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Iiiiiiiim Baaacckk!: Cohort of the Bloodied Hand

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Hey Guys! Been on BnC here for a few years, but i finally decided to commit to a plog to track my hobby progress. After failing every time in modeling sprints like ETL and Call of Chaos, i've decided that a slow and purposeful approach to my modeling will probably lead to the best results.

First off, a little about myself. I Started 40k back in 1999, after seeing some of my buddies Orks. I began saving immediately to buy an Eldar Battle-force (gasp!). I continued merrily building space elfs for a year or so until i was introduced to the 3rd Ed Chaos Space Marine Codex. That was all it took for me to forsake the Children of Asuryan and throw my lot in with the Dark Gods. Codex: Chaos Space Marines 3.5 came and went, and my deep love affair with chaos grew an blossomed. Now, Nearly 20 years later, while i may have dallied here and there with alternate armies, i never lost my connection to anything Chaos. I have a vast collection of Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons (by now i must have roughly 30-40 thousand points of Chaos units stashed in different places around my home).

Most recently i found a photo-tent and lights bundle online for a great price, so now i have no excuse not to document my progress working through my collection. No more will i need to have my hand and my dining room featuring prominently in my model pics!

Before i get into posting my pics, i must give credit where credit is due: All those who have inspired me so much over the last few years.

First off, and perhaps the most influential to me, the works of RazakelXIII. Not only is my own paint scheme based on the one Raz gives us (on pg 22 of his plog), but i have chosen to name one of my own Chaos Lords 'Razakel' in his honor.

GuitaRasmus, who's epic conversions have shown him to be a true master of the medium of grey plastic.

Next Up, KrautScientist, who's blog over at Khorne's Eternal Hunt is not only chock-full of great ideas, but a great read if you have time.

Lastly (at least for now) I'd like to include EdT's thread on muddy bases. Now i can easily have all my armies on unified bases...that also look just plain awesome.

Now, on to minis!

After sitting on my desk for far too long, i finally got some paint onto the Chaos Knight i converted when the Imperial Knight kit first released (So glad that i have rules to use it now!).

I give you, Tenebris Vult, Vessel of the Bloodthirster Ghyr'Kryxx'Akht

More pics from different Angles:







Coryphaus Razakel the Confessor (as i said earlier, named in honor of RazakelXIII)

A closer look as Raz's base:


Tor Solon, Master of Rites and Captain of the Purified Ones possessed

Tor's back:


Kel Moloch the Ravenous, Helbrute

Kel's back


The Nameless One

Next on the docket, a loyalist Imperial Knight for my friend's Grey Knights, then on to a couple Maulerfiends and a Forgefiend... or whatever takes my fancy.

...And i have to figure out a better tool for editing my pics...they came out much blurrier then the pics in my phone...

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Lovely shade of red you've got there. The bigger vehicles look particularly effective.


Also, love the fact that you have a Decimator! It's not the most common FW model, yours is the first one I can remember seeing painted in Word Bearers colors, and it looks brilliant! Although whenever I look at one of the models I can't help but think that the base is far too small for the actual model.

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Lovely shade of red you've got there. The bigger vehicles look particularly effective.


Also, love the fact that you have a Decimator! It's not the most common FW model, yours is the first one I can remember seeing painted in Word Bearers colors, and it looks brilliant! Although whenever I look at one of the models I can't help but think that the base is far too small for the actual model.

Thanks! I know some people say red is one of the hardest colors to get right, but mine always comes out easily enough. It's a base coat of Khorne Red (over black or grey primer), a highlight or over brushing of Mephiston Red, then washed with slightly watered down Army Painter Dark tone (closest thing to old GW Badab Black), then once that is dry, another wash with thinned Army Painter Strong tone (old GW Devlan Mud). I prefer these washes on the red over Nuln Oil/Agrax Earthshade because they are much softer...the new GW shades come out much darker, and tend to flow a bit more into the details. Since the washes I use also act as a darkening glaze, it gives the red a much warmer feel, and still looks suitably grimy for a chaos army. After all, they're busy spreading the Word, not constantly preening themselves like Slaaneshi fops.


And...Yeah, something twice the height of a dreadnaught/hellbrute just doesn't belong on the same sized base.

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Awesome stuff! I too am a fan of the WB red you have going on there. If you want to make life a little easier, I definitely recommend trying out the Mephiston Red army painter spray if you want to save some time on base coating.  It goes on super thin and helped me get some Blood Angels done really fast.


