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The Beast Arises


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Just finished Predator, Prey. I make it to be about 55k words, which is about 8k than the first book. I think this is still fewer words than a typical BL novel, but I felt less cheated this time around, which was probably due to a combination of the extra c.20% words, expecting a shorter novel and the book covering a larger number of stories. I really enjoyed all of them.


The action switches between six locations:


Terra: more politicking between the High Lords with Vangorich as the viewpoint character.

Undine: an oceanic hive world under attack by the orks

Incus Maximal & Malleus Mundi: icy twin-forge worlds under attack by the orks

Eidolica: homeworld of the Fists Exemplar chapter under attack by the orks

Ardamantua: the orks have moved on and the Adeptus Mechanicus is studying what remains

Aspiria system: what remains of a planet destroyed by the orks


The general theme is ork attack moons popping up everywhere, causing devastation with gravity weapons and then invading what remains. The Imperium is too divided to mount a proper fightback and everything seems hopeless.



The Marines Exemplar are another Imperial Fists second founding chapter, formed from the most progressive members of the VII legion. Their original chapter master was one of


Question for anyone has read book 3, which of the 6 storylines/locations from book 2 are followed up on in Book 3, Emperor Expects?


Terra and Eidolica (Fists Exemplar) only. And even the FE are only a little bit in EE.


And the survivor from Ardamantua (and technically the guys from Aspiria seeing as they went to Eidolica in PP).
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I think Gav outdid himself in this one. 

If Deliverance Lost was given the same kind of treatment...you never know...


I liked that it narrowed down the storyline to only a few threads. That said, I found myself getting rather disinterested in Weinand towards the end. Could have been the gravitas of everything else going on but I just found myself thinking that thread was getting tired within the scope of that novella. 


The play between Kulik, Price, the other Admiral (Dont have my copy handy) and then the complication that Lansung introduced was nice to read. I honestly thought Price was being built up to be a cliche powerhouse, but I actually enjoyed that he wasnt all he was cracked up to be. Neat to see Lansung rise above politiking (sort of) as well. 


However, I think I was a little disappointed in the scale of things. By which I mean, the size of the fleets and the resources available. So the Segmentum Solar has 2 main fleets, or at least its ships were organized into a coreward and rimword fleet, Great, I dig it. But to think that they, with the added presence of the Lord High Admirals fleet could still only muster a few dozen battleships? Not even a clean two dozen, iirc. This is 40k (ok, 32k). I expect that in a region as vast as a segmentum, the amount of hardware would be nigh on limitless (can you tell I highly approved of the upsizing of the Legions in HH?) Untold thousands of worlds, forgeworlds, etc, I had expected the scale of the final engagement to be...bigger. And no, I dont like Michael Bay. 


I agree with two previous posters, that a) the death of the attack moon seemed rushed and b) I really didnt like how the last scene we see of Slaughter and the other Successors seemed like such a dissatisfying end to that thread within the novel. 


Sorry, spoiler tags not working for me for some reason (help mods?)


The attack moon showing up in Terran orbit....Wow. I did Not see that coming!!! 

Now, I have to admit, I have some serious expectations for the next novel, and if they are not met, I will be very disappointed. 

I understand the threat these things pose but...come on. If this this isn't incinerated, utterly just ROLF-stomped, pwned, gutted, completely and utterly atomized in rather quick fashion, I will be pissed. We are talking about The. Most. Heavily. Defended. Place. In. The. Galaxy. Period. Full stop. No fudging around. Now this attack moon, once it goes buh buy worse than Horus' soul, or Ferrus' head, or Russ' hygiene, still represents a massive threat. Sure, the orks cant just pop into low terran orbit and make a mess of things just yet. But they can get there. Whenever the want. They just need to keep on gathering supplies & waaaaahg force. Just knowing that its only a matter of time seems to me a truly frightening thing indeed. Please, please, please, do not tell me that Terra is so lackluster that it cannot get this done.

I realize the story has already been written, and I know its BL's story, not mine but.... 

