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VI legion: CryWolfs Return to The heresy/hobby

Cry Wolf

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Greetings brothers, 

Apparently its next winter as after a long absence ive decided to rejoin the B and C, been away from the hobby for about 8 years or so and got back into it in November. Picked up where I left off! Truescale Wolves!
Switched to the dog house method rather than the method i wrote a tutorial for a million years ago using Warhammer (sorry AoS) Chaos Warriors

All Comments/helpful criticism GREATLY appreciated!

Going for a historical gaming feel, heavily weathered and grim gritty Rout warriors during the Attack on Prospero!

Anyway Pictures! heres some stuff ive been working on

2 pack Leaders, the one on the right has today had his head ripped off to be given a death mask, the guy on the left was actually the first model i did after getting back into the hobby, took a full pack of GS to turn from a termie Librarian to that haha


First Wolf Priest

my "truescale" dread with my 10+year old bjorn for scale (though tbh truescale dread who am i kidding theres no reference scale)

Shield Wall, with the only guy painted ive zoomed on (gonna post more pics as theyre painted next month, practicing tanks atm)
Did these after watching vikings in december and the shields yesterday (after buying maybe £40 worth of various companys shields and not getting the look/size right, depending on how paint takes to them may have to stretch a Greenstuff "hide" coating onto them but id prefer not


Command Rhino

The chassis of a Predator! Actually the first tank i ever airbrush painted (so done before the other posted rhinos) but the oil wash made it blue, like the oil on the last one made it slightly purple, ive since decided to cut the oil wash unless i can find a fix


got 2 plans for the army atm (doing both i think)
Drop pod list inc: Leviathan, fire raptor
Shield Wall list (inspired by the series vikings THEN I read A thousand sons and since they actually do it....)
BUT the plan is to have a grat company of Vlka Fenryka with as many options as I can!

Cry Wolf

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Welcome back, brother! Things may have changed a bit since you were last on. 

A litle bit, introduction of guard and the like, though I have got a newly found large collection of valhallans to add to my 30k as malitia (corpses for my corpse grinders to throw in front of their artillery)


Some nice conversions in there and I'd like to see where else you take this.


Wow I'm in love with that dread! Everything is looking great, I'm especially looking forward to that terminator

Cheers guy, going to try and post every time i get a decent amout of work done as a motivation mainly to finish thigs, eg the dread I did before christmas but never had the incling to paint it yet, would be nice to have it finished though, maybe next month :p

love modelling but paintings always a bad thought (do actually like it when ive started though 


Some work on the shields and death masks and the leader of my trackers (seeker unit) over the last 2 days!


My Shield wall, just need some finalised designs on the fronts (knotwork and runes)



The intitial paints on my venator, got to wash the metal areas with various washes (tracks/gun) and add knotworks but not desided how much i want to add yet, either in all the corners small designs OR large designs like Dantay_XVs



Seeker sgt with deathmask, its hard to see (only camera is an Iphone) but ive put teeth onto the mask bottom





one i call Darth vader though i didnt set out for that look but when i finished the mask it just was....



Ran out of ideas for deathmasks, done antlers, teeth, huscarl shaped masks


If anyone has ideas/pictures on shamistic masks chip in (though no promises)


Cry Wolf

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The shield wall is dope! I love it.

cheers mate, actually just looking at your thread, you DimDim and Dantay XV is what got me to post my stuff here, hoped we could bounce some ideas between us

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I am very impressed by the Shield Wall. Chapeau msn-wink.gif

Thanks mate! Though a Google of Chapeau says it means 'Hat' tongue.png

Anywya heres the transport ive started on for them, THOUGH just after stopping ive realised breachers cant take rhinos SO cant take drop pods in orbital lists sad.png ooops

The taping of the red panels to then go over the raised ones in grey took 2.5hours (thats of just taping) so dont think ill be doing many more with alot of colour on!

Still needs decals scorch then dirt but happy up to now


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I am very impressed by the Shield Wall. Chapeau msn-wink.gif

Thanks mate! Though a Google of Chapeau says it means 'Hat' tongue.png
Chapeau does mean hat, but when used in that context it is a short-hand version of 'I tip my hat to you'...

Love all you've done, the shieldwall is impressive but those masks are really glorious! Wow!

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YES... Another Wolf... Loving all your stuff. Shield wall is epic and looking forward to seeing your runes and knotwork.

Ask and you shall recieve! nothing as grand as yours yet, but just started in on teh Venator, going to have knotwork in prominant corners and maybe a larger knotwork mural somewhere


where do you get the designs for your knotwork mate, ive googled knotwork desins and various things but comes up with just two designs OR far too elaborate ones



Hmm cant really see it due to lighting (or maybe lack of) but when ive done more on it later today ll repost, its the same triangle design at the front then a box of knotwork on the rear



Chapeau does mean hat, but when used in that context it is a short-hand version of 'I tip my hat to you'...


Love all you've done, the shieldwall is impressive but those masks are really glorious! Wow!



Wolves popping up all over the place!


