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As far as units that can currently use Culvernins for Astartes it's Heavy Support Squads, Contemptors, and a number of vehicles. I know Mechanicum/Cybernetica have a number of other units. Evicerators it's far less because Astartes have Chainfists which are better but can only be used in TDA.


That being said in regards to the grey area; I'm of the personal opinion that we should allow some additional access to additional existing things specifically for extra flavor, especially if it's not a balance breaker or presents a similar option but of a different flavor. That's just my opinion though and I'm a fluff guy not one of our rules experts, so I'll gladly concede to them.

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Back from my Pokewalk. 


In all honesty, I didn't find an Evicerator listed in the Army of Darkness book, just the Heavy Chainsword. Or are they the same thing?


The Culvernins, though, seem more widely spread. How would you make that rule though?


EDIT: Went through most of the current legions to refresh myself on how they handle gear that wasn't purely unique to the legion, but allowed more access.  A couple of examples came to mind: prototype assault cannons, teleporter transponders, and the infamous chain-axe. 


In the end, adding additional access to these weapons do cost a slot. So, Redd, you have three choices, you can trade out another unit or character for more wargear. Transform one of your current pieces into the legion relic (to be fair, the Warblade is a little bland). Or, ask the community to have an additional slot. 

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The First Son

As the High-Magisters had expected and welcomed Icarion, so too did Icarion treat the Emperor's arrival as an event worthy of celebration. The Emperor's reunion with Icarion was a day marked throughout the nascent Imperium. For Icarion was the first of the lost Primarchs to be found and opened entire new possibilities now that it was possible for the Primarchs to have survived their unexpected kidnapping. As the unintentional first representative of his brothers, Icarion provided the Imperium with a model warrior of great power, even as the space marine legions became alight with fervor to find their own missing gene-sires. 


With every move scrutinized by curious eyes, Icarion took command of the Lightning Bearers with casual grace as the Lightning Bearers eagerly accepted him as their leader. Given his favour with the Emperor, it was possible for the Stormborn to rearrange the First Legion into a form he preferred, however, Icarion chose a more conservative route. After having read the Principia Bellicosa, Icarion resolved not to deviate far from its principles and preserved the legion much as it was when it first left the grounds of Terra. Although he left the core of the legion's structure untouched, Icarion did introduce a few changes that brought the Lightning Bearers into compliance with his own vision. Madrigal would become the first of the legion homeworlds. As Madrigal soon discovered, this elevated status grew its influence several fold as Imperium resources flowed into the system. With the move to recruit from Madrigal, Icarion would begin the process of inducting the Lightning Bearers into the Astral Colleges of Madrigal. Finally, the Celestial Orders of the Astral Colleges would soon find their teachings and ways being adopted by the Lightning Bearers at Icarion's behest.


These transitions occurred quickly and with little conflict under the preternatural gaze of the Primarch. What came next was an occasion that the Imperium eagerly awaited: a Primarch at war. The Primarchs were genetically crafted by the Emperor's own hand to be his finest generals. Magos and members of the War Council were keen to see the capabilities of a Primarch and estimate how much of an impact they would have on the Great Crusade. 


Icarion did not disappoint. 

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Nah that's fine; We are still leaving Chain Axes exempt from that correct? And thinking about it I'll drop the warblade from the relic; I'll give the Gauntlets of Terra rending and make them +35 points and make them the new Relic; and I'll bring back the assault cannon.


Which gives me ironbound combat shields, Storm Shields, Assault Cannons, and Ironbound Hide plus Gauntlets of Terra as my relic so 4 wargear 2 characters 3 Units.

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There'll be one for Inna at some point. For now, here's Antonidas', along with the Depthstriders and Phantoms.


First Captain Antonidas
Antonidas has served as First Captain of the Scions Hospitalier ever since the reunion with the primarch, during which time his reputation as a fearsome warrior has only grown. Grim and taciturn to all but his closest brothers, he has adapted the finesse of the Stygian Phantoms to fit the surgical ways of the new XIXth Legion, and performs both stealth missions and fast attacks with lethal precision.

While he bears the typical armaments of a Phantom, Antonidas also wields a forearm-mounted paragon blade. Known as Hoarfrost, it is unique among the weapons discovered during the Great Crusade. A relic recovered on Natnuat Prime, the materials used in its construction have defied classification by even the most knowledgeable Adepts. It resembles a shard of the void itself, and emanates a lethal chill rather than the heat of a power weapon.