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I think Gav outdid himself in this one.

If Deliverance Lost was given the same kind of treatment...you never know...

I liked that it narrowed down the storyline to only a few threads. That said, I found myself getting rather disinterested in Weinand towards the end. Could have been the gravitas of everything else going on but I just found myself thinking that thread was getting tired within the scope of that novella.

The play between Kulik, Price, the other Admiral (Dont have my copy handy) and then the complication that Lansung introduced was nice to read. I honestly thought Price was being built up to be a cliche powerhouse, but I actually enjoyed that he wasnt all he was cracked up to be. Neat to see Lansung rise above politiking (sort of) as well.

However, I think I was a little disappointed in the scale of things. By which I mean, the size of the fleets and the resources available. So the Segmentum Solar has 2 main fleets, or at least its ships were organized into a coreward and rimword fleet, Great, I dig it. But to think that they, with the added presence of the Lord High Admirals fleet could still only muster a few dozen battleships? Not even a clean two dozen, iirc. This is 40k (ok, 32k). I expect that in a region as vast as a segmentum, the amount of hardware would be nigh on limitless (can you tell I highly approved of the upsizing of the Legions in HH?) Untold thousands of worlds, forgeworlds, etc, I had expected the scale of the final engagement to be...bigger. And no, I dont like Michael Bay.

I agree with two previous posters, that a) the death of the attack moon seemed rushed and cool.png I really didnt like how the last scene we see of Slaughter and the other Successors seemed like such a dissatisfying end to that thread within the novel.

Sorry, spoiler tags not working for me for some reason (help mods?)

The attack moon showing up in Terran orbit....Wow. I did Not see that coming!!!

Now, I have to admit, I have some serious expectations for the next novel, and if they are not met, I will be very disappointed.

I understand the threat these things pose but...come on. If this this isn't incinerated, utterly just ROLF-stomped, pwned, gutted, completely and utterly atomized in rather quick fashion, I will be pissed. We are talking about The. Most. Heavily. Defended. Place. In. The. Galaxy. Period. Full stop. No fudging around. Now this attack moon, once it goes buh buy worse than Horus' soul, or Ferrus' head, or Russ' hygiene, still represents a massive threat. Sure, the orks cant just pop into low terran orbit and make a mess of things just yet. But they can get there. Whenever the want. They just need to keep on gathering supplies & waaaaahg force. Just knowing that its only a matter of time seems to me a truly frightening thing indeed. Please, please, please, do not tell me that Terra is so lackluster that it cannot get this done.

I realize the story has already been written, and I know its BL's story, not mine but....

Might want to read the blurb for Book 5 to manage your expectations on that one buddy

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Book 4 - would suck. a) It would be a crusade of poor against orcs mega mobs. laugh.png b) it's written by Annadale - the guy who killed the planets with squizzie thought worms biggrin.png c) SMs would be waiting for storyline progression (sideplot) d) Mars would jump to another Galaxy, lol biggrin.png

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I think Gav outdid himself in this one.

If Deliverance Lost was given the same kind of treatment...you never know...

I liked that it narrowed down the storyline to only a few threads. That said, I found myself getting rather disinterested in Weinand towards the end. Could have been the gravitas of everything else going on but I just found myself thinking that thread was getting tired within the scope of that novella.

The play between Kulik, Price, the other Admiral (Dont have my copy handy) and then the complication that Lansung introduced was nice to read. I honestly thought Price was being built up to be a cliche powerhouse, but I actually enjoyed that he wasnt all he was cracked up to be. Neat to see Lansung rise above politiking (sort of) as well.

However, I think I was a little disappointed in the scale of things. By which I mean, the size of the fleets and the resources available. So the Segmentum Solar has 2 main fleets, or at least its ships were organized into a coreward and rimword fleet, Great, I dig it. But to think that they, with the added presence of the Lord High Admirals fleet could still only muster a few dozen battleships? Not even a clean two dozen, iirc. This is 40k (ok, 32k). I expect that in a region as vast as a segmentum, the amount of hardware would be nigh on limitless (can you tell I highly approved of the upsizing of the Legions in HH?) Untold thousands of worlds, forgeworlds, etc, I had expected the scale of the final engagement to be...bigger. And no, I dont like Michael Bay.

