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Red Corsairs CSM army WIP (new - Blood Disciples p.4)

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Wow, great log, I love the direction you're taking with them so far, I've always liked the idea of Huron being surrounded by his 'loyal' Red Corsairs and then having lots of other traitors andvarious warbands in his corner.


 As for the cracking effect on the armour, i've recently seen this;



Hopefully that is of some help or inspiration.

Wow! Great paint job. Thank you for the link. I am afraid my hand is not as steady as his. :smile.:


I decided to try to make the cracks this way:



Already airbrushed some red, orange and yellow spots on the models:


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Your army looks pretty good, I like the mix of units.  As for the reavers, painting the cracks in the armor isn't as hard as it looks - it should be fairly easy compared to all that free hand on your plaguebrute...it's just tedious - I have a squad of hakanor's reavers in my army (havocs).


But, doing a craquelure paint over the reavers should look interesting and look forward to seeing the results.


Really miss those old metal terminators, the detail is so much more crisp than the plastic ones.

Edited by Surreal Cruelty
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Your army looks pretty good, I like the mix of units.  As for the reavers, painting the cracks in the armor isn't as hard as it looks - it should be fairly easy compared to all that free hand on your plaguebrute...it's just tedious - I have a squad of hakanor's reavers in my army (havocs).


But, doing a craquelure paint over the reavers should look interesting and look forward to seeing the results.


Really miss those old metal terminators, the detail is so much more crisp than the plastic ones.


Yeah, these older Chaos Terminators models have a tremendous amount of details, especially in comparsion with present kit. But older models have one major drawback in my opinion - their hands too tightly pressed along the body (it is a legacy of 25 mm bases I know).


As to my experiment ... guess what? ... it failed. Almost all crisp details on lower halves of bodies are lost under 3 or so layers of Agrellan Earth and other paints and the result is underwhelming to say at least.




Terrific blog, I love this 'version' of Chaos. Stoked to see someone of your skill level tackling a Hakanor's Reavers scheme, too! I'm sure they'll come out amazing in the end :smile.:


Thanks! :thumbsup:  Now I need all my skills to make something proper from these models.

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How do the front of the legs look?  It doesn't look so thick that it couldn't be recovered with some work, but worst case scenario you can always use some Simple Green or even just very hot water and a toothbrush.

The front of the legs look even worse. I don't have access to Simply Green and I don't think what hot water will be of any help. It is too early in my opinion to do a radical measures and put the models into break fluid for complete cleaning. Also I understand what a bad work gives you a good experience too and I aimed keep even somewhat bad painted models for future painting reference (to simply don't allow myself to forget wrong decisions I had made :) ).

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All basic layers of paint are applied. I also did some basic shades on various "bone" horns and teeths with GW shades. Hakanor's Reavers warband insignias are painted on every right shoulder pad, It was quite easy (as I expected) and looks very good.

After basecoating models are covered with gloss varnish. Next step is shading with various self made oil washes. To be continued...


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Good recovery.  The lighting and the glossiness of the varnish make it look like you are losing some of the effect, but that is probably the light glare on the varnish.  I also think the agrellan earth is turning out well, the thickness is adding some dimension to the heat effect, like the armor is actually expanding and cracking.  The front details of the legs look like they turned out fine too.


I envy your freehand skills.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And the second squad of Thousand Sons is finished:



and a couple more picture of Aspiring Sorcerer:



Today I have played with them in our club and my CSM army was badly beaten (chopped to pieces actually, only one Thousand Son and one Sorcerer in one wound remains) by Black Templars.


Looking at this one person asked me: "Why you even bother yourself with Thousand Sons? Is anything good in them?"


Well, my answer was: "Yeah, I always wanted them because they are looking good!" :smile.:


I think oneday people will say: "Whoo, you're playing Thousand Sons. They are too imbalanced and overpowered!" :biggrin.:

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The next in my endless building/painting queue are:

- Chaos Sorcerer (classic model with bolt pistol and power axe)

- 5 man CSM squad (2 bolt pistol and CCW, one bolter, one flamer and Aspiring Champion with Combi-Flamer and Chain Axe).



Completely useless loadout from the tabletop game view. On the other hand:

- I decided to own as many different sorcerer models as I can;

- a lonely Sorcerer will be sad. So I throwing in a CSM squad;

- how to build CSM squad for a Sorcerer? Hmm.. I always wanted to find a place for a nice Forgeworld Flamer and a Combi-Flamer, also I have one Chainaxe ... well, why not!?!


I will paint these models in "the Reborn" CSM Warband colours.