Side note: I think Antonidas' entry should be ahead of Odyssalas. To paraphrase Dan Abnett, there is a given order to things. Also, Odyssalas could do with a Warlord Trait at some point.

The Phantoms
While Pionus and Antonidas dispensed with what they saw as the wasteful flamboyance of the Stygian Phantoms, they also perceived a way in which the “old” XIXth’s vaunted prowess could be married to the culture of surgical precision and efficiency fostered by the primarch. Thus, those Terran legionaries who struggled to find a place within the Scions were formed into a new body of assault marines. Clad in black pearl plate, they are armed with hooknets and lancea based on those wielded by the Ionans on their expeditions into the depths. They also use volkite serpentas, mounted on their forearms so that a Phantom can use his gun simultaneously with his melee weapons.

The new Phantoms first saw action against the abhuman Malacos and swiftly earned a reputation both for clandestine operations and lightning assaults. As such they can be found both in the vanguard, and far behind enemy lines.

Unlike almost all their counterparts, the Phantoms also apply their assault skills to the underwater theatres where the Scions excel, with obscura-pattern jump packs designed to operate beneath the waves and in the void. These have served the Scions well on many campaigns against waterborne foes, especially the vile Qarith.

The Depthstriders
Finding that breacher squads were of limited use in undersea actions, Pionus compensated by developing specialised heavy units. Initially clad in modified Mk II armour, it was with the advent of Terminator plate that the Depthstriders truly came in to being. Pionus soon developed the Ceta variant of Cataphracti plate, streamlining the bulky suits and augmenting their systems to better function underwater. He made further refinements in later years as the Tartaros pattern came into being, producing the Avyssos variant.

Equipped with power weapons and volkite calivers, the Depthstriders rely on the strength of their armour to protect them whilst breaking open enemy positions or grappling with such monstrous enemies as Rak'gol Abominations and Malacos arthro-brutes. Their leaders, known as Divemasters, all wield waveblades, and all answer to Fifth Captain Mytakis. While the Phantoms are simply promoted out of the Legion's assault squads, warriors who wish the join the Depthstriders must hunt and slay one of the monstrous serpents which infest the depths of Iona as a formal rite of admission.




Also, I don't know whether my Legion Structure entry is in date, but here it is:


Legion Organisation

The XIXth make a virtue of flexibility, and consequently maintain a relatively sparse command structure. They eschew large standing bodies such as Clans and Chapters, with battalions being drawn up for each campaign and command given to the captain best suited to the task at hand.

While an informal seniority of experience and achievement exists, the 1st through to 10th Captains - known as the Déka within the Legion - represent the highest echelons of the Legion, and typically take charge of large expeditions which the Primarch cannot lead personally. These include First Captain Antonidas and Fifth Captain Mytikas, who lead the Phantom and Depthstrider elites respectively. Along with Inna Santor, the Legion’s venerable Dreadnoughts, the Master of the Apothecarion and other specialist officers, these captains form the Synedrion which advises Pionus.

Pionus himself is unusual among his brothers for not maintaining a formalised bodyguard. Instead he takes a detachment of Phantom Assault Marines or Depthstrider Terminators, depending on the circumstances of a battle. This approach extends to the forces he gathers for his own campaigns; four of the Déka served under him during the War for Laeran, with the rest leading battalions elsewhere.

With their preference for flexibility and mobile units, Assault, Tactical or Seeker Squads make up the majority of the Legion's companies. Breachers generally serve to defend vessels against boarding actions and secure objectives during assaults, while Terminators are used to spearhead assaults against fortified objectives. Individual squads of Depthstriders and Phantoms are dispersed throughout the Legion as necessity dictates, only assembled in full to meet the direst threats. Indeed, the Depthstriders have only fought on four occasions as a single unit, the most recent being the final assault on Qarith Prime.

Given their close relationship with the Legio Cybernetica, the Scions' Techmarines also include a large number of Praevians, who control the war machines that serve with the Legion. As such, Chief Praevian Elihayus holds a post among the Scions’ Triumvirate of Forge Lords. Such respect towards the Astartes who choose this path is unusual among the Legions, and only matched by the Fire Keepers.

