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Penitent Warband


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So the Call has faded and left many quivering spawn in it's wake. One of Khorne's most dedicated followers has a twisted fate beyond that of the mindless spawn. He must lead a Warband for the Dark Prince.


So, as part of my (ridiculously overconfident) Call of Chaos vow, I added a penance for failure of producing a allied detachment dedicated to Slaanesh. As I said above, I've been dedicated to Khorne for a long time and one of the key features of the Realm of Chaos campaigns was the hatred between Khorne and Slaanesh and this has bled through to me. I don't 'get' Slaanesh. I don't understand the appeal or the interest. So I'm going to need some help. I don't like half arsed measures so it has to be the best I can do.


It'll be an allied detachment so it needs:

1 HQ

1 Troop

+1 Troop (optional)

1 Fast Attack (optional)

1 Heavy Support (optional)

1 Elite (optional)


I plan on filling all the optional parts but it'll be long term. So what do I do?


First a caviat, I will probably never play with this and therefore 'effectiveness' has absolutely no relevance to this. It will be purely down to fluff and fitting a Slaanesh theme. But I honestly haven't a clue. Anyone willing and able to help?


Edit: I might do it as part of the next ETL.

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I unit of shoty NM. 1 unit o melee NM. as FA a unit of bikers, to both with the old school and the fact that the most known csm biker is slanesh. For elites A unit of terminators with a mix of spears and maces, ale phoenix guard. I would make the unit big two duddes with lances, two dudes with maces, obligatory dude with twin claws A chainfist dude with huge Icon. As shoty weapons I would mix stuff up, and totaly gave them a heavy flamer[modeled to look like NM weapons] and a reapr[same].

As a HVY support option I would take a tri las predator, took the old sphear like turret for it Added either a howdah at the back for that totaly not fury road feel, or if your good at painting and scultiping, resculpt the whole hull to add baroque look to it.

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 I don't like half arsed measures so it has to be the best I can do.

Yes, yes, perfection in everything. Always striving, always reaching for more. 

The Dark Prince welcomes your attempts....



I think Jeske's list is pretty good. (technically to be legal, they'd have to be a second CAD, so build both troop units) I'd probably go with a bikerlord for the HQ, either fistyclaw or blade of the relentless. 

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I like the jeske's unit suggestions.

How are you planning to paint them? Exceedingly colourfully, I hope. smile.png

No idea at the moment. I've gotten a bit sick of red and brass (ohmy.png ). I did a couple of the Stormcast from the AoS starter as metallic sea green with purple bits. A variation of that might work.


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The appeal and interest in the current books is being eldar fast in close combat and gaining access to the apothecary on a stick (to me).


When I first started playing chaos, I had a pretty nasty unit with Khârn, 8 zerkers and a slaanesh marked sorcerer. This was back in 5th using the gav dex, so they had Real Furious Charge with +1 initiative and the mos was the only way to increase the sorcerers initiatiave.

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