I agree with two previous posters, that a) the death of the attack moon seemed rushed and cool.png I really didnt like how the last scene we see of Slaughter and the other Successors seemed like such a dissatisfying end to that thread within the novel.

Sorry, spoiler tags not working for me for some reason (help mods?)

The attack moon showing up in Terran orbit....Wow. I did Not see that coming!!!

Now, I have to admit, I have some serious expectations for the next novel, and if they are not met, I will be very disappointed.

I understand the threat these things pose but...come on. If this this isn't incinerated, utterly just ROLF-stomped, pwned, gutted, completely and utterly atomized in rather quick fashion, I will be pissed. We are talking about The. Most. Heavily. Defended. Place. In. The. Galaxy. Period. Full stop. No fudging around. Now this attack moon, once it goes buh buy worse than Horus' soul, or Ferrus' head, or Russ' hygiene, still represents a massive threat. Sure, the orks cant just pop into low terran orbit and make a mess of things just yet. But they can get there. Whenever the want. They just need to keep on gathering supplies & waaaaahg force. Just knowing that its only a matter of time seems to me a truly frightening thing indeed. Please, please, please, do not tell me that Terra is so lackluster that it cannot get this done.

I realize the story has already been written, and I know its BL's story, not mine but....

They had at least 120 capital class ships from my read through. Rimward 40, coreward 40, Lansungs buddies 40. The Colossus was recalled from patrol as well. If they can spare Battleships for deep space patrols, I'd say they're well endowed with vessels. I get the idea in 40k that Battleships are more "lynchpins" in certain sectors that don't really move often.

Also the first books have arranged it quite nicely that Terra is basically defencless:

1) Fists - gone

2) Bulk of Imperial Navy assets - gone off to Lepidus

The whole issue is the Imperium is paralysed with complacency or corruption (of a human nature, nothing warp based). They disbanded their Legions, they mire themselves in bureacracy and they preen over their existing forces as galaxy dominating despite having no threats to prove it, nor have they been building them up due to a lack of said threats. The Imperium in 32k has basically thought it's won and it's good as is. I do wonder how alarmed they'd be when the first Black Crusade launchers now biggrin.png

As for my own enjoyment:

Boy, what a read!

The Last Wall, the Inquisitions power play, the huge battle at Port Sanctus. Oh boy! So many exciting things happening.

I'm just thrilled by the idea of the Imperial Fists reforming. The impact of that is amazeballs.

I am so hooked on this series like nothing before it, save the HH novels but they've sort of petered out recently.

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I think Gav outdid himself in this one.

If Deliverance Lost was given the same kind of treatment...you never know...

I liked that it narrowed down the storyline to only a few threads. That said, I found myself getting rather disinterested in Weinand towards the end. Could have been the gravitas of everything else going on but I just found myself thinking that thread was getting tired within the scope of that novella.

The play between Kulik, Price, the other Admiral (Dont have my copy handy) and then the complication that Lansung introduced was nice to read. I honestly thought Price was being built up to be a cliche powerhouse, but I actually enjoyed that he wasnt all he was cracked up to be. Neat to see Lansung rise above politiking (sort of) as well.

However, I think I was a little disappointed in the scale of things. By which I mean, the size of the fleets and the resources available. So the Segmentum Solar has 2 main fleets, or at least its ships were organized into a coreward and rimword fleet, Great, I dig it. But to think that they, with the added presence of the Lord High Admirals fleet could still only muster a few dozen battleships? Not even a clean two dozen, iirc. This is 40k (ok, 32k). I expect that in a region as vast as a segmentum, the amount of hardware would be nigh on limitless (can you tell I highly approved of the upsizing of the Legions in HH?) Untold thousands of worlds, forgeworlds, etc, I had expected the scale of the final engagement to be...bigger. And no, I dont like Michael Bay.

