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That would be sweet, but I can't go there any time soon, lol.


I figured it would just give us a nice campaign story to write into our fluff that is fleshed out.


Oooooor, we could do what GW does sometimes and have a campaign where we do our own battle's and tally up the score's (though it could be skewed because I do campaigns a lot differently). I figured at the very least we could have a full blown article dedicated to the war, with factions and rules set up (kind of like an FW campaign like Siege of Vraks). 


Also, I have a Black Crusade supplement that has rules for doing a grand campaign (that are pretty simple, so we could modify it some where we actually can write the story in a breathing way (so who knows who wins?!). The special events for the campaign could be specific battles, and that can add points to a roll. 


Your traitors could lead one side, the Grail Warden's could lead one side, and the Sister's of Battle could represent the Imperial Forces. All three have seperate agenda's.


@Minigiant, I'm not sure if the artifact was ever in the Ark, but nothing stops your people from believing it originated from there, belongs there, or should be purged as a corrupted artifact. This could lead you to wanting it regardless, not knowing why we even have it, and bring us into direct conflict.




I guess we have the backdrop now, so we just have to build the current campaign and figure out who wins or loses. We can do it using a combination of Black Crusade Rules and table top, and then figure out where we go from there? It could be pretty fun.

Sounds like a plan :tu:

Is the Black Crusade campaign you speak of the one printed in WD? Think I have part of that still, might dig it out and have a look.


Think Ill need to pick up some Blood Angel bits and add to my renegades for the ETL.

OOOooohh yees ! Thanks for the PM Arkangilos ;)


I imagine you'll have understood that I'm all for this :)


I for one need to carry on fleshing out the Crimson Host (and the Crimson Cohort, but ultimately they aren't as involved)

Oooooor, we could do what GW does sometimes and have a campaign where we do our own battle's and tally up the score's (though it could be skewed because I do campaigns a lot differently). I figured at the very least we could have a full blown article dedicated to the war, with factions and rules set up (kind of like an FW campaign like Siege of Vraks). 



Writing an IA would be awesome, it is actually something I have always wanted to do, something I am slowly doing with my Tau versus SoB campaign



@Minigiant, I'm not sure if the artifact was ever in the Ark, but nothing stops your people from believing it originated from there, belongs there, or should be purged as a corrupted artifact. This could lead you to wanting it regardless, not knowing why we even have it, and bring us into direct conflict.



So unsure on dates so left blanks to fill in


"Shortly after the formation of the Order, information was uncovered [EXPAND ON HOW], connecting the Grail to the Ark of Truth. Only upon further examination of the Grail would the Order be able to confirm. They immediately ran into a problem, they were neither Wardens and there requests for access were constantly denied [EXPAND ON WHY]. Not able to wage a war against the Adeptus Astartes, the Order had to accept it was futile. That was until [DATE], an opportunity presented itself, the Order received communications saying the Grail had gone. If the Order could retrieve and recover the Grail before the Wardens they could conduct their research into it and discover whether the Grail could guide them to the Ark of Truth"


Very rough

Edited by Minigiant

Nah, it's the one that is part of the FFG game Black Crusade. It's in the Tome of Decay as the advanced end game rules. Of course, I'm open to other rules, too!

I really should read the Tome of Decay, wait ages for it to come out and just had a quick skim then forgot about it.


Ill have another look later when its breaktime from building ETL stuff.




Oooooor, we could do what GW does sometimes and have a campaign where we do our own battle's and tally up the score's (though it could be skewed because I do campaigns a lot differently). I figured at the very least we could have a full blown article dedicated to the war, with factions and rules set up (kind of like an FW campaign like Siege of Vraks).


Writing an IA would be awesome, it is actually something I have always wanted to do, something I am slowly doing with my Tau versus SoB campaign



@Minigiant, I'm not sure if the artifact was ever in the Ark, but nothing stops your people from believing it originated from there, belongs there, or should be purged as a corrupted artifact. This could lead you to wanting it regardless, not knowing why we even have it, and bring us into direct conflict.


