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Cadian VIII - The Lord-Castellans Own


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Went to 3 game tournament yesterday with ETC regulations. Always nice get some more experience, learn to know new people and play against new armies.

IMG 0212

My 1850 pts. list

Lord Commie

Platoon (3 autocannon squads and flamerstar PCS)

Melta Vets in Chimera

Demo Vets in Chimera

2 x Wyvern



Knight Paladin

Lvl. 3 Libby

Termie Squat


Game 1: Space Wolves (10-10)

IMG 0210

I try to spread out to avoid the Viking-wolf-deathstar-thingie but he breaks off individual characters to hunt down the individual segments. My blob holds the main force for 1,5 turn, so I got that going for me which is nice msn-wink.gif I play a little too defensively with my knight and in the end we go 10-10 because we thought the Relic mission played out differently. It would have gone to him with a 6 point lead if we played it correctly.
Game 2: Space Marines (0-20)

IMG 0214

This was a weird list to play against but it was very neatly crafted. White Scars Biker Star with Libby Conclave, Coteaz and Inquisitor. Gravturions popping in and out of a bunker with and escape hatch. The bikestar cleaned everything it touched and again I play the knight defensively in fear of the grav. He wins a major victory on kill points, maelstrom points and holding objectives in the end.

Game 3: Space Marines (0-20)

IMG 0215

Skyhammer Annihilation Force... and the rest of the army in drop pods. Maybe I could have spread out more on turn 1 and escaped further down the table, but it was not to be smile.png Tabled by turn 3.

It was a fun tournament and it's always nice to push plastic on the tables, but I think that especially the last two games show that the AM Codex is just not on par (Even though my army contained a lot of other elements). I'm not taking anything away from the players because they where all talented and I'm still quite new to the game, but your jaw drops when you see all the special rules of the Skyhammer in action. Some of the other lists in the tournament where Eldar Bike/Wraith, Eldar Warpspider/Wraith, War Convo and Fateweaver Deamons.

Still a fun day and with at reasonable price that included coffee and cake smile.png

Next in line is a 1500 pts tournament on sunday.

There is a bit more of a noticeable gap with the appearance of all the formations now that's true, but you're getting some early experience in which will pay dividends in the future. When we get some cool formations and tricks of our own the experiences of doing without will make you a better commander with ;)

I've found with skyhammer playing a tighter guard formation helps with the counter attack even with a knight present.


You do risk having your knight destroy your own forces but it'll make them think twice about deploying.

Just wanted to post the list for the upcoming 1500 pts tournament in weekend. First time trying out something from the ABG.


+++ ITC 1500 (1500pts) +++

++ Astra Militarum: IA01.2 - Armoured Battle Group (2012) (Allied Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Company Command Tank
Vanquisher [beast Hunter Shells, Lascannon]

+ Elites +

Commissar Tank
Vanquisher [beast Hunter Shells, Lascannon]

+ Troops +

Eradicator [Heavy Bolter]

++ Astra Militarum: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Company Command Squad [Flak Armour, 3x Veteran w/ Flamer, Veteran w/ Heavy Flamer]
Chimera [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter]
Company Commander [ HoC: Wrath of Cadia, Warlord]

+ Troops +

Veterans [Flak Armour for Squad, 6x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 3x Veteran w/ Meltagun]
Chimera [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter]

Veterans [Flak Armour for Squad, Taurox, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun]
Veteran Autocannon Team

Veterans [Flak Armour for Squad, Taurox, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun]
Veteran Autocannon Team

Veterans [Flak Armour for Squad, Taurox, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun]
Veteran Autocannon Team

+ Heavy Support +

Wyvern [Heavy Bolter]

Wyvern [Heavy Bolter]

++ Officio Assassinorum: Dataslate (2014) (Officio Assassinorum Detachment) ++

Culexus Assassin


Looking forward to trying out my new Tauroxes and the Beast Hunter Shells :)

Just returned from this weekends tournament featuring three new Tauroxes and a new Eradicator :)

List was as seen above:

IMG 0218

IMG 0221

Game 1: Orks (12-8)

Nice and balanced game. I take out most of a massive bike blob turn one and begin to dominate on Maelstrom points. He closes with the boss bike and single pain boy and starts harassing while some Mega-Kustom-Buzzsaw-Killa-Robots outflanks and comes into play late game and chops stuff. Slight win for the guard. Huzzah!

