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The Storm Stalkers - WiP Blog


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  On 5/16/2019 at 7:10 AM, sbarnby71 said:

So the due with the las cannon and Auspex looks amazing, but when I look at him, the speech bubble I'm seeing is ":cuss the iron hands priests spent how much on shoes?!!!"

Fixed it!

  On 5/16/2019 at 12:06 PM, PeteySödes said:


  On 5/16/2019 at 7:10 AM, sbarnby71 said:

So the due with the las cannon and Auspex looks amazing, but when I look at him, the speech bubble I'm seeing is ":cuss the iron hands priests spent how much on shoes?!!!"

Fixed it!




My other idea was "Apple Maps say's - you have reached your destination"

Getting ready for the GT this weekend! After tweaks and touchups some of my models that would usually be first blood fodder have become new favorites which is really rewarding. Usually when I say, "I'll call this for now but maybe fix it later" i never do, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Also had time to beautify my lists:


Gotta strive for best appearance in all things!

So that bit came and I was a bit stressed it seemed a bit big. That said, I've repositioned it a bit and its still over the top but I'm in love. Meet Lux Omnis Pater "Wyrmbane"




Gifted to the 6th during the Crusade, its said it was renamed by Russ himself after being bested in a hunting contest by the ancient Venator's crew.

It's literally just sitting on there ATM but I'll be making some rigging for it and get it to sit a bit better. It'll all get painted separately so itll be a bit tricky. Planning do do some elaborate skrimshaw on the thing which will soften the "Chaosy read" all my visionless friends are barking at me about. I think if it were smaller itd be less impressive looking. Even if it slightly harms the actual silhouette of the Venator visually, I think the storytelling on it will more than make up for it. I plan to put its christened name on there but then almost painted over or under with its true name.

The skull is "Dragon Skull" by Pedro Fernandez Works, truly beautiful sculpt. I knew even if it didn't work on the Venator I'd find a use for it.

ETL here we come.

  On 5/18/2019 at 4:04 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Wyrmbane looks promising, but will the dragon skull interfere when the neutron laser's barrel must elevate to engage a target on a hilltop or other elevated surface?

I mean it’s built like a vindicator where I have no idea how practically it’s supposed to aim like that so...........maybe? :D


Edit: 2-1 at the GT today and was told it’s between myself and another guy for best paint. Solid day all around. If I can get a win tomorrow and end positive as pure wolves I’ll be damn happy.

Fenrys Hjolda..


May Russ and the Allfather be with you.


As for the Venator. The neutron beam weapon is fixed in the hull with n room for movement. Think the German tank destroyers in late WW2 (the stug I think).


It is supposed to be an ambush vehicle, so the dragon skull will not affect the aiming of the laser.

Thanks brothers for the support! I generally just shoot to beat the overall curve which for us is like 30-35% win rate as I understand. In that regard is was a victory for the ages. Ended 21st out of 40 in battlepoints, going 2/2/1 and took home Players Choice Best Painted.


Quick Game Recaps:

My List

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Game 1 - Space Wolves

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Game 2 - Renegade Knights

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Game 3 - Dark Angels


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Game 4 - Gaurd

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Game 5 - Eldar/DE

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In the end, Rune Priests are still insanely cool and fun, Bjorn is a beast, old marines rule, dread pod being able to drop the levi or a venerable is crazy versatile and deadly, and I need to slow down and not get tired/sloppy towards the end of long days or back halves of the tournies. I haven't done a batrep or summary in a while so if there was info i missed in my rambling just ask.



Now to put the Battle Leader hat down and take up my comfy Iron Priest mantle again. Should have time for sicaran and terminator progress this week.



Thanks for the write up! Really good to read a bit of reporting.


Couple of questions for you:

  • What do you mean by: 'We armor of russed eachother but it ended up killing him since he froze the wulfen and I froze the WGBL'?
  • I assume you took LL and Storm Caller for you RP?
  • Did you use any of the Stalker Pack Strategems?  How did they go?  Also, what do you think is the main advantage of the stalker pack?


Thanks again!

  On 5/23/2019 at 4:16 AM, Chazzmos said:

Thanks for the write up! Really good to read a bit of reporting.


Couple of questions for you:

  • What do you mean by: 'We armor of russed eachother but it ended up killing him since he froze the wulfen and I froze the WGBL'?
  • I assume you took LL and Storm Caller for you RP?
  • Did you use any of the Stalker Pack Strategems?  How did they go?  Also, what do you think is the main advantage of the stalker pack?


