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Cadian VIII - The Lord-Castellans Own


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Hey folks!

Brand new 40k player here with a growing AS force. I've been playing WHFB for almost a year but my fluffy heart always belonged in the GrimDark. I'll be posting up pictures of the individual units and some army wide shots as the adventure progresses. Hopefully also some battle reports in time.

I'm painting the army up as straight up Cadian VIII. Yup, Usarkar E. "I hide Reaver Titans behind trees" Creed's old regiment. I mostly use the painting procedure showed by Duncan Rhodes for Cadian camo, although I tend to dry brush a bit more to save time. My hobby ambition for the army is to achieve a good gaming standard. So details that are invisible to the eye at 3 feet away are sometimes gone over lightly for speed purposes. The hobby heavy projects are reserved for a lower model count army msn-wink.gif

After Creed's promotion to Lord-Castellan the upper echelons of Cadian high command was quick to capitalize on the morale-boosting value of "The Lord-Castellans Own" as the Cadian VIII was becoming known as. Therefore they turned the regiment into a tool of propaganda, massively boosting the ranks of the regiment with everything from armoured companies to Kasrkin squads. This effectively made the regiment a massive combined task force and high command now inserts parts of the Cadian VIII, where the morale and fight are failing in the struggle for the Cadian Gate.

Pictures and battlefield stories are soon to follow...

DangerClose, out.

PS. to WarriorFish: WIP up and running msn-wink.gif

Leman Russ Punisher
C/S: C45
"Foe Breaker"




First time using glazes. I'm semi-happy about the outcome of the "metal heat discoloration".


Leman Russ Executioner

C/S: C43

"Ol' Lightning Bolt"



Plasma coils... Easy to do. Looks like a million bucks. What's not to love?
C/S: B21
"Tin Can"


First vehicle and 40k model I painted. Originally it had a color scheme reminiscent of the GW Militarum Tempestus camo scheme, but I switched to the cadian colors and instantly liked it smile.png
Bravo COY 4th platoon
Group picture (Junior-rank Commissar not amused)


From the Cadian Defence Force Box and a Armoured Fist box.

C/S: Mechanicus designation code 961743

"Event Horizon"








Just finished this beast of a model today. The camo and metals was a pain to get trough, but I really enjoyed painting the beautiful details of the rear and the OSL around the cannon and the engine came out nice.

Looking very good. Welcome to the Imperial Guard! Too bad you didn't come in a couple months ago, then we could have added this stunning display to the ETL! Still there's next year! I think every Imperial 40k player finds themselves here sooner or later, good thing you skipped all that mucking about with other armies... 


That is excellent work, what's next? More Infantry? Perhaps some Stormtroopers (curious if you're going to use the new scions boxes, or if you're going the old metal kasrkin route).

I have a tournament coming up in september and i'm taking a tank heavy list. Right now the approval of the shadowsword is pending and if it doesn't get approved i'll have to bolster up on either a few more LM's or maybe more infantry and an ADL. The infantry option is properly the least favorable option due to the painting involved.


Either way stormtroopers will be added later. I think i'll be using the Scions but I will definitely do the "Throwback" camo scheme of the old Kasrkin with the white-outline red lightning pattern :)

I have a tournament coming up in september and i'm taking a tank heavy list. Right now the approval of the shadowsword is pending and if it doesn't get approved i'll have to bolster up on either a few more LM's or maybe more infantry and an ADL. The infantry option is properly the least favorable option due to the painting involved.

Either way stormtroopers will be added later. I think i'll be using the Scions but I will definitely do the "Throwback" camo scheme of the old Kasrkin with the white-outline red lightning pattern smile.png

Very cool, I look forward to seeing this as your work progresses. Good luck with the Tourney!

Great stuff Danger! Your models look very nice to me, the tanks in particular have a good camo scheme and nice weathering. These will look very good on any table top :tu: Great to see some classic Cadians too :) I like the yellow glow on the Shadowsword that's a nice touch, keep the models coming :D

  • 2 weeks later...
First blood for the Cadian VIII'th!


1000 pts game against Orks:


I brought:


Pask in Punisher with Plasmacutioner as buddy.

