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Some Logan WiP today:



Still getting the main colors in mostly. Started face and cloak details. Trying to figure out how i want to do the Axe of Morkai. I did that color blend with the intention of leaving it in the cracks and painting the blade mostly traditionally, giving the it a subtle molten cracking but it tried it on the underside and it looks......bad lol.

Looking at the blend though, he's pretty muted color wise so the brighter colors are growing on me. I may extend it the full width and blend out each edge, I think it could be cool. We'll see though, plenty of stuff to do so we'll see how he shakes out.

Off to a great start! I’m curious why the glowing cracks idea didn’t work out. Seems like a really cool idea to have the glowing cracks fade towards the edge of the blade.


I may have not given it enough of a chance but essentially i just laid down a base metal color on the bottom and it just didnt look right. I think i would need to maybe keep to the deeper reds and oranges or something.

Totally loyal demon axe :wink:


Original plan was to go subtler with it but i think the color really helps him. Stormwracks armor is so ornate theres not a lot of room for anything other than the black/blue/gold so i think going nuts on the Axe Morkai makes him look mean. I need to play with the gold on since the actual axe came out so bright the gold is looking lackluster.


His bolter is close to done at this point too. I ended up cutting off the sleeping lionwolf from the top and i think its way better. I generally don't go for that much bling and i think it makes him look truer to the OG model which was the whole point. Im hoping to get him done this week though which i think is doable!

That axe! Wow. It looks great. Not sure what you could do about the gold to make it stand out against the molten look of the blades except maybe go darker? I mean, it looks amazing as it is, even if the gold doesn’t stand out. Great job man. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

That axe! Wow. It looks great. Not sure what you could do about the gold to make it stand out against the molten look of the blades except maybe go darker? I mean, it looks amazing as it is, even if the gold doesn’t stand out. Great job man. Can’t wait to see the finished product.


Yea i think i just need to up the contrast to a ludicrous degree. I'm not wanting it to stand really since the blade is the main show, but currently it looks unfinished when its 5 colors already. 

What if you just darkened the outer most border of the gold closest to the blades like you did for the edge of the blades themselves? Like eyeliner for gold part? I mean, it would be some really delicate brushwork so close to the bright glowing part of the axe and any mistake would be glaring, but it might contrast enough that you could leave the rest of the gold as is.

I think the darker gold is really nice against the brightness of the blade, a nice contrast.


Almost as if it is shooting up slightly from the heat around it.


Wish I had the skill to pull this off. Almost tempted to offer to pay you to make me a Logan.


Bloody good job sir

Jobs good, pics bad. I'll get better ones for the vows end but i gotta keep moving!




He was pretty challenging, just a lot of detail like on bjorn so its not my favorite thing to paint. I need to do a better job holding back a bit in the design phase. Sometimes something that looks great after the sculpt doesn't take to paint well.

Contemptor on deck!

Model makes me think of the following:


Grimnar nodded to their words, turning back to Joros and Kysnaros. ‘Tell me, which one of you whoresons gave the order to open fire on our shieldless, weaponless vessels?’


cut scene to your model and pose

Well if you don't want him, I'll take him off your hands


That Logan is another level entirely


Thanks dude! Yea its odd because it's definitely not that i don't like him, I really do. I think it was just a weird paint job where the last 2-3 painting sessions i just felt stalled out. Theres so much detail that the more i did the more confused the model became. So I had to mute the detail and colors on the the pelt cloak for example so that didn't become the main focal point. It's something i notice as a fault as i've been staring at it for weeks now but i recognize that it was the correct choice.


Model makes me think of the following:


Grimnar nodded to their words, turning back to Joros and Kysnaros. ‘Tell me, which one of you whoresons gave the order to open fire on our shieldless, weaponless vessels?’


cut scene to your model and pose


Well I do talk about the months of shame on a weekly basis it seems like haha. Best fluff ever!

Contemptor full swing!


Mostly just main colors but he's coming together quickly! I shouldnt get to excited, i know that banner is going to take me forever and a half. Plan is to emulate old saga illuminations. Going to go for this style to recreate the saga of his wounding leading to his internment:


I was also nervous about the colors within the patterning but I like how its coming together. What do you guys think?

SSSSSSSSSSSSStunnning :drool:


Also... my girlfriend as asked me if you're willing to model and paint a female space wolf or Imperial Guard if she sends you a picture :blush.:


Thanks! Ask me again this winter, currently no, not unwilling, but I don't feel comfortable agreeing to stuff without knowing when id even get it done. Wouldn't be fair to people waiting.


SSSSSSSSSSSSStunnning :drool:


Also... my girlfriend as asked me if you're willing to model and paint a female space wolf or Imperial Guard if she sends you a picture :blush.:


Thanks! Ask me again this winter, currently no, not unwilling, but I don't feel comfortable agreeing to stuff without knowing when id even get it done. Wouldn't be fair to people waiting.



Winter is coming :whistling:

Looking forward to that banner! What a great pic to base it on. Did you do a Raven gaurd contemptor before or has my memory muddled that up in the sagas?


Been away for a bit but it's fantastic to catch up on your stuff.


Logan is looking great, looks exactly like the original. In a good way.


I'm blown away by that diorama you did. How did you find the time? Did you do a WIP on B&C for it?

Looking forward to that banner! What a great pic to base it on. Did you do a Raven gaurd contemptor before or has my memory muddled that up in the sagas?



I built him a while back so thats probably what's biting your memory.




I'm blown away by that diorama you did. How did you find the time? Did you do a WIP on B&C for it?


I didn't really sleep or do any other unrelated activities for about 2.5 months. Basically did what i needed to not get divorced, then crafted... :cool.:


Ive got a bunch of pics of the build and I intended to do a post mortem thread but i didn't really post as I worked since i didn't want to spill the beans.


Good to have you back brother!


Should be able to wrap this guy this weekend I hope!


Banner is coming along! Sci-fi Old Norse saga illumination is a hard style to nail lol. The simple style is fun but its been tough to keep it from looking almost cute. Either way its been a pretty fun experiment!

Most of the non banner remaining work is in the swirly patterning and the guns obviously. The other bit is i made a bunch of autocannon shells that will be steaming in the snow at his feet, should be cool (I hope).

First, I have to point out the obvious: holy cow that’s already looking great!


But second, to the style you’re trying to nail, did you even try googling “Sci-fi Old Norse saga illumination”? I’m sure there are lots of examples.


Of course, I’m kidding. I actually googled it and there was nothing any more useful than the inspiration you already posted, but I love what you came up with. I think you got it right. Now if anyone follows in your footsteps and try’s to paint Sci-fi Old Norse saga illuminations, their google search should lead to this thread.


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