So unsure on dates so left blanks to fill in


"Shortly after the formation of the Order, information was uncovered [EXPAND ON HOW], connecting the Grail to the Ark of Truth. Only upon further examination of the Grail would the Order be able to confirm. They immediately ran into a problem, they were neither Wardens and there requests for access were constantly denied. Not able to wage a war against the Adeptus Astartes, the Order had to accept it was futile. That was until [DATE], an opportunity presented itself, the Order received communications saying the Grail had gone. If the Order could retrieve and recover the Grail before the Wardens they could conduct their research into it and discover whether the Grail could guide them to the Ark of Truth"


Very rough

I like the idea that your SoB are directly opposed to the Wardens. We need a few more people as opposition or this campaign is going to be a cakewalk! :)


That little narrative works for me. It ties things in very well, I think. I don't think we ever actually worked out dates. Maybe we should.


If the Grail is connected to your Ark, though, we'd need to flesh out its origin further. Was it created by the Librarians who sacrificed their lives, or did they discover it in the ruins. If it's the latter, it could be much older than the Wardens. Perhaps the breach had had to be closed before, by a mysterious group who left the relic behind them but left in mysterious circumstances.


On a seperate note, I'd be all for a narrative campaign, though it'd be a bit of a challange to organise. I look forward to it!


I like the idea that your SoB are directly opposed to the Wardens. We need a few more people as opposition or this campaign is going to be a cakewalk! :smile.:


That little narrative works for me. It ties things in very well, I think. I don't think we ever actually worked out dates. Maybe we should.

If the Grail is connected to your Ark, though, we'd need to flesh out its origin further. Was it created by the Librarians who sacrificed their lives, or did they discover it in the ruins. If it's the latter, it could be much older than the Wardens. Perhaps the breach had had to be closed before, by a mysterious group who left the relic behind them but left in mysterious circumstances.



I am glad you like, I also think there is that angle of the blood sacrifice being considered heretical, maybe thats why access was continually denied


I do think the history of the grail needs to be deepened but I think that is for the Grail Warden chapters to decide upon, I can work with either option but would prefer it being older than the wardens and having a 'history' of its own




I don't think we ever actually worked out dates. Maybe we should.


Maybe creating a combined timeline of everyone involved maybe a good place to start


Can someone help me out?


Did we say that it should be a marine only thing? Or did we spoke of Knights, doing a quest to retrieve the grail, as well?


Can't remember.


From what I have read, the consensus seems to be that only marines (any chapter) can be wardens, but other imperial forces can have their own interests in it. So the campaign to retrieve it, consists of three groups. The Wardens, Other Imperial forces (Grail hunting Knights & Hopefully my Sisters), and the ones that stole the Grail/Chaos

Edited by Minigiant

Oi!!! Cant steal whats rightfully mine :tongue.:

Did we end up deciding on why you want to steal the Grail ? I suppose that it's because you want to unleash Daemons in that sector, but are there any further, hidden reasons for this ?

I don't think we ever did - it was just sort of left at the fact that they did.


Though the Knights Resplendant are Slaaneshi, aren't they? If they hear voices whispering to them through the rift while they stand vigil, tempting them in a Slaanesh sort of way, it could drive them to insanity and the belief that stealing the Grail would bring them power - a Faustus and Mephistopheles sort of scenario. Of course, what it actually does is unleash a load of daemons.

Well, if everyone is fine with it, I would (instead of the chaos band Black Hands) chip in a team of Imperial Knights, who would pledge themselves in retrieving the Grail. If it is for the Wardens or for someone else is open to discuss.

Well, if everyone is fine with it, I would (instead of the chaos band Black Hands) chip in a team of Imperial Knights, who would pledge themselves in retrieving the Grail. If it is for the Wardens or for someone else is open to discuss.


Independent from the Wardens, another imperial opposition for them, much like my sisters. As Sir Perfuous said



We need a few more people as opposition or this campaign is going to be a cakewalk! :smile.:


Well, if everyone is fine with it, I would (instead of the chaos band Black Hands) chip in a team of Imperial Knights, who would pledge themselves in retrieving the Grail. If it is for the Wardens or for someone else is open to discuss.

