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Kakophoni of Excess : History of the XXIIIrd Company


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"A heart without music is like beauty without melancholy."

Excerpt taken from Medical Observations - Medical Log of Ip Lisong, Emperor's Children Apothecary: Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Medical Observations - Medical Log of Ip Lisong : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 11-Zeta ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

To salvage from the dead and dying, be they ally or enemy brings a particular melancholy to the soul, their geneseed and limbs shall go to fuel our crusade against our former master, though while I lament the outcome of this war, I will say being able to experiment until sated is a boon to my curiosity and to be honest, I am always hungry.

I have salvaged what I can to rebuild our own, flesh craft has always been preferable to me over the crude yet effective bionics that the others choose to embrace, admittedly the observational period to limit tissue and bone rejection has been regrettably reduced to mere hours at best when Astartes are taken off the front lines, an esoteric mixture of chemicals alleviates any rejection at the cost of shortened attention span, but a side effect of heightened reflexes has been documented by other Apothecaries upon the field.

Further studies will have to be performed to see if this trait can be extracted, amplified and spread across the company to act as a force multiplier given the Legions numbers when compared to the others.


Apothecary Ip Lisong of Aethon-Two Tactical - Emperor's Children ( Status Unknown )

+ + + Thought for the Day: Appeasement is a curse. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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I found the storm bolter in my bits box, so I had to use it. Outside of that, I have three Apothecaries now, they can represent an Icon of Excess or as an Apothecary in 30k. I am tempted to make one more so I can have enough to have three basic Apothecaries in addition to a Primus Medicae.

@Mister Feral, Thank you for the compliments, once I hit my stride it becomes easier to figure out what kind of mini history I want each character to have and it's somehow all coming together. 01RTBO1 is right on the sketch, a friend of mine pointed it out to me and I knew I had to use it somehow.

@Jimbo13, That's awesome to hear.

Right now it looks like I'm sculpting my force towards games of ZM and City Fight ( a bunch of buddies and I each have a copy of the City Fight rulebook written by Haines, Johnson and Chambers. We more or less house ruled a lot of it, it makes for some interesting games since we're all into the theatrical story telling of war gaming over who wins/loses. )

So far I have. . . in various states of build

1 Legion Praetor

1 Legion Champion

1 Primus Medicae

1 Techmarine

1 Daemon Prince

2 Apothecaries

2 Contemptors with magnetized MultiMelta, Assault Cannon and Blastmaster/The Cacophony ( depending on setting, more house ruled shenanigans )

5 Terminators

10 Destroyers with magnetized Jump Packs ( just got all the parts from a buddy )

2 Chaos Spawn

20 Tactical Marines ( I need to eventually make 20 more. . . )

30 Noise Marines

15 Kakophoni ( I plan on picking up another 5, it would be nice to have two full squads. They can also be stand ins for Havocs in games of 40k, just as long as all the weapons are the same or I clearly mark what is what. )

6 Obliterators

4 Rhinos

1 Godhammer Land Raider

It's a lot of things, but I have to remember that a friend of mine gifted the majority of it ( along with a frig ton of spare bits and modeling supplies ) to me before he moved out of state, so realistically I'd like to think I'm just building the army he would have wanted. Plus when he comes back to visit he'll have an army he can play.

Right now I'm selling a few extra kits that I have laying around so I can push those funds towards picking up a Leviathan with Storm Cannon and Grav Flux Bombard, mostly because I think it'll look dead sexy in purple, gold and white.

This is an old group photo, the stuff not waiting for FW iconography has been blasted with Army Painter Alien Purple ( which is an awesome purple by the way )


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"He is truth made manifest."

Excerpt taken from Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora, Emperor's Children Sergeant, Aethon-One Tactical : Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 91-Omega ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

At times I wonder if a joint transit to Terra with the XVII and IV Legions was worth the inter-legionary training given the outcome to some of my Legion brothers. There are those who pursue their perfection of war craft through various avenues, the XVII believe in integration with what lies beyond and the IV believe in excessive bombardment, both of which sit like acid upon my tongue. Valente Fortis has chosen to listen to the XVII, he is still my brother, even though the maw upon his chest seems to speak the hidden truths bound within all when he truly sets his eyes upon them.


Brother Valente Fortis of Aethon-One Tactical - Emperor's Children ( Status Unknown )

+ + + Thought for the Day: Go forth and Conquer in my name. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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Ta da. . . I need to get a better photo of Valente Fortis, but sadly I have to run out the door and act like an adult.

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"Out of the shadow of the abstract man, who thinks for the pleasure of thinking, emerges the organic man, who thinks because of a vital imbalance, and who is beyond science and art."

