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The Beast Arises


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Did anybody else notice a subtle, roundabout nod to a certain someone(s) in that scene where Vangorich kept on noticing how beautiful the shadow seer was?


The Lord of the Assasins...was struck by the shadowseer's beauty...


An Assasin... And a Seer...

I'm praying for something like that to become canon one day.


...If only so I can read the reactions of that Assassin's superiors when they find out what happened with their missing operative. :D

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Did anybody else notice a subtle, roundabout nod to a certain someone(s) in that scene where Vangorich kept on noticing how beautiful the shadow seer was?


The Lord of the Assasins...was struck by the shadowseer's beauty...


An Assasin... And a Seer...

Love can bloom in battlefield fan fic confirmed.

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Did anybody else notice a subtle, roundabout nod to a certain someone(s) in that scene where Vangorich kept on noticing how beautiful the shadow seer was?


The Lord of the Assasins...was struck by the shadowseer's beauty...


An Assasin... And a Seer...

Love can bloom in battlefield fan fic confirmed.



Or Elessar and the Evenstar:



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I was dreading the inevitable alliance between the templars and Iron Warriors, but you know what? It was believable. in the past books they described the iron warriors as having removed all chaos mutations given to them, including the commander cutting off his own arm so it wouldn't be a part of him. That's pretty pragmatic if you ask me, so trying to get an alliance between them and the templars made sense.


Also I like how far the faith in the black templars run during that battle, including how the psyker could not touch the dread because of his faith. a Very nice scene that showed how badass this guy is.


My only disappointment is that we didn't see any skitarii fight on the moon, as it was teased that a large number of them and the Legio Cybernetica was on the moon during the fight. Ah well, I can look elsewhere for my fanboy fix. I did enjoy the very brief portrail of the Iron Knights though.


I'm excited to see what happens with kubric and Mesring... the plot thickens for these two.

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Kinda annoyed when you assemble your fleet to relieve the siege only to be judged by those that you want to rescue for being treacherous. In that instance, the exterminatus button is not that far off...

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I thought it was precisely a dozen, with one Eldar casualty. I didn't think it was too outrageous, these Custodes presumably don't ever do much fighting and they're going up against specially picked by Eldrad for this purpose. They're pretty elite

I call Eldar drivel

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I thought it was precisely a dozen, with one Eldar casualty. I didn't think it was too outrageous, these Custodes presumably don't ever do much fighting and they're going up against specially picked by Eldrad for this purpose. They're pretty elite


A dozen taken out by a Death Jester and a Shadowseer isn't bad at all. Harlequins are unpredictable and hyperagile, which the Custodes are not. Even in the Horus Heresy series, Custodes were highly skilled but didn't fight so well in groups. AD-B set the precedence there, with how they are lions compared to the Astartes wolf packs. A Harlequin shouldn't have trouble exploiting those fighting styles, especially these top guys.


The Eldar hardly have it easy here. Of the squad, only two reach the inner sanctum, both of which are specialists. All others fall on the way. Eldrad also expended numerous lives to open up the branch to Terra in the first place, and the Shadowseer doesn't come away well.

And she'll never get out of the Inquisitorial fortress either. She's locked away for good, to be subjected to whatever interrogation methods the Inquisition deems worthwhile.

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A dozen taken out by a Death Jester and a Shadowseer isn't bad at all. Harlequins are unpredictable and hyperagile, which the Custodes are not. Even in the Horus Heresy series, Custodes were highly skilled but didn't fight so well in groups.

Primarchs don't really fight well in a group of Primarchs...would 12 Primarchs be at a disadvantage against 2 elite Eldar?


I can't see a dozen 30K Custodes being slaughtered by 2 Eldar. I just don't. Custodes should not be slow compared to Eldar.


It only makes sense if 32K Custodes are terrible compared to 30K Custodes, which is possible

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I thought it was precisely a dozen, with one Eldar casualty. I didn't think it was too outrageous, these Custodes presumably don't ever do much fighting and they're going up against specially picked by Eldrad for this purpose. They're pretty elite

That's right, although the description of the battle before hand felt as though it were more!


Finished yesterday, and it's excellent - highly recommend. Such a good series!






