In 180.M41 the first delegation of the Administratum arrived to assess and organize. In 190.M41 the local Adeptus Munitorum was established. By 200.M41 the Administratum have a number of operational recruitment, induction and training facilities, and the first Imperial Guard regiments are produced. A number of Regiments were rapidly formed, supporting then supplanting the individual systems' Planetary Defense Forces and generally informal Home-Guards. The formal Imperial Guard soon provided an organized, if inexperienced defensive network for the core systems. Operations were largely reactionary, responding to incursions and invasions, and it was not until the establishment of 8th Regiment that the local Imperial Guard moved into a deliberate offensive role. The 8th Silvestris Regiment was developed to push forward and hold acquired territory on the nor western edge of the expanding Sector. This role saw them following the operations of the Solar Blades Astartes who (being more mobile and experienced) effectively acted as vanguard for the Sector's expansion. The 8th (and subsequent Regiments) were deployed to take, hold and guard the new acquisitions. The unit saw its first mission in 219.M41. A number of the earliest missions were essentially non-combat, seeing the Regiment quickly redeployed to more contested theatres. The Regiment was originally known as the 'Podd Western Expeditionary Regiment' as the Sector was not formally recognized until 402.M41. The 8th was the first 'expeditionary' Regiment but many more were subsequently produced. Home World: The Sector's Regiments have no specific home-worlds, the local Adeptus Munitorum prefers the Regiments to maintain a mobile standing. There are a number of Imperial Guard zones in the Sector, each with their own operational HQ and subservient systems. The 8th Regiment HQ holds an office in the Imperial Guard operations structures of Nucastra. Nucastra is the central command for the Podd (central zone) Imperial Guard. It is a moon of Ex2 (8th planet out) within the Podd System *. * uninhabitable (gas giants, lava worlds etc) or unused planets within a system are designated ex[n] (i.e. ex1, ex2...) within the Silvestris Cartographical Systems. Recruitment: The Silvestris Regiments draw recruits from many planets across the entire sector. The recruits from any given world are divided up amongst all the Sector's Regiments in an attempt to reduce home-world cliques. Relationships: The 8th's sister Regiment, the 9th is an mechanized Regiment intended to operate in parallel to the 8th (infantry). The Regiment has a well established operational history with the Solar Blades Chapter. Regimental Colors and Standard: The standard uniform of the Regiment (as with all of the Silvestris IG) is black single-piece fatigues, with black helmet and black boots. The Regiment's Sergeants wear a thin (5cm) orange stripe than encircles their left upper arm. The legends is that during an early campaign with the Solar Blades an inexperienced but determined sergeant valiantly held a crucial position against a large swarm of Orks. On arrival at the site an Astartes touched the sergeant's arm congratulating him for his efforts, and in the process left a smear of the iconic orange paint from his armour. The Regiment's standard is fairly straight forward. The background contains an arrow pointing diagonally upward, representing its original designation. Regimental Organization: The Regiment operates to the "Standard Silvestris Structure"; 5 companies per Regiment, 5 Platoons per Company, 5 Squads per Platoon. The 'non-standard' 5 base rather than 6 base is a historical idiosyncrasy due to the locally produced transports available during the time of the Imperial Guard's formation. The Regiment has been able to maintain near full strength, battle loses aside for their entire service history. Due primarily to their successes, the local Administratum deems the continuation of the Regiment 'worth the effort'. Regiment Motto: "per Victoriam est Salus" Through Victory comes Salvation The Regiment's successes should not be attributed to the soldiers being excessively aggressive or fierce. Their victory comes instead from determination and belief. Combat Doctrine: The 8th is renown as being organized and precise even in pressing combat situations, and extremely tenacious. In part this arises from the leadership emphasis that is placed on Sergeants. Sergeants are promoted based on their true belief in the Regiment's motto. Although Lieutenants retain command of the Platoons they are often able to extend the fighting force; every gun counts. The command unit's ability to act as an participating fighting unit stems from their confidence in their Sergeants who have never been known to back down in the face of the enemy. In the rare case where a strategic retreat is ordered it is sometimes necessary (and difficult) to 'persuade' the Sergeants to lead their troops away from combat. Present Activity: At present the Regiment is engaged in ongoing combat operations against a strong Ork presence in the Yofur system, far to the south of Silvestris Sector. "Southern Expedition After a year of fruitless recon missions Strike Cruiser Darkness Bane observes a small Ork fleet and follows it