I agree with two previous posters, that a) the death of the attack moon seemed rushed and cool.png I really didnt like how the last scene we see of Slaughter and the other Successors seemed like such a dissatisfying end to that thread within the novel.

Sorry, spoiler tags not working for me for some reason (help mods?)

The attack moon showing up in Terran orbit....Wow. I did Not see that coming!!!

Now, I have to admit, I have some serious expectations for the next novel, and if they are not met, I will be very disappointed.

I understand the threat these things pose but...come on. If this this isn't incinerated, utterly just ROLF-stomped, pwned, gutted, completely and utterly atomized in rather quick fashion, I will be pissed. We are talking about The. Most. Heavily. Defended. Place. In. The. Galaxy. Period. Full stop. No fudging around. Now this attack moon, once it goes buh buy worse than Horus' soul, or Ferrus' head, or Russ' hygiene, still represents a massive threat. Sure, the orks cant just pop into low terran orbit and make a mess of things just yet. But they can get there. Whenever the want. They just need to keep on gathering supplies & waaaaahg force. Just knowing that its only a matter of time seems to me a truly frightening thing indeed. Please, please, please, do not tell me that Terra is so lackluster that it cannot get this done.

I realize the story has already been written, and I know its BL's story, not mine but....

They had at least 120 capital class ships from my read through. Rimward 40, coreward 40, Lansungs buddies 40. The Colossus was recalled from patrol as well. If they can spare Battleships for deep space patrols, I'd say they're well endowed with vessels. I get the idea in 40k that Battleships are more "lynchpins" in certain sectors that don't really move often.

Also the first books have arranged it quite nicely that Terra is basically defencless:

1) Fists - gone

2) Bulk of Imperial Navy assets - gone off to Lepidus

The whole issue is the Imperium is paralysed with complacency or corruption (of a human nature, nothing warp based). They disbanded their Legions, they mire themselves in bureacracy and they preen over their existing forces as galaxy dominating despite having no threats to prove it, nor have they been building them up due to a lack of said threats. The Imperium in 32k has basically thought it's won and it's good as is. I do wonder how alarmed they'd be when the first Black Crusade launchers now biggrin.png

As for my own enjoyment:

Boy, what a read!

The Last Wall, the Inquisitions power play, the huge battle at Port Sanctus. Oh boy! So many exciting things happening.

I'm just thrilled by the idea of the Imperial Fists reforming. The impact of that is amazeballs.

I am so hooked on this series like nothing before it, save the HH novels but they've sort of petered out recently.

I also have really liked the series so far, but your post hit on my biggest issue with the timeline. Given that Rogal Dorn isn't around, that should mean that one or two Black Crusades have already happened and that doesn't fit at all with the complacency it seems like the High Lords have.

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Don't jump the gun. All we know of the first black crusade is that it was Abaddon versus the Templars. There is a very real chance the Templars might've blunted the Crusade at the Cadian gate, and Abaddon was forced to carry on into real space without an army. IE, the first black crusade could've been regarded as an anomaly, and poorly appraised by Imperial Strategos. Cadia wasn't founded until after the events of TBA, and only after the Eye was seen as a true threat. Also, the Imperium may not ever hear of the 1st BC because the BL wipes out the Templars and only discovers the information later.
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Don't jump the gun. All we know of the first black crusade is that it was Abaddon versus the Templars. There is a very real chance the Templars might've blunted the Crusade at the Cadian gate, and Abaddon was forced to carry on into real space without an army. IE, the first black crusade could've been regarded as an anomaly, and poorly appraised by Imperial Strategos. Cadia wasn't founded until after the events of TBA, and only after the Eye was seen as a true threat. Also, the Imperium may not ever hear of the 1st BC because the BL wipes out the Templars and only discovers the information later.


We also know that apparently Rogal Dorn died during the first black crusade. That implies a little more than just the Templars being involved to me, ADB's future showdown between Sigismund and Abaddon notwithstanding.