On the face of it, I wouldn't be against the idea. In fact, I think I had proposed the idea of a Questoris household as rivals to the Grail Wardens early in the project.

However, I seem to remember other people not being too fond of the idea at the time (it's always possible for them to have changed their minds)

EDIT: Sorry, Arkangilos proposed the idea of rival Knights


However, how would you explain them becoming aware of this Grail, and for what purpose are they looking for it ?


Also, I think the Grail Wardens creation was supposed to happen rather early in Imperial History. However, if Sisters of Battle are going to be implicated, then it might be interesting for it to happen at around the time of Vandire, as it would allow the Ark to be a relic in some organisation's hands (probably the Ecclesiarchy, but by no means certain), but it being lost and forgotten during the chaos of the Age of Apostasy. This may cause the Warp rift (it could also be completely unrelated, at least to the knowledge of the Grail Wardens), and the Librarians we had discussed would forge the Grail and contain the Daemonic outbreak. The exact origin of the Grail could remain a mystery because of the sacrifice of the Librarians.


The Sororitas Order, taking over an old Cardinal World of the Sector (that had become decadent under Vandire's rule), rediscover the existence of their Ark, and through investigation discover a link with the Grail, hence the rivalry/enmety.





I don't think we ever did - it was just sort of left at the fact that they did.


Though the Knights Resplendant are Slaaneshi, aren't they? If they hear voices whispering to them through the rift while they stand vigil, tempting them in a Slaanesh sort of way, it could drive them to insanity and the belief that stealing the Grail would bring them power - a Faustus and Mephistopheles sort of scenario. Of course, what it actually does is unleash a load of daemons.

While this is possible, it is a bit cliché. I think it would be more interesting for there to be a tangible reason for them.

Edited by Lord Thørn

The Sororitas Order, taking over an old Cardinal World of the Sector (that had become decadent under Vandire's rule), rediscover the existence of their Ark, and through investigation discover a link with the Grail, hence the rivalry/enmety.



That is an interesting idea, I can easily add it to the beginning of my orders origin story


The Sororitas Order, taking over an old Cardinal World of the Sector (that had become decadent under Vandire's rule), rediscover the existence of their Ark, and through investigation discover a link with the Grail, hence the rivalry/enmety.



That is an interesting idea, I can easily add it to the beginning of my orders origin story


Oops, I had miss-read, I thought the Ark of Truth was like the Ark of the Covenant, not the "boat" kind ^^

Before changing anything, let's wait for the others' feedback :)



That is an interesting idea, I can easily add it to the beginning of my orders origin story


Oops, I had miss-read, I thought the Ark of Truth was like the Ark of the Covenant, not the "boat" kind ^^

Before changing anything, let's wait for the others' feedback :smile.:



Haha well my origin story is slightly confusing because they end up making a convent on a space station 'the Ark' but they are searching for the Ark of Truth. Maybe the Ark of Truth is like the Ark of the Covenant they have just interpreted ancient scripture incorrectly

Could be multiple things:


- a AdMech Household which is tasked to retrieve the Grail for a certain Lord Magus

- a renegade Household which wants to use the Grail for their own advantage (i.e. selling it to the highest bidder to finance their suplly)

- a fully traitorous Household which is allied with our opposite faction

- a fanatical Household from witch an ancestor fought besides the first wardens and died; fell from grace during another conflict and wants to restore their honor by finding the grail for which their ancestor gave his life, seeing themselves as the rightfully wardens


Something like that?

Could be multiple things:


- a AdMech Household which is tasked to retrieve the Grail for a certain Lord Magus

- a renegade Household which wants to use the Grail for their own advantage (i.e. selling it to the highest bidder to finance their suplly)

- a fully traitorous Household which is allied with our opposite faction

- a fanatical Household from witch an ancestor fought besides the first wardens and died; fell from grace during another conflict and wants to restore their honor by finding the grail for which their ancestor gave his life, seeing themselves as the rightfully wardens


Something like that?

A lot of these could work. I'd probably be inclined to suggest that it would be a Loyalist Household, but they could have one brother who falls with the Knights Resplendent.


