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All BA, all the way. 1850 Tournament


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His stats are 13 12 12 3 HP


1 Heavy Bolter and the Asselorator Autocannon.


6 x 48" S7 DS4 Rending aaand Ignore Jink Shots are gold vs skimming bikes vehikles and Flying MC.

You may addHeavy bolter Sponsons for the price of 4 Meltabombs or 2 Lasca Sponsons for the price of 8 Meltabobms.

Yup.  I dont upgrade.  Cheap and cheerful - 135 points.  If im not using the ignore cover legacy, i use Schism of Mars, which means i get the 4+ ignore haywire, and of course, Tank Hunter :D

Yeah I always take one with lasers and mars. He's a beast. Asked because I was looking for that spare 20 points :)

Had my first play test vs an interesting daemonkin list.


Jugger lord with bling.

15 Hounds

2x 4(or5?) bikes- mg, claw, mb

2x8 letters


and Aangrath the unbound.

Grav made a laughing stock of Angrath- was actually scary how effective they were. Tabled the opponent by turn 7

Most recent one:

Chaplain - auspex, veritas

Libby Dread - MG, 


5x TAC - HF

Razor -las/plas

5x TAC - HF

Razor -las/plas

5x SCT - SR



Scorpius - ignore cover


SKYHAMMER (UM tactics)


5x ASM - Vet, Maul, MB

5x ASM - Maul, MB


10x DEV - 2x GravCan, 2x MM (always CS)


5x DEV - 3x GravCan (usually with chappy)


1st turn- Dev doctrines

2nd turn - assault/tac

3rd turn - tac/assault

Where the hounds no problem for your razorbacks?

I played yesterday vs a demonkin list and got mainly trashed in the first campain game.

I faced 4x5 Hounds (gorepack) 4 x 3 Bikes (Gorepack)

1 Kultistsquad, 1 Lord with Deamon summon axe in rhino with 8 Bloodletters.

2 Soulgrinder 1 Maulerfiend. Allies with tzeench herold and horrors for summoning spam.

I field an soft msu mech list with 4 tacs with hf 1 command squad with grav and mephison (got also the bio power which makes the squad relentless!) 2 Baal Preds and 1 Sicaran.

In this battle everything gone wrong. he chooses the side with great cover, he managed to stole the ini. Mephiston blew himself (with a 12) into the warp. (The Chaos Lord also with a 12 tongue.png ) . I´ll switch back to my drop pod list´s they are much stronger and hounds and daemonettes got problems to hurt the pods. They make my army also more flexible.

Will also try out the skyhammer soon. Today i´ll fight against orks.

When is the tournament? i´m in eager for results. :)


Got another tourney before that - Gladiator: Escalation.  Got all excited about the other one though, because its so huge.


What are you taking to that one? No thread...




This one :D

Got another tourney before that - Gladiator: Escalation. Got all excited about the other one though, because its so huge.

What are you taking to that one? No thread...


This one biggrin.png

Ahhh makes sense.

Sure? I prechecked it in the english codex (E-Paper version!) before my post.

There he stand with just Librarian Dreadnought. Also in the Profile at the back. ö.Ö


In the fifth edition Codex, the entry in question was a Furioso Dreadnought. You had the option of upgrading it to a Furioso Librarian for x amount of points. During that edition, hardly anyone referred to it as a Furioso Librarian; most added the word "Dreadnought" afterwards to make it clear that it wasn't a Furioso or a Librarian.


Librarian Dreadnought is the "new" name for it that arrived in the current Codex when it was given its own entry.


It's just one of those things that sticks around. A bit like RAS and VAS.

Sure? I prechecked it in the english codex (E-Paper version!) before my post.

There he stand with just Librarian Dreadnought. Also in the Profile at the back. ö.Ö

In the fifth edition Codex, the entry in question was a Furioso Dreadnought. You had the option of upgrading it to a Furioso Librarian for x amount of points. During that edition, hardly anyone referred to it as a Furioso Librarian; most added the word "Dreadnought" afterwards to make it clear that it wasn't a Furioso or a Librarian.

Librarian Dreadnought is the "new" name for it that arrived in the current Codex when it was given its own entry.

It's just one of those things that sticks around. A bit like RAS and VAS.

Thanx for clearing things up. Didnt know that it is the old abbreviation.ph34r.png

You can put the BA chaplain in the drop pod containing the sky hammer devastators?  




Nothing in the skyhammer formation rules that would restrict this.


You could, in theory, also attach jump pack characters to the skyhammer jP squad, but would lose out on their ability to assault the turn they come down. (so, would be a bad idea). 

So long as the IC and the transport are Battle Brothers, there's nothing to suggest they can't. BB can join each other''s squads, and ride in their transports. The only restriction is that if a transport is bought as a dedicated transport for a squad, then that squad has to start in it.There's nothing to say an IC can't join a squad in their dedicated transport, should there be room enough.

So long as the IC and the transport are Battle Brothers, there's nothing to suggest they can't. BB can join each other''s squads, and ride in their transports. The only restriction is that if a transport is bought as a dedicated transport for a squad, then that squad has to start in it.There's nothing to say an IC can't join a squad in their dedicated transport, should there be room enough.


You learn something new everyday.  7th Edition really overcomplicated pretty much everything :(

So long as the IC and the transport are Battle Brothers, there's nothing to suggest they can't. BB can join each other''s squads, and ride in their transports. The only restriction is that if a transport is bought as a dedicated transport for a squad, then that squad has to start in it.There's nothing to say an IC can't join a squad in their dedicated transport, should there be room enough.

You learn something new everyday. 7th Edition really overcomplicated pretty much everything sad.png

was like that in 6th too laugh.png


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