Looking good dude, welcome back to the fold.

cheers guys, for comments and the translation!


heres the stuff ive been working on this morning (with the yellow on the termie being casts ive done before and posed today

The idea for the Preator I got from the IronSleet page, but ive tried to make it my own, 'reposing' the model on the base and in its action





Just ordered a load of night lords heads aswell for 'death masks' on top of helms! going to try them anyway and see how they turn out

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There you go Dantay (re Last post) zoomed in knotwork, you may recognise it from your termie shield, shameless rip off



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Wow they look unbelievably cool.


These are the albums that I set up for doing shields vehicles, knights etc.
A lot of the designs come from tattoos strangely enough that google or bing seem to pop up.
What colours did you use on the Sicaran? I got an airbrush an I am planning to use it for the ETL, when you do the reds and greys, do you just use 2 colours stock from th pot and let the feathering effect of the spry create a natural transition, or do you mix colours and spray on to get the nice smooth highlights?


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Airbrush for the main colours (take the venator the only none airbrush is the tracks and knotwork)

Id recommend the MKA airbrush courses in Cardiff its £100 and took me from literally not knowing how to paint a thing (all id done was basecoat a few guys and i didnt know where to go next) to this level (this is the 4th tank ive painted) and you get access to their student support group for advice you need on anything else Sounds like a sales pitch lol not meant to be haha

my stages basically are
Black undercoat
Tamiya German grey basecoat
Blend/Highlight all areas I want to be 'hit by light' with Tamiya Neutral Grey (blended with the airbrush and using a piece of paper to protect the areas I want to stay dark below panel edges) I do the spray of the Neutral grey quite thin so it tints the Dark Grey then as i apply more it Moves it up to a very different grey
Gloss Varnish everything

-Over the gloss varnish I tape all the tank that i DONT want red
- Apply AK Worn Effect (to allow me to chip the red down to Grey after)
-Black Coat on the too be red areas
-Shade Black through Neutral Grey to Tamiya Sky Grey at the Top
-THEN REALLY THIN Vallejo Red (takes maybe 5/6 coats, that thin the first 4 just make pink)
- THIN AGAIN slight bit of Vallejo Bloody Red mixed with 4 drops of Scale 75 Red INKtensity (half a cut of the bloody red/thinner then 4drops INK and it does make a difference to the POP of the red, if you compare the drop pod to the Sicaran I put 2 drops in the Sicaran and 4 in the PODS)
- straight ink of Drucchi violet and INKtensity Violet to teh bottom of the Red, and it really does make a massive difference
- use a wire brush (I use the airbrush cleaner) to chip the red a bit back to the Grey
- Then Gloss Varnish ready for transfers
So the reds quite the Process BUT the grey is basically as simple as 

EDIT: btw those links are Awesome mate, thanks a lot ill be using alot of those i think

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Hmmm... I'll look into it.

I tend to go mechrite red, then drakenhof blue or leviathan purple.

Dilute my red to 3:1 with water, maybe more to make it uber thin and just gradually build it up, adding blood red little by little then red glaze to tie it all up.

Sounds like we both like labour intense reds tongue.png

Good advice on the greys.. I have the GW greys in the air format, and a bunch of 1ml syringes from work, so I was going to give the tanks a go, but wasnt sure how to highlight, your tips have helped massively.

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Note on the Tamiya paints I said, only use Tamiya thinner: apparently it's a chemical base not water so when you mix Tamiya paints with water they clog up


Agreed on the Reds, is that with a brush: but both seem to come out well!

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Cool, I have avoided Tamiya so far. I will look into them though


Working offshore I can't take their paints with me, as if you look at the side of their bottles they have warning symbols. I am only allowed water based acrylics.


So far every single thing I have painted is by brush :)

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thats prob why, TBH the Vallejo paints are probably the same colour I just seem to get a nicer easier coverage (and alot easier avoiding spidering of the paint) with the Tamiya, I prob wouldnt go out of the way to use Tamiya if you cant use them when you do most of your army painting

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yesterday and todays messings about, also got a second drop pod done but CBA painting the metalwork atm so thats got held up along with weathering (which ill break out the oils when ive got a significant number to do) 

Thrall for my Apothicary

And Huscarl/thrall of my Preator (dont know if I want this head OR a mask on him)

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Got really distracted from Painting 'useful' stuff

Ended up building "counts as" Myrmadons that are going to be Iron Priests (which im going to make thralls for) and a "Skull" thrall (ref Prospero Burns) for my Apothicary, 

Not sure if the axe is too big on one of the myrmadons, going for a realistic theme and it seems out of proportion but i dunno, if i can find a historical axe just as big ill be happy lol

First the Thrall for the Wolf Priests (going to have 5 or so of these, depending on if i want to mix bretonnian bits in

and the start of the Mymadons, going to have to find some guns for these (thinking 2 grav guns each as I struggle not having a Lord of War to compete against tanks, I seem to smash most infantry I come by)

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Todays knotwork, attempted greenstuff rather than painting to show how the wolves (wyrdmake in prospero burns atleast) have leather work OVER their armour



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Best thing I did was start using e45 cream to help me smooth stuff AND literally not give up on an area until i feel it's as good as I can currently do


The knot was really simple, put w circle of Gs on the model, flattened it then pressed the shape into the outer shaper smoothing the excess into the armour, then poked dimples into the inside until it looked right


the bird was a nightmare

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