The Scions therefore exist as a constantly shifting collection of fleets. While they lack the camaraderie nurtured by systems such as the Clans of the Crimson Lions, this has fashioned them into one of the most adaptable forces in the Imperium.




Can anyone think of a Warlord Trait for Odyssalas? Something that highlights his apothacary's background and/or melee finesse would be ideal.

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Exemplary Battles

Exemplary battle with the Ghost Walkers? Nah, that was with the Berserkers.
The Conquest of Punicia

In 922 M30 two battalions of the Scions Hospitalier were called to aid a campaign against the Punicia system. Having received the request from an Army fleet, the Scions were perturbed to find the Berserkers of Uran present. However, having not yet fought beside the "new" VIIth Legion, Pionus resolved to give them the benefit of the doubt. A small but powerful stellar empire, the Punicians resisted Compliance with a system of fortifications and mechanised armies. These armies were the first target identified by Raktra, and Pionus devised a strategy to cripple them.

The Scions initially fought for a month alongside the Imperial Army, capturing lightly defended, mountainous territory on which to base themselves. This drew the enemy out, and for two days the Imperials engaged them, gradually falling back through the valleys. To their credit the Punicians advanced cautiously, but unbeknownst to them a second Astartes force had been lying in wait. Emerging miles behind enemy lines, squads of Berserkers hit HQs and communication facilities.

Crippled, the Punician regiments faltered, and were suddenly attacked by the Scions and Army. Although their opponents fought fiercely and resisted for some hours, the Imperials managed to capture the lion's share of the opposing Army. Pionus now intended to take the fortresses incrementally, using the fair treatment of his prisoners as a bargaining chip. With the VIIth Legion harrying their exposed units, he reasoned, Punician morale would collapse as their fate became clear.

However, having only served alongside the Berserkers' previous incarnation, the Scions did not understand their cousins’ attitude towards non-Compliant worlds, and Raktra responded to his brother's gradual approach with the same disgust he had shown the Shepherds of Eden.

Instead, as the Scions began their attacks on outlying fortresses, the Berserkers converged well behind the Punician lines and laid waste to a regional capital. Army officers were puzzled by the strange lights on the horizon, but Pionus and his lieutenants immediately recognised the signs of phosphex and nuclear weapons, and raced to the city, leaving a few companies to secure the gains they had made.

In the ensuing standoff in the ruined city, Captain Epinondas almost came to blows with Dominator Guarrig. Both were restrained and the Primarchs managed to remain more or less civil, but the two sides could not reach agreement. Pionus argued that excessive, even cruel violence would prevent an orderly Compliance. Moreover the Destroyers’ weapons had tainted the very earth on which the city had stood, leaving it uninhabitable.

Raktra however, castigated his brother for, as he saw it, prioritising enemy lives over the proper goals of the Crusade. The Punicians should be punished for their defiance, whereas Pionus’ strategy would be perceived as showing weakness. Any man who considered rebellion would have the remains of the fortress to remind him of the consequences. He would not be disuaded from launching similar assaults on other cities until the Punicians submitted.

Troubled by this development but unwilling to deviate from his own course, Pionus set out to end the conflict as quickly as he could. To achieve this he hatched an audacious scheme and, without informing Raktra, led a strike on the planetary capital. It was a brutal battle that claimed over a thousand Scions’ lives, but after a day's fighting the Legion had control of the city. Taking control of the media apparatus, Pionus swallowed his disgust and broadcast images of the Berserkers’ atrocity, promising that more would follow if the planet failed to surrender. To show that he was appalled by their actions would harm the Legions in the enemy's eyes.

After a few desultory battles the defenders’ morale gave out, and they submitted to Compliance. Raktra and his Legion moved on while the Scions remained, doing their best to heal the damage and ease the planet's integration. However, irreparable damage had been done to relations between the two Legions and they never cooperated on a large scale again. Indeed, when the Shepherds of Eden broke away from the VIIth, Pionus was one of the foremost advocates for their rehabilitation as an independent force.


The Malacos Purge

The discovery of Argynguilla in 894 M30 was greeted with pleasure by the Scions Hospitalier, as they saw so many parallels with Iona. Records indicated that it too had been an undersea community of scientists before the Age of Strife, and on approaching the planet they found signs that this civilisation remained intact. An awful revelation, however, awaited beneath the surface.

