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Dark Angels rumors. update: Codex leaks, pg 28

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They are not at all.  The first one was for a "Dark Angels Tactical Squad" and there's still no sign of that.  Even the "reputable" rumor mills have had some major misses (Horus Heresy box set, anyone?).


I'll believe it when I see it in the pages of White Dwarf, no sooner.

Theoretical: There have been rumors of a new DA dex for Q1 or Q2 this year for much longer than there have been rumors of Codex Space marines.


Practical: It is not likely that they will release two codexes a week apart HOWEVER neither is it likely that they will release the leaked Chaplain for no reason.  We really didnt need much of an update, just tweaks and prices.

Result: There is too much momentum towards the rumors being true and if they are true then they probibly will be obvious within two weeks.

So, what you are saying is to hold my horses for now. Fair enough. I originally wanted to work on DW torsos and add weapons later. But I am just a little scared that the new codex might make my efforts in vain. But then again, how much worse could you possibly make them :D

  On 6/3/2015 at 7:21 PM, Ulfgrim Alvsbane said:

They are not at all. The first one was for a "Dark Angels Tactical Squad" and there's still no sign of that. Even the "reputable" rumor mills have had some major misses (Horus Heresy box set, anyone?).

I'll believe it when I see it in the pages of White Dwarf, no sooner.

Hey Ulf, the first one was Dark Angels Tactical Marines not Squad. That difference is quite important as we have recently lost the individual/clampack Dark Angel Marines from the webstore.

Now a squad has not been mentioned, but a new dex and more telling data cards have.

I live with the disappointment of a hope filled life msn-wink.gif

  On 6/3/2015 at 8:04 PM, Brother Stobz said:


Hey Ulf, the first one was Dark Angels Tactical Marines not Squad. That difference is quite important as we have recently lost the individual/clampack Dark Angel Marines from the webstore.


I'm not clear on the distinction.  Are you talking about the ones that came in the paint set, or do you mean the things like the blisters for Azrael and other characters?

The old metal models from 2nd edition, there were three individual robed dudes that were more like vets than characters.

I'm not sure if they became finecast but they've disappeared about the same time as the DASM redirect showed itself to the rumour mongers. 

  On 6/3/2015 at 12:15 PM, Isiah said:

  On 6/2/2015 at 10:33 PM, Brother dean said:

and the hard part now is waiting...

Not long -- from BoLS today:

June 6: Space Marine Devastators + Codex (CONFIRMED via images)

June 13: Space Marine Terminator Librarian + X (Command Tanks?) (Librarian practically CONFIRMED)

June 20: Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain + Codex (Chaplain seen)

June 27: X (Citadel Colour sets? Many of the older ones are currently out of stock)

July 4: Age Of Sigmar (CONFIRMED via images)


So June 20th for both Int-Chap and DA Codex. If BoLS is right of course dry.png



So is that for to pre-order or to buy and have in our hands? I always get confused what people mean for "release" date.

  On 6/3/2015 at 9:25 PM, Brother Stobz said:

I must, even if digs a hole in my credit card for several months. Ouch is all I can think of at the moment laugh.png

Imagine playing two non-Codex chapters... I know, I know, nobody's fault but my own!

Two weeks until pre-order and slightly longer until actual leaks then. If that is correct. I guess the teaser in next week's WD will tell.

This actually coincides with a rumour a while back where someone said DA get a clampack and new book.


The question now is whether to build DW or not to build some DW.

  On 6/4/2015 at 6:17 AM, Corswain said:

Always build Deathwing!

I wish I wasn't a competitive player, because I can not play an army without liking the visual style and fluff. Unfortunately, those I like are usually the worst of the bunch :D

Well I'd quote myself for proof, but I can't find it.... I called it the Assault Squads are not going to make any army I own. I'm glad I didn't pre-order. If they are any indication of the Dark Angel Assault Squad rules to come, then I'll stick with the bikes!


No matter what codex we're talking about I think the Assault Marine has a loooong way to go.