covertly. The Ork ships return to the system later identified as Yofur. Yofur contains two large habitable planets and several habitable moons; a number holding enslaved human populations. Immediately Darkness Bane contacts the Fleet who mobilize toward their position." Edited June 28, 2015 by paulJam Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4051854 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 21, 2015 Author Share Posted May 21, 2015 On 5/21/2015 at 3:00 AM, Bongfu said: I will create an Imperial Guard regiment for sure! (or rather just post the fluff I have of the one I have been playing for 10 years) You just need to make the formal vow (shown on page one) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4052530 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Musketeer12 Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 Just a little teaser, C&C welcome, need to get back into the motions of writing these: The world of Kreytan Kreytan is a world of extremes. On the mega-continent where virtually all the population is located and where the Heavy Infantry regiments recruit from, the whole landmass is a series of colossal hive cities. These are the ancient homes of the Kreytanians; first established when the colonists brought to the world by the Imperial Fists were able to finally settle after the Wars of Initiation; and have been expanded astronomically since their inception almost ten thousand years ago. The hives each have a huge industrial capacity, and every day the untold billions of the “underlings”- those who live in the extreme underbelly of the hives- toil for long 12 hour days in unrelenting hardship under authoritarian overseers, to return back to their Spartan and overcrowded allotments where it is not uncommon for two hundred to share a working toilet. All inhabitants of the hive are at some level involved in the process, the more privileged leaving the back-breaking labouring to others and profiting hugely as a result. Due in no small part to the herculean efforts of the underlings; who die from every malady imaginable under the very dim light of the Emperor's rays in their light deprived and totally insufficient homes; that the regiments of the world of Kreytan are so well supplied. It is also in so small part the promise of a future that is otherwise denied to them that the regiments of Kreytan are so well motivated and attractive to the Kreytanians. Due to the brutality and hardship they face, the inhabitants of Kreytan are well suited to the requirements of the Imperial Guard. Many youths have been at one time or another affiliated with one of the many underbelly gangs, and even those who have not had a chance like their peers to hone their skills are still proficient in their chosen fields. The spirit of military service runs strong in the blood of virtually all Kreytanians. When, after their long combat rotation of almost seven years, one of the nine hundred and sixty seven regiments returns home and begins it's recruitment drive, it is overwhelmed by the sheer volume as well as quality of the applicants. Many have relatives or family friends in the unit and this not just makes recruitment far easier, it increases the bonds and proficiency in combat something that is rightly targeted and developed by many of the officers. The hives have a strict hierarchy that becomes progressively ever more privileged and private as it pierces ever higher into the pollution ridden sky, and the regiments that Kreytan supplies are no different. Many officers, at least those who are not promoted from the ranks, come from the privileged bourgeois. The regular rank and file of the regiment is exclusively those from the most deprived layers of Kreytanian society. For these members of the regiment, a life in the Imperial Guard is far more promising and fuller than in the underbelly, for they now have the opportunity (however slim and danger filled it may be) for advancement, they are now finally paid a respectable wage for their work, and they can now win eternal remembrance by their deeds. Cheers, Musket Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4052643 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ulrik_Ironfist Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 Is it too late to enter? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4052846 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 On 5/21/2015 at 9:30 PM, Ulrik_Ironfist said: Is it too late to enter? Nope! Be our guest. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4052848 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ulrik_Ironfist Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 I, Ulrik Ironfist vow in the name of the God-Emperor to create an Imperial Guard Regiment. This I shall vow or be forever damned! Now to get the fluff written up! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4052907 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ulrik_Ironfist Posted May 22, 2015 Share Posted May 22, 2015 Here's what I've got so far: The World- Nieflheim: The world of Nieflheim has been known since before the rise of the Imperium. I was named for a place in Norse mythology. The discoverer, named it such as the planet's many verdant, lush valleys and craggy fjords were often blanketed in dense fog. Much of the world is covered in mountains and hills. Most in the Imperium would classify Nieflheim as a deathworld, as it's harsh and varied climates are generally considered too extreme for human habitation. Despite this, the original settlers were able to tame the world, though to venture out into the wilds unprepared is to invite death. Unprepared, the varied creatures would devour the unwary traveler. The equatorial jungles are teeming with dangerous wildlife, and the temperate regions are home to large and dangerous mammals. In many ways Neflheim is much as Terra once was. It has hellish sandy deserts, verdant jungles, vast oceans full of life, it has many mountain ranges, from new peaks that reach the stratosphere, to old worn down hills. Most of the ranges are rocky and arid, casting vast rain shadow deserts. The undeveloped wilds classify it as a death world, as only the heartiest of people could survive there, and they do. But in the lush river valleys Civilization blooms, advanced to a level of a civilized world. The industrial sector, while not as vast as an industrial world is sizable enough to provide for the citizens. Overall the quality of life is good, Cities are small, and are centers of trade, administration, and entertainment only, very few people live in the cities. Military service is mandatory, and there are different levels of service, 4 years active duty is required of everyone, after which you can be released to the reserves, This allows the world to remain fortified, while still allowing for the freedoms allowed on Civilized worlds. The PDF is a fully combined arms force, with Airborne forces, Armored forces, and Infantry forces, as well as traditional Naval forces. The Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy also maintain a presence here, a small fleet in orbit to patrol the subsector. The Imperial Guard forces include the Elite Stormtroopers of the 2nd Special Service Force, a brigade sized formation of Light Infantry, and the 72nd Armored Division, Made up of 4 regiments of tanks and infantry. The northern polar continent has been settled by an exiled Great Company of Space Wolves and the people of Neiflheim have accepted them. The Wolves mainly keep to the northern continent and the fishing villages along the northern coasts, they venture out when need of them arises, to combat Chaos, or to trade for supplies. The Black Devil's Brigade: The 2nd Special Service Force, or the Black Devil's Brigade, as they are known, are fierce fighters, Highly trained men, each exceptionally skilled, they are not widely known. They are the Imperium's silent professionals, They have been used to break the stalemate of trench warfare of countless worlds, always moving in quickly and quietly, penetrating the enemy defenses, killing their sentries with deadly efficiency, never allowing their mission to descend into pandemonium. Friendly forces always awake to the sound of silence after the Brigade has accomplished their mission, they come and go like vengeful specters. Their hotshot lasguns are fitted with signature suppressors, that reduces the sound of the weapon, to merely the static crack of superheated air. These are not the only missions for which they are called to accomplish, given their planet's rugged terrain and vast untouched wilderness, they are exceptional trackers and hunters, and their favored prey are the vile forces of Chaos. It would be inaccurate to say they enjoy it, rather they feel that Chaos is the gravest threat Mankind has yet found. They excel in hunting down and eliminating heretics, traitors, and the damned. They are ruthless and efficient, and eliminate all traces of corruption wherever they find it. They are often called upon to track and kill traitor Marines, often with the aid of the Adeptus Astartes. Given their proximity to the Tau's Farsight Enclaves, they have had a fair amount of contact with them. The Brigade does not see the Tau as a threat to mankind, though they do not see the larger Tau Empire as being a friend either. The Brigade and Tau have worked together to drive back threats to the existence of life, Necron and Tyranid incursions, both agreeing that it was in the best interest of both peoples to work together against a common enemy. The relationship between the Farsight Enclaves and the Brigade is one of begrudging respect, the Tau see the Brigade as Gue'vesa, while the Brigade regards the Tau as a nuisance. The Brigade has also had dealings with the Eldar, particularly when confronted with Chaos or Necron threats. The Brigade paints the Eldar with the same brush as the Tau, a useful ally at best, and a nuisance at worst. The Eldar only seem to venture near Imperial worlds when they want something. The Brigade has good relations with several chapters of the Emperor's Adeptus Astartes, particularly with the Space Wolves, Grey Knights, Dark Angels, and Ultramarines, all of whom have great respect for the Brigade's ability and professionalism. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/307752-liber-challenge-iii-imperial-guardtraitor-guardcults/page/2/#findComment-4053174 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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