If a Primarch died, it seems to me that would be a big deal and would let people know there were still big baddies around.

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Don't jump the gun. All we know of the first black crusade is that it was Abaddon versus the Templars. There is a very real chance the Templars might've blunted the Crusade at the Cadian gate, and Abaddon was forced to carry on into real space without an army. IE, the first black crusade could've been regarded as an anomaly, and poorly appraised by Imperial Strategos. Cadia wasn't founded until after the events of TBA, and only after the Eye was seen as a true threat. Also, the Imperium may not ever hear of the 1st BC because the BL wipes out the Templars and only discovers the information later.

We also know that apparently Rogal Dorn died during the first black crusade. That implies a little more than just the Templars being involved to me, ADB's future showdown between Sigismund and Abaddon notwithstanding.


If a Primarch died, it seems to me that would be a big deal and would let people know there were still big baddies around.

Those are two different Black Crusades. AD-B will not be handling the death of Dorn, as that event was already claimed by another author.

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The 1st Black Crusade, at this point, was almost 700 years ago. While it certainly could've put the whole of the Imperium on high alert for a few centuries, by this time it may not even be remembered outside of Segmentum Obscurus. Although from the way the High Lords, and especially the high command of the Imperial Navy act, anything happening outside of Segmentum Solar is barely worth mentioning.
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So black crusade that destroys star sistems and last for decades or centuries, was just a minor event easily forgotten?

I dont buy it. As it stands in the book it seems the Imperium has been at "peace" with no big threats since the end of the heresy. If orks reached Terra so easily, Abbadon is indeed incompetent.

And if the 1st Black Crusade was not even considered a threat, having Sigismund or Dorn dying on one is :cussting on their caracthers.

In my humble opinion.

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Considering ADB has yet to even write a chapter of Abaddon part 2, there's nothing for you to be convinced of yet. He could completely ditch Sigismund if he wanted and none of us would know until the day it hits shelves.


Also, saying the black crusade is :cuss on their character if it wasn't a huge threat is really jumping the gun. Dorn could be killed in a surprise attack, or Sigismund slips up in his old age. There is nothing ADB would write that invalidates previous badassery.

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Perfectly valid concern on Sete's part. 700 years is a relatively short time to be forgetting the 1st Black Crusade. Explanations could be offered in the future...but at this point, we're left with a significant question mark



Yeah this is how I feel. Maybe there is a good explanation to be made up later? But for now, even if we disregard Sigismund v. Abaddon (because you are right Marshal Rohr it hasn't been written yet and could change), we have a massive chaos invasion that killed off a primarch, that apparently was entirely forgotten.

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Perfectly valid concern on Sete's part. 700 years is a relatively short time to be forgetting the 1st Black Crusade. Explanations could be offered in the future...but at this point, we're left with a significant question mark

Dude if the Heresy has taught us anything it's, first, bitching and moaning about the time it takes between information being given to us and fully explained is as pointless as screaming in a vacuum. It makes us feel better, but it means :cuss in how fast we will actually get the product. Second, the question is particular is only relevant to the people asking it. It may never be addressed by a BL story, nor are they under obligation to do so. Sure that's not a happy answer, but BL isn't here for fan service as much as we might wish it otherwise.

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I think you are downplaying what we actually know about the 1st Black Crusade. There are various sources talking about it, including the Black Legion supplement, which I believe was even written by AD-B in some capacity.

World after world burned and it seemed unstoppable, and Cadia played a role, even though it wasn't fortified yet. Multiple IF companies were involved, too.

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Sometimes, guys and girls, you've got to remember just how much material is being produced, and by different authors. I'll likely never even read The Beast Arises series, just like over half of the TBA authors will likely never read The Talon of Horus, and whatever else. That's all good. I read a fair bit of 40K lit, but there are only so many hours in the day and I've got an immense reading list that goes in 800 different directions already. 