Also, I've just seen that César de Quart was last active on Sept 30th, before the end of the last bout of conception, so I don't think we should count on him returning :( Now, while I'd be reticent to just delete all his involvement, we might be able to change it how we want: for instance, making the Crimson Knights a Blood Angels successor could simplify certain plot lines in some measure. We could also rename them to avoid bothering his own vision of the Crimson Knights.

I appologise for what seems to be quite a dastardly proposition, but César is after all absent (for the moment) and we should try and move forward without him.

He will however be welcomed back with open arms should he come back :)



as I got about 4 Households in hand which I can use for that, I'll wait a bit until it is clear which intention fits the most.



- a Viking themed, melee combat loving (like Space Wolves in Knights)

- a AdMech aligned House which wants to achieve the perfect symbiosis of flesh and metal

- a very knightly themed House (if you are familiar with the Knights of the Silver Hand from Warcraft, something like this), which uses psykers as secret weapon

- an stim addicted House (based on the Dune novels)

So I quickly started working out a rough timeline to the nearest 1000 years (Its what really helps me). Now it leads to some interesting questions,

like when was the Red Crusade? (Nice big gap in M35/36)

Founding Members? (Maybe if we are killing off the Crimson Knights make them founding, kill them off so some later descendants can fulfil the oath?)

When did the Crimson Host abandon their oath? Before, during or after the crusade to retrieve the grail


The Knights Resplendent are Unknown. When were they first sighted?



Sanguinary Crusaders founded


M32 - M34

Knights Revenant founded (3rd?)

Archangels founded (4th)

Red Sentinels founded (6th)



Knights Resplendent founded (21st Cursed founding)



Red Crusade:



M36:  Vandire has just been defeated, yet parts of the Imperium have yet to be reconquered following the dire events of the Nova Terra Interregnum and the Age of Apostasy.

In an effort to stabilise the regime of the Council of Terra, the High Lords declare a dozen crusades, targeting various parts of the galaxy, sending out contingents from more than fifty Space Marine Chapters, old and new, and it has been suggested that a thousand new Imperial Guard regiments were formed just in order to take part in them.

This time also marks the first Holy War launched by Sebastian Thor since his accession to the throne of the Ecclesiarch, during which several of the founding orders of the newly-formed Adepta Sororitas fight on fronts spanning the entire Milky-Way.

The Red Crusade

While the first founding chapters were called to contribute to these crusades, very few were in fact able to participate. In particular, the Blood Angels were asked by the High Lords of Terra to secure five sectors in the Segmentum Pacificus, who had at the time seceded alongside Nova Terra.

The IX Legion were at the time occupied with the final destruction of the forces of WAAAGH Vangrod and the Chaos Incursion of Silas Gorehand, and were constrained to pass on their regrets to the masters of Humanity. However, in order to preserve the reputation of the Sons of Sanguinius, the conclave of the descendants of the Blood Angels convened, and proposed a joint force of successor chapters: and so, the Sanguinary Crusaders, the Archangels and the Carmine Cardinals would take part in a campaign that would go down in their annals as the Red Crusade.

This operation would prove pivotal in the history of these chapters, yet today, they remember little of it but the taking of the world of Golgotha.


Golgotha had always been an extremely populous planet, and had even been considered a shrine world for three different factions within the Ecclesiarchy for the past two Millenia before the Nova Terra Interregnum.

This of course caused many tensions between the inhabitants, and the secession of the Planetary Governor did nothing but compound rivalries and enmities: finally, civil war broke out among them, a war that lasted five centuries, during which the earth of Golgotha saw countless deaths, murders and other atrocities. These proved to be fertile ground for Chaos Cults, and without supervision on behalf of the Inquisition or the Adeptus Arbites, the religious tensions progressively turned the combat into something unholy.

Little today is known of the events that transpired during those dark years, but when the host of the Red Crusade at Golgotha, they discovered what can be best described as a Warp Rift. Upon the surface of the planet, mortals fought, drank, and cavorted with Daemons…


Crimson Knights destroyed



Silver Sons founded (14th)

Crimson Host Founded (14th)

Silver Sons destroyed



Carmine Cardinals destroyed - The Last Cardinal story


9. The remains of the first chapters and their descendent chapters (since they are of the same "blood") return to the sector in order to defend it, but they find everything in tatters. (this might be around M38.

