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Index Astartes - The Death's Redeemers


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http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q578/kydoimos2/Deaths%20Redeemers%20tactical%20marine_zpsdsvxcsxt.jpg CHAPTER NAME: .............. THE DEATH’S REDEEMERS

FOUNDING: .................. 22nd














he Death's Redeemers were created as a standing force, designed to strengthen and defend the Astartes dominion over the extreme south-east border of the galaxy.


Situated in the Segmentum Ultima, based on the world of Praxidika VII directly south of the prosperous kingdom of Ultramar, they’re facing the Exodite worlds created by those Eldars who chose exile rather than decay and death.


A successor of the famed Dark Angels chapter, the Death's Redeemers were zealous hunters of the Fallen in their early history. However, they see themselves more like defenders of the ideals of the Imperium now rather than a force belonging to the secretive successors chapters of the Dark Angels. They are therefore dedicated Marines, fighting for the glory of the Emperor, who believe that His grand design, embodied by the Great Crusade, must not be forgotten as it is too frequent in these grim days. A still young chapter, they nevertheless have gained the respect of their peers by showing their utter determination in eradicating the enemies of the Imperium of Mankind and defending an optimistic vision of the future. Sorely tested in these hard times, their faith in their cause need to be defended now more than ever.


Fierce enemies of Chaos, their history is scarred by their breaking up with their genitor chapter, the Dark Angels. Unable to accept the sacrifices in human lives thought needed by their brothers, the Death’s Redeemers have cut their ties with them and became close followers of the Codex Astartes and the example given by the Ultramarines.




The Death's Redeemers are a codex-adherant chapter. They follow the principles of the Codex Astartes and draw their tactical inspiration from the words of Roboute Guilliman rather than their original chapter, the Dark Angels. As such, they have abandoned the divergent organization of their genitor chapter and respect the rules edicted by the Primarch of the XIIIth Legion.


The Death's Redeemers developed a taste for massive drop pods assaults. Albeit risky in the extreme, this mean to deliver Marines in the heat of battle had shown enough advantages for the Chapter to be adopted as the main assault technique. Therefore, every unit is training to this particular and dangerous way of fighting, even the Devastators.


This choice is not only motivated by tactical considerations. It is also a way to answer the main demand the Death’s Redeemers imposed to themselves: to safeguard the planets they attack and the people living there as much as possible in order to bring them back as willingly as it is possible to the Imperial dominion. War is not an end in itself for the Chapter; it is the expression of the Emperor’s will and therefore must serve His design of a peaceful and united galaxy.


The Death’s Redeemer also considers that following the precepts of the Codex Astartes is a key element to reach this goal. Not as dogmatic as the Ultramarines or their successors chapters can be regarding the edicts of Guilliman’s legacy, they will however respect it strictly, as long as it is not antagonist with their superior goal of restoring Imperial light in the galaxy.




The Death's Redeemers’ fortress-monastery is based on Praxidika VII, a medieval and arid world. They are not the direct rulers of their planet but rather maintain a distant but constant watch over the population, not interfering in political matters, awed by their presence which is shrouded in mystery and legends.


Praxidika VII is a planet with a harsh environment. Few could survive on its surface without the knowledge of advanced survival techniques in an arid world.



Type Small iron/silicate

Radius 1767.93 km

Surface area 3.93 x 107 km²

Land area 3.38 x 107 km²

Mass 1.35 x 1023 kg

Density 5.84 g/cm3

Composition 33.8% iron, 24.8% oxygen, 20.8% aluminum, 8.0% silicon, 4.3% sodium, 4.5% other metals, 3.7% other elements


Gravity 10 m/s²

Escape velocity 13 km/s


Period 18.66 hours

Axis tilt 25.43°


Water 15%

Ice 5%


Type Breathable

Pressure 1 057 hPa

Composition 81.1% nitrogen, 18.9% oxygen, trace other gases


Type Arid

Min Temp -40 °C

Avg Temp 48 °C

Max Temp 55 °C


Microbes, predators, residual flora, humans


The planet is smaller than Terra and is characterized by a heavier gravity. Temperatures are commonly above 40° Celsius during the day and above -40° during the nights. Water is present on the planet but is unsurprisingly the rarest resource on this small globe. Fauna is therefore much reduced since few animals managed to adapt these conditions.