2 x Vets in Chimeras





He had 2 Trukks with boys and a Battlewagon with Mega-Nobz and Warboss. Some Gretchin, something that looked like a Thunderfire cannon and a squad of Lootaz.


Rather straight forward game because of the match-up. I grabbed whatever objectives I could before I retreated to the back line. He pushed up with the Trukks to bring Powerklaws in the game against the armour. He conceded turn 3 due to only having the Lootaz and the transports left. The match-up was heavily in my favour, but it was really nice of the guy to introduce me to the game.


MVP: Wyvern, who took out most of the boys single-handedly. 


IMG 0008

It always pains me to see models converted into terrain like that... Good result against a pesky list, I've fought similar ones more than enough times. If the meganobz keep turning up try turning some demolisher cannons on them ;)

  • 4 weeks later...

Reporting in for the Cadian VIII'th. Last units for the upcoming tournament in October are done (Army wide photo will follow) and I attended a smaller 3-game warm-up tournament yesterday. The list:

1850 pts. (No formations allowed)

Tank Commander Sqd

LM Punisher - Pask, Multi Melta Sponsons, Heavy Bolter, Camo Netting.
LM Executioner - Plasma sponsons, Lascannon, Camo Netting

Tank Commander Sqd

LM Vanquisher - Tank Commander, Lascannon, Camo Netting.
LM Vanquisher - Lascannon, Camo Netting.

Forward Sentries
Chimera - Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade


Forward Sentries
Chimera - Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade





2 x Pair of Lacannon Sponsons (w. HB's), Twin-linked HB.

1850 pts.

Game 1 against Space Wolves:

Objective wise we were almost tied but he makes into CC with his wolfrider-somthing-viking-lord and starts popping tanks. I retreat to the corner but can't hold for long enough. 20-0 to Space Wolves.

Game 2 against Dark Eldar:

Pask's unit is taken turn 2 due to non-scattering deep striking allied Wraith Guard w. D-Scythes. No surprises there biggrin.png

He has a ton of skimmers but his main threat against me are Dark Lances. We gradually grind each other down across the board and in the end I manage to secure 8 extra points to his 1 extra point for holding objectives at the end of the game. Slight win for the Guard. 13-7.

Game 3 against Eldar:

Pretty close game where my opponent secures so many points early on, that I start to go for tabling. I lost Pask's unit by coming to close to a Waveserpent with Fire Dragons and therefore haven't got a lot of units to chase him with.

In the end he has 2 infantry models, a damaged Waveserpent and a flier left. Major Eldar win on points. 20-0.


This is clearly a fluff/theme-inspired list and by no means very competitive, hence the reason I was allowed to bring the Shadowsword (since all BB variants are banned). Despite this I took with me some pointers from the games:

- I should be more careful with exposing Pask's unit and only choose the fights I can win. I sorely missed the unit in the endgame of all 3 games.

- I was way too defensive with the Shadowsword. That thing is a front on it's own. You have to drive it forward to utilise all the angles of the sponson weapons. The HBs are wonderful for killing of straglers and light vehicles.

- I was disappointed by the Vanquishers, but I didn't face anything above AV12 in any of the games so I'm hesitant of swapping them for LRBTs.

But i'm in my infancy of WH40K tactics... Do you have any tweaks for the list before the big tournament in October?

Seems like you learned the most valuable lesson from your experience.


I do have this suggestions, since you don't seem to like your Vanquishers too much. Have you considered Exterminators? I have used them a few times in a command role and I've grown to really like them. They'll help you list versus the light armor you seem to struggle with and help to thin hordes. You also should consider finding the points to give those veterans some special weapons, even three flamers would up their firepower a lot. Heck, since their chimeras don't move too much, I image, even an autocannon would take good advantage of their BS4 and help against Eldar and D. Eldar skimmers.

As libris said, lessons learnt are always good! Pask is such a fire magnet protecting him from deep strike/close assault is seldom a bad move, so make use of terrain and units (ideally cheaper ones) to help screen him.

  • 4 weeks later...

