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Unlikely Allies [Call of Chaos VIII WIP]


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Ok. Gamer spiel first. In spite of the fact that this is the Year of Khorne, I am not dedicating all of my units to Khorne. Why not? Well, the simple answer is  I've had mixed results with my Daemonkin army. So, rather than stocking up on more units that - primarily - excel at combat to the exclusion of all else, I decided it was time to branch out a bit and maybe add in a bit more shooting.


So yes, this time I am going for the practical side of things more than I might normally.

Dry-fitted bitz (pre priming)






Dry fitted bitz (primed black)



Dry fitted bitz (sprayed silver)



  • 2 weeks later...

At the moment, the last few details need to be finished for the Rhino.


In the meantime, other forces have arrived.


Thousand sons [primed]




Rubric marine [Caledor Sky over black primer]




First thought after the Caledor Sky was "No good...looks too much like an Ultrasmurf. And being that this is the Call of Chaos, that just won't do."


Rubric marine in progress [close to finished]




The Ultrasmurfiness was eradicated with a simple wash of Drakenhoff Nightshade. Shoulder trim (and other trim) is Gehenna's gold. The headpiece uses Golden Yellow. The eyes once I dared to touch them) were Warpstone Glow over the existing blue (seeing as I'd painted everything blue originally to simplify things), followed by a layer of Moot Green to give the creepy glow.


In spite of this, I still feel that I have a 2nd Company Ultra prepared for All Saint's Eve glaring at me every I time I look. Kinda bothers me that I see the XIIIth every time I look at him.....


Anyway, gives me a starting point I ever want to paint Ultra's 2nd Co. (haha)


Sorcerer in progress





Pretty much everything I said above applies here, minus the part about the eyes (since I haven't touched them yet). The robes, as well as the tabards on the Rubric marine(s), were done with Skeleton Bone (from The Army Painter). It's similar to the old Bleached Bone - a bit darker than Screaming Skull, so I find it a better for Ahriman's followers. It's good for any librarians really, where Screaming Skull might not stand out as well against blue armor).


Warsmith [primed]




Warsmith [drybrushed and washed]




The armor was first drybrushed with Leadbelcher. Over that I used a thin layer of Nuln Oil. That was then followed by a gentle layer of Agrax Earthshade. The legion icon on his torso (as well as the numerous rivets) were picked out in Necron Compound.


Warsmith - nearing completion





The servo arm was (yet some more) Leadbelcher drybrushing - as were the metal areas of the combi-melta. The powerclaw was done with a gentle touch of Runefang steel.The shells and shoulder trim is Hashut Copper.

Thanks, Venom, although I promise that there will be Khorne forces too. I just didn't feel like doing them first - Berzerkers are a paint to do because of all the time I need to spend outlining the metallic areas and my Khorne Havocs (really a bunch of guys with flamers and chainswords) will probably not be much faster.

Alright, folks, we're back! In...Leadbelcher. (Yea, I know, it doesn't really rhyme, but oh well).


Warsmith - complete [left side]




Warsmith - complete [right side]




Warsmith - complete [rear]




Warmsmith - complete [front]




IW Rhino [tactical station]




This was one of the things that kept delaying progress. There are red three horizontal lines (-) that are supposed to designate enemy tactical units, 2 red triangles showing enemy heavy fire units, a plus sign (+) indicating the presence of enemy crack troops, and a circle indicating the presence of the enemy commander. The screen in the corner was made to look like the marine's view of the battlefield as seen through a viewport, rather than the usual comm screen.


IW Rhino [tactical station inserted into hull]




IW Rhino - complete



  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately I have no new completion pictures yet, but I do have something to show for my extended absence.


First up....Thousand Sons. These guys have really been bogging me down (way more than I anticipated) but I finally made some headway recently. However things did slow down again when I realized that the marines came to me short a few left arms, bolters and "blank" shoulder pads. Other than the shoulder pads I dug up enough of everything, but haven't been able to spray the arms due to rain the last few days.


Having said all of that, I did manage to complete some of the Thousand Sons with what I had available. So, without any further ado


First two completed marines (front)



First two completed marines (back)




Sorcerer (almost complete - front)



Sorcerer (almost complete - back)



Next up...the Iron Warriors Havoc Squad - or at least the start of said squad.


Bitz - primed.




Bodies - drybrushed w/ Leadbelcher



Weapons - started



Heavy bolter w/ hazard stripes (Golden Yellow)






So, the first bit of good news (no pun intended) is that I found the missing helmet (for those who noticed that there were only 4 helmets for 5 marines in the last post....).


More importantly, however, I managed to finish the squad in wee hours of the morning yesterday (I'm talking 0300 wee hours).


Completed squad - front






Completed squad - left





Completed squad - right





Completed squad - back





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