The Death’s Redeemers fortress monastery, the Emperor’s Eye, is situated on the only mountainous zone on the planet and close to the main water area which is situated on the southern hemisphere. Climate is an obstacle in itself: reaching the highest peaks is a trial that very few manage indeed. Those successful might be considered worthy to be taken by the Chapter as neophyte.

The terrain around the fortress being flat, defense from the ground is easy. However, the weapons aimed at the skies are far more potent than it seems at first look. Those are completed by several orbital stations, able to cover reciprocally due to the small diameter of the planet. Constantly watchful, the servitors linked to long range auguries are able to make out friend from foe and unleash hell at anyone daring to approach the planet without valid clearance.




The Death's Redeemers’ have a rather complicated history regarding to their origins and their evolution.


Created from the Dark Angels gene seeds, they have developed similar characters traits: secretive, relentless and stubborn, they were designed for the hunt of the Fallen and embraced it willingly at the beginning. Dedicated to this task, they organized their newly-founded chapter in order to keep these secrets hidden to those unworthy. And behind their apparent dedication to the Imperial cause, they were relentlessly searching for any traces of their lost brothers, hunting them and everyone suspected to hold information regarding their whereabouts.


However, this situation was not designed to endure.


Having gathered information on a possible location of a Fallen angel plotting against the Imperial and Astartes dominance in relation with Eldars corsairs based close to the Maelstrom, the Death's Redeemers’ asked for help from their genitors. The plan, based on information gathered by the Ravenwing of both Chapters, was to lead a powerful strike, both by teleportation and ground assault, in order to destroy the Fallen’s fortress.


But nothing went along as planned.


The first problem to occur was that the people living on the planet were not as pacific as it seemed. As soon as the Death's Redeemers’ ground elements landed on a remote area, they were surrounded by frenzied humans, poorly equipped but relentless in their hatred of the Astartes. Forced to fight back, the spearhead couldn’t accomplish its objective in due time.


This action showed something else: that the attack against the Fallen was known and surprise couldn’t be exploited. Both leaders wondered if the teleported assault should be carried out; the Death Redeemers’ chapter master, Caïn Ektes, voted against this option whereas the Dark Angels firmly asked their allies not to deny their secret oath. Unwillingly, Ektes agreed to follow his allies into battle under high pressure, startled by the aggressiveness they shown but not decided to break his word and show his honor as a Son of the Lion.


Final preparations were made for the assault when an alert sounded in the Death's Redeemers’ battle barge’s strategium. Expecting an imminent attack at first, both Astartes leaders discovered that the fleet in approach belonged to the Adepta Sororita. The messages sent by this unexpected ally made things more complicated: suspecting a chaotic infestation on the planet, Sisters sent there had for mission to search for actual clues proving this assertion and, if needed, destroy subversive elements, if it wasn’t too late.


The Dark Angels decided to use these allies as bait in order to create a new element of surprise. In conjunction with the Arbites forces on the ground, the Adepta Sororita organized an armed reconnaissance in the suburbs of the main city on the planet. During this time, the Astartes force withdrew, simulating a general fallback and abandoning the ground task force. However, they kept an eye on the Sororita’s action which functioned as planned: drawing the attention of the enemy, they were assailed by a large force, pushing them back from the city. This was the moment: the Dark Angels launched a surprise teleport assault on the fortress, destroying the command centre and capturing the Fallen. Withdrawing, they started an orbital bombardment in order to destroy the Ecclesiarchy’s forces, witness of their action.


