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++From Hatred We Were Born, Creation of a 7.5 Chaos Codex++


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I gave it a more serious read. I really want to try out the possessed, but I overvowed for Call of Chaos and that is going to fill my hobby time, so no possessed models for a while. The other units I want to try are the Lord level dark apostle and Warpsmith. I've been hesitant about putting a two wound HQ as my warlord, but with these options I can try them out. The land raider also has me intrigued with all the possibilities. Thanks for putting in the effort on these codex. It's worth it just to take the time and read it, but I can't wait to give it a try.
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updated the khorne relics to make them a bit more interesting


What armor save does the Armor of Unrelenting Bloodlust confer?


It doesn't, by design, as otherwise the costing would either be too great for some units that can take it or too little for others, just buy it alongside whatever armour it is that you wanted.

Fluffwise it has come in many forms and guises, blah blah blah. (Eventually I will do fluff for these things, but right now it seems premature.)

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updated the khorne relics to make them a bit more interesting


What armor save does the Armor of Unrelenting Bloodlust confer?


It doesn't, by design, as otherwise the costing would either be too great for some units that can take it or too little for others, just buy it alongside whatever armour it is that you wanted.

Fluffwise it has come in many forms and guises, blah blah blah. (Eventually I will do fluff for these things, but right now it seems premature.)



Ah, I see. Didn't realize any of the HQs could take it. That makes sense.

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I have added allies rules, special characters, and lords of war to the Khorne book. I don't really know how much the different lords of war are worth though, since I rarely play such expensive models, so I would love some help on their pricing.


Only just started looking, but right off the bat I can tell you An'ggrath's weapon is finally something appropriate.


I also enjoy the TL baleflamer instead of the two regular s6 AP3 flamers the Brass Scorp has.


As for the Kytan, IMO it's ~100 points too expensive as presented by FW.


Skarbrand is perfect. Finally.

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Yeah, I felt like the second to Khorne should probably be S D.

TL Baleflamer was mainly because it seemed similar and it saved space from having to have yet another template weapon. No reason for two different weapons when one can suffice.
Skarbrand didn't seem too far off in current rules, just giving him so more speed and a point of strength seemed to be a good ruleset for his now diminished form.


Kytan points, yeah, I don't really know what to balance it against right now, same goes for the Scorpion and the LoS.

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Not totally sure, tbh. For the Kytan I compare it to a Daemon Knight of Khorne. Lord of Skulls... I dunno. Just such a weird thing. The Scorpion isn't too bad as-is.

The lord of skulls isn't really that weird, it is just a walker that happens to do thunderblitz rather than stomp. Which honestly, doesn't seem to be that different in points value, maybe a little worse than stomp would be.

The main thing is that no one has used knights in my meta ever, so I don't really know how to balance against them.

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Now that the khorne book is a thing, I restricted khorne berzerkers in the Traitors and Heretics book from becoming troops, as they really are elites in that sort of setup.

Expect the same for the other gods in the future, but use the codices as is for now for playtesting purposes.

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Added Bloodletter crews for Khorne Book

also, to add to the pile of WIP, have a spoiler

Hidden Content
Ahriman, Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons
Gallus Herodicus
Kairos Fateweaver
The Changeling
The Blue Scribes
Chaos Lord
Sorcerer Lord
Chaos Champion/Despot
Chaos Sorcerer
Dark Apostle
Lord of Change
Daemon Prince
Herald of Tzeentch
Exalted Flamer
Tzeentch Space Marines
Tzeentch Cultists
Thousand Sons Rubricae
Chosen Terminators
Rubric Terminators
Tzeentch Possessed
Tzeentch Mutilators
Helbrute Squadron
Fast Attack
Tzeentch Chaos Spawn
Tzeentch Warp Talons
Tzeentch Furies
Chaos Rhino
Chaos Drop Pod
Heavy Support
Tzeentch Obliterators
Chaos Predator Squadron
Chaos Vindicator Squadron
Chaos Land Raider
Burning Chariot
Lord of War


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I'm liking the Red Host detachment's special rule. I feel like consolidating into combat is long overdue for a Chaos unit/formation and helps mitigate the "of course I wiped out that unit of fire warriors with my 300 point unit so now it's time to die" thing. Could be countered rather easily by spacing units more than 6" apart which isn't a big deal. Situationally awesome, but by no means overpowered. Of course I'm sure plenty would disagree. Looks good to me, at any rate.


Love the Blood Cult, as well. Khârn's Butcherhorde special rules are cool here, without the stupidity of that formation.


Slaughtercult is good, I'd still never take it due to the unit requirements. Maybe it's my prejudice against the current Possessed rules in the GW books, but even with your improved rules I have no interest in taking them. I'd probably still prefer Terminators for the extra 7 points each for the ability to Termicide and have +1 WS. Formation-wide FNP is very good, but the fact that a unit must be destroyed to get it means that the 1 surviving cultist who got lucky because the opponent rolled a 1 to wound is going to withhold the benefit. In that situation there's no benefit other than the Red Host. Not sure what a suitable alternative would be, to be honest; just some scattered thoughts.


Brazen Onslaught, since Skullcrushers exist now is cool. The Bloodcrushers are sorta iffy for me. Your unit is better in some ways than the GW version, slightly better over all (definitely cheaper, which makes the most difference). I'd still give the formation and the unit thumbs up. Terminators, Skullcrushers, Bloodcrushers: 3 units I love, even if they aren't the be all end all. Extra attacks with all those power weapons could be nice.


More to come, must sleep.

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I'm liking the Red Host detachment's special rule. I feel like consolidating into combat is long overdue for a Chaos unit/formation and helps mitigate the "of course I wiped out that unit of fire warriors with my 300 point unit so now it's time to die" thing. Could be countered rather easily by spacing units more than 6" apart which isn't a big deal. Situationally awesome, but by no means overpowered. Of course I'm sure plenty would disagree. Looks good to me, at any rate.


Love the Blood Cult, as well. Khârn's Butcherhorde special rules are cool here, without the stupidity of that formation.


Slaughtercult is good, I'd still never take it due to the unit requirements. Maybe it's my prejudice against the current Possessed rules in the GW books, but even with your improved rules I have no interest in taking them. I'd probably still prefer Terminators for the extra 7 points each for the ability to Termicide and have +1 WS. Formation-wide FNP is very good, but the fact that a unit must be destroyed to get it means that the 1 surviving cultist who got lucky because the opponent rolled a 1 to wound is going to withhold the benefit. In that situation there's no benefit other than the Red Host. Not sure what a suitable alternative would be, to be honest; just some scattered thoughts.

remember that you get the fnp off of any units dying, not just units from your formation or your army

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True, but the single survivor thing could go either way. Not bad at all, as it's fairly likely a unit on either side will die, but I dunno. My preference is the Blood Cult. Funny, because getting the double attacks result is even less likely than FNP in the Slaughtercult :D.
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True, although I think forcing the opponent to decide whether or not to finish off a unit or just let it absorb overwatch for one of your other units/ go about its business is going to be a tough question that isn't a bad thing to force on your enemy.

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