The Cadian VIII'th here with a small teaser for the weekend: The Giant Fanatic Tournament in Denmark.

Saturday and sunday will be the grand debut for my AM army. This is the tournament I started the army for. By far the biggest tournament in Denmark with a couple of hundred players attending for WHFB, WH40K, WM, Malifaux, FoW and more. 5 rounds of pure futuristic-battlefield joy and i'm over the moon with excitement :)

I enjoyed playing "The Tank Column" at the last tournament and people liked the theme a lot. After a couple of last tweaks this is the final list:

1850 pts. (No formations allowed)

Tank Commander Sqd

LM Punisher - Pask, Multi Melta Sponsons, Heavy Bolter.
LM Executioner - Plasma sponsons, Lascannon.

Tank Commander Sqd

LM Vanquisher - Tank Commander, Lascannon.
LM Vanquisher - Lascannon.

Demolitions, 1 x Melta
Chimera - Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade

Heavy Flamer, 2 x Flamer
Chimera - Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade




2 x Pair of Lacannon Sponsons (w. HB's), Twin-linked HB.

1850 pts.

I can't wait to break out those 10" S10 AP1 Ignore Cover shots! cool.png

Hopefully I'll have summaries and pictures up soon after smile.png

DangerClose, out.

  • 3 months later...

Hey guys. Massive update inbound. I'll put up a few post about my army status at the moment and then lastly an old tournament-rep smile.png

You'll see a lot of different painting standards in the army. Both because of the progress I've made as a painter, but also the how much time I choose to invest in the models. From the standard rank-and-file guardsman to the newest addition: a Officio Prefectus Commissar painted to the limits of my skills.

First and foremost here's how the army looks today with a few highlights:

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Of the more exotic stuff I've painted a Freeblade Knight, Culexus assassin and some *REDACTED* terminators with a (at the time of picture, not all finished) *REDACTED*. Not shown is a *REDACTED* dread knight with *Scribe shot by Inquisition associates at this point*.

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And whats in the pipeline:

- Chimera

- LR Eradicator

- 2 Vendettas

- 3 Tauroxes

- Manticore

Will return with the tourney-rep later smile.png

morroccomole: My standard metals are: a Basecoat of Warplock Bronze, a dry-brushing of Leadbelcher and a wash of Nuln Oil. This gives a very dark/weathered metal look. Then for the sword I used Runefang Steel and feathered the edge with the tip of the brush making small adjacent stripes smile.png

Here's a short write up of the major tournament I went to in October:

A version, close to the list I used, can be found in some of the earlier post but in short: Fluffy Tank-CAD...

Game 1

Opponent: Eldar

Notes: Very hard match-up against both D-Cannons, Wraithguard, Wraithknight and bikes. I manage to stay my distance to the batteries and pull some points but eventually he wins a slight victory.

13-7 to Eldar.





Game 2

Opponent: Knights and orks.

Notes: Bottom turn 3 and I'm a heap of smouldering ruins biggrin.png

20-0 to Knights



Game 3

Opponent: Tyranids.

Notes: Fun game with bugs all over the place. He reduces my Stormsword to BS 0 for two or three consecutive turns via Peroxism (which I think we misread as being able to reduce further than BS 1) and I sorely miss those shots in the late game. I should also have targeted the shroud-bug sooner smile.png

17-3 to Tyranids.


"Let me lick your face!"


"Happy Toxicrene is happy!"


Game 4

Opponent: Black Templars

Notes: Loads of grav everywhere. I sorely underestimated it and he rolls amazing inv. saves for he Terminators who proceed to curb stomp stuff. In the end i'm left with a single hull point on the board.

15-5 to Black Templar




Game 5

Opponent: Astra Militarum

Notes: Just look at that line-up. Sweet mother jebus thats how space war needs to look. This was a fun and really relaxed game but the odds were heavily in my favor because of the match-up and it's almost a walkover for the panzer-division.

20-0 to the Panzer Cadians (who apparently turned traitor for a game)








In the end I place 37 out of 55 participants, greatly helped by full paint scores msn-wink.gif

Creds goes out to all my opponents who made the tournament a pleasant experience for a new player smile.png


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