My only criticism is the white text. Compared to the rest of the model, it just looks kind of bland, like whoever wrote the daemonic liturgy on there used white out or regular wall primer they had left over. Maybe outline it with a thin line of black around the top edge, and then fill it in with a slightly darker shade of gray with the white still showing on the bottom? That would give it a nice engraved effect as opposed to just being painted on :)


Looking forward to more!



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Awesome stuff! I too am a fan of the WB red you have going on there. If you want to make life a little easier, I definitely recommend trying out the Mephiston Red army painter spray if you want to save some time on base coating. It goes on super thin and helped me get some Blood Angels done really fast.

My only criticism is the white text. Compared to the rest of the model, it just looks kind of bland, like whoever wrote the daemonic liturgy on there used white out or regular wall primer they had left over. Maybe outline it with a thin line of black around the top edge, and then fill it in with a slightly darker shade of gray with the white still showing on the bottom? That would give it a nice engraved effect as opposed to just being painted on smile.png

Looking forward to more!


Which model's text are you talking about? I used two completely different methods. The Knight's text is done with a fine point white paint pen, while the text everywhere else was done using RazakelXIII's way.

I liked the look of the lines the paint pen give me way more then the brushed-on lines (they just looked much more like text then the fat lines i painted on with a brush), but I could totally replicate the shaded effect with the pens by buying a dark grey or black paint pen too.

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Which model's text are you talking about? I used two completely different methods. The Knight's text is done with a fine point white paint pen, while the text everywhere else was done using RazakelXIII's way.


I liked the look of the lines the paint pen give me way more then the brushed-on lines (they just looked much more like text then the fat lines i painted on with a brush), but I could totally replicate the shaded effect with the pens by buying a dark grey or black paint pen too.



Well, all of them really.  I agree with you on the Chaos Knight.  The lines and symbols from the paint pen look a lot more crisp than the brushed on lines.  However, it still looks a little bland when you compare it to the highlighting and shading on the rest of the model. I think if you went over the upper and lower edges of the text and picked out some of the "letters" with darker and lighter colors, it might make it pop a bit more :tu: 





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Yep, deffo getting a Knight for my Word Bearers. My Slaanesh chaps can wait for theirs.

Lookin good btw :tu: love the shade of red you have, though I agree on the white text, looks fine just a little too white if that makes sense. Other than that I have nothin more to say other than top notch minis.

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:o Just realised how big the Decimator is after looking at the base to judge the scale. That things a beast!!!!! Any chance of a Dread, Decimator, Knight shot so I can see how big they are in relation to each other please?
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Well, all of them really. I agree with you on the Chaos Knight. The lines and symbols from the paint pen look a lot more crisp than the brushed on lines. However, it still looks a little bland when you compare it to the highlighting and shading on the rest of the model. I think if you went over the upper and lower edges of the text and picked out some of the "letters" with darker and lighter colors, it might make it pop a bit more thumbsup.gif



Going to Micheal's tomorrow to pick up a fine point paint pen in grey and black, hopefully I can add some definition to those scriptures on my models (or at least make it so future models look a bit better).

ohmy.png Just realised how big the Decimator is after looking at the base to judge the scale. That things a beast!!!!! Any chance of a Dread, Decimator, Knight shot so I can see how big they are in relation to each other please?

As requested:


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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update for now: I'll hopefully have a more complete update in a few days.

First off, uploaded some pics of an old model, my Greater Brass Scorpion


Next up, my custom Kytan Daemon Engine, primed with silver spray


...and from another angle:


Now, with both of these models in mind... How do you guys think i should paint the Kytan? Like i did the Greater Brass Scorpion (painted in the scheme on the FW website...since that's how i fell in love with the model)? Or perhaps more along the lines of my Chaos Knight, and more in keeping with the Word Bearers color scheme?


Also just heard back from Semper about whether my Kytan would still be a legal ETL entry...so:

I greg0985, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Kytan Daemon Engine from IA 13 on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to the Legions of Chaos and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end

1 Kytan, 525pts.

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Heck yeah! I love that Kytan conversion! There's just something so menacingly contemplative about the pose.