Argynguilla had taken a far darker path than Iona, its scientists embracing the perversion of the human form that so appalled Pionus. Integrating xenos material into their genomes, they succeeded in wiping out the monsters that dominated the seas, only to take their place. The population were hardly recognisable even as abhumans, and were dubbed the Malacos. They had become crustacean horrors of chitin and claws, and responded to any intrusion with murderous violence. In a cold fury, Pionus assembled almost his entire Legion to cleanse Argynguilla.

This was somewhat complicated by the imperative to take the strongholds intact. This world had excellent chances of harbouring precious technology, and Pionus would not risk destroying it. At the same time, while his reforms to the Legion had been successful, he was aware that some of the Legion's Terran elements were still struggling to adjust after the reunion. He had no desire to lead a divided army, and planned to remedy the situation.

The Malacos cities clung to the ceilings of vast, under hanging caves, the entrances of which were heavily fortified. To aid in their capture, Pionus called upon Scylla Cohort, the aquatic specialists of the Legio Cybernetica. With their automata fighting alongside his warriors, Pionus won several crushing victories, seizing Malacos strongholds and ravaging the armies they sent to challenge him. The modified Collossi, led by their Primus Heracleion and commanded by Legion operatives known as Praevians, proved especially devastating.

Having fought several underwater actions, Pionus was pleased with the chance to test the Scions' methods on such a large scale. Emboldened by their success, as the campaign advanced and targeted more elaborate fortresses, he and his captains opted for less conventional strategies.

Extensive research had yielded a number of biochemical options for destroying the Malacos, and captured schematics revealed that the citiess filtration systems were located in the rock above the strongholds. It was a weakness that, exploited properly, could destroy the top echelon of the Malacos hierarchy.

Modified automata were set to digging tunnels out of the rock above the largest city, allowing access to the caverns that riddled the rock strata. Into these, Pionus sent First Captain Antonidas with several squads of Terran marines. Meanwhile the bulk of the Legion assaulted a nearby fortress as a distraction.

Antonidas’ men descended through the caves, using sonar to locate the filtration systems. These men had learned their first lessons in combat among the alleys and tunnels of Mariannan, and overcame the Malacos guards with ease. Simultaneously they released a cocktail of toxins into each of the supply tanks, wiping out almost all the inhabitants. Descending into the city, they set about eradicating the remnants and falsifying distress signals.

Believing that their “capital” was under attack, the Malacos sent out a large army and found the city apparently under siege. When they approached the enemy scattered but, as they neared the city itself, the defences suddenly targeted them. With the enemy in disarray the Scions enveloped and destroyed them. All that was left was to seize the remaining, sparsely defended strongholds.

The war was a major turning point for the Phantom Squads. Having found a balance between their old methods and the ways of Iona, they carved out a niche for themselves within the reformed XIXth Legion where their skills were appreciated. Scylla also earned plaudits from much of the Legion for their aid, with the Scions going so far as to name Heracleion an honourary battle-brother. In years to come, with the careful oversight of the Praevians and Magos, Scylla would become an indispensable asset to the Scions Hospitaller.




The Deusurga Evacuation 

One of the XIX Legion's most celebrated actions was not really a battle. It took place on the world of Deusurga, a Forge World lost to religious madness. In their lunacy, the rulers of the world bound their consciousnesses together, hoping to create the Omnissiah of the Machine Cult. This fervour infected the common people, and they slaved themselves to their “god”.

Unsurprisingly they did not take well to the arrival of others, and the Expeditionary Fleet that first made contact with them soon found itself mired in battle with the “Heretechs” of Deusurga. As they fielded all the normal weapons of the Mechanicus, it promised to be a brutal invasion and requests were immediately made for reinforcement from the Adeptus Astartes. The Scions Hospitalier were first to answer and devastated several armies of Skitarii within hours of their arrival.

Recognising the Scions’ overwhelming strength, the Heretech order opted for mass suicide, believing that their “god” would arise from the destruction to rule over all machines. In keeping with their bizarre creed, they had rigged up a series of warheads between the planet's tectonic plates to destabilise the entire surface. Salvaged data comms demonstrate that they believed this would spell the doom of the Imperium, as every device would be turned against their owners. Naturally this proved to be nonsense, but the Imperial force was sent into a desperate evacuation.

