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Kakophoni of Excess : History of the XXIIIrd Company


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"I have committed every crime but that of being a father."

Excerpt taken from Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora, Emperor's Children Sergeant, Aethon-One Tactical : Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 91-Omega ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

"We herd them like cattle to the orbital transports, some will be slaughtered to serve some higher purpose, those with the skills to side step fate will be pulled aside to complete some remedial task meant only for them. We of Aethon-One want only to test ourselves against our brothers, the flayed skin of our foes remind us of how far we as a whole have come, the scrimshawed bones give credence to our victories as a brotherhood."


Sergeant Haemon Kora of Aethon-One Tactical - Emperor's Children ( Status Unknown )

+ + + Thought for the Day: The Only Easy Day was Yesterday. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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@Dallo, when you're right, you're right. I've been mucking about on a ton of different miniatures to keep my interest up, plus sometimes you have to stop fiddling with something so the putty has time to harden. The weather is starting to improve, I might be able to toss on a few coats of paint sometime soon, perhaps that'll improve my outlook on the project.

Just for the fun of it and for the constant motivation and feedback, I'm going to make you a miniature in my EC, what do you want to be in? I've got space in. . . Aethon-One and Aethon-Two Tactical.

Also holy damn it, I see mold lines.

Glad I could help. Thanks for the offer. It's a nice feeling when people make models of you. A standard bolter kook would be awesome. I'm curious to see your take on a "regular" grunt. By the way, once he's painted, I expect to see some yellow and blue on him.


Now that Book 6 is out, have you heard anything more on the new EC Rite of War? Got any lists planned? Either for modelling or for gaming?


Congratulations on reaching the second page.


Keep up the good work.



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"The true hero fights in the name of his destiny, and not in the name of an Emperor."

Excerpt taken from Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora, Emperor's Children Sergeant, Aethon-One Tactical : Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 91-Omega ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

In his wake lay the dead, his fury perfect in its application, a moments pause of frustration would crease his features when his Bolter or pistol ran dry, a micro fraction later would bring the heavy slam of another magazine home before he delivered an executioners justice. His armor, given over to daemons protected him from the worst of our enemies retribution, an ozone rich swirling miasma wisped along the most ragged of wounds, even from here I could smell the aromatic scent of Astartes blood enriched with combat and pain dulling chemicals.

The humans were upon me, drawing my attention away as I tore my way through them with fist and blade, a disemboweling strike for one fluidly led to a backhanded decapitation for another, men and women were all equal to the purge until my purple was covered in the color of Angels.


Brother Dallo of Aethon-One Tactical - Emperor's Children ( Status Unknown )

+ + + Thought for the Day: Better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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I got a 30k game in after work, proxies and everything. I didn't suck, but I owe her food since she won.

@kobrakai, That pose came to me after a really bad day of dealing with drunk people. I plopped down with a pile of bits and Chinese take out, after super gluing a pair of chop sticks to the table ( better the table than the Norwegian Forest cat. . . you ever chase after a cat because its tail decided to become best friends with a fresh super glued Juan Diaz Daemonette? I love that cat, but they don't make pewters like that any more.) Glad you like it.

@hushrong, You're telling me, I'm saving up to buy more Kakophoni and Palantine Blade squads simply because the sculpts are amazing.

@jimbo13, I'm trying. If I let my miniature building ADHD go and bounce around from squad to squad ( the miniatures behind the one being detailed gives credence to the madness ), my attention never really falters. Thank you, I appreciate it.

@Psycho, I only have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off this month, those days are my best bet to get paint on anything since my usual shift starts at 1800 and ends at 0600 if I'm lucky enough to dodge writing an incident report, by the time I get home the weather is piss poor and all I want between those two days off is to drink Hibiki until the world makes sense, pretend that the world doesn't exist while I build plastic dude mans and binge watch Criminal Minds.

So Tuesday if I'm lucky.

@Dallo, Thank you. Yellow and Blue can be done, just gotta figure out where I'll place it.

As for Book 6, I haven't really heard a thing, let alone gone off to find at any leaks that inevitably begin to pop up once something new arrives. I'm hoping for a deeper decent into Sonic weaponry as it looks like I'm steering my Emperor's Children into the later stages of 30k and into The Scouring. The one game I did play ( RoW: Maru Skara - The Hidden Blade ) allowed me to secure border objectives, the central objective and the mission went her way though.

After that game, I kind of want to make Emperor's Children Destroyers.

Also, mold lines.

I would love to see some III Legio destroyers. I have plans and been collecting bits to make a moritat who is drawing his last breaths from serving as a destroyer for so many years.


It would be cool to see the black-ash armor and blinged out in gold.

Sergeant Haemon Kora is truly impressive, I was pondering the use of that sword recently but figured my own EC's were a little too pre-heresy for such things. I may now reconsider.... It's almost a shame the sonic weapons hide so much of the Kakophoni's body...