None of this is a bad thing. We're all drawing from the same pool of core/classic lore, and basing stories off that. If characters in TBA don't remember the First Black Crusade - that's cool, in the TBA series. It won't be reflected in anything I write, since it doesn't gel with my reading of classic lore, but it is what it is. There are likely a million times readers of Author X's work have been annoyed at me for not focusing/highlighting various stuff I've not paid attention to, as well. It's the way of things. It can't be helped.


I don't get annoyed at this stuff, and you've always got to bear in mind that different authors think different things about the lore, just like different gamers, readers, and hobbyists do. As strange as it can seem, remember that it also protects the lore at times - authors can choose what they want to base their stories on, over the course of 30ish years of IP, rather than adhering to One Most Recent Truth. That creates conflicts, yes. And it also means there are constant callbacks to classic, awesome lore, showing it's not abandoned and that some recent interpretations may not be wholly correct or The One Way, after all.


Also, natch, Jareddm's point about the scale of the Imperium is a good one, too.

I think you are downplaying what we actually know about the 1st Black Crusade. There are various sources talking about it, including the Black Legion supplement, which I believe was even written by AD-B in some capacity.


I was asked to write it, but had no time. I sincerely regret that, but alas, reality and all.


I got a chance to glance over it before it hit the printers and changed a few things, but overall I didn't have much to do with it, nope. Can't take credit/blame, depending on your tastes.

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Whoa bitching and moaning and convictions?

Whoa dude chill.

My assumption was that it seemed that the Imperium didnt had a threat for a very long time. I consider a Black Crusade a thing of a huge magnitude to be so easily forgotten. Especially the first one.

It just feels weird. I don't consider 700 years to be enough time for the Imperium be so Lax. As I put it before its my opinion and in no way it decreases the good opinion I have on this serie. Its being quite enjoyable so far. And cmon slipping is a space wolves thing.

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I... um... uh...


Hang on, on. Phone replying. Not great at typing neatly. 



My assumption was that it seemed that the Imperium didnt had a threat for a very long time. I consider a Black Crusade a thing of a huge magnitude to be so easily forgotten. Especially the first one.
It just feels weird. I don't consider 700 years to be enough time for the Imperium be so Lax. 


It's a good assumption. I agree with you, natch. (I find I often do, Sete. No shock there.)


But it also raises a cool angle, considering why it might be forgotten or not mentioned, or whatever else. I'm just spitballing, but I'll probably end up musing over it before I write the First Black Crusade this year. Obviously the Imperium at large will be kept in the dark about it, but you never know.


Obviously, though, part of this just comes down to vibe. A selling point of the series was its "The Heresy is forgotten and everything is fine" atmosphere, so I see why they abandoned the threat of Chaos. It wasn't as pronounced back then, and blah blah blah. 


tl;dr -- I agree, and need to muse lots.

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I like the "Beast" series so far. The books show of a so far atypical but very much credible Imperium. Finally a book properly tackles the laziness of the many imperial officials, the cancer at the very head of the Imperium, the complacency resulting from an epoch of relative peace and the inevitable result as generations which have witnessed many a horror die and are replaced by generations which enjoy the fruits of the bloody battles fought by their ancestors. 


In a certain way it all makes so very much a sense. I really enjoyed the machinations at the court of the Lords of Terra, the politic plays, the every faction for itself mentality and this massive looming threat which gets discredited due to the sheer impossibility of it all. 


My take on the Black Crusade thing is as follows. Generation A witnessed it, fought in it, died and bleed in it. Generation A is now dead and we currently read of generation C, D, E which do remember some of it but certainly not in the visceral way that their elders did. Save for only a few of the genhanced, the ones with the access to rejuvenate treatments or half-machines I think that the majority of the players in the story do not even remember why the battles of the Black Crusade were fought in the first place. 


We all too often forget the fast generation rotation in the Imperium. It is a harsh place and the majority of its populace rarely make it for a long life. Death catches many of them younger than we usually assume. So even in a century or two all things are hearsay to the populace. 

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