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Customizing Chaos Marines


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Hello B&C,


     I am excited for the upcoming Horus Heresy boxed game, its going to give me a great start for my heresy era Word Bearers. However I find that a lot of my marines end up looking similar and my plan is to have every marine in this army customized to some extent, I'm fairly confident with bits swaps and conversions I just seem to run out of ideas.
    My question to every modeler out there is as such; What do you do to customize your basic marines to give them just enough flair to stand out. Comments and pictures of any of your creations are very welcome.

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I just have a many little bags of parts of marines, when I pick up a new box the box is broken up.. all the heads end up in on bag, guns in another and so on... then I make marines by randomly grabing parts from each bag.. making a few choices for aesthetics, but it allows me to build very indervidual marines


(and I find it good fun too)



My good old chaos marines are just a mix&match glued-together mess of everything I could get a hold of from my bits-box. I didn't buy a single box to make over 25 guys!









Kitbashing is the way to go, if you want your marines to be 'historically correct' for the heresy era you might find yourself a little bit restricted though as armour after mk. IV was either very rare or even nonexistent. If not you can have great fun mixing different kits, I have a slowly growing collection of 40K Night Lords and none of the 30+ done so far look the same.







I use the same process as the other chaps here, give or take a few small differences. The essential thing to remember is that you can literally use any part from the whole Space Marine range and it'll fit into your Chaos army. I'd suggest going too far overboard and avoid using too many Chapter-specific bits. As an example, the squad of Word Bearers that I built a couple of weeks back has bits sourced from a whole range of kits. A lot of bits from the most recent Tactical Squad, Raptors kit, the basic CSM kit, Blood Angels bits, Space Wolves bits, etc. Not only is it fun, it makes sure that your Chaos Space Marines are all unique :tu:


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