Ektes stood witness of all these actions in awe: he couldn’t believe anymore in the legitimacy of this hunt that was driving Astartes forces to fight and kill the very ones they were made to protect. Acting boldly, he rushed in order to retrieve his men stuck on the planet. Seeing this, the Dark Angels force stopped shooting. But this was a mere satisfaction: the Ecclesiarchy’s ships, believing the Death's Redeemers were the source of the attack against their forces started to shoot at them, while the Dark Angels were swiftly disappearing.


In his anger, Ektes ordered to destroy the Ecclesiarchy’s ships that attacked them, retrieve their brothers on the ground and leave the planet. Since then, and after a very violent explanation with the Dark Angels, the Death's Redeemers have voluntarily forsaken their oath to hunt the Fallen and strive to earn forgiveness for their actions.





The chapter organization is in keeping with the Codex Astartes. There are 10 companies: the first one regroup the Chapter’s veterans, either equipped with Terminator armor or classical power armor; the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th companies are battle companies led by captains and made of 6 tactical squads, 2 assaults squads and 2 devastator squad, each of them having their own armory and dedicated Dreadnoughts. 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th companies are reserve companies and the 10th squad is made of scouts.


The Death's Redeemers have a high number of drop pods due to their tactical doctrine and assaults squads are also trained to excel in boarding actions. Their veteran in Terminator armor equally favors teleporting assault in these situations or planet fall attacks.


The Chapter’s fleet is a reflection of their combat doctrine. The Death's Redeemers own few capital class ships compared to others chapters and focus rather on small, fast and aggressive ships.

Their void combat doctrine is similar to their planetary engagements: they favor close quarters actions through the massive use of boarding torpedoes. Once on board, their assault squads, specifically equipped, are tasked with the destruction of the main propulsive elements of the enemy ships whereas their Terminators squads are looking for leaders in order to destroy them utterly, ending the fight as quickly as possible.


The Death's Redeemers’ power armor is painted in black and ivory colors. They adhere strictly to the Codex Astartes’ principles regarding companies, squads and officers distinctive signs.




The Occlusiad War [550.M37]

Albeit far from Praxidika VII, the Death’s Redeemers took part to this conflict suspecting the presence of a Fallen behind the Blind King actions.

The Death’s Redeemers distinguished themselves by leading several bold boarding operations in the numerous void battles that occurred during this conflict.


Break-up with the Dark Angels [723.M38]

The Death’s Redeemers, following the events on the planet of Merak, give up their hunt of the Fallen and publicly adhere to the Codex Astartes. They also develop their ties with the Ultramarines, which are now considered as their source of inspiration.


The Redemption Crusades [131.M39]

The Death’s Redeemers are a major force accompanying the global burst leading to the recovery of numerous worlds across the Imperium.


The First Tyranic War [745.M41]

Based on a world close to Ultramar, the Death’s Redeemers had to defend themselves against a tendril of the Hive Fleet Behemoth. However, the poor amount of biomass on Praxidika VII weakened the aliens that couldn’t get enough genetic material to renew their strength. However, the victory was hard-won and the chapter suffered important losses, until they could destroy the last Tyranids force disoriented after the victory of the Ultramarines in the battle for Macragge.

Edited by Kydoimos
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All right, people! This is a great time for me, since I dare showing my work regarding my DIY chapter, the Death's Redeemers (yeah, I know I'm shy).


This is my first attempt at doing this, so I hope there are not too much mistakes/inconsistencies/... I already discussed it, but I'm not sure if the name of the Chapter is grammatically correct. Hopefully it is, because I like it very much :biggrin.:


I'll try to expand this background later but I think I'll wait for some feedback first. I feel that my explanations regarding the breaking up with the DA might not be enough or convincing. But you'll tell me (I hope).


I don't have any models painted yet, but I should hopefully be able to start this after the summer. I've started to gather some minis and I'm already thinking about possible conversion for my chapter master.


I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and of course feel free to comment and criticize!

Edited by Kydoimos
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Interesting enough. I have to admit, the first thing that struck me was how you didn't mention the Fallen 'til halfway through the IA.Considering how important the Fallen are in the history of most Dark Angel successors, I think it would be wise to mention them a bit earlier, even if it is just to say that they do not hunt them anymore.


