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Thanks! It will be a while before I'm ready for that, but I hope I can do him justice.


In the mean time, I've replaced the rampager torso with a sanguinary guard chest plate (sans nipples). I think it is a little more ornate and that's what I'm going for. I can still add spikes and khornate details. I dunno, skulls come to mind?



Dat dragon!!! Nice work there mate! The sanguinary guard chest looks definitely better on Arctos.


Glad you like it! Sans nipples it's pretty awesome. Khorne would only approve if they were dripping blood.


I worked on the spear a bit more, as well as his arms and shoulders:




I think I might shorten the middle section of the spear between the wrapped section, but I may also leave it as-is. It needs to be a pretty long weapon, he's on a figgin' dragon's back. He'll need the reach for stabbing.









I'm thinking about the following modification to his spear: move the boxed portion to the front, so he's sort of holding it closer to the middle than the tip:






Worked on his shoulderpads a bit. Liking where things are headed:








Going to swap out the evilcraft backpack for Kranon's backpack, as it's a little more sleek and not so chunky:



I think I've found a suitable solution to the chestplate. I wasn't liking the Sanguinary Guard torso. It really wasn't ornate enough and I don't think it fit the daemonic theme. After all, this character is the leader of an entire Khornate daemonkin legion who's had ten thousand years to earn/find/steal/commission the perfect suit of armor. Some muscle-sculpted plate just isn't going to cut it.


Here's where I'm at right now: **KEEP IN MIND this is not the final pose. He's going to be holding the spear up, sorta pointing it:









Yeah the blutack is effective but makes it hard to see how the edges will come together. I hold off on gluing it because I'm trying a million different things out before I find something I like. Once it's glued I think it will all look much better.

Wonderful log so far! :biggrin.: I've never been a fan of GW Dragons (one of the things that kept me from starting the Dark Elf army I had planned), but the use of a Carnosaur as a base is a wonderful idea. Even more so using it as a thirster. 

I'm not sold on the new chest piece. I know what you're trying to do but I just don't know if it's too much. I also think at the moment it hides too much of "Space Marine" from the guy and he's threatening to return to fantasy. Some of the possessed torsos have a good balance of ornate for brutal still. However I'll be interested to see where you take it and see how it looks a bit further on.

That's a good point, honestly. I was all wrapped up in making him look different from a space marine and didn't consider retaining some features that reminded you that at some point he was. I think some tubing on the side of the breastplate could be in order. Partially because I filed away a bit too much of it and need to fill the space. :biggrin.:

Woah! thats a nice dragon! where is it from?


The body is a WFB Carnosaur:




The wings and large horns are from the Bloodthirster:





And the little horns are from a helmet in the Chaos Space Marines kit.

Taking a break from Arctos and his dragon for now to do a little painting.


Finally painting my juggerspawn. I have a good 15 or so riderless bloodcrusher juggernauts dedicated for use as spawn. The Brass Stampede (my Khorne Daemonkin legion) is FULL of juggernauts. That's their thing.
I view them sorta like a pack of wolves; different colors and such, not a uniform scheme. I think I'll probably settle on 5 or 6 different schemes to use among all the juggers in my entire army, as this way there will be some cohesion at least and perhaps they could be considered "breeds" based on color.
Here is my work on the first:
Still a bit of work to go, but I'm liking it so far.

I only just noticed the axe with tally marks on the hind leg. Is that a detail on the model or freehanded?




It's part of the model. A very cool one! Later utilized in the Khorne Daemonkin codex as a sort of unit marker.


I've painted him up a bit more:









That's really cool. I like the idea of the Daemonkin using the axe-tally because it's just how khorne rolls, it felt a bit forced in the codex.


Breed names... Gorehoof? Brazen Charger? Sarum Stampeder?



That's really cool. I like the idea of the Daemonkin using the axe-tally because it's just how khorne rolls, it felt a bit forced in the codex.


Breed names... Gorehoof? Brazen Charger? Sarum Stampeder?




Gorehoof, nice! I looked up Sarum, and the only definition I got was an archaic name for Salisbury? Wha? :laugh.:


The juggerspawn is ending up more copper than brass, which I'm fine with. I mixed 2:1 vallejo old gold and GW screaming bell to get the highlight color, which I think works with the Balthasar Gold basecoat. I used Blood for the Blood God to fill in the runes, I really like the effect. Going to wash the eyes, not sure what color yet (maybe yellow?):



I think I'm almost done with him. I'm holding off on the verdigris until I figure out how best to use it. I think I want to do something with the bottom of his hooves (not sure what) and maybe add a another layer or two of thinned yellow to his eyes with a drop of white.


Here he is:










Sarum is a Forgeworld that was allied with the World Eaters at some point. Khârn has a Sarum pattern helmet, for example. If Sarum doesn't work any more, Samech would be a good substitute - it's the Dark Mech world in the Black Crusade RPG.


That Jugger looks boss.



Love what you're doing here, both model-wise and thematically/fluff-wise :smile.: Especially the Jugger-heavy force makeup and "pack of wolves" concept, I've always loved this idea and it seriously makes me want to make an army of them (and I don't even play). 


Naming ideas; some will obviously be specific to the colour and even behaviour/personality of each breed...


-Red Ragers

-Black Tusks





-Blood Bulls


-Brazen Horrors

-Bone Gorgers

-Crimson Horns

-Hell Walkers

-Black Furies



Also, definitely go with more yellow for the eyes. 

That jugger is looking very good. The copper is a great colour. 


As for the hooves, I'd suggest a small amount of weathering to dirty them up a little bit. At the moment there's an odd contrast between the blood streaks (which are appropriately done) and the shinny clean hooves. I'd start with Typhus corrosion, but I'm sure you'd be able to manage something much better.


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