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Old Dogs New Tricks - Space Hulk


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Hi there!


It's been more the 10 years since I last posted on the forum. So much time has passed that I can't even find my old threads... However, I stand ready to redeem myself!


In recent years, every time I start a new project, I make a plog in the relevant forum to help me keep track and to keep me motivated. It seems to work for me, so here I am!


Some background: Converting Space Marines has always been tremendous fun for me, and it's been way too long since I last did anything of the sort. I've decided to rescue my old Black Templars from 3rd Ed. and convert them to Ultramarines (yeah... age will do that to you... Beware!). I took everything that I had, a few recent purchases, and I could amass half a company. Left some in the Break fluid, took the knife to some others, and started to assemble the rest. Here is how it's going:


Ultramarines WIP



Rogue Trader inspiration:



Sicarius WIP (I missing the appropriate helmet bit)



The old Space Hulk Terminators next to the newer models seem a bit stunted, so I decided to upgrade them:


2rd Ed Space Hulk Terminators Upgrades



Finished Terminator Tactical Squads



And since I have a "few" 2nd Edition Starter Set minis laying around, posing as statues, I'll be giving them a new life as well:


2ed Space Marines Upgrades




2nd Ed. Chaplain and Librarian with upgrades:




Command Squad:




Next I'm going to finish converting the old statues and I'll be ready to start painting!


Hope you'll enjoy!






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Welcome back. Like the mix of some old models here and there.


Thanks! Glad to be back.


Wow, ten years. I'm surprised you could remember your password. :tongue.:


Old habits die hard! :wink:


Here is the last of the lot:




Now I'm ready to start paintin'

Damn it all... Why oh why oh why did I sell my 1st edition space wombles????



Those are epic old chap... ( I can say that as I joined the hobby when white dwarf was in double didgets (think my first was no. 88) ... Thus am an older chap ! The terminator rebuild is something I have never considered... Better dig mine out!

Wow, welcome back. I became a fan of this thread the minute I saw those grey marines, lovingly salvaged and updated. Then came the pictures of painted mini's. You certainly didn't loose your painting tricks in the decade you where away from the hobby. Wonderful colour scheme dude. I love it.

I am loving the bright clean colours of those guys. Very in keeping with the old school WD days. Really takes me back.


Don't think I could handle doing Ultramarines though. Maybe Howling Griffon's or something. No! I have enough projects on the go!

Awesome marines!  Loving the clean classic look, with all the highlights etc they look SO much better than the ones GW did back in the day.  Looking forward to seeing your terminators painted up.


Love the basing too, good choice with the black edges



Brother Heinrich

Nice clean Ultras man, keep up the good work.


Thanks! Will do my best!





Damn it all... Why oh why oh why did I sell my 1st edition space wombles????



Those are epic old chap... ( I can say that as I joined the hobby when white dwarf was in double didgets (think my first was no. 88) ... Thus am an older chap ! The terminator rebuild is something I have never considered... Better dig mine out!


Glad to inspire!




Augustus b'Raass

Wow, welcome back. I became a fan of this thread the minute I saw those grey marines, lovingly salvaged and updated. Then came the pictures of painted mini's. You certainly didn't loose your painting tricks in the decade you where away from the hobby. Wonderful colour scheme dude. I love it.


Thanks! I haven't been away completely though. My brush has dabbled on other projects, however, shamefully, 40k 28mm has been left in the drawer for the last decade. It's good to be back though!





Thousand Eyes

I am loving the bright clean colours of those guys. Very in keeping with the old school WD days. Really takes me back.


Don't think I could handle doing Ultramarines though. Maybe Howling Griffon's or something. No! I have enough projects on the go!


Do it!!!





Awesome marines!  Loving the clean classic look, with all the highlights etc they look SO much better than the ones GW did back in the day.  Looking forward to seeing your terminators painted up.


Love the basing too, good choice with the black edges


Thanks! I'm quite pleased with the bases as well. An experiment that yielded nice results.


Now for some progress. I usually don't like batch painting, but I've decided I'd try again for the next 5, while listening to some Horus Heresy novels.




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