I'll get round to doing a full comment later.

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Thanks a lot for your comment and your appreciation.


And you're right about mentioning the Fallen's presence earlier. I just wrote another bit of background that is taking place rather soon after the creation of the chapter and that aims at explaining why the DR got away from the DA. I'll post this a bit later, I still want to think about it.


And looking forward to reading your full comment :)

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Right then, here goes. I'll just jot down the things I notice, mainly the things that "bother" me. I think the IA is rather good, even if I don't necessarily repeat it in the following list:

  1. 055.M37 : I'd recommend giving the founding number, probably 22nd in this case (M37, and its stated that the 23rd is late in the 37th Millenium, by the Warhammer 40k wikia. You can keep the exact date, but keep in mind that a founding doesn't happen overnight, I think it takes at the very least ten years, so you might want to state that the Redeemers were declared battle ready in that year, or something like that.
  2. The word "Heir" means that they will inherit something from the Dark Angels should they fall. "Héritier" in french, and that's not what the Redeemers are: use the word "successors" instead.
  3. The fact that Chaos is their main enemy is surprising, considering that their homeworld is near eldar exodite worlds and the Tau Empire, not to mention being on the path of the Tyranids. You might want to add another sentence about where they may find these chaos warriors, because the main chaos threats come generally from the Eye of Terror and the Mailstrom.
  4. When I said talking about the Fallen earlier, I didn't mean earlier in their history (though it is actually a good idea to have a battle honour with them). I meant that you need at least one sentence in the introduction about it: when someone reads that they are of dark angels descent, they naturally believe that there is going to be some mention of the fallen. When they don't, they'll be confused. Just write one sentence, saying that they are one of the few Dark Angels successors who are no longer part of the Unforgiven because of events in their history: that way, you'll avoid the confusion, but more importantly, you'll make him/her curious about these events, spurring them on to read the whole article.
  5. All space marine chapters use drop pod assault to a varying degree (perhaps with the exception of the Grey Knights). You have to find a way of explaining how this choice came about. I understand that that's what you're trying to do with the rest of the paragraph, I just don't really think it explains it that well, at least when they take part in other kinds of campaigns.
  6. You also talk about how they try to defend these worlds, how you bring back rebel planets into compliance, and how they uphold the ideals of the great crusade. This all seems a bit vague and confused: I'd recommend you say that they focus on one of these, or avoid talking about focus altogether, making them a sort of "all-rounder". A chapter with these three different goals as main goals wont be able to complete any successfully. (Sorry if I haven't made myself clear)
  7. Put the specific descriptions about the planet in spoiler brackets: for the moment they make the article more heavy visually, when many people won't bother reading it.
  8. For the battle where the Sororitas are involved, you have to add that they are disturbing communications between the Sororitas ground force and the orbital force, because otherwise the secret will get out anyway. Also, add that your chapter master tries to speak with the ecclesiarchy ships first, before destroying them, because it seems like they are defending them one second, then destroying them the next.
  9. Your colour scheme is nice, but the red hand and knee cap are quite striking: is there a particular symbology behind these ?

Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. 


If you want to further enhance your article, you might want to consider these things :

  • chapter badge : this is actually quite important I find, because, in conjunction with the colour scheme and name, it's the main thing that people will think of when they try to remember what the chapter is about (someone says ultramarines or Imperial Fists, Will they think of the tyranic wars or the pain gauntlet first and foremost ? no, they'll think blue with a big white U, or yellow with a fist.)
  • Talk about WHY their chapter fortress is called the emperor's eye ?
  • Are there any particular heroes in your chapter's history, or now ? Think about at least two officers in the present day, who can shape what the chapter's spirit is about. It can be the chapter master and a captain, but it can just as well be a chaplain and a sergeant.
  • Any particular traditions/beliefs/rituals/relics ?

Good luck !

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The Dark Angles are obsessed with keeping the Fallen secret , to the point of killing people. That why I thing letting the Adepta Sororita  get killed fits quit well, maybe they believed they were getting close to finding out, so they  let them die to prevent it.


