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I just realized that the Krios Venator is cheaper than the Krios Battle Tank.


It's like FW wants you to choose the stronger option!


Anyways, what is everyone's opinions on the Thanatar variants? They all seem pretty cool, or at least their models are.


The normal one is the best.


The Grav/ Lascannon Calix one is laughable. Single shot gun and a melee range weapon? Domitar Syndrome.


The Cynix is a fun alternative, that, with good cyberthurgy can really slam down some plasma shotgun blasts - but the standard is ultimately better.

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Yeah, the Cynix suffers from 18" Range Guns on a unit that DOES NOT WANT to be in melee. Ever.


The Calix suffers from a cool concept but bad rules. Why give it a super Lascannon (That isnt all that super) and a Building Eraser? Doesn't seem to gel. If, instead, he had 2 Super-Grav Erasers and like a 30" Range Magna Melta-thing? Much cooler. As is, a single S10 Ap2 Shot, a Flamer-Template Weapon and a TL Mauler Bolter? For its cost? Pass.

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Yeah, the Cynix suffers from 18" Range Guns on a unit that DOES NOT WANT to be in melee. Ever.


The Calix suffers from a cool concept but bad rules. Why give it a super Lascannon (That isnt all that super) and a Building Eraser? Doesn't seem to gel. If, instead, he had 2 Super-Grav Erasers and like a 30" Range Magna Melta-thing? Much cooler. As is, a single S10 Ap2 Shot, a Flamer-Template Weapon and a TL Mauler Bolter? For its cost? Pass.

Hell, if it was a 2 shot Lance S10 lascannon, I'd be over that like gravy on mashed potatoes!

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Rare? See Domitar. :tongue.:


I know man. The one time it worked for me was in an apoc game when space marines were just lining up to attack my lines. they pretty much killed everything they touched as they walked across the field while the castellex across the field couldn't kill a single death wing knight. it was prtty amusing.

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So now that the Macaroni Explorer's model is out, what are everyone's thoughts on the rules? Does it have a place in anyone's lists already, occupying that valuable Heavy Support Slot? Anyone have plans for how they would like to use one? It's definitely been brought up before, and usually gets shot down for the crime of not being a Thanatar or Krios Venator.


Seems kind of a bummer that the only thing it can DT for is apparently Calleb Decima. Which is actually pretty powerful because anyone running Decima is probably running him in his pissed off Relentless mode with that neat 2D6 Haywire attack. Hopefully it gets more DT options in a future update, like being able to be purchased for whatever version of Skitarii/Secutarii rules eventually come to us. 


There's also the limitations of what it comes with unless you're looking to convert. Feels like most would buy it Ceramite and Flare Shield off the bat, which immediately makes it a 240 point model before you've started playing with its weapon load-out. But with what's in the box, hull Lascannons and Grav-Imploder or Mauler + hull Irrad Engines? Not like you're short on AP3 with the latter, making me think the former is probably the best way to run it if you build out of the box. But some Grav-Imploder Myrmidons in a Grav-Imploder AV14 vehicle sounds kind of mean.

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Hell yeah, I got plans for it.  I am getting one for a Myrmidon list where it will be flanked by Triaros transports.  It's only a few more points for a graviton imploder and 2 rad cleansers than 3 myrmidons with the same loadout, except you also get an AV14 flare shielded ceramite transport.


Hoping pretty much that loadout makes it to 40k, along with the Myrmidons in the next IA book so I can buy models that will work in both systems :D

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So now that the Macaroni Explorer's model is out, what are everyone's thoughts on the rules? Does it have a place in anyone's lists already, occupying that valuable Heavy Support Slot? Anyone have plans for how they would like to use one? It's definitely been brought up before, and usually gets shot down for the crime of not being a Thanatar or Krios Venator.


The issue that even with modest upgrades, its not really bringing enough firepower or utility. The irradiation engine sponsons are probably the best thing about it, but I dunno. 


Taghmata have Krios Venators squadrons and Destructors. 

Cybernetica has Thanatars, and their Domini want to be out of transports anyway

Reductor has artillery squadrons


Plus for transportation needs, we already have the Triaros in all three lists. Its nearly half the price and is a dedicated transport for Tech-Thralls. 


Its not a bad unit by any means, its just not a Spartan. I don't know its only 4HP, it really should be 5 or 6 for something so huge. I also think its firepower could be greater. Sicarians outgun it pretty handily and cost far less. 