  On 6/3/2015 at 7:58 PM, Brother dean said:

Theoretical: There have been rumors of a new DA dex for Q1 or Q2 this year for much longer than there have been rumors of Codex Space marines.


Practical: It is not likely that they will release two codexes a week apart HOWEVER neither is it likely that they will release the leaked Chaplain for no reason.  We really didnt need much of an update, just tweaks and prices.

Result: There is too much momentum towards the rumors being true and if they are true then they probibly will be obvious within two weeks.


There's the theoretical, the practical, and then there's the 'financial'. If it's year end for GW at the end of June and they need to report earnings, it would be a very good reason for putting out the DA codex.


I actually haven't personally seen any momentum towards a new codex for DA. We've seen some rumours be completely misinterpreted in the past... What if.... (just bear with me) What if, all the DA leaks we're seeing just coincided with a little Campaign release?  Between Thousand Sons and DA it would make sense....


But the other side of me wants a codex to be truth, and it does make sense to me to do the Marine vanilla dex first to get 'fixes' out of the way for base units that both codexes share. Then do the specialized one that is way overdue.


It does scare me to see DA battleforce box pictures leaked at the same time as the new codex.(But then again the same is true of other non-Codex Astartes).


This whole thing does make you realize how difficult it is for GW to change anything with 'core' units the way they are releasing stuff now. Like how would you change the fundamental rhino in the main Codex Astartes, and not tick off the 'other' guys with a 'normal', dated rhino? An FAQ? They don't exist anymore.




Oh and I'm adding this here so you can all weep after the Dark Angel codex does come out:


I Prot of the BnC declare myself in a buying frenzy of all Land Speeder Vengeances on the internetz so when they become fantastic, you will all have to pay full price or borrow one from my fleet. ;)

There's still hope that somehow DA assault squads (and SM assault squads) can work if the Army special rules/formations give some kind of boos to them.

"It ain't over until the obese Planetary Governor sings"

(Raises hand)  Can I borrow one LSV Prot?  I cant find any cheap ones, just the painted in Taiwan $150 ones.



Actual on topic rumor:  Was looking at GW this morning, (US site) and I noticed that all the upgrade sprues EXCEPT Ultras are "Temporarily out of stock"

Nobody wants UM...

  On 6/4/2015 at 1:03 PM, Chaplain Lucifer said:

There's still hope that somehow DA assault squads (and SM assault squads) can work if the Army special rules/formations give some kind of boos to them.

"It ain't over until the obese Planetary Governor sings"


/warms up voice...


".... .Lalalalalalala" What song would you like to hear Lucifer? ;)


  On 6/4/2015 at 1:08 PM, Brother dean said:

(Raises hand)  Can I borrow one LSV Prot?  I cant find any cheap ones, just the painted in Taiwan $150 ones.



Actual on topic rumor:  Was looking at GW this morning, (US site) and I noticed that all the upgrade sprues EXCEPT Ultras are "Temporarily out of stock"


Nobody wants UM...


Hold on, I'll get the Taiwanese kid to stop painting for a second and get you a discount. ;)


I'm telling you these things are going to be gold!


Seriously, I agree that the Dark Angel rules could differ but I still think the beef is in the formations. Because they can't have an assault dude for, let's say, Ultramarines be one thing, and entirely something else for... Dark Angels, and basically they're using the same models. The only way to change this without diddling with stats and specifics is to get a juicy formation / chapter tactics rule. This is how I deduced personally that the Assault marine would still be a stinker....


The Dark Angel Deathwing Knights are a perfect example of circumventing everything I just said holds back the assault marine. You give him a robe, and a unique weapon, now you can break/create all the fancy rules you want. Unique kits need to sell... unique rules are what everyone's buying.


Another big one is going to be the humble scout. How do you fix this? How would you leak into other codexes when again, you're using the same models as a Chapter "X"? It's going to be some honking formation rule probably including that goofy little speeder. (Dark Angels should have that in the new book imo)


Anyway, that's just my 2 cents on it. I gotta get back to the Taiwanese sweat shop I got going here.... I need 10 Vengeance speeders done by codex release!


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