I've got those third party heads, as I was going to rehash my 40k ECs. I do like how you've used them, particularly with the DV chosen.


Are you going to have a bash at destroyers? I'm keen to try out the black scheme, but i've got too many veterans and tacticals to get through!!

I'll be honest, I've never been a fan of models holding both a bolter and a bolt pistol. It normally looks pretty unbalanced but I'm liking what you've done with Dallo. Perhaps you could consider removing the magazine from the bolter? It justifies the bolt pistol, and goes with the fluff segment quite nicely.


Timeline wise, are you aiming for any particular point in the heresy? The earliest that EC would acquire Mk VII and the Godwyn bolter would be during the siege of Terra, by stealing it from the defenders. That would certainly justify you painting the head yellow, to denote that the helm used to belong to an Imperial Fist. Just a thought.


I have to stop to comment on the base. It's great. What parts did you use?


Keep up the good work.



@kobrakei, Suggestions of purple beneath a heavy layer of black with faded bronze to gold trim on the details would make for some amazing Destroyers. If I were to build them, I'd magnetize the Jump Packs so as to allow for both options. The game I played made a good display for Destroyers in a Rhino, especially when they're armed with two rad missile launchers.


@hushrong, Oh, I'm looking forward to seeing how you build your EC Moritat. Tempted to build one now. . .


@Eidolon, I think a squad of ten Destroyers would provide a nice contrast to the Purple, Gold and Ivory I have planned for my EC. You should definitely use that sword. I'll eventually have a fluffy explanation as to why Haemon has a Plaguebearers decapitated head lanced through by his blade.


@Dallo, Good idea, I'll pop that magazine off and if I do it properly I'll be able to use the cast off on the base. Timeline wise, I'm aiming for the Siege of Terra, which would explain why their armor is mutated and or modified to such an extreme. Good catch on Mk VII and the Godwyn bolter, I'll definitely go with looted weaponry and armor, it wasn't shown but the right arm was taken from a Blood Angel, even has the blood drop on the forearm. Brother Dallo must have a little Deffskull in him because he's looting everything.


I'm basing all of them on the 32mm bases, the initial build up is sculpted putty to look like torn concrete, on top of that a left over piece from a Valkyrie that a friend had left over since he picked up a Forgeworld resin kit that removed the need for that plastic bit and the ladder is from the Baneblade kit, the gaming club that I'm a part of has a communal bits box that I scrounge around in from time to time, I usually leave behind bits as well as I do my best to leave a piece behind for every piece I take.


I appreciate the comments everyone.



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"We make choices, decisions, as long as we keep to the surface of things; once we reach the depths, we can neither choose nor decide, we can do nothing but regret the surface."

Excerpt taken from Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora, Emperor's Children Sergeant, Aethon-One Tactical : Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 91-Omega ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

We have become adept at salvaging, war necessitates battlefield repairs and the stripping of your foes between designated supply drops, rendezvous are merely suggestions when you're surrounded by your enemies. The HUD which designates Aethon-One Tactical pings, displaying a new threat that we unify against.

Designation: Cataphractii : VII Legion + Imperial Fists +

One of him and ten of us in this section of city block, it's almost unfair for our distant brother, but we need that armor for our final push. Behind me crouches Apothecary Mehtevas, salvaging the geneseed from III and VII alike, a soft hum escaping him, at first it seems like vox distortion, but the closer he gets, the easier it becomes for me to realize he's humming a tune, a lullaby taught to him by one of the Remembrancers.


Brother Ignatio of Aethon-One Tactical - Emperor's Children ( Status Unknown )

+ + + Thought for the Day: Honor the Emperor. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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@Pearson, Thank you, trying to make them all unique in some fashion is definitely a test in patience. I don't know how everyone else manages it without rage quitting.

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"Tell me how you want to die, and I'll tell you who you are.."

Excerpt taken from Medical Observations - Medical Log of Nikar Bidon, Emperor's Children Apothecary, Aethon-One Tactical : Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Medical Observations - Medical Log of Nikar Bidon : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 32-Zeta ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

The Sonic Shriekers are working as intended, a small percentage of the twenty third note dermal agitation within a week of implementation, per Mehtevas observation, a Cortisone injection to the afflicted area solves cybernetic agitation. Per personal observation and experimentation, xenos material known as "Wraithbone" alleviates irritation upon installation. Though the relative rarity of the material in surgical grade quantities limits company wide implementation. Therefore, such materials will be reserved for those deserving of such. The others will be restricted to Gold, Titanium and Copper due to their acceptable levels upon Sonic Shrieker harmonics.


