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Army of Dark Compliance Tactica


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So ... as it stands, it seems like we can't combine all the Provenances with the Dark Compliance


For example, in the Dark Compliance primary detachment you have to include a single Legion Praetor or  Consul who needs to be the warlord.


On the other hand, Tainted Flesh for example clearly specifies that only a Force Commander and Rogue Psykers may be taken in a primary detachment with this particular Provenance.


As it is worded now, we're obviously unable to use the Tainted Flesh Provenance with an Army of Dark Compliance ... which stinks.


Opinions ?

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Anything can fit the narrative with enough effort; they could just as easily be created by the astartes in question, packed into boxes, and and loosed onto the battlefield.


The point is once you step into Theme territory, you're in narrative land first and foremost. As long as you're reasonable then there shouldn't be any problems.

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I am very interested in running this list as I tend to play at lower points level at my LGS and I am finding the Legion troop tax to be a burden.  My solution is to run this army and use Militia squads (just the normal guys) as my compulsory troops.  I figured they can hold the back field and bubble wrap my artillery units.  In fact I constantly finding myself wanting a cheap bubble wrap unit so this really works out for me.  I wasn't planning on provenances either to keep things cheap and cheerful.  Plus I like the Militia medusas better as they get those anti-tank shells.   I need more long range anti tank I find and these fit the bill nicely plus they help evening out the Militia to Legion ratio.


Has anybody else thought about using this list as way to circumnavigate the Legion troop tax?   

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The only way I'm using this list is to alleviate the troop tax.


Dark age survivors and abhumans give you Grenadiers that shoot and take damage as good as or better than normal Marines for a fraction of the cost. Plus easy access to FNP.


Im going to be running Grenadiers that are either a 20 blob with two rotor cannons and Lasrifles. Pumping out 30" S4 at BS4 and tanking damage with T4 3+ 5+FNP.


If not the basic dudes work well too.


Levvy squads could even be used as a blocker. Make a massive squad, put a chaplain in it so they don't run, spread it across your deployment zone. Laugh.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys :biggrin.:


I'm looking at building an army based around the traitors at Bodt using the army of dark compliance with mechanicum allies. The idea is inducted levy gun clans with alchem jackers and feral warriors backed up by butchers, inductii tacticals and armor from bodts factories. I was wondering if anyone has run the dark compliance and has any updates on tactics and if running an army across the board on foot behind levies is viable or still no good? cheers

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Seems like this thread has been neglected. Here's a list I'm building towards.


Plan is to use the 80 t4 troops to hold objectives while the rest of the army bombards and scalpels out threats.


+++ Dark Compliance (3000pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor [Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Sonic Shrieker, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]


+ Elites +


Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon

····Cortus Dreadnought [Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, 2x Graviton Gun]


Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon

····Cortus Dreadnought [Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, 2x Graviton Gun]


Legion Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 3x Combi-Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, Plasma Blaster, Power Fist, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Flare Shield]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Combi-Weapon, Phoenix Spear]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]


+ Fast Attack +


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [Ground-tracking Auguries, Phosphex bomb cluster, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Whirlwind Scorpius


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [iII: Emperor's Children, Traitor]


++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Force Commander [bolt Pistol]

····The Muster of Worlds [Abhuman Helots, Survivors of the Dark Age]


+ Troops +


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad [Advanced Weapons, Discipline Collars, 17x Grenadiers, Lasrifles, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Rotor Cannon]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad [Advanced Weapons, Discipline Collars, 17x Grenadiers, Lasrifles, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Rotor Cannon]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad [Advanced Weapons, Discipline Collars, 17x Grenadiers, Lasrifles, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Rotor Cannon]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad [Advanced Weapons, Discipline Collars, 17x Grenadiers, Lasrifles, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Rotor Cannon]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


+ Elites +


Imperialis Auxilia Medicae Detachment [4x Medicae Orderly]


+ Fast Attack +


Imperialis Auxilia Sentinel Scout Squadron

····Auxilia Sentinels [Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta]

····Auxilia Sentinels [Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta]

····Auxilia Sentinels [Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta]


Imperialis Auxilia Sentinel Scout Squadron

····Auxilia Sentinels [Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta]

····Auxilia Sentinels [Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta]

····Auxilia Sentinels [Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta]


+ Heavy Support +


Auxilia Heavy Ordnance Battery [Discipline Collars]

····Artillery Carriage Team [4x Militia Auxilia Crew]

····Artillery Carriage Team [4x Militia Auxilia Crew]


Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

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