Thanks again!


Hah yea that could have been explained better im sure. Evil Bjorn and Evil WGBL had charged the Leviathan after he podded down. Levi OWs 2 wounds off Evil Bjorn.  In my Turn Good Wulfen charge both of them while Good WGBL hangs 6" back to provide the Saga of the Savage aura. Both WGBL were wearing the Armor of Russ ( Evil WGBL clearly got a China cast). I forced Evil Bjorn to strike last and he chose the Wulfen to strike last. This meant that Evil WGBL struck first effectively and he attacks the wulfen. One hammer wulfen goes down and death frenzies bjorn for 3w/9d and Evil Bjorn bites it. This meant that the Wulfen activated next and absolutely shredded him. The reason I said it worked to my advantage was I tend not to mess around with stuff like Bjorn and would have thrown everything at him to ensure he died. This way he died but i still took out the Evil WGBL.


I actually almost never use Storm Caller. The 8 is just too unreliable for my taste. I tend to go between using Fury and Tempests Wrath, just depends on the opponent. I almost always take lightning though. The double smite is just so good and if you can play conservatively and keep him alive, I feel that LL just gets better and better as the game goes on. I've flipped at least 2 games this year with clutch chains late game as my opponent has gotten whittled down.


As for the strats, I never got the chance. My BCs are mainly parachutes for the wulfen should the boat get taken out and if i have my way I use them more for obj grabbing rather than the CotW: Kill stacking. I saw it as a nice to have in the pocket sort of thing (mainly the charge one) but really just took the detachment for the Field Commender strat to pump up my BL and possibly provide the aura. I did it kinda just to see how it went but he fulfilled the deed twice over the weekend and the extra attack was necessary in pretty much each game so it was points well spent IMO.

Did a light prime on some of my heavier GS models to check the transitions etc. I think we're basically ready to go for ETL! The Iron Priest needed a bit of love and I added some details since i last posted progress on him. He got some facial hair and I added some cabling to his modified mk3 to fill in some of the blank spots.


Not as of yet. The contemptor I want to pay homage to the ravens and was thinking of an interred long fang thematically which is why it’s a dakka dread with the bionic eye helm.


The priest I’m still wracking my brain, the model has had rotten luck which I attribute to my procrastination dishonoring him. Figured I’d get him painted and let him earn his sagas.


Plus it’s hard to come up with non-obvious or played out names for the wolf. Ice fang mane tooth bite paw cold snarl etc.

Loving the Dreadnought, looks awesome. As does the Iron Priest on Thunderwolf (or in this case, off thunderwolf :lol:)



  On 5/25/2019 at 3:47 PM, Triszin said:

Is the index still valid? I have a iron priest on thunder wolf sitting unpainted

Until GW says otherwise, yes.

  On 5/25/2019 at 3:59 PM, Gederas said:


  On 5/25/2019 at 3:47 PM, Triszin said:


Is the index still valid? I have a iron priest on thunder wolf sitting unpainted

Until GW says otherwise, yes.

Which will be ~5 minutes after I finish the thing.

Thanks a bunch for you explanations on the battle report, they were really helpful!  I played a 3 way game on Saturday at 1000 points and took the same WGBL you did and a RP with LL and it worked really well.


On the first turn my Grey Hunters were charged by some AdMech Dragoons, but my WGBL heroically intervened, did 9 wounds and got his saga on!  The RP managed to smite and LL 8 wounds off a Riptide and then charge in and do 2 more wounds to finish it off.  The extra attack is definitely helpful on the smash captain, it's a pity a Wolf Lord can't take it.


Your Logan is fantastic by the way.  I've got the old metal model and I like the pose, but it's just a bit soft and the head sculpt isn't that great.  Yours looks so amazingly imposing and dynamic, well done!

I think i'm going through some sort of psychosis, My ETL pile keeps getting larger but it still seems doable haha. I'll be keeping it manageable so no worries.

Went through all my bits and was ble to cobble like 10 more wolves together!


I'll be vowing at least 5 in the initial one to use as swatches to see how far i can push the color for my Iron Priest wolf. Should be fun! Speaking of Arms McGee:


Got him all smoothed out, added a necklace and hit some details i missed. Im beyond excited to get painting this guy.

Lastly, I added a banner to the Relic Contemptor:


I have horn tips for the sides of the banner but they were on a previously painted experiment so they wont go on till later. Im really pumped to try flexing on the banner a bit with an illumination on his saga/death.

5 days brothers. Lets destroy.


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