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I like it personally. But I don't feel the need to streamline my lists to the nines. Iradiation engines and grab imploder will ruin most things days. But what do I know?

I like it personally. But I don't feel the need to streamline my lists to the nines. Iradiation engines and grab imploder will ruin most things days. But what do I know?

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It can erase a power armored squad easily, torrent flamers that basically wound every model they touch regardless of toughness? And you can place them pretty much like you want? They are scalpels of doom and finally on a more mobile and durable platform than a Myrmidon (especially since the latter is now more expensive).


It has a built-in augury scanner for interceptor, it regains hull points on a 6, it gets a discounted flare shield, the only thing that sucks is how expensive the Augury Web is so it's not really a feasible upgrade.


Oh and then a 40K-style graviton cannon that can target independently with machine spirit.

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I'm debating between starting an Ordo Reductor army or buying Blood Bowl.


Though, after giving it some thought, I think that I'd prefer to start up the Ordo Reductor army instead. I haven't written up a list yet, but I was thinking an Archmagos either kitted out for massive melee damage or extreme repair ability with two units of Enginseer Auxilia inside Macrocarid Explorators either holding/taking objectives while hiding in an indestructable scoring tank for my two Compulsory HS slots. Maybe lots of Thallax to go and either hunt down tough enemies or acting as an extremely durable tarpit. I don't know.


I'll probably write up a couple lists, see which one I like more, post it here and see what you all think.

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How's this list work out/what does everyone think of it?


Edit: Replaced Volkite Charger with Melta Bombs, just realized that I put 5 points instead of 10 as they should be. Now he's still 290, but without CHOOM, sadly.


2500 Ordo Reductor



-Archmagos Reductor, 155

+Machinator Array

+Cyber Familar



+Rad Grenades

+Power Fist

+Melta Bombs

+Paragon Blade

Total, 290


Enginseer Auxilia Bodyguard, 65

+Magos Auxilia

+Cyber Familiar

+2xServo Automata

+6 Servo Automata Servo-Arms

Total, 150



-Enginseer Auxilia, 65

+Magos Auxilia


+4 Servo Automata

+2xCyber Familiar

+8 Servo Automata Servo-Arms

Total, 175



-3xThallax Cohort, 405

+Six Thallax

+Heavy Chainblades


Total, 1335


Heavy Support

-2xMacrocarid Explorator, 390

+Graviton Imploder

+Two Irradiation Engines

+Flare Shield

Total, 550


Current Total, 2500


I think I've got my math right and the list is 2500 exactly, and hopefully formatted in a way that doesn't break the rules!

Edited by Warsmith Krast
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I could probably remove the Cyber Familiars from the Magi not riding with the Archmagos, then give him the Volkite Charger and make him 300 points.


That way I could get the 40k Start Collecting box to practice the Styiges VIII color scheme on the Skitarii and Onager, as well as use the Dominus that it comes with as my Archmagos.

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So a couple things I learned early on using the servitor posses.


- I don't think there's a reason to take them as a bodyguard instead of just an elite unit. That way, you can give them the Lacyraemarta upgrade for FnP, which is what you want for ablative wounds.


- Each Magos in that unit gets a techno-arcana choice. So if you spent a few points on a second one instead of the upgrades like Magos auxila and cyber familiars on a unit that is going to chucked under the bus for your Archmagos anyway... you'd have plenty of points for a second adept to take enginseer, giving you two servo-arm adepts and thus two 2+ repair rolls to keep those Macrocarids rolling at full steam. That's on top of the T5 5+ FnP servitors.


- probs want to max out the servitors where you can. As long as you have the transport capacity, you want as many in there as possible. They're only 10pts for powerfist guys.


-Lastly, a third possibility for the Archmagos I have been playing with recently. Graviton Imploder in a unit of 3-4 Myrmidon destructors with grav imploders. They give him preferred enemy and they are hilariously effective at knocking stuff over. I've been using them in a Triaros instead of a macro, but they're great either way.


Ever wanted to crush a Primarch like a beer can? :lol:

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There is zero reason for him to have melta bombs. Djinn Skein is not mandatory either. Abeyant is also optional but very nice.


And those Auxilia squads are a terrible waste of points. They can't do anything except repair which is useless if a tank is killed in one turn. You're better off bringing another tank than repair squads. Also, Reductor without their unique artillery is a waste of time IMO, you could do better with just Taghmata in that case for more Magos options.

Edited by Terminus
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