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The XIII Legion, Ultramarines

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See, it's not our fault. Our primarch is dying a slow death, and they stand in the path of his salvation. Clearly, you should stand aside and let us do what we must, seems obvious no?

Not when you team up with those bastard word bearers. Guilliman was this close to killing lorgar...then your liege just had to step in and ruin it all.

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Looking good friend D:

thanks! Appreciate it.


He's back and he brought us goodies ^_^!


I'm loving the gold accents and that white really pops. Now dirty it up!

thanks man, means a lot. Ya I love giving the odd marine white somewhere. A white pad really stands out

have you thought about doing your blue with 2 tones?

i made my 40k army with 2 blues and I could never get it to not look...cartoony. On these marines in going to go back and give more silver highlights to simulate armor chipping
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You can try blue -> wash -> dry brush the same blue, it will give just a bit of shading and will not look cartoony as much. But they are solid as is, more chipping is a good idea otherwise

thats actually a fantastic idea...I was use to using Calgar blue to as the secondary ue, but your idea sounds much better!
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You can try blue -> wash -> dry brush the same blue, it will give just a bit of shading and will not look cartoony as much. But they are solid as is, more chipping is a good idea otherwise

this is probably my favorite method of painting when i paint lol

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If at all possible rotate the head to the left a bit, bring the right arm down so that the hand is paralell with the top of his leg armour and the left one down a few degrees so that the chainsword point is a bit more skyward. 

Alternatively move the head to the right a bit, bring the right arm down in the same way as above and rotate the left at he base of the forearm in a mirror of how it is in the photo (blade will be pointing to the left).

At the moment he looks like he's throwing his arms upo in frustration.

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