However I don’t see The Dark Angles or any of the Unforgiven let any chapter just walk away and get matey with the Ultramarines. They are just not prepared to risk anyone finding out, I think there would be some major consequences to this. Worse case scenario would be all out war or at least they would be kept an eye on by the rest of the unforgiven. 

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The thing is, the way it's written at the moment, the Death's Redeemers don't originally mean to let the sororitas die, it seems more like they want to save them: a few moments later, they are destroying these forces... It doesn't sound right.


But I do agree with the fact that you have to find a better justification for the Dark Angels to "let them go" : even the angels of absolution still hunt the fallen, even though they don't exactly consider themselves unforgiven. You need a REALLY good reason, but I don't think that's out of the question.

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The way I read it was the Dark Angles were using them as bait and the Redeemers didn’t agree with it. Just thought it would be interesting ideal if the Dark Angles did this because they thought the sisters were getting close to discovering the fallen and seen this as a "Justifiable" reason to betray their allies. The Redeemers didn’t agree and this was a reason for the split. Something along those lines anyway   :biggrin.:

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First of all, thanks for your comments and support. They really help me.


Right then, here goes. I'll just jot down the things I notice, mainly the things that "bother" me. I think the IA is rather good, even if I don't necessarily repeat it in the following list:

  1. 055.M37 : I'd recommend giving the founding number, probably 22nd in this case (M37, and its stated that the 23rd is late in the 37th Millenium, by the Warhammer 40k wikia. You can keep the exact date, but keep in mind that a founding doesn't happen overnight, I think it takes at the very least ten years, so you might want to state that the Redeemers were declared battle ready in that year, or something like that.
  2. The word "Heir" means that they will inherit something from the Dark Angels should they fall. "Héritier" in french, and that's not what the Redeemers are: use the word "successors" instead.
  3. The fact that Chaos is their main enemy is surprising, considering that their homeworld is near eldar exodite worlds and the Tau Empire, not to mention being on the path of the Tyranids. You might want to add another sentence about where they may find these chaos warriors, because the main chaos threats come generally from the Eye of Terror and the Mailstrom.
  4. When I said talking about the Fallen earlier, I didn't mean earlier in their history (though it is actually a good idea to have a battle honour with them). I meant that you need at least one sentence in the introduction about it: when someone reads that they are of dark angels descent, they naturally believe that there is going to be some mention of the fallen. When they don't, they'll be confused. Just write one sentence, saying that they are one of the few Dark Angels successors who are no longer part of the Unforgiven because of events in their history: that way, you'll avoid the confusion, but more importantly, you'll make him/her curious about these events, spurring them on to read the whole article.
  5. All space marine chapters use drop pod assault to a varying degree (perhaps with the exception of the Grey Knights). You have to find a way of explaining how this choice came about. I understand that that's what you're trying to do with the rest of the paragraph, I just don't really think it explains it that well, at least when they take part in other kinds of campaigns.
  6. You also talk about how they try to defend these worlds, how you bring back rebel planets into compliance, and how they uphold the ideals of the great crusade. This all seems a bit vague and confused: I'd recommend you say that they focus on one of these, or avoid talking about focus altogether, making them a sort of "all-rounder". A chapter with these three different goals as main goals wont be able to complete any successfully. (Sorry if I haven't made myself clear)
  7. Put the specific descriptions about the planet in spoiler brackets: for the moment they make the article more heavy visually, when many people won't bother reading it.
  8. For the battle where the Sororitas are involved, you have to add that they are disturbing communications between the Sororitas ground force and the orbital force, because otherwise the secret will get out anyway. Also, add that your chapter master tries to speak with the ecclesiarchy ships first, before destroying them, because it seems like they are defending them one second, then destroying them the next.
  9. Your colour scheme is nice, but the red hand and knee cap are quite striking: is there a particular symbology behind these ?

Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. 