Excerpt taken from Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora, Emperor's Children Sergeant, Aethon-One Tactical : Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Aethon - The personal journal of Haemon Kora : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 91-Omega ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

He fought in the reinforced trenches alongside Aethon-One Tactical, energized claws aiding us in our suicidal dash to the wall beneath the shadow of a Warlord Titan, Tenebrae Rex. It's klaxon call mimicking our own howls, Bolters and blades at the ready as we cut a bloody swath to the front. At times we would scavenge from the dead, from our own or theirs, necessity dictated such. Though we all avoided the Sonic weaponry that many in our company grew to rely upon, especially in the later stages of the Siege.

There are lines not even we were able to cross.


Centurion Xian Maan of the 23rd Kakophoni Company - Emperor's Children ( Status Active )

+ + + Thought for the Day: Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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I wanted to make an Emperor's Children version of the Limited Edition Sicarius miniature, I think I did a decent conversion. Still waiting on the brass to come in so I can finish him off.

I tried to take decent photos of painted miniatures, but it looks like I have to jury rig a light box to get the colors right. I am also starting a casual ZM game at my game store, so that'll motivate me to get more stuff done.

@hushrong, I did a little more work on Fortis, I figured out the color scheme that I'm going to go with as I did a test mini on a generic Bolter Legionaire.

@Psycho, 01RTB01 has it right. My buddy left me a ton of those heads, they're really nifty.

@kobrakei, You should definitely use them, they're pretty awesome. Make sure you scrub them clean though, there was some release compound on mine that made painting a pain.

@Psycho, Thanks! I'm trying to make everyone unique, a wild and sometimes stupid endeavor considering how far I still have to go with the army itself.


@ChromeZephyr, Thank you. I was surprised as to how well everything went together.


@BrotherChaplainKage, YES, FINALLY. I was waiting for someone to make a reference. Give me a character name for Aethon-One Tactical. Also thank you.

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"Your reality is a creation of our excesses."

Excerpt taken from Medical Observations - Medical Log of Rajal Gul, Emperor's Children Apothecary : Restricted text

+ + + Accessing Medical Observations - Medical Log of Rajal Gul : Auto Quill documentation by Scribe Servitor 92-Bravo ( Deactivated ) + + +

+ + + Eyes Only + + +

I have dedicated myself to the continuation of my Legion, to the general well being of my brothers, to ease their suffering and if needed to give them the peace that they rightfully deserve for their service.

Admittedly the ideals of the Apothecarion have changed as the years go by, many have taken the term Chirugeon or Fleshcrafter to heart, replacing the known with theorycraft, testing and modifying the boundaries of Astartes physiology. In many ways I can appreciate their enthusiasm to learn beyond what we've been taught, the legions proclivities for perfection and efficiency lends itself well to exploration.

I find myself wanting to test theories, my own observations have been built upon hypothesis garnered through the experimentations of my contemporaries. Though at this time I find it prudent to stay the course given my brothers predilections for errant behavior and at times curious mutations that manifest themselves under extreme duress, for the most part they act in tandem or as a force multiplier with Astartes combat doctrine.

I will continue to observe and report, I have requisitioned a refurbished Breacher Shield to aid in my pursuits.


Apothecary Rajal Gul - Emperor's Children ( Status Unknown )

+ + + Thought for the Day: Curiosity killed the unprepared. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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OH BOY! First off, Xian is awesome. I will be copying that in the future.


Also, your latest apothecary looks like a champ with that shield and sword. I am starting to wonder if one of such profession could be one of the Palatine Blades.

+ + + Transmission Intercepted + + +

+ + + Access + + +
+ + + Restricted Access: Priority Alarm - Legion Astartes Eyes Only + + +
+ + + Input Authorization + + +
+ + + Authorization: Legion Astartes VII : Absolute + + +
+ + + Access Authorized: Terra - Invasion Day ID +010 + + +

+ + + Loading + + +


+ + + Thought for the Day: Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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Managed to magnetize a set of weapons for the Contemptors and add a couple of brass icons to them as well. Test fitting and figuring out a few more things before I finalize their appearance. The Emperor's Childrens brass will allow me to finish off a lot of my other miniatures, should have picked this set up a long time ago.

@hushrong, I'm pretty proud of Xian, it kind of happened by accident as I was fiddling around in the bits box and found the parts to make him.

Agreed, he would fit alongside a squad of Palatine blades with ease.