Edited by BadSanta
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  • 1 month later...

And "the Reborn" Chaos Sorcerer and his CSM squad are finished now and listed in the almost endless ranks of Lord Huron vassals:



Next ones will be another Chaos Sorcerer and his small CSM squad. This time in "the Punishers" Chaos warband colours.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Next small CSM warband "the Punisher" is complete. Rib cage and other bones were rather easy to paint (and very quick).


With this squad I finished building and painting endeavours in 2016 with almost 3000 pts of models painted.



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  • 2 months later...

I also want to share thoughts on "How to equip your Chaos Chosen".


The Chosen are superb fluffwise but underwhelming on the field. I play CSM for 3-4 years and during all that time I can't decide how to equip a chosen squad. To be equal badass and effective gamewise.


Suprisingly, but I ceased to doubt after I decided to use Plasma Pistols as main squad weaponry. Come on, why not? Everyone who plays CSM have a lot of beatiful plasma pistols at hand and none of them usually end glued to the models.


After what I spend little more time thinking about future squad allegiance. To say it short - they will be from Skyrar's Dark Wovles (Khorne aligned warband with Space Wolves roots - another bonus as I could utilise SW bits in this project).


Playing with different squad loadouts (gamewise) I decided to build two squads and one Khorne lord:

- first squad (chosen): 4 plasma pistols, Aspiring Champion with Power Axe and plasma pistol, Icon Bearer, 2 ordinary chosen;

- second squad (CSM): flamer, Aspiring Champion with Twin LC (because I have that model from Dark Vengeance set), 3 ordinary CSM with additional CCW;

- and a King (i.e. old Chaos Khorne lord with Axe).


During models assembly I usually follow WYSIWYG motto (this means I need to get bolt pistol, bolter and CCW equivalent on each model). This difficulty was partially solved with usage of gorgeous chosen models for Dark Vengeance set and simplified builds for several models (with bolter and CCW in hands and holstered bolt pistol). 6 models demanded complicated conversions to put bolters/CCW on the marine backpacks. Pictures of completed models are below.


Khorne Chaos Lord with "simple" guys (bolter, bolt pistol and chainsword):



Aspiring Champion with Plasma Pistol and Power Axe + other guys from Dark Vengeance set:



4 Plasma Pistol weilding chosen:



Other Chosen with Flamer and bolter with CCW on their backpacks:



Chosen with Khorne Icon of Wrath (I love as it turned out):



Edited by BadSanta
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Nice work on the Punishers - the links in your last two posts look broken to me, which is a shame based on the quality of your work.


You're right about plasma pistols going unused, at least in my experience with Chaos. I've had some success with combi-plasma on champions, so I guess it's not that big a leap to plasma pistols from there.

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Nice work on the Punishers - the links in your last two posts look broken to me, which is a shame based on the quality of your work.


You're right about plasma pistols going unused, at least in my experience with Chaos. I've had some success with combi-plasma on champions, so I guess it's not that big a leap to plasma pistols from there.

I use my social network photo albums (vk(dot)com - vKontakte) to host the pictures. May be because of this the links look broken. Here are the direct links to my albums:
- WIP stuff I usually store here - https://vk.com/album176356353_225612323 .
Regarding the plasma pistols ...
I have a big CSM squad (Flawless Host) with 2 plasma guns and combiplasma which I usally field with Chaos Lord in terminator armour with combiplasma. In several last games (before I've decided to shelf my CSM army until 8th edition of W40K) I don't even make a shot from their plasma weponry (except the Lord) because I had a dire need to make first turn charge (all those pesky deep strike marines or to tie in HTH combat enemy fast moving troops like Necron wraiths). This thing compelled me to look for another high S and low AP weaponry.
Yes, we have a lot of meltaguns in Havocs, but this squad comes with low HTH potential and low Ld; also all my Heavy Support slots are already filled with Autocannon and Heavy Bolter Havocs. Then I started to look for another source of massed special weaponry - Chosen, and if one wants to get full HTH potential from whem then he must look for Mark of Khorne and Plasma Pistols. Plasma pistols + Mark of Khorne complement each other very good (also they look cool).
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  • 4 weeks later...
Last addition to my CSM army - Helbrute in Flawless Host colours.
It is a DV starter set Helbrute with right hand swapped with Power Fist wielding hand from the Helbrute box. Painted in lazy style.


To my pity all new rumours about 8ed of W40K are very discouraging to me. I almost lost fervor to build and paint GW models, I even don't want to play W40K anymore...


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