Game 2: Spess Mereehns (0-20)

Uphill struggle as I've come to expect of SM and drop pods. He takes out 2 LRs top of turn 1 with 2 x 3 GravCents in pods with Tigurius and another Libby. From there it's just a mess, but it was a really fun and laid back game. Lots of laughs and a hilarious moment of my Culexus chasing the psykers halfway over the board.

Game 3: Dark Angels / Knights (0-20)

Outflanking Ravenwing with Sammael, a Knight Paladin and a Knight Atrapos. This was a more balanced game than the previous although I didn't have much to counter the knights, but in the end he tabled me in turn 5. It was a good game, I learned a lot and we talked it over afterwards to see how I could improve my tactics. Tournament wise I need to exploit the rules technicalities like parking my LRs with the butt against the edge and conga-lining to negate outflanks etc.

Another good day of gaming with some really cool people. I placed last in the rankings but was tied for first in painting. The guy I tied with was a massive good sport and awarded the prize to me without a roll-off, even refusing to share the prize when I offered it. I netted a very good quality paintbrush and a gift certificate. I think the man deserves a brew on me next time ;)

On a last note: This list was FUN! Lots of possibilities and a good manoeuvrability for IG standards. Next tournament is in 3 weeks and I'll bring a similar 1850 pts list possibly adding a Vendetta, Hydra, MoO, MoF, another Vet Squad and exchanging the autocannons for meltas.

Until next time cool.png

Nice work good to hear you had fun. That's the main things and kudos on taking out the painting prize.


I'd probably skip the MoO its too inaccurate for what it offers

Consider an inquisitor with servo skulls to stop pesky scouting bikes

Also if you're gonna take a vendetta I wouldn't worry about a Hydra too

Good idea with the meltas on the vets

Good points duz_. It's in the ITC format so I'm limited at three detachments, so I'll have to drop the Culexus for an Inquisitor. I'm thinking of something along these lines:

+++ ITC 1850 (1850pts) +++

++ Astra Militarum: IA01.2 - Armoured Battle Group (2012) (Allied Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Company Command Tank
Vanquisher [beast Hunter Shells, Co-axial Heavy Stubber, Lascannon]

+ Elites +

Commissar Tank
Vanquisher [beast Hunter Shells, Co-axial Heavy Stubber, Lascannon]

+ Troops +

Battle Tank Squadron
Eradicator [Heavy Bolter]

+ Fast Attack +

Imperial Navy Gunship Support
Vendetta [2x Twin-linked Lascannons]

++ Astra Militarum: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Company Command Squad [Flak Armour, 2x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 2x Veteran w/ Meltagun]
Chimera [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter]
Officer of the Fleet [Close Combat Weapon]

+ Troops +

Veterans [Flak Armour for Squad, Taurox, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 2x Veteran w/ Meltagun]

Veterans [Flak Armour for Squad, Taurox, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 2x Veteran w/ Meltagun]

Veterans [Flak Armour for Squad, Taurox, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 2x Veteran w/ Meltagun]

Veterans [Flak Armour for Squad, 7x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 2x Veteran w/ Meltagun]
Chimera [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter]

+ Heavy Support +

Manticore [Heavy Bolter]

Wyvern Battery
Wyvern [Heavy Bolter]

Wyvern Battery
Wyvern [Heavy Bolter]

++ Officio Assassinorum: Dataslate (2014) (Officio Assassinorum Detachment) ++

+ Elites +

Culexus Assassin

Sticking the Culexus in the Vendetta, adding TW LCs and more melta for the anti-vehicle capacity that the previous list lacked and adding the Manticore for those Toughness 5 insta-killing large blast will hopefully round the list of nicely smile.png

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