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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists


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Kurama, wait imma take this oldschool, Jasp! Jaspcat my old friend and challenge mate I wish you a smooth surgery and an easy recovery, I hope the time flies and your return be all that you can ask for buddy.


In other news: All Hail The Rumor Queen Atia! In her tower over yonder by the salt mines :)

Ok after what feels like 6 years not 6 weeks of illness/trials/tribulations and general :cuss in life I have returned. Armed with fresh purpose and an even fresher shopping list of goodies with which to conquer the galaxy, I shall see about getting a vow together tomorrow and hopefully sneak in at the deadline in 2 weeks time

Okay, a quick update.


I am still tossing around 2 names for the Achilles. Herja & Hrist. Folks seem to be angling more towards Hrist. Will think on it another day or so.


Did a bit more paintwork on my tank




Had to go back to trying to make a Mech grey from dawnstone and black, then a wash of nuln oil. I think I will have to do the time intensive step of painting panel by panel and write down a paint formula.




I do have a question. Should I do a design on the shields as I normally do with infantry, or do I go really simple like a basic quartered design, or a rune? 

The reason for asking is that I am going to put a knotwork design on the main body and possibly top. I do not want to overload the thing in bling, and also I do not want to potentially have clashing designs. Shields are magntised as is the cannon, so they can be removed for weapons destroyed markers.

I also plan to do excess shields so I can hand them to opponents as kill markers/trophies if they take it down.




Tried the FW technique for exhausts, what do you think?




Lastly, quite chuffed with the lenses. Again for te headlights went with the FW idea of using black and greys to simulate a standard headlight. A bit crude but effective. Just need to paint in the bars across the lens. I also went black to white for all the other lenses then washed in glaze and gloss varnished. Such a time saver when there are tons of them and all differing colours. I'll definitely do it again this way.


Let me know your thoughts, and thanks for looking :)

The LR is looking good and I'm loving the lenses.


I think the shields should be similar to the ones the troops have. They look really good and would tie in with the squad it's carrying if they have the same shields.


Your really powering through with the painting so keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing it completed. :tu:

Thank you Atia, and SW1. I am still considering the shields.

Lets see if the picture below helps any..


In other news I have decide to call the Achilles Herja! It is a more feminine name, and devastation is her game! Will save Hrist for my Vindicator.


What do you think of the design for Herja? Its still a bit rough, but looks good so far... Thoughts??



Winter is coming!!

I think I already posted up in your Blog. but that is 1 awesome looking Assassin.


I am loving your creativity, can't wait to see if you do a Captain Phasma style model..


Okay, so I was asked quite a bit over on the AoD forum about how I do my designs


There are loads of cool designs out there and while quite easy to do on paper they are a nightmare to recreate on the side of a tank with all the lumps, bumps sponsons getting in the way etc.


So how did I do it?




I drew the design on paper and then cut it out. Once this was done I placed it over the area of the tank I wanted the design to be in and stippled the paint on.


Be careful with the paint, I go from design to tank, so I do not get any splodges of paint where I want my design to be.


When done you now have an outline of the wolf head.


This could be done with any design, Templar cross, crowns anything at all.


As an aside, with the wolf head it would look totally cool to stipple with red and do a black wolf head, so it looks surrounded by blood!! Maybe a cool idea for a Warhounds design??


Or An Iron Warriors skull, with some orange for rust or red for blood of fallen enemies surrounding it, 8 pointed stars you name it..


Next step:




Start the outlining. I start off with very dilute Balthasar Gold and at this point you can be as messy as you like. You can also go outwith the outline you have done to compensate for any bumps or what-have you. 


Thats the first 2 steps so far. Depending on hopw neat you were you can now go back and tidy the outline before doing any designs you want to do, or continue with the gold and start doing whatever you want.


Just remember to keep the paints really thin, so you can easily correct any mistakes. If paint is too thick not only is it hard to conceal, but you get ridges of built up paint everywhere.


Will post more soon, let me know your thoughts..

Part 2.

Okay, so with the watered down Balthasar Gold, start marking out the designs you like.


As you can see it is looking pretty shocking at this point, in fat if you change the snout, it looks like a dragon!! But I would not worry, the main thing is to get a rough position of where you want your lines to go

Next you would use your armour colour. I am using black because I do not have any grey and I do not want to custom mix it until I need to use a big batch.

Anyway with the armour colour you now start outlining and tidying thus:


A quick note, because the paint are pretty diluted the gold will stay liquid throughout the tidying process, so if you mess up the black, you can easily go back with the gold and correct anything you want.