10. they then launch a crusade to recover the grail






Feel free to add stuff to this, I think it will help making a chronological list of events

Edited by Minigiant

Instinctively I'd say the Knight-themed knights, but we must still be careful of not overtheming...

Depending on how we integrate Minigiant's sistas, the AdMech aligned house could work as well.



Anyway, I felt inspired so I started writing some stuff as an introduction. Tell me what you guys think:




M36:  Vandire has just been defeated, yet parts of the Imperium have yet to be reconquered following the dire events of the Nova Terra Interregnum and the Age of Apostasy.

In an effort to stabilise the regime of the Council of Terra, the High Lords declare a dozen crusades, targeting various parts of the galaxy, sending out contingents from more than fifty Space Marine Chapters, old and new, and it has been suggested that a thousand new Imperial Guard regiments were formed just in order to take part in them.

This time also marks the first Holy War launched by Sebastian Thor since his accession to the throne of the Ecclesiarch, during which several of the founding orders of the newly-formed Adepta Sororitas fight on fronts spanning the entire Milky-Way.

The Red Crusade

While the first founding chapters were called to contribute to these crusades, very few were in fact able to participate. In particular, the Blood Angels were asked by the High Lords of Terra to secure five sectors in the Segmentum Pacificus, who had at the time seceded alongside Nova Terra.

The IX Legion were at the time occupied with the final destruction of the forces of WAAAGH Vangrod and the Chaos Incursion of Silas Gorehand, and were constrained to pass on their regrets to the masters of Humanity. However, in order to preserve the reputation of the Sons of Sanguinius, the conclave of the descendants of the Blood Angels convened, and proposed a joint force of successor chapters: and so, the Sanguinary Crusaders, the Archangels and the Carmine Cardinals would take part in a campaign that would go down in their annals as the Red Crusade.

This operation would prove pivotal in the history of these chapters, yet today, they remember little of it but the taking of the world of Golgotha.


Golgotha had always been an extremely populous planet, and had even been considered a shrine world for three different factions within the Ecclesiarchy for the past two Millenia before the Nova Terra Interregnum.

This of course caused many tensions between the inhabitants, and the secession of the Planetary Governor did nothing but compound rivalries and enmities: finally, civil war broke out among them, a war that lasted five centuries, during which the earth of Golgotha saw countless deaths, murders and other atrocities. These proved to be fertile ground for Chaos Cults, and without supervision on behalf of the Inquisition or the Adeptus Arbites, the religious tensions progressively turned the combat into something unholy.

Little today is known of the events that transpired during those dark years, but when the host of the Red Crusade at Golgotha, they discovered what can be best described as a Warp Rift. Upon the surface of the planet, mortals fought, drank, and cavorted with Daemons…



EDIT: Ninja'd me ^^


So I was going to suggest that the Knights Resplendent and the [Crimson Knights] are formed following the events of the Red Crusade, as their founding chapters have honoured themselves.

Had we said how/when the Carmine cardinals were to be destroyed ?

Edited by Lord Thørn

EDIT: Ninja'd me ^^


So I was going to suggest that the Knights Resplendent and the [Crimson Knights] are formed following the events of the Red Crusade, as their founding chapters have honoured themselves.


I think that needs to be discussed because







So far, we have the Red Crusade (or whatever we end up calling it. Red Crusade is fine, or something different is fine).


Towards the end of the crusade, Librarians of the Sanguinary Crusaders, Carmine Cardinals, Crimson Knights, and Knights Resplendent sacrifice themselves to seal a breach in real space that daemons and chaos used to manifest and launch an invasion.


That would say they were founding members. Killing off the Cardinals and Crimson Knights would give us enough destroyed founding members to look for numerous descendant chapters to fulfill the grail oath



Had we said how/when the Carmine cardinals were to be destroyed ?


Think they should be left completely crippled from the crusade, destroyed shortly after

Edited by Minigiant

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