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From insomnia to Insanity: Doodlies for the Dark Gods

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i feel the need to write a sort of introduction. I will keep it short.

i have been an RPG Player, a war gamer , a miniature painter and all around fanboy all my life. So, it`s little surprising that I tend to doodle around when an idea skims the surface of my mind. Since I am able to hold a pen, i have scribbled starships, mecha, what have you. It entertains me, It keeps my mind busy while I sit around during on site call on duty at the hospital, waiting for the next misery to happen to some poor bloke. So I usuually have a pen and piece of paper with me. I dare not call this art. Some of it is on shredded phone note paper. This usually gets worse when my gaming group decides on their next campaign. I just have to sketch out options, armor, weapons. And I am loving every minute of it.

So, after a toe into the dark waters of Chaos playing mortals in Black Crusade...we are running a Black Crusade Astartes Campaign.

I have since scribbled Armour marks and runes, helmets and skulls. I was a bit closer to selecting a Legion and background for my character.

Or so i thought.

We all had time to read Talon of Horus in the meantime. Then our GM said . "Why not set our campaign in the Eye, prior to that?"

So we are now brainstorming a Black Crusade RPG campaign. During the Legion Wars. In the Eye of Terror.

How cool is that ?

Since then, i have been re scribbling and doodling. I feel like that dwarf from the Pratchett novels, getting hit with a creativity particle at every other turn.

I have probably sketched little forests into oblivion by now. Xin ceithan, Despoiler of little forests. That gets you in the mood. Well, me at least...

Since i will never use all of this, it suddenly hit me. I could drag you lot in with me. Spread the fun around. Maybe some you will laugh at my little scribbles and it will shortly brighten your life. That would be nice. May be some idea will inspire you to make a mini or an army. That would be awesome.

i will give you a few sketches and then will go on on the ideas and considerations in later post- i will probably start with tose that I have more or less deciced AGAINST first.

Fair warning: I will probably tell you about my character along the way. So, in some way, this is a "let me tell you of my Level 40 Mage" thread. But nobody is forcing you to read it. You can skip to the pics anytime ;)

After that`s out of the way, let`s go to some Pics:

(Please do keep in mind that i do indeed draw some these while i am on the phone. And I am still alousy photographer...)


Night Lord.

Ah, thr Inglorious VIIIth. First choice on my mind. Not so great choice for an RPG Group. Still, Beakies are scary...


Alpha Legion Assassin / Spec ops type.

That`s the first idea I kicked out of the window. Solo sneaking missions are not goup oriented activitites...

Thousand Sons Sorcerer:


The hard part is making it not look an Stargate Extra....


so maybe more tribal ?


Dark Mechanicum

Hoods! Skulls! Runes!


Word Bearer Pilgrim

Because some one will have to spread the word...


Wandering Plaque Priest

I love this hat. i had this idea of a psychic hood mutating into this on a Mantis Warrior renegade. Space ninja Sorcerer from the hidden valley!


EC Warlord

Tried for an insectile rebreather. A copyright infingement just waiting to happen....

that`s all for today. next, I will pick out some idea and walk you through a view ideas around it and make a better, more defined sketch..

Thanks for the replies!


I hope to find some time over the weekend to put up some more detailed work.


Had forgotten about Desert Punk - can't deny that that image may have been working in my mind while I drew that ;)


And I always liked that Beaky Helmet on the NL artwork on the army page in the 3.5 dex!


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