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Azrael!..he just doesn't cut it! (quite pic heavy)


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Hi All,

Before we get underway i'd like to make it perfectly clear that i am by no means an experienced modeller by any stretch of the imagination, prior to Christmas 2014 i'd never even touched a GW miniature let alone paint or chop one up!....I thought green stuff was something used for cavity wall insulation..lol

I'm purely a kit basher so if you're expecting something miraculous i'm afraid you're reading the the wrong thread smile.png

So why do it? i hear you cry...well, because of that exact reason!..i would like to be able to show that just because you're a beginner and you're not a wiz with the green stuff or able to make a complete assault squad using only tooth picks and a pack of mentos!..it doesnt matter..give it a bash, you never know what may happen!

Im also doing it to try and better my own skills and hoping the feedback and input you kind peeps are willing to offer will help me do so.

So lets get started shall we?

As the Topic title eludes, i'm not a fan of Azrael the Dark Angels supreme master, what i mean is, i'm not a fan of the miniature. When i first saw the miniature i thought hmm, ok, yeah i get he's not into having all the gumf on his armour to show the spoils of war, its a monastic order and should appear as such..i get that...but...what differentiates him, the supreme grand master with that of a company master?..not much really. What the heck i thought, lets get him and see with my own eyes.

So Azrael arrived and unfortunately my disappointment grew sad.png...why so small was my first thought when placed side by side with Belial. I appreciate Belial's in terminator armour but still!..my next thought was he's still so plain, there's just nothing that makes him stand out as a Supreme grand master...this guy's supposed to be AWESOME!..he's supposedly the next best thing to the Lion himself, his name literally translates to one whom god helps..As you can tell i wasn't very pleased.

So after a few weeks deliberation and researching i found that the Azrael model is the exact same format since its first release Yonks ago!...so i decided to have a go at doing my own kit bash to try and make something i felt more suitable to honour this, the most esteemed position.

I began searching the internet and typically ended up on Evilbay but did find the below which i felt was a great starting foundation.


I also ordered the new DA upgrade sprue as i thought the helm a sword would work really well.

First thing i did was magnetize the banner and remove the shoulder pads, i don't have a Dremmel or anything like that and simply used small side cutters and a sharp craft knife to remove the shoulder pads.



I then drilled the right arm to allow magnetized weapons and tried a soft fit of the right shoulder pad.


I then drilled the sword hand and magnetized and then tried a soft fit of the helm, sword and right shoulder.....looking good so far i thought.


I then turned my attention to the left arm. i knew this was not going to be straight forward as i really liked the combi plasma weapon on Azrael and really wanted to do something along the same lines. i eventually decided to chop the front section of the original combi and attempt to splice it into the new weapon, added a little green stuff to try and give the appearance of tubing/pipes on the weapon but not really feeling it and may re-do


I also attempted to bash a "lion-esk" shoulder pad but after living with it for a couple of days felt it was just too big and didn't suit the theme i was hoping to achieve so i removed....here's some pics before it went in the bits jar. smile.png


So because i wasn't feeling the Lion shoulder i decided i wanted to try and keep the original shoulder off of Azrael, removed this from Azrael as best as i could using small hacksaw and side cutters. offered up the weapon arm and soft fitted to see how it looked. but as you can see the proportions are out...aaargghhh!



What to do, what to do??...i didn't want to waste the shoulder pad, it took me the best part of an hours to get off the original miniature and to this point so thought id attempt to splice it into one of the shoulder pads from the upgrade sprue.


Started by cutting away as much of the inner section as possible, trying to leave just the outer rim.



I then offered up the original and with some slight adjustment and a bit of green stuff felt it turned out quite well.




offered up arm for temporary fit to see how it looked and was really chuffed with the outcome.



And then a final fitting of all bits to see how it looked together, nothings glued at the moment just held with bluetac so things can be changed around if necessary


All in all about 4 hours worth of work so far, thinking of adding a couple of small bits such as the dagger/keys from the upgrade sprue...what do you think?

Any comments/feedback/suggestion would be really appreciated

Thanks for reading

Ooh yeah he's really cool!

 Thanks Fire Golem ;)

You can also host images here for free if you like.

Well done btw, although it kind of looks like he is giving a small bow to me.


I did try that first of all but kept getting an error when trying to access the Gallery...i'll bear it in mind for when i get over this failure..lol

Hm74, if it's the same error I was getting, rather than going in through My Content, if you click on your name at the top left and then go straight to My Gallery it should work smile.png

Genius, did as you suggested and i think all is now well....thank you very much

Looking awesome! Will you have a Watcher in the Dark to go with him too?


As for the pose I would perhaps try turning his combi-bolter hand slightly so the magazine is facing down and away from him.
Also if you wanted him to look even more imposing you could put a thin layer of plasticard or GS under his feet to give him an extra inch of height (an inch in his scale). Maybe see what it looks like if his head is facing up a tiny bit more as well?


Otherwise great model really an improvement on the old one.

Thank you all for the positive comments and suggestions....really wasn't expecting that ;)


I have some time this afternoon and will look at alternative postures for the bolter arm. i can't do much with the sword arm unfortunately.



Looking awesome! Will you have a Watcher in the Dark to go with him too?


As for the pose I would perhaps try turning his combi-bolter hand slightly so the magazine is facing down and away from him.
Also if you wanted him to look even more imposing you could put a thin layer of plasticard or GS under his feet to give him an extra inch of height (an inch in his scale). Maybe see what it looks like if his head is facing up a tiny bit more as well?


Otherwise great model really an improvement on the old one.


Yep i'll be adding the watcher in the dark but as he's already carrying the Lion helm i need to find a suitable un-helmed head.

Pose 1: left arm tilted backwards / inwards, very slight change, not really noticable from original.


Pose 2: Arm rolled back to give appearance of holding weapon aloft


Pose 3: Same basic pose as above but arm tilted slightly inwards


Pose 4: Arm dropped but still tilted inwards, head slightly tilted right


Pose 5: The same pose as above but head tilted further to give the impression of looking the way the way the sword is pointed (this is my fave)


Feedback/comments much appreciated.

wow! Off to a great start! You undersold your skills, for sure. You seems like you take your time to plan things out and make careful decisions; that makes a huge difference in this wacky hobby.


If you love the pose, don't change a thing. I think if it was me, I would rotate the bolter arm so that the bolter is perpendicular to the ground, rtaher than being tilted back the way it is now.


Can you tilt the head back so that he is looking more forward, rather than down? If not, when you do the base try to give him something to stand on so he is higher than the models around him.


Looking forward to following this thread-- keep it up!

you put up the new poses while I was typing-- I definitely like the ones where his head is tilted to follow the sword.


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