Apothecary Nikar Bidon of Aethon-One Tactical - Emperor's Children ( Status Unknown )

+ + + Thought for the Day: A mind without purpose will wander in dark places. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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Great use of the Kakophoni for the Apothecary! You are certainly giving me food for though! May have to do a 'chaotic' squad at some point to keep my interest up!!


Will Mehtevas make an appearance at some point?

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"He who has never envied the Servitor has missed the human drama."

Excerpt taken from Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora, Emperor's Children Sergeant, Aethon-One Tactical : Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 91-Omega ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

Draco Thule, the pride and envy of the Emperor's Children warrior elite. moves with a liquid grace among our enemies, every strike and step reaping life, be they Astartes or Human, it matters not. He favors a mechanized right arm, a particularly cruel yet effective weapon that's a infusion between Volkite and Power Claw. I was there when he lost his arm against the Katara, a noble race brought low by their own hand, better to die free then live on in slavery.

In this he carries the Kataran blade that took his arm, in seclusion he would joke with me that if he held the weapons that wounded him, then no other upon the battlefield would be able to lay him low. It was hard to argue with his logic once he displayed his weapons craft upon the battlefield.


Legion Champion Draco Thule of the 23rd Kakophoni Company - Emperor's Children ( Status Unknown )

+ + + Thought for the Day: An Empty Mind Is A Loyal Mind. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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So Army Painter Alien Purple is pretty much the best thing ever when you need to base coat a ton of things in purple.

@hushrong, Give me a Brother name for a legionnaire in Aethon-One Tactical. I stole an idea from your thread for my Contemptors. I figure it's only fair.

@Eidolon, Chaotic squads have definitely kept my interests up in this project.

I do plan on creating Apothecary Mehtevas, waiting on some parts to come in and with that, I present this. . . should be fun once the bits get here.

Also mold linesâ„¢


Draco is sweet! I like the combo you've got there. That kakophoni head is utterly creepy and huron's arm only adds to that.

@hushrong, Give me a Brother name for a legionnaire in Aethon-One Tactical. I stole an idea from your thread for my Contemptors. I figure it's only fair.


I would be honored to name one of your Emperor's Children. I pick the name Valente Fortis.

And there is no such thing as stealing ideas when on this forum. It's just taking inspiration :) Is it safe to guess that Volkite Culverin will be turned into an instrument of blissful destruction? Also, nice haul you've got incoming. I really want to pick up some of that etched brass for my vehicles.

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"I don't heal, I choose who lives and who dies."

Excerpt taken from Medical Observations - Medical Log of Mehtevas Eifrit, Emperor's Children Primus Medicae, 23rd Kakophoni: Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Medical Observations - Medical Log of Mehtevas Eifrit : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 96-Gamma ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

The Sonic Shriekers are working in perfect harmony with the rest of the company when deployed alongside the rest of the 23rd. My cadre of Apothecaries are documenting the effects of sonic weaponry, a two fold exercise in observation of the effects upon their targets be they combative or civilian and how those who wield such weaponry react after prolonged use under combat stress.

The weaponry under ideal conditions would be considered temperamental at best, a joint venture between my cadre of Apothecaries and the Techmarines of the legion are underway to shore up the deficiencies bound within these new weapon systems. They have all been warned of the higher than normal failures inherent with experimental weaponry untested ad nauseam under clinical observation.

Given the situation and their unwillingness to listen to logic, my cadre will stand at an adequate distance to safely document their stupidity.


Primus Medicae Mehtevas Eifrit of the 23rd Kakophoni Company - Emperor's Children ( Status Active )

+ + + Thought for the Day: Inspiration grows from the barrel of a gun. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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Meant to post every day for documentation purposes but my lady got into a vehicle collision, so I've spent the majority of my time in ICU, contacting friends and family, paving the way for a lawyer, squaring away a GoFundMe to cover unseen medical expenditures. . . it's been really busy, but since she's been transported to an inpatient facility to expedite her physical therapy, things have gotten a bit better.

My downtime has still been spent chipping away at my Emperor's Children, a distraction at best given the situation.

On the "bright side", some bits did come in.

@Psycho, Appreciate that, I'm trying to evoke "weirdness", failing that, I just hope it looks cool.

@Dallo, Perhaps. . . it's been awhile since I've seen it. Some of the quotes come to me when I'm at work and dealing with drunk people.

@hushrong, Thank ya. I'm waiting on a part to come in before I finish up your Legionnaire. The Contemptor weapons will definitely be converted to be stand ins for some teeth rattling weaponry.

I've certainly stumbled across a rather intriguing fusion of modelling and background, as well as plastics and glorious FW resin.


Draco Thule is my favourite so far, having said that I'm thoroughly enjoying all the characters we are beginning to see.


Kudos, I eagerly await more!


ps. Those Kakophoni sketches on the previous page, where do they come from? I love detailed sketches like that.


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