Disaster was averted, however, by Pionus Santor. Analysing the situation in seconds, he began issuing orders before any mortal officers could fully comprehend the situation. Every transport the combined fleets over Deusurga possessed was scrambled. Some of the most remarkable episodes involve Stormbirds brought down to hover just above the ground and being loaded with people and material whilst still on the move.

The Primarch had meticulously determined which assets to prioritise for extraction. There was insufficient time to rescue every unit and no time was wasted on the uncooperative. While all of the Scions were rescued except for six squads, several platoons of Army troops were lost along with every abhuman and penal regiment committed to the surface, as well as large amounts of weaponry and vehicles. Nonetheless the operation was hailed as a masterful undertaking, and earned the Scions acclaim from officers and common soldiers alike.

The planet itself, with its crust ravaged by the Heretechs’ mass suicide, was deemed unsuitable for the usual colonisation process. The Mechanicus, despite retrieving some precious Standard Template Constructs, disdained the idea of rebuilding a Heretech Forge World. Instead, Deusurga became a world of penal colonies, where the condemned toiled to feed the Great Crusade’s appetite for munitions.

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“Some look askance at us for our ways. What kind of warrior can a surgeon be, they ask. I do not know how, but they fail to recognise this; no man has a better understanding of the ways a person can die than a man of medicine. The warrior might take a head with his axe, but the surgeon need only cut the right nerves, open the right arteries. Make him your enemy and you have but one consolation; yours will be a clean death.”

-Pionus Santor


Finally, I suggest this goes at the start of "Hunters of the Depths".

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Nah that's fine; We are still leaving Chain Axes exempt from that correct? And thinking about it I'll drop the warblade from the relic; I'll give the Gauntlets of Terra rending and make them +35 points and make them the new Relic; and I'll bring back the assault cannon.


Which gives me ironbound combat shields, Storm Shields, Assault Cannons, and Ironbound Hide plus Gauntlets of Terra as my relic so 4 wargear 2 characters 3 Units.


Yes, I believed everyone agreed that chain-axes are essentially fluffy enough that we're allowing any legion who wants them to take them for free. I'll remind Grifft to add a Chain-axe entry to the Bears. 


The only problem with the Gauntlets is that Redd has them, too, so his points automatically shoot up by 15, pushing him past the 250 pt barrier. At 255, that's minor enough that I'll uneasily allow it, but just want you to be aware of that. 


EDIT: Actually, thinking on it, I think it'd be better if Redd lost the Gauntlets, which are supposed to be a unique relic that can be transferred to different Iron Bears, and just give Redd the +1 Strength & Attack.

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Legion Organisation & Structure

The XIXth make a virtue of flexibility, and consequently maintain a relatively sparse command structure. They eschew large standing bodies such as Clans and Chapters, with battalions being drawn up for each campaign and command given to the captain best suited to the task at hand.

While an informal seniority of experience and achievement exists, the 1st through to 10th Captains - known as the Déka within the Legion - represent the highest echelons of the Legion, and typically take charge of large expeditions which the Primarch cannot lead personally. These include First Captain Antonidas and Fifth Captain Mytikas, who lead the Phantom and Depthstrider elites respectively. Along with Inna Santor, the Legion’s venerable Dreadnoughts, the Master of the Apothecarion and other specialist officers, these captains form the Synedrion which advises Pionus.

Pionus himself is unusual among his brothers for not maintaining a formalised bodyguard. Instead he takes a detachment of Phantom Assault Marines or Depthstrider Terminators, depending on the circumstances of a battle. This approach extends to the forces he gathers for his own campaigns; four of the Déka served under him during the War for Laeran, with the rest leading battalions elsewhere.

With their preference for flexibility and mobile units, Assault, Tactical or Seeker Squads make up the majority of the Legion's companies. Breachers generally serve to defend vessels against boarding actions and secure objectives during assaults, while Terminators are used to spearhead assaults against fortified objectives. Individual squads of Depthstriders and Phantoms are dispersed throughout the Legion as necessity dictates, only assembled in full to meet the direst threats. Indeed, the Depthstriders have only fought on four occasions as a single unit, the most recent being the final assault on Qarith Prime.

