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Terror Assault 3000pts- Trying to fit it all in


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After many day's of deliberaton and hammering battlescribe for all it's worth, I've got myself a list i'm fairly satisfied with but want to put it out for a bit of critique. Having just boarded the Heresy train, I'm completely wide eyed and wanting to cram as much stuff in as I can, but I'm under no illusion as to how much cash I'll have to pump into this so I'd like to end up with something at least marginally competetive (or just damn good fun) by the end of it. So, without further ado...



+++ Night Lords Terror Assault 3000pts (2996pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2996pts) ++

+ HQ (327pts) +

Legion Centurion (135pts) [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive, Nuncio-vox, Rad Grenades, Refractor Field]
Consul [Forge Lord]

Legion Praetor (192pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Digital Lasers, Paragon Blade, Teleportation Transponder, Trophies of Judgement, Volkite Charger]
Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]

+ Troops (1105pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (245pts) [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]

Legion Tactical Squad (235pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Lightning Claw, Melta Bombs]

Terror Squad (245pts) [8x Executioner, Flamer, Heavy Chainblade, 4x Volkite Charger]
Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]

Terror Squad (190pts) [6x Executioner, Heavy Chainblade, 3x Volkite Charger]
Headsman [Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]

Terror Squad (190pts) [6x Executioner, Heavy Chainblade, 3x Volkite Charger]
Headsman [Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]

+ Elites (884pts) +

Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (180pts) [Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons]

Legion Destroyer Squad (430pts) [4x Legion Destroyer Space Marine, Melta Bombs, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only]
Land Raider Proteus [Extra Armour]
Legion Destroyer Sergeant [Phosphex Bombs, Power Weapon]

Legion Terminator Squad (274pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Chainfist, 2x Combi-Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, Lightning Claw, Pair of Lightning Claws, Reaper Autocannon, Teleportation Transponder]
Legion Terminator Sergeant [Grenade Harness, Lightning Claw]

+ Fast Attack (330pts) +

Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (85pts)
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Multi-melta]

Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (85pts)
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Multi-melta]

Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (160pts) [Melta Bombs, 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters, Volkite Culverin]

+ Heavy Support (350pts) +

Legion Spartan Assault Tank (350pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Flare Shield]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [VIII: Night Lords]

Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)


The plan would be that the Forge Lord and 9 man Terror squad go in the Spartan, while the other two Terror squads infiltrate as close as possible to provide an early threat/distraction and hopefully do a bit of damage to small static units like rapier batteries, aiming to support the main force if needs be. The tac squad in the rhino and the destroyer squad in the Proteus can either work in tandem with each other or back up the Spartan squad as needs be. The tac blob and mortis can move up and give support/sit on objectives as and when needed, while the javelins and jetbikes can make nuisances of themselves and deal with armour or infantry. The terminator's and Praetor can deep strike wherever they're needed most, hopefully with decent accuracy from the nuncio-voxs.

I've tried to make a bit of a jack-of-all trades list with a bit of bite to it, and fitting as much of the stuff I really want to include in it while still making it work. Any comments or suggestions are more than welcome.

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Due to the Infiltrate wording, you can't have the Terror Squad joined by any character without Infiltrate. Infiltrators also HAVE to deploy via Infiltrate, so they can't go in the Spartan. Stupid, I know.


5 Troops choices is way too many - Terror Assault is amazing, but the 3 required Terror Squads will be more than enough. For what it's worth, taking 10 Volkites chargers is the best loadout (damage output is the highest and the most efficient). Taking Drop Pods gives them a different way of getting where they need to be, but only if that's what you want.


Spartan is great, though you can save the Heavy Support slot by making it a Dedicated Transport for the Terminators! Spartans can hold a massive 25 models. 5-10 Terminators, Praetor and Forge Lord will all fit! :) A Sicaran Venator in your Heavy Support will deal with Super-heavies nicely then.


Javelins are absolutely amazing value. You can add up to 2 hunter-killer missiles each for only 5 points a pop - best deal ever. When they Deep Strike/Outflank, they can shoot ALL their weapons, making for a nice alpha strike.


Destroyers are cool, but really expensive. Those 5 models bring an AV14 tank though, and it can take an Explorator Augury Web - very helpful for Reserves (Jetbikes, Javelins, Outflanking Terror Squads).


Characters are good. Mortis is good. Jetbikes are good. :)


Something to note - Curze is a massive force-multiplier for Terror Assault, but you'd have to drop the Destroyers and Proteus to make him fit. He also needs a Jump Infantry unit to roll with, so more expense there too.


Hope this all helps! Merry Christmas!

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Damn, can't believe I forgot that bit. The amount of Terror Assault lists I've read with that exact comment about infiltrate and characters and my brain completely bypasses it. I blame the Christmas spirit :P


Thanks for the advice though, thats a fair bit to consider and I'll have a look at reworking it. The idea of taking Curze is quite tempting, especially only loosing the destroyer squad and probably dropping one of the Tac squads to free up some points for a Night Raptor squad. Right, back to the drawing board.


And a merry Christmas to you!


Edit: The wording of infiltrators to me says that they can be deployed anywhere more than 12" hidden/18" in the open from the enemy, my reading of it is that this doesn't actually disallow them from deploying in a non dedicated transport, providing it doesn't conflict with the above. It's not in the spirit of the infiltrate rule, however I love the idea of a land raider being recklessly raced into the heart of the enemy and disgorging a bunch of chainsaw wielding, flayed skin wearing, choom spitting nutcases screaming bloody murder. Can't think of anything much more terrifying than that :P

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While that might work rules wise, tactics wise I see little purpose in putting a terror squad in a spartan. Yes they are a decent assault unit, but they can get close to the enemy by infiltrating or by dropping in pods, there's no need for them to take a land raider.


As far as your list goes, you're fairly lacking on anti tank. You need stuff like a deredeo, dual grav contemptors, rapiers or a big squad with melta bombs to reliably take on heavy armor. The tacticals are fairly pointless in terror assault, dropping them will get you the pts you need.

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