If you want to further enhance your article, you might want to consider these things :

  • chapter badge : this is actually quite important I find, because, in conjunction with the colour scheme and name, it's the main thing that people will think of when they try to remember what the chapter is about (someone says ultramarines or Imperial Fists, Will they think of the tyranic wars or the pain gauntlet first and foremost ? no, they'll think blue with a big white U, or yellow with a fist.)
  • Talk about WHY their chapter fortress is called the emperor's eye ?
  • Are there any particular heroes in your chapter's history, or now ? Think about at least two officers in the present day, who can shape what the chapter's spirit is about. It can be the chapter master and a captain, but it can just as well be a chaplain and a sergeant.
  • Any particular traditions/beliefs/rituals/relics ?

Good luck !


So, my answers :

1. you're right, it's better like this it's changed.

2. you're right again! Changed!

3. Hmmm, you're right. I focused too much maybe on the Fallen's hunt and therefore on the chaotic threat they're facing. I already had plans to include the Tyranids but Eldars and Taus deserve something too. I have to think about this then.

4. Understood, I'll add something this way.

5. OK. It's true that it's a common mean of warfare for Astartes but I thought my reasons were convincing enough. I'll come up with something better.

6. You're right again, too many goals is too much. I'll change this.

7. Done!

8. See the end of my answer.

9. Yes, there is a specifc symbology behind these colors. I've written something about this but it's published yet. It should come online soon.


Concerning the chapter badge, it's on its way. Carlson793 will create it for me and I'll have to find someone to print it in France but it will be done. But it should look like a scythe with a single wing opposite its blade, with the entire logo at an angle (wing up, blade down). I plan it to be red.


About the name of the fortress : same as the knee and hand colors, it's been written but not published yet. I think I'll have to rewrite this to adress the problem of the separation with the DA.


About the heroes of the Chapter, it's the same as above : it's been written but not published. I've written something about a Librarian and I'm planning to create something about a sergeant too. I'll try to post it soon.


No specific traditions, rituals or relics yet ; I haven't thought about that to be honest. About the beliefs, I'll try to expand their creed about the Emperor's ideals a bit more.


The Dark Angles are obsessed with keeping the Fallen secret , to the point of killing people. That why I thing letting the Adepta Sororita  get killed fits quit well, maybe they believed they were getting close to finding out, so they  let them die to prevent it.


However I don’t see The Dark Angles or any of the Unforgiven let any chapter just walk away and get matey with the Ultramarines. They are just not prepared to risk anyone finding out, I think there would be some major consequences to this. Worse case scenario would be all out war or at least they would be kept an eye on by the rest of the unforgiven. 


You're right about the consequences of giving up the Hunt. I already have some ideas about that which need to be developed. Let's say that the UM would be considered as the main reference regarding the organisation of the chapter but links between them and the DR wouldn't be too strong. Just see them as an inspiration.


The thing is, the way it's written at the moment, the Death's Redeemers don't originally mean to let the sororitas die, it seems more like they want to save them: a few moments later, they are destroying these forces... It doesn't sound right.


But I do agree with the fact that you have to find a better justification for the Dark Angels to "let them go" : even the angels of absolution still hunt the fallen, even though they don't exactly consider themselves unforgiven. You need a REALLY good reason, but I don't think that's out of the question.


They don't mean to let the Sisters die indeed. But I didn't mean they wanted to protect them. Their move was designed to rescue their brothers on the ground and the DA stopped shooting because the DR had to get in their line of fire to do so.


The way I read it was the Dark Angles were using them as bait and the Redeemers didn’t agree with it. Just thought it would be interesting ideal if the Dark Angles did this because they thought the sisters were getting close to discovering the fallen and seen this as a "Justifiable" reason to betray their allies. The Redeemers didn’t agree and this was a reason for the split. Something along those lines anyway   :biggrin.:


You're right about the bait thing and the fact that the DR disagree. And I like your idea for the split, I think I'll use it ;)


Thanks again for your comments! I'll get back to my keyboard and try to post something soon. I've also started to paint some minis, I'll create a WIP thread later.

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