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People typically ask the question "What _____ should I use in my army?" I, however, have found that taking that approach limits creativity. You are simply recycling what someone else used that worked, perhaps changing it just a little bit.

So I was thinking about that, and here's what I came up with- A Best of the Worst thread. A place where people could talk about what didn't work for the, or what they've seen that didn't work, so others know what to avoid. Furthermore, we can talk about why that failed, and come up with ways to make it work in the future. 


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I don't really have any specific models that I took and were super disappointed by.  Maybe the regular LR Punisher I proxied, that thing wasn't too helpful.


I took a single scout sentinel w/ autocannon.  It was very ineffective and got destroyed quickly.  

I took a squad of ratlings, infiltrated near an objective but not close enough to actually claim it.  That was a bonehead move.

Deployed a platoon of guys blobbed together near my board edge with the models base to base.  First turn whirlwind strike crushed them and they fled off table.

2v1 game about a month ago: IG(me) and Harlequins vs CSM(Kharne formation)+Dark Eldar.  Opponent went rhino/raider spam full of stabby things, he had something like 14 transports.  I fired a deathstrike turn2 at a giant cluster of transports and guys attempting to evict my guardsmen from an objective.  


Scatters 11" in the only direction that didn't have enemy units, and hits nothing but my own squad of deepstriking tempestus.  *tableflip*


The launch vehicle itself went on to partially redeem itself.  By the end of the game it had killed a raider with its heavy bolter, run over a chaos champion who tried to death-or-glory it with a meltabomb, and rammed a rhino to death.

Anything with Plasma cannons. Exectutioners and Armoured Sentinels being the worst culprits for those annoying overheats.


20-man conscript squads - too small to really do anything, and get a lot worse once they start taking casualties. Only usable as a mobile cover save for your tanks.

Wyverns work on weight of dice, which relies on average rolls - no good if you roll badly :P


I can't seem to think of anything that has performed badly. Generally things do ok not including bad rolls here and there, maybe my expectations are too low? :P I'll have to give it some more thought...

Multi-melta sponsons.  The times I've taken them they've encouraged me to move toward tempting targets for the juicy 12'' range.  Don't do that, it's never worth it as your tanks die the next round.  Long range weaponry on tanks always to keep them out of reach.

Only one wyvern?  How...reasonable of you!  No wonder you didn't roflstomp, you failed to pile on the cheese and achieve a cheap bad-dice-proof overmatch...


Truesight, I couldn't agree more...I'm all for demolishers and eradicators, but for the love of the emprah, keep them at max range...closing in to 12" for multimelta goodness is suicide!

For me a vanquisher with lascannon. Vanquisher cannon ALWAYS misses. Then the lascannon hits and does nothing. Every time, even with prescience.


Only time my vanquisher cannon has ever hit anything i snapshot against an ork dakka jet and blew it up. It then proceeded to crash into the vannquisher and blow it up....


Annoying because i love the aesthetic of my vanquishers. Ones a double tracked king russ and one has a rear hull extension.

I love my vanquishers, and I put so much time into converting and painting them... but they usually fail to kill vehicles and don't have the versatility to kill other things effectively. I'm going to try the leman russ armoured formation, and reorganizing around kurov's aquila. 


My vendettas usually under perform as well. To correct it I'm going to try sabre defense platforms and a Vulture. 


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