As for the paintjob, I guess it comes down to what is the most important thing to you: It is a Khornate Daemon engine, so a paintjob similar to the Brass Scorpion would definitely make sense. Then again, a sense of visual coherency across an entire army is also a cool enough thing. I think I'd spend some time on the concept behind it all -- do you want to add any more (Khornate) daemon engines and/or daemons? In that case, using a more Khornate colour scheme for this part of your force would be a good way to go. After all, the scorpion's already there. Or do you want to read the entire force as a WB force, above all else? Then you had better go for a more Word Bearers-esque recipe.

Hope this helps! Keep up the amazing work! smile.png

EDIT: Just in case, mate: You also need to make your vow in the Chaos Strategium to make it count ;)

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Heck yeah! I love that Kytan conversion! There's just something so menacingly contemplative about the pose.

As for the paintjob, I guess it comes down to what is the most important thing to you: It is a Khornate Daemon engine, so a paintjob similar to the Brass Scorpion would definitely make sense. Then again, a sense of visual coherency across an entire army is also a cool enough thing. I think I'd spend some time on the concept behind it all -- do you want to add any more (Khornate) daemon engines and/or daemons? In that case, using a more Khornate colour scheme for this part of your force would be a good way to go. After all, the scorpion's already there. Or do you want to read the entire force as a WB force, above all else? Then you had better go for a more Word Bearers-esque recipe.

Hope this helps! Keep up the amazing work! smile.png

EDIT: Just in case, mate: You also need to make your vow in the Chaos Strategium to make it count msn-wink.gif

Yeah, i'm thinking more and more to make the Kytan a Word Bearers affiliated engine, since my dinobots are all going to be Word Bearers too. I guess i can rationalize it as the GBS isn't so much a daemon engine as it is a daemon who's been forced into an engine-esque form by its summoners. Meanwhile the other, lesser engines (Kytan probably included), i bet were forged for the legion on Ghalmek.

As to the ETL vow, posted in the strategium first, just copied it here for completions sake laugh.png

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  • 7 months later...

After a long-and-stressful semester, I'm finally back to the hobby with more free time and a completed degree. I know I've missed a lot in the last 4 months, but i return with a lot of enthusiasm to build, and a lot of grey plastic to get painted.

I picked up the Traitor Legions Codex Supplement, and i must say, i'm pumped to be working on Chaos Marines again, though now i fear it will be even longer 'till i have the time and money to truly begin the Mechanicum army i've been planning for a while. After reading though Traitor Legions, i was a little disappointed with the Word Bearers rules (not a fan of summoning, i feel it slows the game down too much and requires too much book-keeping), so i will probably either keep running my WBs as KDK, or try out using World Eaters rules for em. At least in my mind, the khornate rules reflect the insane zealotry of the Word Bearers in their war to spread the Word of Lorgar (fluff-wise they are still Undevided, but take MoK to reflect their sacred fervor on the battlefield).

One thing that's been slightly bugging me however: I'm not sure i'm in love with the name "Bloodied Hand" that i've chosen for my cohort. Any suggestions/ideas would be warmly accepted.

Now, onto my progress thus far, all very much WIPs.

As-yet unnamed Juggerlord


...Just realized he still has the MoK carved into his forehead. I'll get that filled in before painting.



Now, the new formation, the Tribute of Ghalmek (Hellforged Warpack)

Warpsmith Imaad Iron-heart


So, since i didn't really like the 'official' warpsmith model, and it was sold out anyways, i kitbashed one fairly easily that i feel looks much better. Still need to GS the haft of the power axe, but that''l be pretty easy.




finished Forgefiend, though im thinking of adding more white to the glowing daemonforge vents



Maulerfiend 1



Maulerfiend 2



And lastly (for now) a twin p-fist Helbrute.

Looks really ugly right now, but i've just started blocking out the colors...will look totally different when painting is finished.


A better look at the simple chicken-leg conversion.

Hopefully i cant start getting some paint on these guys in the next week or so.

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I prefer KdK myself, but that's really up to you. The Blod Tithe table is just too cool. You could fluff it as that particular section of your host being devoted to Khorne/chosen by the Blood God, which is why they gain his blessings on the battlefield and are able to more easily summon his own minions. For a name, maybe Blooded Sons? I dunno.


But anyways, I came here for the Word Bearers and the Maulerfiends! And your stuff looks realy cool, man. Your Helbrute has some skinny legs, he does. Has he been skipping leg day? :P

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