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"This is the face of the enemy." Praetor Kalron of VII spoke with analytical disdain, on the screen an unknown traitor hailing from the III stepped into view of the immobilized Contemptor unable to act due to cerebral damage sustained in combat, yet able to record this footage. Ancient Ollanus uploaded this footage upon retrieval. The unknown yet ornate Legionnaire spotted two Traitors taking incoming Bolter fire from three VII Legionnaires shooting from a secure position behind a disabled Rhino, their rounds tearing chunks and deep gashes from the pathetic cover that the III had been forced behind. The ornate Legionnaire came up on their seven o'clock, well out of their line of sight and unable to receive Ancient Ollanus constant attempts for vox contact. he had an Archeotech pistol in hand, but to open fire from that distance would have been suicide. Theoretical would have allowed for one, two casualties at best, but practical would lead to his eventual demise as the others would turn and stop him with extreme prejudice. There was little to no cover between the III and the VII, so the III hugged what he could, running on the tips of armored feet, making no noise that could have been heard above the clattering din of Bolter fire.


When the ornate III was ten feet out he opened fire with his Archeotech pistol, his first shot caught one of the VII at the back of his neck and the impact slammed him into the Rhino, the hollow metallic clang of armored ceramite against armor rang out briefly as the other two VII turned to face the ornate III that closed the zero distance to fire one more shot that staggered back one of the VII, by then the slide on the IIIrd's pistol locked back and open. There was no time to change the magazine to the hallowed relic. The third VII instantly lunged out in reciprocity, a striking attack made with his Bolter. The IIIrd parried with his Archeotech pistol and then everything turned into a disheveled blur, all three VII were down.


The VII legionnaires with Praetor Kalron frowned within their helms, keeping their thoughts to themselves as Praetor Kalron replayed the documentation in slow motion, speeding forward to the time lapsed portion where the ornate IIIrd's pistol locked back. The slow motion replay even caught the spiraling ejection of the spent casing, smoking trailing in its wake. The IIIrd had the pistol held out in front of him, so it seemed obvious to him through peripheral view that he recognized the situation but did not visibly react to the predicament. His hands would separate and while he was still in full stride he used the empty pistol to deflect the swing of the VII's Bolter while simultaneously jabbing forward with an upward swing of his left hand, fingers folded in half and stiffened to further reinforce the secondary line of knuckles that drove into the regenerating membrane that sealed the helmet against the armor, but everyone knew that the IIIrd was aiming for the VII's windpipe. As this was happening the IIIrd left foot changed from a regular running step into a longer spite filled lunge, the line of his ornate armored boot lined up and struck at the VII's kneecap, dislodging the VII's foot and quite possibly snapping the cartilage bound within the kneecap; and a moment later the IIIrd's Archeotech pistol came up and slammed the exposed barrel into the VII's left eye socket, shattering the crimson lens as it drove the VII legionnaire to the ground.


The VII crashed down into the ground, twitching in response as the IIIrd completed his step, smoothly reaching to his waist for a fresh magazine for the Archeotech pistol, slamming it in before the slide returned home, in that time he placed an additional three more rounds into the downed Legionnaires before disappearing from Ancient Ollanus's view.


Praetor Kalron looked to those around him, "Elapsed time from initial engagement to completed kill is zero point zero two eight seconds." He let that settle in, "This is the face of the enemy elite."


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A preview for Praetor Croix.


I finally got the bits to finish my main dude mans.

You murderous traitor bastard... You may have won out over the VII Legion this time, but rest assured that our vengeance will come in time. ;)


Can't wait to see what you have in store for Croix!


EDIT: Stupid autocorrect. What the hell's a vengrave?

I just like picking on the VII ( I have a Siege Company of VII that needs to be built ), plus you can blame that Dallo guy for steering me upon the path that his Legionnaire wouldn't have that particular helmet unless he was looting from the dead. . . so for continuities sake, the VII get the pointy end.


So yeah, long story short.


Dallo <- Blame that guy.


I should have Croix up sometime tomorrow.

Bloody Dallo :D


Well, all I can say is that once you get that Siege Company up and running, the 284th Storm Battalion will gladly stand shoulder to shoulder with their brothers on the Walls of Terra, shooting up Croix's 23rd ;)


I will be watching this thread tomorrow ;)

+ + + Transmission Intercepted + + +

+ + + Access + + +
+ + + Restricted Access: Priority Alarm - Legion Astartes Eyes Only + + +
+ + + Input Authorization + + +
+ + + Authorization: Legion Astartes VII : Absolute + + +
+ + + Access Authorized: Terra - Invasion Day ID +023 + + +

+ + + Loading + + +



+ + + Thought for the Day: Death before dishonor. + + +

+ + + Access rescinded + + +

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So, I forgot that The Division would come out today. . .

I got distracted with my buddies.

I was able to do this though, so there's that.


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