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When did the IF actually change their colours to BT black and white? 



This is his own Personal Scheme which looks amazeballs and serves as a nice Cross-over Scouring Scheme for Future BTs


Lol I know this. What im asking is when did the BT scheme actually come into being fluff wise. Was it strictly 2nd founding or was it actually present during the great scouring. The reason I ask is I have a small BT force and ive got some HH stuff so I want to consolidate them together and use them as IF as the OP. 

Strictly the second founding otherwise the Original Legion Heraldry would have to visible Somewhere as well as the Iconography.


The Black and White with Maltese Cross was Sigismunds Personal Heraldry during all that and only became the Chapter colors when he became the first High Marshal.

Love your whole painting style. Wash-heavy without looking messy. Brilliant stuff. 

Thank you means a lot coming from such a good painter.  Im actually very low skill  painting wise and washes help me make my stuff look a bit more presentable when I walk into my local store the staff usually pull a pot of it off the wall for me just cause they know how much of it I use XD ! 



When did the IF actually change their colours to BT black and white? 



This is his own Personal Scheme which looks amazeballs and serves as a nice Cross-over Scouring Scheme for Future BTs



Thank you for the compliment Slip and for the comment about the heraldric shields that sort of happened by accident 




When did the IF actually change their colours to BT black and white? 



This is his own Personal Scheme which looks amazeballs and serves as a nice Cross-over Scouring Scheme for Future BTs


Lol I know this. What im asking is when did the BT scheme actually come into being fluff wise. Was it strictly 2nd founding or was it actually present during the great scouring. The reason I ask is I have a small BT force and ive got some HH stuff so I want to consolidate them together and use them as IF as the OP. 


Yea Second Founding there were hints of it though in   HH Book 3 where they detail the imperial fists youll see like the veteran assault terminator is in mostly black armor  with gold highlights the diffrence being that in those book they keep yellow shoulder insets as opposed to white ones,  something I  considered but I  sorta go heavy on the gold for things like crosses and the fists logo so It wouldnt have looked too good. I  think one of the coolest things about imperial fists is that theres a nice little bit of templar iconography


To tell the truth the way I set up my guys was the result of like a perfect storm

- Tom plays 30k imperial fists at my store and his look really really good 

- I play 40k  black Templars  , Space Wolves and Knights  ... Dont own any forgeworld Knights , Wolves dont have rules

- Okay so I think ill do Imperial Fists , cause  I  can play off the Templar Iconography and really make this out to be my own thing with a good little  tail end of the scouring / second founding sort of vibe  and they wont be too different from my Templars   


I am looking forward to that section of the HH novels tho , especially if we continue to get evolving rules  

Imagine at the splitting of the legions you still have your Legion Rules but they give you a Rite of War for each successor Chapter to  work under  , would be pretty cool , anyway Im rambling , thank you  all for the compliments , the terminators should be done in the next day or two. 



Can  we just talk  for a second about the Sargents "power weapon"  the boarding Prison Shank 






The best part about that is that he's got it all down low at his side like "Nah, nothin to see here, move along." then STABU!!



Can  we just talk  for a second about the Sargents "power weapon"  the boarding Prison Shank 






The best part about that is that he's got it all down low at his side like "Nah, nothin to see here, move along." then STABU!!


Gotta keep the Shank  on the down low , traitors never see it coming , they just run into the shield wall  then  SHUNK 


So I finished up the terminators and got some black hobby chain for the dreadnoughts to give them an even more Templar feel. 


So this is what my 1350 Zone Mortalis List Looks like 




With More Backdrop  for artistic-ness




Sigismund and a big Death group  of Terminators 

A squad of breachers  

Two Contemptors 


Brother I think you need some phalanx warders... f or that zone mortalis goodness.

Well I was thinking about grabbing the upgrade kit , since ill have some Mk IV  bodies to use it on   now , that and some destroyers are on the list of units id like to build up 


When did the IF actually change their colours to BT black and white?

It was mentioned somewhere in older sources the entire legion wore black in mourning during the Scouring until the Iron Cage.


Hm, I didint know that , i mean in HH  book  3 they  use Black for Veterans 

Somehow my order got messed up and his Claw arm didint show up with his assault cannon , but yea the assault cannon is done , just waiting on a close combat weapon then ill add some hobby chain to him  and the contemptor talon will be finished. 



I swear slipstreams tried to warn me about this train. 

Today Im working on  the Heavy and Special Weapons Guys for the Veteran Tactical Squads 
I wanted to make use of my left over Templar Brethren  Torsos and mk 3  legs  , so we have some mix and match armor but Im really digging the way its come together so far 


The Plasmas just look so much cooler in Heresy.


The spinkling of Templar bits does wonders too :smile.:


I only wish I had more Templar Armor to work with , I do have enough mk 3 legs and torsos to make sargents for the 3 squads though which will have to do. 


Amazing work brother. I wonder how this black scheme would like with 30k dark angels?

It should work for Dark Angels as well , its just a real shortcut way to paint black by using Eshin Grey and Shading Down 


So I finished off those heavy weapon and special weapon guys , Now I just need to build ... the rest of those squads,  doing just a touch  of diffrence with these guys  



Gona paint up all three veteran tac squads with yellow helmets and shoulder inserts leave the white for my Templar brethren / Terminators  since they are the  more specialized veterans If I ever do get around to destroyers ill likely do something nifty with them to but yea,   ill get down to building the majority of these mkVI  box marines next week 


Well, its damn striking, thats for sure! Like how you left the Faceplate black too!

Thanks , The faceplates are actual metal colored , they are just a little wet and the lighting is bad in here XD  


Ah! ok.


Dark Metal looks better. My First Kitbashed Templar have gold faceplates and I like them less than my New ones with Dark Silver.

They look absolutely cracking!!

Will he HB's be packing suspensor webs?

Oh yes , these squads will likely wanna be mobile.  I doubt ill field Veteran Tacs very often but if I want to atleast ill have em. 




Heres the upclose shot  ( which im sure diminishes the quality  XD  )  Im starting to actually have some trouble with my  shoulder and elbow when im painting since i havent been able to paint at an actual desk in a while.  tho im probably gonna try to power through these three squads of marines then ill have some time off before the deredo gets here prolly. 


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