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What method did you do for the cloth / saddle?

They look great

You mean the sculpting? I havent painted them yet other than the base coat. The base leather color is just Vallejo Leather brown ATM. The cloth is just Stylnrez Grey flecked with whatever sloppy colors it got hit with. :rolleyes:

The fur on the wolf is freaking phenomenal...

Did you do the highlights with the airbrush then use washed to achieve the colour?

Thanks I'm glad its working for you, its stressing me out haha. But yea the general approach was Stylnrez black, basecoated with Scale75 Petroleum Grey. The first level highlight was indeed done with an airbrush, Scale75 Brown Grey. I then went in with a makeup brush (thanks Artis Opus for the idea) and drybrushed those areas with Thar Brown.

I opted to use focussed alternating brown and black glazes rather than wash. Pretty much just kept repeating the whole process of drybrush up and glazing down till i was happy (which I'm not yet :down: ).

Here's where we stand as of last night:


Still testing the rest of the colors to see how they interact. I plan to lighten the saddle substantially, I think the cloth is going to go to heresy grey with the red patterning and the harness need all the work in the world. I plan on doing the black/yellow patterning on a few of the cables as well as some other color touches.

The colors are just....not there yet for me. I think the above changes will help but he's not clicking like I want right now. If you guys have any suggestions or things im missing let me know.

Oh man. Still in love with the tatoos. Nice shot of them in this last pic. Love the grittiness. I think a standing marine with Wolf on base is nice for those who cannot suffer Space Wolves riding Wolves. It's more like having a huge attack Dog. "Chopper sic Heretics!"


I'd say some extra colour on the wolf head mechanical clamps, that whole assembly looks a little unfinished to me.



Thats because i havent done anything on it yet hah. Just the base coat atm. Not even close to done on this guy :smile.:

I actually like the first reddish-brown color for the cloth better than the spacewolves grey. It stands out a little bit more and gives some contrast. Just my 2 cents.


Yea, I agree. Im just overthinking i think and cant paint ATM. :down:

Always working on stuff! Couldn't paint for a bit so I worked on a bit of theming for a narrative event I'm going to this summer:




I'm super pumped. Going to bring papa Logan and and the CotGW since the lists have to go through approval to ensure they're thematic. So with those cheese being a bit toned down I'm ofc bringing tons of WG, terminators and a LRC. When i couldn't paint i got this bit of narrative written for my force to fit with the given story:


But sages, seers, and savants speak of Cthaon Ultaer not for its forges, but for something else…
The bridge of the Battle Barge Gylfarheim was an echo of the past. The flickering light of torches supplanting the normally sterile light of such a vessel. The skins of animals, candles, and bundles of herbs banishing any hint of the standard Imperial spartan walls, the air thick with incense and the cloying scent of stale mjod. 
“Truly? Might this...device...be able to pierce the veil and see our wyrd?”, Irnist mused, lightning blue eye dancing in the dim light. The Rune Priest’s excitement was palpable, static raising the hair on his furs. 
“We have lost many relics of the past, Seer, some capable of true wonders. I only knew the spirits of the steel, but the adepts of Mars hold many more we can only guess at.”, Torbjorn Ashmane shifted uncomfortably, trinkets on his armor clinking. The old smith’s hand fell to his side as if seeking a companion that wasn’t there, a ship’s bridge is no place for monsters… “Are we to believe these whispers and-”
“It matters not”, rumbled a voice, mild reproach the threat of a coming storm. “Others do, and the system pays for it in blood.” Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf and Master of the Space Wolves turned to face the two priests. “We will find the source of these rumors and protect the Imperium. But… if the norns see fit, we may also find what the future holds.”
The Old Wolf glanced at the mapping cogitator, its macro view spanning the galaxy, the Cicitrix Maledictum a purple bruise across the stars. The projection swirled and focused on a facsimile of Cthaon Ultaer. Red runes danced across the system, mirroring campfire sparks in his tired eyes.
“My brother believes the great rift is a sign.” Irnist the Wise growled, breaking the silence, lips peeling from too large canines, the tension bleeding some of his elation.
Glancing toward the priest, and then to the smith, Logan sighed heavily. The silence threatening to overwhelm them once again, soft tapping of bone on metal punctuated the ever-present hiss of the oxygen scrubbers. 
With a swift motion, Irnist flicked a handful of runes toward the display they gathered around. The hanging images breaking and snapping in the air as the fragments of bone and smooth rock skittered across the armor-glass. Logan studied one rune in particular, slowly nodding. 
“Erik is not alone”, he paused, hand warily seeking toward the small chip of some exotic stone. The juvjk character glowing a gentle blue as his gauntleted fingers approached curiously. 
“The Wolftime is upon us. Our Lord sees to returning to us, and we need his wisdom. More than ever.”
Servos whined as his fist clenched abruptly just short of the luminous rune, the fire in his gaze no longer a reflection. The two priest’s stances shifted with the anticipation of coming violence. 
“Call the Great Companies, the Rout goes to war…”

Just went 3 for 3 and took hike best painted at Waaaghfest yesterday! I’m pretty floored, the event was a fun tourney with some really awesome special rules but I still didn’t expect to do as well as I did game wise.


Iron Preist debuted too and crafted an insane saga for himself already. Excited to get some good finished pics of him to share. I think Logan is next, gotta finish this first vow and keep the points flowing for us!

The Saga of Torbjorn Ashmane.

  • 3 turns in a row brought the Leviathan from middle to top tier vs demon engine/shadowspeary Chaos. Repairing a total of 8 wounds, thats basically 183 points!
  • Put a bolt round between the eyes of a Deffskull Bigmek carrying the horrendous artifact shock attack gun to finish him off when all else had failed to. All repairs finished, he dove into a tide of boyz killing 6 and + moral change to take them off the main obj for the game win.
  • Repaired the full 3 wounds on the flagging stormwolf having survived 2 rounds of a flying DP. Now in the middle profile again, the stalwart transport turned ints guns on the filthy demon for the kill.

I declare unpainted curse broken...






Logan is on deck. Ready to rock.

Those biceps are stunning - lifting all that heavy machinery has its merits! Are those the classic catachan arms?


Hah old marauders and greenstuff! I liked the idea that he smiths under his own steam vs. servo assisted for the feel. He's quite stacked though yea lol.


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