And that is how to get a design down on a tank smile.png

Looks pretty good & you could leave it as-is, but for me I am going to highlight it up wit a series of shinier golds.

One thing I have noticed i that the GW golds look a lot shinier when you add water to the paint, does anyone else notice that?

Let me know what you think smile.png

Lol, each vehicle has been done differently, so each one is a learning & refining process. The Achilles is a mix of ideas from before and also removing some of the blending stages along with a final wash of sepia.

I dropped the wash, because it flattened the gold tones and require an varnish, which then made it look wet rather than shiny.

SAM 2292


The Fire Raptor was my first go round at attempting detailed designs, and used a crazy level of blending, I think between 14-16 stages..


SAM 2411

Next was the Sicaran, I used a few less blends, buy tried a sepia wash, over the top to smooth it out. This led to a dulling effect which I then tried to correct with a varnish of ardcoat. It isn't quite what I wanted, but you live and learn. It is most noticeable on the knotwork across the top.
I also tried a blend of tribal and celtic knotwork styles and they do not clash as much as I would have thought.

20150801 002736

Fellblade was again a refinement, trying to drop blend stages but keep the quality up. It was a rush job in the end for the ETL, so I may go back and revisit it. In particular I hate the black around the wolf design, I will change that for grey and maybe sharpen up the details a bit more...
Hope this isn't too off topic or irrelevant
Thanks for letting me ramble smile.png

Honest opinions please.


I am in 4 minds over this shield.


1. It looks okay.

2. Might look better in black & bone, (Long Fang colours)

3. Design doesn't work and looks like the wolf is being asked to fetch a ball

4. Ball fetch picture, maybe just drop the shield altogether




Really need help with this.

Hi Praefector, your viewpoint is just as valid as the next guys, so do not worry on that score. I do take everyones thoughts on board.


I have opened it up to the Space Wolves & AoD forums, and overwhelmingly the black and bone coloured shield has been preferred to the red & yellow.


The idea of using the rounded shields has always been to match with my other units which also carry that style of shield. However the more I am looking, the more it just doesn't seem to work.


I am not sure if it is the design, the shape or both.


I have been considering using the rectangular shield shape like the shields in the PA Space Wolves box. However if I go down that route the desin here will not suit, so a look at that will need to be done....


Decisions decisions.......

mithrilforge: Loving that assassin, really good work on it!

dantay_xv: Great guide, something I will have to try out at some point. I would go with black and bone on the oval shield myself.


Slow progress for me since Fallout 4 came out, but I will get my vow done! Finished my Outriders last night




Seems so hard to get a good picture of the red, maybe next month I do a small vow and look into building a light box.

Thanks for the suggestion SW1. A few folk on the Space Wolves forum have suggested a tower shield.


At the mo, I am kind of putting it out of my head and try to push on. Worst comes to worst, I can rip the shield holders off and doodle a design on the multi melta's themselves.


Zujara, thanks for the vote on the black n bone with oval. Your outrides are looking good. I assume they ride for the Octed?


So what have I been noodling around with?


Well I decided to focus on another area of the tank. Normally I have a set game plan of what I want to do, but with this tank I am just winging it, and I am not enjoying it much. I keep questioning what I am doing and I am struggling to get a "whole picture" in my head.


I am worried it is going to get a little "bitty" with things here and there. So it seems a bit daft, but I dropped the knotwork. Herja means devastation.. So I tried to merge a skull to a wolfs head. Again the indecision is kicking in a bit. If it is okay do I do it on both sides?Should I put it centrally. Should I put a skull to one side and a wolf head to te other, like life & death?


Am I overthinking it?



The red outline will be gone, the wolf head is a metallic black, while the skull is XV-88. In order to blend them in, do I do the wolf head a brown colour, so it looks like the skull is almost jumping out? Or do I do it in silvers, or do a silver wolf and gold skull?


Forget the shield, as it might be going


Both sides, one side or middle? I do have a plan to put a Valknut or another symbol in the centre.

Or drop it as it is too 40K looking?


Seriously this thing is giving me a headache, I might just end up shelving it...


Thoughts please?

Black and bone for sure Dantay...ooh you posted just thenohmy.png

brown on the skull and symbol on both sides msn-wink.gif shields in matching to body colour and skip the Valknut what you have balances out...too much will make it look waaaay too busy

if you really wanted something on the door a thin line of -hazard stripes

cheers Mithril


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