I greatly enjoyed the book...until the Black Templar Iron Warrior alliance. that pretty much killed my good times



An alliance of necessity, which was uneasy from start to finish and only ended without the IW's annihilation because the Templars stuck to their oaths of truce and would not dishonor themselves for simple vengeance - which shows development from them, as before they'd have thrown everything away for that personal feud.


I loved this part: the fact that it was so unconventional from anything we've previously seen, and purely on the basis of past loyalties against a common, innumerable enemy, was really well written. Definitely a nice twist!


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Finished today. Only part I didn't really get into was the overly religious dreadnought after a while but I am glad the IW laughed at him when they had that "wanna convert to Christ?" moment. :) Loved it, excellent pacing and action first 2/3. Loving also how many cameos they can squeeze in this series and still make it work. Here's looking to book 6!

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That X Eldar could do this (if that is indeed the case) to the Custodes is a good indication that the Custodes and the the whole "we don't fight well in groups shtick" needs to be change via a space marine 101 remedial course if indeed that is the reason. When I red FH I came away with the feeling that the WB noticed that they did not fight like Space Marines who are squad based and work as teams -- no judgement was given. However, I could be mistake (and probably am).

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Taking listener questions for Guy Haley interview tomorrow on ThroneWorld and any of his AoS stories. Or I guess anything for Guy though is fine. Let me know if you have anything you want to ask or you can tweet also to @kennylull.
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Taking listener questions for Guy Haley interview tomorrow on ThroneWorld and any of his AoS stories. Or I guess anything for Guy though is fine. Let me know if you have anything you want to ask or you can tweet also to @kennylull.

Wish I'd had a few days notice. Dang it, take one day off and I miss this. Is it too late to ask if we will be seeing more from the Eldar in any later parts of the story?

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Taking listener questions for Guy Haley interview tomorrow on ThroneWorld and any of his AoS stories. Or I guess anything for Guy though is fine. Let me know if you have anything you want to ask or you can tweet also to @kennylull.


Hi veterannoob. I have a few questions which have sprung to mind when listening to Throneworld. Apologies if any of these questions are covered by author afterward notes in this or any of the other books in the series but the Audiobooks unfortunatly do not include that.


1: How much interaction has there been with the other authors of the series in maintaining character consistency and what format has this taken, round tabe @ BL HQ or via skype / email?


2: How did the author selection process work, were you specifically offered part "x" of the story with a rough outline of what was required or invited to pitch for those parts you found most interesting?


3: How much flexibility were you given regarding the integration of your own ideas into the narrative? For example I particularly enjoyed the Iron Warrior / Black Templar alliance, was this something of your own devising or a requirement of the story?


4: Are there any plot threads you really wanted to explore in detail but were unable to due to the tight pacing of the series, if so what?


Again apologies if any of these have already been answered / covered elsewhere but i've not seem them on my travels round the board here. Thanks, Jon

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@JH79 I can work these in. Though you may enjoy listening to Gav and David Annandale talk about the books 3 (Emp Expects) & 4 (Last Wall) on Combat Phase as they discuss the process of authors, main points their briefs contained and how they interacted with each other. The reason I say both is Gav was the last of the original three books in the series before it went back burner for a bit then David picked it up when it moved front center again. Both have more books coming in TBA . :) 

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@JH79 I can work these in. Though you may enjoy listening to Gav and David Annandale talk about the books 3 (Emp Expects) & 4 (Last Wall) on Combat Phase as they discuss the process of authors, main points their briefs contained and how they interacted with each other. The reason I say both is Gav was the last of the original three books in the series before it went back burner for a bit then David picked it up when it moved front center again. Both have more books coming in TBA . smile.png

Awesome, thanks for the heads up re your interviews with Gav and David and inclusion of questions into your interview with Guy! I near enough listened to The Emperor Expects, The Last Wall and Throneworld back to back over a two week period and really felt like the plot seamlessly flowed from one book to the next with each raising the bar re my anticipation for the rest of the series. It's interesting to hear that there was a slight break in the production process at one point. I think BL has really found a formula that works here and if they're smart it could have other large scale applications for future forays into the Imperium's history... that or a 12 volume siege of Terra subscription to finish off the Heresy... I jest msn-wink.gif

I will have a hunt around for the interviews you mentioned and give them a listen when i have a chance, thanks again! smile.png

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