Given their close relationship with the Legio Cybernetica, the Scions' Techmarines also include a large number of Praevians, who control the war machines that serve with the Legion. As such, Chief Praevian Elihayus holds a post among the Scions’ Triumvirate of Forge Lords. Such respect towards the Astartes who choose this path is unusual among the Legions, and only matched by the Fire Keepers.

The Scions therefore exist as a constantly shifting collection of fleets. While they lack the camaraderie nurtured by systems such as the Clans of the Crimson Lions, this has fashioned them into one of the most adaptable forces in the Imperium.


[Good stuff. Only three things come to mind. One, still need a War Disposition section. Two, I'm surprised there's no mention of the Scions' penchant for extraction ops or the enmpowered apothecarion. Three, while not necessary, it is possible to make this piece a little larger by contrasting this organization with the pre-Primarch legion.]

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Apologies for the triple post, but trying to keep the momentum going.


Godslayers' slots:

3 Tech - 2 Char (Alex & Karl) - 2 Units (Goliaths & Suppressors)


So, two slots left. Squig, I assume the remaining character and unit will be filled out when the legion goes Nurgle?


That's correct, yes.

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How big is the legion and how is it deployed. For example, the Godslayers are typically deployed in one big fleet with the Primarch, with only a few tendril fleets acting independently.

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Apologies for the triple post, but trying to keep the momentum going.


Godslayers' slots:

3 Tech - 2 Char (Alex & Karl) - 2 Units (Goliaths & Suppressors)


So, two slots left. Squig, I assume the remaining character and unit will be filled out when the legion goes Nurgle?


That's correct, yes.



Alright, I'll start working my way through the wargear.

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Ripper Glaive


Comparison Base: Power Sword (15 pts)



  • +1 S: 5 points

Total: 5 points


Special Rules

  • Two-Handed: (-5) points
  • Rending (5+): 30 points


Total: 25 points


Total cost: 30 points


Weargear Suggested Price: 45 Points

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Kingslayer Knife


Comparison Base: Power Sword (15 pts)



  • -1 AP: (-5) points

Total: (-5) points


Special Rules

  • Murderous Strike: 15 points
  • Rending (5+): 30 points


Total: 45 points


Total cost: 40 points


Weargear Suggested Price: 60 Points

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Zbruchan Repeater Shotgun


Comparison Base: Bolter (0 pts)



  • -2 AP: (-10) points
  • -12 inch: (-10) points
  • +2 Attacks: 10 points

Total: (-10) points


Special Rules

  • Rapid Fire -> Assault: 10 points


Total: 10 points


Total cost: 0 points


Weargear Suggested Price: 0 Points



  • Going in reverse order, I honestly think the shotgun should be a free trade. 
  • The Knife is extremely expensive given its rules. I suggest cutting something out.
  • The Ripper isn't as bad as the knife, but why the 5+ Rending? It's the reason that both of them are so pricey.
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I don't think AP5 -> AP- is worth 10 points: there are many 5/6+ saves out there, and even they aren't worth all that much to take out. I'd say it's only worth a bonus of 5-8 points - make it a 2 or 3 point swap for a bolter and you should be golden :)

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Zbruchan Fire (Relic)

Zbruchan Fire is a unique suit of Terminator Armour, crafted for the first Godslayers Legion Master, Prometear Thyris.  It incorporates a great many life support systems that allow the wearer to survive wounds and physical damage to an obscene extent, and, when in the right hands, can make a warrior nigh unstoppable.  Only one model in a Godslayers army with the Independent Character special rule may take Zbruchan Fire, which replaces the model’s power or artificer armour, for 50 points.  It confers a 2+ armour save, a 4+ invulnerable save, and the Slow and Purposeful, Eternal Warrior and Feel No Pain special rules.


Comparison Base: Cataphractii Terminator Armour (20 pts)



  • No Change

Total: 0 points


Special Rules

  • Eternal Warrior: 25 Points
  • FNP: 15 points


Total: 40 points


Total cost: 40 points


Weargear Suggested Price: 60 Points



Alright, I've reviewed all of the Godslayer wargear and relic. I'm going to stop here and wait to see if Squig wants to debate the costs, make some revisions, or affirm the calculations. And, Redd, I'm still waiting to see if you agree with the final modification I suggested to character Redd.

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