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== Martian Death Ray Club ==

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Here is my first foray into the wonderful world of choom (as a result of this choom levels across my armies have increased tenfold!)


Vaan Daal swung from cover, sending more bolts down range into the horde of xeno beasts decending on the emperors children's position. To his right he could see one of the larger xeno beasts rampaging through the death guards defensive positions before going down to mass heavy weapons fire.

A glint of gold to his left caught his eye, his heart skipped a beat when he turned to see his beloved primarch and his retinue of Phoenix guard charge from their Spartan to butcher another of the larger xeno beasts.

His attention was drawn back to his own sector when the largest beast he had ever seen burrowed out of the ground directly in front of his position. With a single word every heavy weapon under his command opened up on the beast, but to no avail, despite many wounds the beast would not go down. Fire desperately raked the beasts carapace, but it was too late. The forward defensive positions were decimated. Vaan Daal lost all hope.

Suddenly, to his left, resplendent in the gleaming sun, strode fulgrim. Shouting a challenge to the beast. The beast, distracted by this new threat, turned and charged the illuminator.

Slowly fulgrim drew firebrand, unfazed by the giant beast barreling towards him. With all the calm and grace in the galaxy, fulgrim fired. To Vaan Daal the world seemed silent in those seconds, save for the "choom" emitted as firebrand was unleashed. The shot, that most perfect shot, the beast seemed to stop dead in its tracks, seconds later it's head was consumed by th deflagrate get fires of molecular atomisation, shortly followed by the rest of its body.

With a triumphant roar the remaining sons of the third legion charged from their positions after their genesire.

This day would be theirs yet.

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Brothers! The Acastus Knight Porphyrion is upon us and, with some idle speculation, it seems like a prime platform for some heavy-duty Choomage. :happy.:


Here I just want beam volkites on it, as it's a massive gunboat lol.

Good man. :thumbsup:
Maybe a couple of Carronades or a quad-Chieorovile set-up, I'm thinking. :drool:
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A pair of carronades would indeed look pretty epic on that monstrosity!


Just imagine, twin beams lancing out, incinerating row upon row of enemy, setting ablaze their vehicles and scorching the earth...


I may have a problem.

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A pair of carronades would indeed look pretty epic on that monstrosity!


Just imagine, twin beams lancing out, incinerating row upon row of enemy, setting ablaze their vehicles and scorching the earth...


I may have a problem.


You're among friends, lokkorex. ^_^

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Btw, would quad-volkite calivers work as a count-as assault cannon?


I've got a pair of mk.4 assault cannons with some forge world Dreadnoughts i won off ebay, and would like them personalised.


Also, hurricane boltgun for an ironclad, six chargers instead?

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Conceptually... yes and yes, in my opinion. Practically... so long as it's clear what your version of the weapons are supposed to be, I don't see any grounds for objecting to them.

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So it seems like we will get a flying choom raider one day.


Beware, supposed spoilers from Master of Mankind


"Arkhan Land is the leader of Mechanicum forces inside the Webway. He stays loyal to the Emperor throughout and is absolutely baller. He flies around on an anti-grav land raider with volkite weapons."

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- Iron Father, with Volkite Charger mag-clamped to his hip.

- Two 10-Man Cataphractii Terminator Squads, all armed with Volkite Chargers (excluding the four Reaper Autocannon dudes, whom I have hidden at the back out of sight!) :biggrin.:




- How about this guy? (WIP, obviously!)


And if that's not enough... Well, I've got a 10-Man MK3 Legion Tactical Support Squad armed with Volkiite Calivers, and a 10-Man MK3 Legion Heavy Support Squad armed with Volkite Culverins on the way just as soon as I get a chance to build them! :cool.:

Edited by Urza
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- Iron Father, with Volkite Charger mag-clamped to his hip.

- Two 10-Man Cataphractii Terminator Squads, all armed with Volkite Chargers (excluding the four Reaper Autocannon dudes, whom I have hidden at the back out of sight!) :biggrin.:




- How about this guy? (WIP, obviously!)



And if that's not enough... Well, I've got a 10-Man MK3 Legion Tactical Support Squad armed with Volkiite Calivers, and a 10-Man MK3 Legion Heavy Support Squad armed with Volkite Culverins on the way just as soon as I get a chance to build them! :cool.:

We Ironhands love abit of choom.













Well I do

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So it seems like we will get a flying choom raider one day.


Beware, supposed spoilers from Master of Mankind


"Arkhan Land is the leader of Mechanicum forces inside the Webway. He stays loyal to the Emperor throughout and is absolutely baller. He flies around on an anti-grav land raider with volkite weapons."

That's epic

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